From Drakengard to NieR

I got interested in the franchise so I decided to play the following games in release date order:
NieR Replicant
Drakengard 3
NieR Automata
Should I play them chronologically to get a better experience? Is Drakengard 2 actually important to the current timeline?

Attached: NieR_Automata_2B9S.jpg (1600x2172, 524K)

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>>> /v

Nice going, user.

Also planning to read the novel and manga:
Zero - A Rain to End and a Flower to Begin (Novel)
Drag-On Dragoon Utahime Five (Manga)
Michael - The Gone-Away (Novella)
Cent - The Jewel within My Palm (Novel)
Two - Today's Meal (Novel)
Decad - Everything Is for You (Novel)
Four - Family Portrait (Novel)
Five - My Favourite Things (Novel), Dito - This Repulsive World (Novel)
Three - My Dear, Sweet Little Dolls (Novel)
One - Visitors (Novel)
Octa - "The Joy Of..." (Novel)
Mikhail - Our Mistakes (Novel)
Accord - Weapon Tales (Novel)
Drakengard 3
After Ending A:
One - Mirror Mirror (Novel)
Shi ni Itaru Aka (Manga)
Drag-On Dragoon 1.3 (Novellas - Optional)
Drag-On Dragoon 3 Story Side (novel)
The Song of Fourteen Years (novel)*
Drakengard 1
Caim's Novella
Furiae's Novella
Inuart's Novella
Seere's Novella
Arioch's Novella
Leonard's Novella
Verdelet's Novella
The Stone Flower (Novel)*
And Then There Were None (Novel)*
The Red and the Black (Novel)*
A Little Princess (Novel)*
Witches' Sabbath (Novel)*
NieR Replicant (Personal Choice out of both versions)
The Magic Mountain (Novel)*
The Narrow Gate (Novel)*
The Little Mermaid (Novel)*
After Ending B: Around the World in Eighty Days (Novel)*
After Ending E: The Lost World (Novel)*
NieR Replicant Drama CD: The Lost Words and the Red Sky
The Fire of Prometheus (Novel)
NieR Automata World/Strategy Guides
Memory Cage (Novel)
Orbital Bunker Observation Diary (Novel)
Memory Thorn (Novel)
A Much Too Silent Sea (Novel)
Small Flowers (Novel)
YoRHa Shounen Stage Play
YoRHa Stage Play
NieR Automata Concert Scripts
A repeating prayer April 23rd
Project YoRHa May 4th, daytime
Beasts of Slaughter May 4th, nighttime
Precious Things May 5th, daytime
Farewell May 5th, nighttime
Lies (Pascal) August 28th
Lies (2B) August 29th
If anyone has anything to add I would appreciate it.

Wrong board. is that way

I cant I got range banned, so I tried here. Maybe some kind mod would move it there.

OP you're on the wrong board but I'm going to answer you anyway for being 2Based and RedGirlpilled. My recommendation would be to play them in the order you had listed, so:
Drakengard -> NieR RepliCant (or Gestalt depending on your preference, but RepliCant is "more canon") -> Drakengard 3 -> NieR Automata. You should look up the translation issues with Drakengard/DOD and Drakengard 3/DOD 3 as the localisations changed some characters significantly and made certain items less clear than in the original. As for the various novel and manga, I would recommend reading them after you finish the associated game to avoid spoilers. It's also notable that Shi ni Itaru Aka is considered especially poorly written by much of the fanbase, so many consider it optional, as it is edgy even by Drakengard standards.
You can also contact me at [email protected] if this thread dies if you would like any assistance locating translations of what you posted.

Attached: 2B smiles.jpg (356x750, 172K)

Then go ask Yea Forums or /r9k/ or better yet get range banned from the entire site

>You should look up the translation issues with Drakengard/DOD and Drakengard 3/DOD 3 as the localisations changed some characters significantly and made certain items less clear than in the original
Didn't know that, thanks. If you could provide a link I would appreciate it. Also yea the same thing could be said about Automata after checking the English-Japanese VA.

Go to /vg/ idiot

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I'm not at my computer at the moment, but off the top of my head, the most prominent things that you should look into are the censorship of the original DOD and Zero's character assassination.
To summarise the DOD situation, the "gods" in Drakengard are actually singular monotheistic capital-G God in DOD; Furiae's affection for Caim is explicitly incest in DOD, which is why Caim finds it disgusting; Leonard is a paedophile who was off masturbating in the woods when he failed to protect the orphans he was taking care in DOD, which was censored in Drakengard and the orphans changed to his "brothers" which isn't true; and Angelus is female-leaning genderless in DOD but female in Drakengard. Angelus is actually voiced by a man in the original. Note that Caim and Angelus's relationship in Route A was stated by the main writers to be intentionally romantic, so make of that what you will.
As for DOD3, many of the characters were subtly changed in the localisation to be more one-note in the sense that much of their dialogue was reduced to sex gags. While there is plenty of crude sexual content in DOD3, which is part of the point, this was greatly exaggerated in the localisation, leaving most of the characterisation in the novellas which have fortunately been translated by fans and are on Drakenpedia as far as I recall. The biggest problem with the localisation is with the character of Zero. I will describe this in a follow-up.
By the way, I neglected to mention this in my original post, but you can safely skip Drakengard 2. Since Yoko Taro was not involved in it in any way, and the only redeeming parts of the game are when Caim kills everything to free Angelus and then they die together, the game will never be expanded upon by Yoko Taro and basically just fills in blank space on the official timelines since it would raise eyebrows to remove it. However, NieR is the "true" sequel to Drakengard.

Attached: zero finally murders one.png (1280x1024, 927K)

Better nier thread in 10 posts than Yea Forums has ever seen

I'm convinced Yea Forums is just a bunch of bots now.
I refuse to believe human beings can be this consistently retarded.

Continuing, in Drakengard 3 Zero is almost constantly angry and screaming about the people she is hacking away at in a way that was probably meant to emulate Kainé from the cult classic NieR Gestalt but lacking the character and backstory that made Kainé's vulgarity charming. In DOD3, by contrast, Zero is a very calm character whose nonchalance and composure is meant to contrast with her violent actions. Her seeming apathy for the people she cuts down left and right reflects her worldview: she would rather not have to cut these people down to do what is right, but because they're in the way, she also has no qualms about it. She is not a good person and she has never claimed to be, but she will still not allow her body to be used to destroy the world. Despite being a terrible person, and owning it, she is trying to save the world in her own way.
Further on her demeanor, Zero in DOD3 is generally impolite in a casual rather than uncouth way; that is to say, she is 'rude' in the sense that she does not give people the respect that is expected in conversation, especially if you know anything about the Japanese language, but she does not go out of her way to be verbally mean most of the time. This gives her an impression of effortlessly above "all this shit", rather than being pissed about the circumstances. Zero's bitching in Drakengard 3 comes off as immature, while similar lines in DOD3 come off more as wasting what time she has left to put things right. Zero in DOD3 also has a tendency to switch to polite speak briefly just to set up for a flippant switch back to impoliteness that is admittedly very difficult to localise but which was entirely absent in Drakengard 3. It's hard to put into words but this quirk of hers gives off quite the impression.
Playing the game with the Japanese dub on will help you pinpoint which lines were changed given the obvious discrepancy between what you hear and what you read even if you don't Japanese.

Attached: Zero approves (christmas edition).png (450x600, 173K)

To make this somewhat Yea Forums related, if you like the music check out Yuki Yuna. The vocals are done by Emi as well and and it uses that fake language she made up. Sounds just like Nier.

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You can summarize it as the dub makes Zero out to be a bitch, while in the original Japanese she's just tired of all this shit.

Indeed, speaking of making this Yea Forums related, what do you think an anime adaptation of DrakeNieR would look like? Would you prefer a direct adaptation of one of the games, or a new work set in the same universe(s)?
Pretty much, that's a good summary.

>Nier thread
Is this legal? Who cares, post best girls

Attached: nier.png (205x410, 52K)

Attached: 2B and 9S suits (coloured, visor, happy).png (2009x2648, 946K)

>yet another wave of people complaining about 9s/obsessing over ass/not giving a single shit about the story or world lore
no thank you

Thanks god I got the japanese voice pack.
>Emi Evans
Picked up

>best girls
But that's not a picture of A2 or Devola

Taro's games take pretty good advantage of the fact that they're games, so porting them to another medium wouldn't be great. I'd prefer him to just make something new. Shaft would probably handle his experimental ideas the best.