How is the movie performing?

How is the movie performing?

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No subs yet, so we wait. Also, Mai is life.

camrips when

Its being higly rated by Both audience and critics

apparently it's done so well movie staff can't stop movie-goers from jerking their cocks during the movie.
The amount of seamen after every viewing is causing some serious slips & falls
good movie, can't wait to see it

Rio a best
Mai a shit

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rio a slut

Cuck, the movie

waiting for it to hit theaters man

Debuts at #7 in japanese box office iirc

So why did people like this series?
Not shitting on it just curious.

Anybody gonna be at Anime Expo to watch it? Sadly I won't be able to since I'm not gonna be able to make it on Sunday.

Cuz Mai Senpai UwU.
Also cuz of comfy mystery and philosophy bullshit

Movie of the year

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Kaede. Too bad she's fucking dead.

it's like monogatari but less spastic

Because they are newfags who never watched an anime with literally me protagonist, such as Oregairu, Monogatari, Haruhi or at least Hyoka

Is that good for an anime movie? I know fuck all about how the Japanese box office typically looks.

Literally only reason anyone likes it is that they were too young when Monogatari startes airing. It's that, but instead of mysteries rooted in Japanese folklore, Bunny Monogatari likes to explain its mysteries by incorrectly trying to apply real world scientific phenomenons author read wiki pages of and didn't get.

Its a dumbed down version of a haruhixmonogatari fusion. Its got some nice things going for it and generally above average but bc if newfags never having watched haruhi or monogatari they think bunny girl senpai is the hottest shit

>It's that
Except without all of the cringey fourth wall breaking elements of Monogatari, and with a better protagonist and better dialogue.

Monogatari is one of the worst shows I ever watched in that it had the potential to be good but failed almost completely, instead relying on pretension, an admittedly unique art style, and constantly sexualizing the girls to carry it. Bunny girl has a lot of the latter too to be fair, but even then it does it so much less than Monogatari does that it's actually laughable.

Oh, so without any of the good parts and flat art style that looks like hentai, got it.

I enjoyed both monogatari and bunny girl.

How did this 5/10 get a movie? It was so mediocre.

Movie was announced before anime. Some exec probably really wanted it to fly and sank a lot lf money on it, its production budget is most likely less than marketing push.

Comparing reddit girl senpai to monogatari is just as retarded as comparing monogatari to boogiepop.

don't talk shit about cowman boogiewap ya faggaloid

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It did well for under 50 screens. Unfortunately it came out with a certain tank show so it may just get run over.

Are the novels worth reading?

>monogatari but without any of its appealing elements

Bunny Girl Senpai is more like a 2/10 honestly; it's just that aggressively mediocre while falsely posing as something actually worth investing thought into. At least the average trashy seasonal ecchi harem doesn't have delusions of grandeur like that.

monogatari's appealing elements are the character interactions and nisioisin's narration.
shinbo's autism ruined the anime.

Shouko best girl

Best girl

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Japanese audiences and critics seems to love it so far.

could say the same for ur mum's sex tape

I love Mai-san

>betraying Kurisutina

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>tfw you will never spend eternity reliving the perfect date with her every single day for the rest of time

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It debuted at #6 I think.

Also I love how you aren't allowed to like this series because it became popular with normalfags and thus the target of insane shitposting that everybody on this shit board is so weak willed they have no choice but to follow the fake fabricated dumbfuck shitpost hivemind.

bad i hope

Boogiepop > both of them

>you aren't allowed to like this series because it became popular with normalfags
I wonder when it will reach that stage when it is no longer cool to hate it and people will start praising it instead. Like it happened with SAO

i dont give af time to see how much 日本語 i've picked up just through watching subs

yo, does anyone else ship shoko x sakuta over the status quo?

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Why do you keep trying to turn this into some kind of fanbase war?

Sakuta can have Mai, Shoko is for me.