>your waifu
>your drink of choice

I'll start:
>Rachnera Arachnera
>Gin and tonic

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Kirin Ichiban Beer

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Scotch on the rocks.

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Cawfee with a dash of cream

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irish whiskey, specifically hellcat maggie, neat or with coke

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>Iced Tea
because alcohol is for degenerates

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Arashiyama Hotori

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>Akari Kawamoto

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I don't drink. Haven't had a drop of alcohol in 8 years. So I would say coffee.

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alcohol is one of humanity's oldest friends, user, and you can't just abandon an old friend

>gin tonic
Nice taste.
Bombay Sapphire + tonic and anise drinks for me.

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Do you still eat open flame cooked rodents and eat your dog when he gets sick too?
Some things are meant to be left behind

Fuck alcohol and fuck every cocksucking bastard who drinks it. The world would be a better place if there was no alcohol around.


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>Tsubasa Kazanari
>Lager- Birra Moretti or Corona
>Ale- Doom Bar
>Short- Spiced rum and coke
>Spirit- Tequila
>Soft- Pepsi Max
>Juice- Cranberry
>Hot- Black Coffee, no sugar

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Milk tea with two sugars.

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>t. abused by drunken father
the smell of Stella must be a nightmare for you

My girlfriend
Vodka and cranberry juice


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No, my father was not a drinker. My friends dad and my sisters husband are though. And I absolutely hate seeing entire families ruined by drinking. There is no way to defend alcohol, if all it does is ruin people. And don't even get me started on random loud drunks in public places. They are human scum. Anyone who drinks alcohol is fucking garbage. Every time I see some loud drunks, I either call the cops on them, or pick a fight with them, just to shut them up.

Heineken and Fireball

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You either are:
1.- Underage
2.- Socially inept
Which one is it?

>anyone who drink alcohol is an alcoholic
You have to be 18 or older to post in this site

>not drinking yourself to death alone in your own bedroom as you suffocate on your own despair


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>Blaming someone for being socially inept on Yea Forums of all places

El oh el

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No him but I'm 29 and I think alcohol tastes like crap and it offers little to no health benefits, besides having some antioxidants in the case of wine. Why would I want to drink it? I know my waifu doesn't.

>USS Helena

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Hild and beer, specifically pilsner.

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You fags drink alcohol directly? What the fuck, thats not the way to do it unless you are 50 and have depression.

I heard it has an explosive taste.

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What if i actually like the taste of alcohol?


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Im 24 and not at all socially inept. I used to drink back in the 9th grade due to everyone else drinking. But then I saw how destructive and stupid drinking really is, I decided to quit drinking forever.
Only bottom of the barrel human trash do this.

>he doesn't drink ppc


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>tfw you have your first beer in the morning and your hands finally stop shaking

You drink it because life sucks and you secretly hope you die an early death and desperately need to escape from yourself for awhile.


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>Only bottom of the barrel human trash do this.
thanks for explaining his joke, moron


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Thanks for the uplifting sentiment user.


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I pity you if you think anyone who drinks is automatically trash.

Cherry Vanilla Coke Zero

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Umm, Suicide also exists. If those people want to end their life quicker, there is a bunch of ways to do it, that don't involve a decade or more of being a drunk, dangerous, loud, annoying and disgusting nuisance for relatives, neighbors and strangers.

Dr. Pepper, It would be Moscow Mule but I had to stop drinking due to medical issues a few years ago.

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You ever stare down off the chair with your head in a noose? Shit's scary even when you want to die. A slow death is much easier to inflict on yourself.

Armpit sweat

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I seriously hope a pack of drunk niggers breake into your house and murder rape everyone.

I eat open flame cooked deer, rodents don't have enough meat but I probably would if I was hungry enough. I wouldn't eat a sick dog though, the other dogs eat the sick dog.

The world would be a better place if contrarian faggots could keep their hatred of things to themselves

Iced tea.

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In which i really need to cut back on as i drink almost a Litre of it a day. Lillie would get angry at me killing myself like this.

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White Russian or a good Vodka, i dont drink too often though and when i do its generally during diner.

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Lets put it into less extreme terms. I have no problem with people having a glass or two of wine or something to celebrate. Nor am I annoyed by someone having a beer or something to enjoy. But as soon as someone starts drinking with the intent of becoming drunk, they become trash in my eyes. All the club goers, all the youth, all the bums, all the alcoholics, all the party animals and etc. - all irredeemable trash.
There are no niggers here.
>The world would be a better place if contrarian faggots could keep their hatred of things to themselves
No, the world would be a better place if alcohol was outlawed. Literally nothing would be lost and hell, lives would be saved and people would be happier.

That's sad. As for me I just want to live a healthy life, keep breaking my fitness records and accomplish my dreams.


I agree. If you get wasted, you deserve to get killed.

Odd, I enjoy alcohol regularly with my friends and family, we even all buy a bottle so everybody goes home with one every Christmas. My grandmother likes baking different pastries with rum, vodka, and wine for almost every holiday. Sorry you know a bunch of morons but it's not a fucking drink's fault, it's the fault of those individuals who decide to do stupid and/or destructive things while intoxicated.

It must be nice to have dreams that are still possible.

>Alcohol is outlawed
>Black Markets start to spawn everywhere in earth
>The prices of it skyrocket and people kill and go on debt to get a single drop of it
>Anarchy slowly reigns small towns, then medium cities until the metropolitan areas are subject of Marshall law.

Anyway we are getting offtopic

Great taste lads.

>the world would be a better place if alcohol was outlawed
Except when we tried this in the USA it just resulted in an explosion of organized crime to meet the demand that still existed. Banning the legal supply of something won't diminish the demand.

There is literally nothing wrong with drinking to get drunk as long as you do it responsibly.

>claims to love his American waifu
>but favorite drink has 0 calories

Tsk tsk.

I don't mind rum and coke now and then but alcohol is contraindicated by my medication so I almost never drink any more

Screwdrivers or whatever a Screwdriver made with pineapple juice is called.

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Except when you get drunk, you lose all sense of responsibility as alcohol impairs your judgement.

Shinobu Oshino
Tea made from various herbs in my garden (don't drink alcohol)

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It only loosens inhibitions, it doesn't change who you are. If you can't control yourself then you take measures accordingly when sober so you don't deal with situations you can't handle while drunk.

Diet Coke

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You know that a lot of people drink and get wasted only when they are with friends or with someone they can trust right? Thats what "drinking responsibly" means

Asahi Super Dry

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no waifu, no girlfriend, no anything
regular monster energy drink
>t. unabomber

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>Whisky/Brandy with Earl Gray

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I don't have a waifu, pick one for me

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My second choice was Southern brew sweet tea

I don't drink because I don't see the appeal in it

>tastes likes garbage even after mixing
>makes you feel like shit during and especially the day after


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Partician taste my dude.
>Pink Gin and strawberries

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Then why did you post Nozomi?

That shit gives you cancer my dude

No waifu
I don't drink

What do I win?

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Drinking is only destructive if it brings shit out of you that is being repressed, or you are drinking bad shit.

It's fine if you don't like drinking- I know lots of people who don't enjoy it all. But please don't throw the rest of us under the same umbrella- a lot of us are just normal people who like a drink or two now and then.

Things like jack and coke aren't too bad, though I prefer non-alcoholic drinks. Maybe hot apple cider?

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Agreed, glad to see a non degenerate hanging around

based and coffeepilled

>drinking responsibly
Except nobody fucking does that. Yesterday I had to deal with a bunch of drunks who were loud as fuck, 3 in the fucking morning, and who were breaking bottles on the road. And before that I had to call the cops on my sisters husband, because he got drunk and started scaring his own god fucking damn child. And before that I had to call the cops on 4 horrible drunk motherfuckers on the train, because all they did was yell at strangers, spill their drinks and cause problems. And before that I had to pepper spray a drunk in the face, because he was yelling at people in the bus. And I can fucking go on for days about shitfaced people causing problems at places where I happen to be. And that's every weekend basically.

Drinkings literally stockholm syndrome but shilled by degenerates
Bill Gates and Isaac Newton don't, didn't drink.

You only see that kind of drunk because the well behaved drunks don't do it in public.

unironcially based, user

Hard cider

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I'd rather not get cirrhosis, thank you very much

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A glass of carbonated water with half a lemon squeezed into it

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You need to get that stigma out of you ass user. Stop thinking that all Drunk people are shit.

Chilled vodka, neat.

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Waifu: Minami Asakura

Drink: G & T

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I know a couple functioning alcoholics that hold down a job and don't bother anyone despite being drunk literally 24/7.

Honestly i expect nothing less from an ougifriend

I work in a hospital, drinking does horrors to your liver. Like when they say kill, it means blacken and what looks like necrosis. Also lost my godfather to liver failure, days before my confirmation.

Ai Enma
sweet tea.

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Sorry that you are surrounded by dicks then. If you live near a uni or college that is usually why. By any chance- you live in the US I am assuming?

I say that as the drinking cultures are different in different places in the wolrd. Over here its just a thing that people do, and people dont force you to do anything. But as well we dont have that many public drunks unless the football is on.

Oh and your step brother is just a bad drunk and sounds like a cunt.

Yeah, bring on the Parkinson's. I'd much rather die of dementia and Alzheimer as I forget everyone and everything I've ever loved.

Mello Yello

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>alcoholic tries to justify his addiction.


Yuigahama Yui is the love of my life!
Water is my drink of choice since I don't drink alcohol or sugary drinks.

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Alcohol is for normalfags.

Get that thing out of my face

>tripfag has a shit opinion
checks out

>shit opinion
checks out

Well arent you big boy then? Posting on an anime board rather than having fun at a party


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Fuck off and die, normalfag.