Because El Presidente disapproves bump limits
Por favor no me molestes, Nagatoro
>thread title in Spanish
>image text in HUE
I suck at paint and I don't speak spanish but I tried my best at stealing the other user's power ranking chart and expanding it a bit
there's a difference?
HUEniggers speak Portuguese
yeah thats what i said, no difference
They're more different than you might think.
>no Senpai (president's fanboy mode) in B tier
there's a difference?
it's no American, all the same to me lmao
I'm taking the piss, I spent a few weeks in Portugal and Spain a few years back, can't speak either but somehow found Portuguese sounding closer to German than Spanish, no idea if it has any actual basis though
Gamo con abdominales should be SSS Tier
You fucking dumb nigger, get some culture you sub-human one digit IQ third-worlder
portuguese from portugal sounds like german, portuguese form hueland sounds like spanish.
>non american language
lmaoing @ ur life pablo
Wouldn't it be La Presidenta?
El Nagatoro Hispania
retarded burgers can't even diferenciate between spanish and portuguese, of course they cant do gender conjugation
Why are you getting so mad lmao.
If someone told me Dutch and German are the same, I'd laugh and agree.
>speaking a language where you need to change words according to gender
lmao, europoor sjw KEKS
what about pic related?
feroz nagatoro?
awakened naga?
Spanish: ananás
Portuguese: ananás
Spanish = Portuguese confirmed
I wish I could draw like 774. Then I'd draw my own fanfic version of Nagatoro
Yea Forums - Language Studies
German: recherche
French: recherche
Germany invaded itself during WW2, don't fall for the lies.
>Noddletoro UI when the whole chapter was a Mashiba reference
We memed Ippo Calvo and Ippo Blanco/Negro and somehow you missed the point of spicposting
El Nagatoro furibundo
>El Nagatoro furibondo
It's funny because "molestes" in spanish is something like bother and portuguese it is mainly use for rape
Nice spic containment thread. Stay here, O beaners of Yea Forums.
It's funny because I hate spics, but i love spic threads if they're done ironically like this one
"Presidente" is used for both genders.
No, it's not.
I love it too. It keeps the smell away from everywhere else.
Still missing Senpai Chad.
Look it up you ignorant faggot.
>Spanish and Portuguese version
Portuguese sounds like Puerto Rican Spanish, incomprehensible gibberish.
I hope you actually read what that said, because it proves you're wrong.
presidenta means first lady
>Spanish: ananás
>Portuguese: ananás
HUEzil: Abacaxi
It probes it is also accepted, but it's unusual, which means literally nobody uses it.
So it does "probe" you were wrong.