The season is ending so get to practicing.
The season is ending so get to practicing
Other urls found in this thread:
SICP thread?
Does anyone still use Lisp?
Some people and companies use it, plus all Emacs Lisp out there. And then there's the new hotness Julia, with matlab face but lispy on the inside.
It's used for AI but this book is not really about Scheme/Lisp. It's about the theory beyond both programming and programming language. If you want to get a strong grasp of theoretical computer science this is the book to read. Scheme itself was never the point, and in the introduction say they use it because its syntax can be learned in less than a day.
When are we getting a serious programming anime? It's like Japan doesn't want to encourage a new generation of devs.
When Umiko and Nenecchi get their own spin-off
Remind me, what are the typical broadcast seasons in Japan?
>SICP thread on Yea Forums
this is a great day
Why does this book get memed so hard?
Read it to find out
Which is the easiest? java?
Thanks for making this thread. My copy of SICP came in the mail last week but I haven't started reading it yet.
Never, too hard.
Help how do I computer
Good Luck.
anyone got something with python?
c is life
why is this book so polarizing? it's literally a manual of engineering methodology and design but in a computer context.
No I gave up on learning to program around the time I gave up on drawing why does Yea Forums keep trying to pull me back in
I don't wanna.
The book is polarizing? I've literally never heard a bad thing about it.
blessed thread
This thread feels like propaganda of some kind.
>he doesn't know about SICP