Chapter translations out.
Kanojo, Okarishimasu
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Thank god there were no otters in this chapter.
Whorezuru a shit
So she's not even a whore like Chizuru right? She just knew someone who knew Kazuya and was too nervous to ask him out so the paid dating thing is just a scheme to spend time with her love at first sight.
well of fucking course the 4th girl also falls in love with the loser
Let's just hope that. Otherwise this manga is doomed. Ratings are dropping for weeks now but I guess it's no wonder
>MC regressed to being fine with that renting service
>main whore takes the ring
>keeping up lying for the tenth time
>Whorezuru has no good reason for being a whore, just that it's fun and easy
people are getting really feed up with this shit
Sales are doing great, the Japanese love it.
It's pretty much just cute girl porn at this point
Fuck Chorizo. Please Sumi, win
China but yeah the sales there are really good
I love Ruka!
nobody likes that bitch
Who's responsible for this boob tea meme?
I'm sure that's love in other things, not like Ruka.
I'm pretty sure Sumi is in love with another guy and wants to ask Kazuya for advice.
But I like this manga !!
I love how they're going to have to backpedal on this translation once the next chapter comes out.
based Kibe
It was 2nd placed in the ToC last week
evil dolphin
Hey! Why isn't there an anime yet?
Romcom is not only about MC Badass, whose dick is contested by girls.
>So she's not even a whore like Chizuru right?
Yes, she is. She looks up to Chorizo even.
and then she recites the same shit as Chorizo from the rental whore's playbook about loving this work and shit.
It is 1st in this week's
Best girl.
those would correspond to chapters 87 and 88
ruka ftw
This is the criminal
>heart pupils
>double peace signs
Ruka single-handedly saving this manga
>main whore takes the ring
She doesn't just take the ring , she takes it when granny allows her to sell it if she ever needs money
Based indeed.
still cuter then the other two
The worst part is that he is still paying.
He paid for a service he didn't even want, since he canceled and told her he will take care of it himself
He will still be paying for the service he doesn't want, since she doesn't want to tell the truth
She asks him for a favor with Sumi again, after he told her he wants to tell the truth
If he doesn't realize she is just using him then he will never escape her.
I can totally see her retiring form the rental whore business, but still charging him if his grandma wants to see her.
Well, that's one way of keeping the title of the manga true.
5sluts BTFO
The 100th chapter looks to be pretty big.
I miss Mami.
Hopefully she shows up for chapter 100.
Everybody knows it is going to be more Chorizo wanking.
sausage is meant to be wanked
sumi a cute mute imouto
Sumi is a good girl, maybe Sumi is only amazed at Kazuya's kindness (the only man to practice dating) and asks for advice on his love for other men (maybe)
And in the end Sumi will also provide support for the relationship between Kazuya and Chizuru.
Like you didn't see it coming.
Sumi is as old as Chizuru.
this has been done so many times by roasts in the west
The manga has been building up to everything crashing down for Chizuru.
Explain because everything is going according to Chizuru's wishes, even Ruka backed down.
TIL the way the different mangas are sorted in the magazine equals their ranking(?). Is that always the case?
That's what I'm concerned about, this series is doing great so why should the story be finished in the near future? I don't mind if the series goes on for little bit longer, but I also don't think 200-300 chapters would be healthy for this series.
Why is japanese such a weird language? How come that many ( important ) things can be interpreted into two different ways?
If it will end, why isn't there an anime yet? Impossible adaptation when the manga ends?
>everything is going according to Chizuru's wishes,
Yeah! Her grandma's illness must have been her biggest wish, as well as getting caught up in Kazuya's shit
Manga sales will explode if there is an anime, trust me! But there are no signs from Miyajima at all!
Sumi is the better Komi.
The problem is, this whole thing isn't a big of a deal. We already know they both love each other, even if they "break up" they could easily end up together for real this time. Jeah everything would blame them for lying etc. but in a bigger scale it probably doesn't matter.
The only thing I can imagine is that Chizurus grandma would die in grief, thinking it was all a lie. But I don't think the author would go that far.
...with dolphins
So why the lack of fanart?
thanks I HATE IT
It hasn't gotten an anime yet.
Should've been "LOVE".
Who did the JK look better?
Wasn't this "suki"? Which should probably be translated as "I like you".
Ruka kissing Kazuya ruined the ratings you filthy Rukatard.
Ruka is shit.
Based Chizuru collageanon.
He will be trolling us won't he?
And how much will this Sumi arc go on for?
I want more Kazuya and Chizuru progress, fuck the rest.
Yeah, but they're likely trying to keep their options open in case she tries pulling the same trick Chizuru pulled on the ferris wheel.
Good, anyone worth their salt reads this manga for Chizuru.
It's ok because Kazuya will be there to pick up the pieces and put her back together.
It is KINOKARI after all.
It's not weird at all.
"Suki" is almost always used to tell somebody "I like you"
If you translate it literally it translates to "Like" which doesn't work in English.
Basically in Japanese saying "Suki" is a shortened form of "I like you" but it is direct nonetheless.
Sumi was pretty much telling Kazuya directly "I like you".
"I'm in love" is a dumb translation, almost as dumb as the "Love" shit in 5sluts. They're both indirect when what Sumi is saying is clearly direct.
That's why you translate it as "I like yo-"
The Chizuru ferris wheel translation also felt wrong.
You too can do it, user if you believe in the button.
Chizuru is so cute.
I miss her.
>what Sumi is saying is clearly direct.
But it isn't.
That works a bit better, yeah. I knew as soon as I saw the raws on the ferris wheel that they were going to have trouble with it. Same with this one.
Sumi > Ruka > Chorizo >>> Mami
Terrible translation that implies she's being cut off and leaves no leeway for next chapter. I'm glad you're not translating.
chizuru > sumi > mami >>>>> ruka
Ruka > Chizuru = Sumi > Mami
Calm down
How to get a real girlfriend, kinokaribros?
Fuck Mami
Blonde bitch is the best girl i hope she'll win.
She will lose, be redeemed, and push Chizuru and Kazuya together.
Sumi's cute and all, but what's her point besides padding the runtime of the series? We have plenty of unresolved shit from the other girls.
>Dump MC
>Now can't stand seeing him move on
The fuck is this? Even brochacho thinks that's a pretty shit move on her part. How anyone likes her is beyond me.
Without her story would circulating eternally. Also she is cute and non whoring herself.
Love Chizuru
>Chizuru in Kanokari
>Aika in Grand Blue
Though Chisa is probably a close number 2
She gives Kazuya confidence. Look how chad he is in this chapter.
But she is such a trashy character. She is literally a whore and treats everyone like garbage. How come this pile of trash is allowed to be the main girl?
>Mami be literally like "umm... no"
Just b.e. yourself
> Parents leave during childhood
> Work alone to achieve his dream
Amazingly she hasn't been broken
literally me right now
Her father is still there but doesn't care about Chizuru
>Work alone to achieve his dream
Getting invited to nice restaurants and having fun with horny guys isn't really hard. Why can't she have a normal job, you know one where you have to actually work.
> Parents leave during childhood
generic and boring
>Amazingly she hasn't been broken
Ending up as a whore means that you are broken. Imagine being with such a woman. You can't go anywhere with her without others recognizing her.
Parents leave during childhood
>>> generic and boring
All broken characters must use parents' problems, you are newfag.
someone pls help me i have a really hard thing for crazy bitch girls like mami and i recently fapped 13 hours straight to her and i still want to cum buckets to her but i dont wanna have penis problems ok? so i need someone to give me advice pls
Honestly, with her body she should have tried to be a model not a whore.
But she needs to practice her acting. The rental girlfriend thing is helping her a lot.
Being a whore is also going to be helpful when she has to suck some directors dicks for roles. She really knows her stuff.
Any questions my friend?
>We already know they both love each other,
I entertained the idea of her loving him long enough, after her taking that ring I'm pretty sure she doesn't.
She takes it when she is allowed to sell it and when he isn't around, so he doesn't know she took it.
Sure she is somehow dependent on him to some extent financially and emotionally. but that isn't love.
Don't know if chad, but seeing him acting like a regular person is refreshing. Him spreging out before every point of his uniform date with Chorizo was painful to read. The trick is of course he doesn't treat this as anything much, just as a way to help Sumi=>help Chizuru so he does his best.
It goes in circles regardless of her involvement or not. She is just there to be the tease to keep you interested.
You want the MC to get his comeuppance and she is right there with all the knowledge necessary to fuck everything up.
Though I'm afraid his Grandma figured it out already, not the rental whore part, but the point that they're not a lovey-dovey couple, but just make a fool of her, but she loves Chizuru and knows her situation and wants to help her regardless, so my guess is all the shit will fall onto Kazuya, good riddance.
this, that was the last straw
at this point either going for ruka or going for a clean slate and just going out with sumi would be better for him
>going for ruka
Ruka is crazy, it's better to get away from her as fast as possible, but he can't. He can't because she would blackmail Chorizo and he wants to protect her, because he is a dumbass.
>just going out with sumi
it could be the best option actually, but I doubt it will ever become an opportunity
Mami still in the race. She still has a feeling for him and she needs bf for some reason.
i think its preety clear that sumi has feelings for him
yeah the crazy ex would be the worst option desu
>i think its preety clear that sumi has feelings for him
>I would like to date you, but currently I'm kind off dating this crazy JK that could blackmail Chizuru if I were to break up with her. Did I tell you already that I love Chizuru?
>people itt thinking that Chizuru is going to lose because she picks the ring when she knows she can sell it
OBVIOUSLY she is going to save the fucking ring and not sell it.
well im not talking about him, he is a retard , im just talking about what would be best for him
Another chapter of nothingness
The only ending I want to see at this point is Chizuru's grandma finding out about everything and shaming her publicly and forcing her to give back all the money.
doesn't matter
Granny offers the ring, it's obvious she isn't interested declines and waits for Kazuya to do something
Kazuya is about to tell the truth
>getting to the hospital intermission
He still intends to end it
She wants to continue it, for her grandma
She takes the ring, knowing well he wants to tell the truth and end their deal. If he does there is no reason for her to take the ring is there?
She takes it while she knows their deal will end, while she was allowed to sell it, while he wasn't around to see her taking it.
Sure she might not sell it, but it doesn't change the circumstances in which she did took it.
despairchads always win.
Yeah, if you ignore the whole development of the character.
It is implied that throughout her life she has refused to show her real feelings, she is withholding any kind of love because she wants to focus on her professional career. But now, little by little, the mc is realizing that she is becoming softer with him.
>She appears to be more mature than she is.
>She gets jealous when other girls get close to MC.
>She knows the positive points of the MC and defends him from his ex.
>Sometimes, after a more intense scene, she blushes and asks herself if she is starting to like the mc.
And because she's the fucking female protag and of course she's going to win (whether we want to or not), she'll use the ring to move to the next level, from fake to a real relationship.
Will the death of Grandma Chizuru be real?
Honestly, I hope Kazuyas granny croaks first.
>Sure she is somehow dependent on him to some extent financially and emotionally. but that isn't love.
Nah, it's true love. It's pretty much confirmed after Kazuyas boyfriend asked her if she could fall in love with a customer.
You're an absolute idiot.
They didn't have any excuse with the Chizuru chapter at all considering it was in the middle of the chapter.
They could have just translated it as
"I love-" and then translate the next bubble as "I love this job". Seeing as "I\m in love with this job" is awkward as hell that would have been the much better choice.
Also nothing is stopping them from going back and do a simple V2 version of the previous chapter since Mangadex allows that.
Shut up Rukatard.
>Being a whore is also going to be helpful when she has to suck some directors dicks for roles
If she did that she would have gotten that role she missed out on already.
Kill yourself Rukanigger.
She took it because grandma really pressed her on it.
Found the Rukafag, falseflagging as a Sumifag too at that.
it's manga, nothing in it is actually real
Based Collageanon.
She didn't take the ring for her own desires or because she's a wicked bitch. She was forced to make a quick decision in that ( awkward ) situation and accepted the ring in a hurry. She clearly wasn't happy about the ring afterwards.
The ring just adds another layer in their twisted and complicated relationship.
Literally perfect.
>They could have just translated it as "I love-" and then translate the next bubble as "I love this job".
No you can't because there is a significant pause which you can tell by the panels. Chizuru is being deliberately misleading there you mongoloid.
My favorite panel of Chizuru, it's just an honest and precious smile buying a gift for the boy she likes. The other girls can't even compete.
I don't even know why I keep reading this. The characters have no appeal whatsoever and main character is straight up bad.
>The ring just adds another layer in their twisted and complicated relationship.
True that, She obviously won't give it back to his grandma, at least not personally, maybe by mail or something, but till then if he ever for god knows what reason finds out she took he'll get all excited again.
Maybe she'll give it to the first girl that will try to blackmail her Mami or Ruka.
>and main character is straight up bad.
I'm sorry you can't stand looking in the mirror.
as if she didn't have a similar face when buying gifts for all the other guys who paid for her services in that period
You mean all the other guys that broke their phone case while jumping from a ferry into the see, to safe her freaking life.
No, but he didn't need to go that far to get something though
>I'm sorry you can't stand looking in the mirror.
Projecting much? You can make a flawed character likeable. Kazuya is flawed and unlikable. I honestly feel sorry for you if you can relate to the mc
>grandma really pressed her on it.
She reminded her that her grandma is in poor health and she doesn't have any relatives then pic related happens.
It's just the truth. The vast majority of males in their early twenties are like Kazuya. When you grow out of that age you stop being uncomfortable looking at characters like that.
Flustered Chizuru is so cute.
>The vast majority of males in their early twenties are like Kazuya
[citation needed]
It's self-evident. They just haven't had the time to get the life experience for maturity. It's not like you're getting any scientific studies for a concept so vague anyway so your "citation needed" was totally unnecessary.
i'm not in college
>vast majority of males in their early twenties are retarded cucks that are willing to finance thots
checks out desu senpai
>you will never have a gf like Sumi-chan
This is just too much to bear.
5000 yen for hour
I gotta say, Kanokari has been really enjoyable for me. I think its picking up popularity lately, good for them. I like all the girls except Mami (worst girl by a mile).
damn how does kazuya still have enough money to not die of fucking hunger that expensive af
don't forget Chorizo is now a regular rental whore and not a newbie, she costs even more.
The good old KOfag defense mechanisms to try to defend the mc. Good for you if you can self insert into the mc I guess, that doesn't change the fact that Kazuya is an awful protagonist without a single redeeming quality to even make him likeable.
>without a single redeeming quality
Girls find him cool af.
Yes, if he's not described as handsome, saintlike, and having perfect test scores obtained offscreen, he doesn't have a single redeeming quality.
I love glasses Chizuru.
The only good girl in this manga and she has 0 chances to win the MC-bowl, how sad.
Chizuru is a good girl.
She is trash tier. There is not a single good thing about her
What the fuck
I like Mami. I hope she gets another chance and BTFO Whorezuru
Ruka is too good for this shitty manga
Sure they do, you faggot.
I'd love to stick my dick in her ass.
No she really isn't but yes the manga is trash. If not some sort of game-changer is about to drop soon this manga will become unbearable boring.
>liking Ichika and Mami
What a disturbing taste.
Chizuru is a miracle. She's so caring and hardworking.
Your anus real?
you mean getting invited to nice restaurants?
when did she ever care about anyone but herself?
She doesn't just do the rental girlfriend thing, she does acting and college stuff too. She has very little free time. She also cares about Kazuya because in the beginning of the manga she acted as his girlfriend for his grandma and then for him to give him confidence to find a girlfriend. She also bought him a new phone case.
She bought stuff for all her costumers. That's how you keep them happy, five star reviews as well as the money flowing and he has to pay her every time they visit his grandmother. She also said that she had a lot of clients who presented her to family so it wasn't new to her.
Cute Chizuru
what a cute little troglodyte to bad she became a whore
That's a lie. It's all a lie.
The rental company wouldn't allow the girls to give out presents. She just wanted an excuse to give a present to Kazuya
Chizuru is very cute with short hair, I wonder if she'll cut it.
>That's a lie. It's all a lie
best girl steps up.
Kibe is the best friend.
Kazuya should just date a random Quint instead of literal sluts
Ruka is more like Nino.
this; ruka a best
Funny how Sumi will soon be the only rental girlfriend left.
>The rental company wouldn't allow the girls to give out presents.
sure they did
Well, he eventually got a phone case, and she clearly was more attached to his gift than the others.
Chizuru is praxtically best girl though. And technically Mami is the biggest whore of all the girls, Mami is a legit gold digger and man hunter. Chizuru does it as a service, she isnt fooling people to love her like Mami did to Kazuya, in fact, Chizuru makes it clear its all superficial.
Sumi is more cute!
So expressive.
We need more chapters about them.