Summer 2019

Pretty stacked season
What will be Yea Forumsnime of the season?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Pretty stacked season
Is worse taste even possible?

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I'm ready for the ATOY

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>What will be Yea Forumsnime of the season?
I don't know, but as a loyal Yea Forums NPC I must preemptively declare it overrated reddit garbage

If you aren't atleast 40 series you need to fuck of out of Yea Forums back to your normalfag sites.

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Chihayafuru without a doubt will be the anime of the season and year.


how many isekais are there?

Looks horrible, might watch Accelerator's anime because the art in the manga unbearable

This one.

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Here' your AOTS bro

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Oh it’s stacked alright

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Anime will most likely to turn out shit anyway. I don't trust JC Staff anymore.

the second part of carole & tuesday

Best girl

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I recently learned that the anime with the best production for this summer and winter are:
> MHA 4

Who else here gonna watch the cute girls do bodybuilding and KAMPFKOLOSS!! animu??

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>Kanata no Astra
>Cop Craft
>Machikado Mazoku
>Fire Force
Looks like a fun season to me. I'm not expecting AOTY material but they should be entertaining to follow and discuss.

Will anyone even bother to watch it? So many were turned off by the CGI in the trailers.

Is every season getting gayer?

how are normal fags gonna react to Dale fucking his adopted demon daughter

Kanata no Astra will be AOTS
Granbelm will be a trainwreck that's fun to follow.
Sounan Desu ka? will have a small but devoted fanbase (e.g. Akanesasu Shoujo)
Arifureta will get a ton of early attention but decline steadily. A lot of people will still watch it, but, like Shield Hero, it won't be a sensation for long.
The Okada anime will either be extremely controversial or fizzle out within 3 episodes. Expect screencaps of the first episode to circulate a lot, regardless.
Isekai Mom will have a lot of initial popularity due to the premise, but will slowly decline.
Tejina-senpai will be consistently popular and get a lot of threads.
Cop Craft is 50 / 50. Either it comes out strong and gets popular, or it starts off weak like Fairy Gone and is completely disregarded.
Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e will have a confusing first episode that will prevent it from taking off. It will go down as underrated and underwatched.
Dungeon will have a strong surge of popularity.
The Demon daughter show will be reasonably popular, as will TMT.
7Seeds will be another generic Netflix anime that's on the wrong side of mediocre. Nobody will watch it.

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Oh, Arifureta will also have a lot of QUALITY that will be ridiculed.

Does Arifureta have a controversial hook like Shield Hero and Goblin Slayer did?

Engurish please

Not really, I doubt it will get the Goblin Slayer treatment.


Some pretty interesting things. But not really amounting to be "stacked"

Oh boy here we go

how new

enjoy you're machine translated list.

Why are people reacting so strongly to Arifureta?

It's stacked for me. Personally, I don't like to watch too many airing shows at one time because I feel like I get less out of what I watch when I try to keep up with so many shows. This time around, though, I have no idea how I'm going to pare this down.

Just wait until the end of the season and binge all the shows you want to watch

Honestly speaking, it will just be shitposted for a couple of weeks maximum as the worst bottom of the barrel generic isekai because of the edgelord MC, but in reality it is so uneventful that people will forget about it.

I'm going to end up doing that for many of these shows, but I enjoy watching something while it's airing both because I have something to look forward to on specific days and for the discussion.

The only boring part for me is Reisen's dungeon and the early parts of Shimizu arc

Accelerator, Fire Force, and Symphogear are the three big must-watches for me, and that MILF isekai also looks interesting too.

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Edgelord mc who wears a trenchcoat and crafts guns just screams shitposting material so people are bracing themselves for that

Meanwhile for me, not counting OVAs, I've only selected 20 series to watch next season.
While this might sound like its a lot, I don't usually watch on airing day, and simply watch a bit every dar, so that's about 3 episodes a day, so only about 1h.
And that's even including not only those must watch like Symphgay or Accel, but those that I'm giving the 3er and shorts too.


>Cop Craft
pretty good season

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>Cop Craft
>Fire Force
>Arifureta as an obligation watch, will probably drop once they escape the first dungeon
And we'll see what else turns up. Not that many shows I'm excited for, but Symphogear and an original mecha automatically makes it at least a decent season.

What's the top right one? Is that skullface? Is kojima involved?

it literally says what it is you fucking goober

I don't read nip boyo.

>top right

Good thing it's in English.

I don't read cyrillic character boyo.

>Vinland Saga
>Magical Senpai
If you are going to make a fake chart at least be original

Nigger what, do you live under a rock or what

Oh, sorry, here's the real chart for next season.

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>Danamchi 2
>Cop Craft
>Tejína Sempai

I thought it was 87. Is my memory fucked?

dr stone
rest trash


Yummy mummy, can’t wait.

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>Symphogear and an original mecha automatically makes it at least a decent season.
Don’t know why you’d think that when the obligatory seasonal original mecha is almost always mediocre, besides the occasional Cross Ange of course.

regardless of whether they end up good or not, they're always fun to shitpost about

That's what they said about Egao no Daika

Egao no Daika was fun to shitpost and rage about.

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>Vinland Saga
>Fire Force
>Dr. Stone
>Cop Craft
>Mommy Isekai
Looking forward to it.

Given looks okay

Argevollen threads were comfy as were Active Raid's.

>The girls in a high school literature club do a little icebreaker to get to know each other: answering the question, "What's one thing you want to do before you die?" One of the girls blurts out, "Sex." Little do they know, the whirlwind unleashed by that word pushes each of these girls, with different backgrounds and personalities, onto their own clumsy, funny, painful, and emotional paths toward adulthood.
Anybody here gonna watch THOTs the Animated series?

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Just realized they're standing in water. What does Okada mean by this? Are they just really horny? Is it piss?

I usually end up enjoying the mediocre mecha originals. I mean there's always some shitty ones one like Daika, but I doubt Granbelm will fall into that category. I liked what I saw of the first 10 minutes.

Then again, I thought the beginning of Daika had promise too, so who knows.

Vinland Saga is already coming out? didnt that just get announced?


Does the manga always release on schedule? I don't want to jump into another hiatus manga.

I miss (shitposting about) it

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How likely is a fourth season?

>Dale is a cool, composed, and highly skilled adventurer who's made quite a name for himself despite his youth. One day on a job deep in the forest, he comes across a little devil girl who's almost wasted away. Unable to just leave her there to die, Dale takes her home and becomes her adoptive father.

>Devil or not, Latina is beyond adorable, and the adventurer soon finds himself head over heels with being a parent.

>But why was she out in the forest to begin with, and why does she carry the mark of a criminal?
Anyone up for Demon Daughter Wife?

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Usagi drop tier, I pass

>cross shitge
>not mediocre
Dude trainwrecks lmao, so bad its good

what's the one with the firefighters? it's the only one that looks interesting just judging by the pictures

Upcoming AOTS

Well that was about the guy’s (not) aunt while this is about the Demon Lord Beaner’s lost anchor baby, so it’s not as bad.

damn, looks awesome. i'll watch it.

>Gorgeous Butterfly: Young Nobunaga
>The series is a historical drama aesthetically and boldly adapting the life of Oda Nobunaga in his teens up to his time as a warlord against his brother, Nobuyuki.
It’s an anime original by Studio Deen, sounds cool, but this promo image screams fujotrash to me; as does the title.

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keep going btw

i'd rather have pic related

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>Jesus assassin
can't wait for the fundies to come out of the woodwork here in burgerland.

>an anime original with DECENT 2D mecha animation
How is this possible in the modern day?

Hopefully it's better than Regalia.

Here’s another
Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e
>During a protracted civil war that pitted the North against the South, the outnumbered Northerners used dark magical arts to create monstrous super-soldiers—Incarnates. Now that the war has ended, those Sacred Beasts must learn how to make their way in a peaceful society, or face death at the hands of a Beast Hunter...

>Nancy Schaal Bancroft, the daughter of an Incarnate soldier who met an untimely end at the hands of one such Beast Hunter, turns to hunting the hunter herself. But once she catches up with her quarry, she discovers hard truths about the lives of the Incarnates...
Adaptation by MAPPA, of a manga that is actually the second work of the guy who made Best Ghost Waifu With Amnesia.

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Fucked up the link

Looks way better than Winter and Spring.

>monster fighting action
Picked the fuck up, here's hoping it delivers on the premise well.

>want to watch Accelerator
>dropped the setting back at the original Railgun
>forgot what was going on anyway because it's been a decade since but remember that the only good thing about Railgun 1 was the OP and don't know if I want to rewatch it all

All you need to understand the Accelerator anime is watching episodes 10-14 and 19-20 of Index season 1.
Railgun S episodes 1-16 are like an extended version of the Accel arc with more character focus and action, you can just watch that instead of 10-14 if you have more time.

I know right? You can tell just how hot that fire is by looking at them

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>atleast 40 series
Try 200. Unless this was bait.

I fuckin love sluts!

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This would be a season to unironically save anime. Too bad japs have shit taste and can only shit out isekai.