I want you faggots to post what you consider "good animation" because I'm fucking sick of everyone bashing the...

I want you faggots to post what you consider "good animation" because I'm fucking sick of everyone bashing the "animation" in a show when like everyone has their own opinion of "good" animation. Frankly I think 90% of you are elitists with high standards for "muh japanese cartoons"

Attached: What is this shit.jpg (400x400, 28K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Recommendation thread in disguise fuck off

Worse mc in shonen history

Doesn't answer my question

Attached: Fire punch.gif (320x180, 952K)



Attached: Decuck.jpg (300x168, 8K)

seriously. Fuckin' had his power just gifted to him just because all-might likes the taste of his salty-wetworks. What a faggot

Attached: 1560654475643.gif (498x296, 349K)

What am I suppose to be seeing here? What makes this good animation?

You have to be 18 or older to post here

I'm 27. Fuck off.

Asta stop shitposting


I could have posted literally any other MC and you would have made the same insult.

Pic related is the pinnacle of animation. Shame that modern productions will never reach the height of the 80s.

Attached: MacrossAnimation.webm (650x650, 1.47M)


You're kidding, right? That looked like shit. Take off your rose colored glasses.

Violet evergarden very nice, redline pretty crazy too, I like one punch season 1 animation too

Good animation is fluid, precise and conveys what is going on efficiently without clutter.

I have a burning anger every time deku and Bakugo share screen time, when they are separated its okay but when they get together is just unbearable hate Jesus fuck could characters have worse chemistry and interaction

From the top of my head.

Thats the anime equivalent of stick fights, garbage animation

Attached: pinnacleofanimation.gif (600x374, 1.93M)

To be fair, I rarely complain about the animation quality. For me this is perfectly acceptable.
They are actually fighting and not just staring and talking.
I like some fights in Gintama for the similar reason.


i personally like when the movements are clearly visible and shown from an angle where you can clearly see what is going on. It's an Implied Action VS Shown Action thing. webm related.

Attached: gunfu2.webm (640x480, 2.61M)

i aint spoonfeeding you retard , back to whatever shithole you came from

forgot to add that the first half of the webm is shown action and the latter half is implied action

It's a joke you retard. This is an example of high quality old animation.

Attached: 1374380082661.gif (400x300, 2.95M)

That looked like shit as well.

yikes are you even trying with this bait?

CGI is truly a miracle of the universe.

Attached: overlord season 3.gif (300x300, 237K)

What's wrong with it?

Attached: Gundam.gif (400x300, 2.53M)


In all seriousness this:


The problem with talking about animation on Yea Forums is that 90% of Yea Forums doesn't know what animation is. They post a good looking still frame and say it's good animation, but all they're posting is good art style. Animation requires motion.


op claims to be 27 but he acts 15

Just like 95% of Yea Forums, well, would you look at that! Congrats, you played yourself.

>western superhero
>with great power comes great responsibility!
>nippon superhero
>with great power comes 6 more superpowers!
what a joke

these threads get nowhere because no matter how good the animation really is, someone will say it's shit

Are you actually autistic?

vampire hunter d

does everyone care about animation so much because they have nothing else to look forward to since they read the manga?

Everyone is too heavy on the irony, so I'm gonna be serious for a sec. KlK is one of the best animated shows I know, even if it doesn't have 3000 fps and camera flying all over the place while spinning. It conveys action very well, it's snappy and just fun to watch. Other examples of really cool animation would be FLCL, Devilman: Crybaby and Mob. Though, I bet, some of those titles are gonna be a bit too complex for some part of Yea Forums's anons.

Attached: kill_la_kill.gif (500x279, 1.87M)

Unironically better. I can't believe they managed to somehow fuck up SPLAT of all things. I should have dropped when they took the LN path and not the WN path for Archel and now we have the hinks to thank now that they've gotten away with it. So now they will repeat it and keep pushing it.

Attached: QUALITY.png (1569x537, 1.59M)

They don't understand what animation is. They're the type that would say Birdy looks bad.


Well, maybe I'm not being fair here, but I got bored of Birdy after like three episodes but my friends loved it, mostly were girls though. Not my cup of tea I guess.

Kizumonogatari (the monogatari series prequel movies) had the best animation I've ever seen (but to be fair it was a feature film with qn obscene budget)

Attached: original.gif (540x230, 1.76M)

fucking THIS

Attached: pesci.jpg (1280x720, 124K)

This was a really good movie, the soundtrack was god tier too. Good taste user. youtu.be/LYPJoA9udJo

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-19-23-17-38.png (854x480, 312K)