Daily Sketchbook Chapter

You can't demand art be practical.

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過去分詞 kakobunshi: Past participle
ハトロン紙 hatoronshi: Kraft paper

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斑 buchi: Speckled, spotted

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鳥 tori: bird, most often chicken

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That's all for today. I used to get lunch at this place that sold bags of chips that proudly proclaimed they were low calorie. Of course, it was because there were only 5 chips in the bag.

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Thanks op

>likes: all living things
>dislikes: bees and leeches

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non pratical but still very charming


Thanks, user!

>low calorie.
Here's a hint: If you drop that back to the floor, all those calories will be even lower!

I love how Asou thinks.
I wanna help her study English and stuff.

>likes: all living things

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>you can't demand art to be practical
Kamiya is not wrong.

Holy shit, Nagisa.


There is not a single weirdo in this cast you don't wanna cuddle.

tattooed women and men differ i
consistently in the type and placement of tattoo they prefer

Unless they're holding snakes.

The odd combination has not much focus for a while.

They only show up when you're not expecting it.

Ao/Sora is my OTP

they are siblings, you can't do that.

Kamiya's antics/inventions are one of the things I love most about Sketchbook.

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she's a treasure

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Nor do I, but that doesn't stop me enjoying the gaki batsu every year.

Suggested portion sizes really are ridiculous. I mean, who only eats two squares of chocolate?

Poor poor-chan, every poor person has a few days a year where they want to feel normal and just splurge on a few luxurious items. Christmas is one of my days too.

Why is she called Tori-chan?

I love that bright-eyed enthusiasm on Kamiya's face in the last panel, despite giving such a weird gift.

Thanks OP.

Was there ever a manga about tattooists?
or yakuza tattoo artists

>Why is she called Tori-chan?
Her family name is Torikai.

Mademoiselle Butterfly is the closest you'll get.

Thanks, OP.

Tori-chan is cute as always.

Thanks OP

Thanks OP.
But what's up with:
>likes: all living things
>dislikes: bees, leeches
Tori-chan a cute, I want to give her a really expensive gift for Christmas.
Nagisa deserves a show on Animal Planet.

>gift for Christmas
You can always take her to KFC. Or maybe get some yakitori.

Wouldn't that count as ryona? Because I don't think Tori-chan would enjoy being fried.

You have to make a reservation like a year in advance to go to KFC at Christmas in Japan.

>to go to KFC at Christmas in Japan.
Or you could just go here:


To support the struggling economy of the country's poorer regions, you know ...

I don't understand, why going to KFC at Christmas is a thing in Japan? Also, is going by yourself or couples?

Christmas is Western and so is KFC. I think somehow eating a Christmas roast got corrupted into fried chicken.

Huh, weird.

>Huh, weird.
Not any weirder than the contents of this manga ...

Subtle kek

>Poor poor-chan, every poor person has a few days a year where they want to feel normal and just splurge on a few luxurious items. Christmas is one of my days too.
I am pretty sure she is not poor. She is just stingy.

I don't think anyone gets to be that stingy without it stemming from a real need.

You might have noticed, most of those characters in Sketchbook are special cases.

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All the weirdos have graduated. They're normal now.

new weirdos join each year

What if they run out of weirdos to have join?

Jesus christ, Nagisa is fucking cool.

Is that meant to be Matsumoto in the first panel?

Squatting Sora is really cute.

To be fair, any kind of Sora is really cute.

You can have it as a sign for a DIY shop. There, practical.

I'm not sure whether or not it's interesting that screw driver and car driver is a directly translatable pun
I have no idea how Japanese etymology works

Why are the days in the order we have them in? I can understand the sabbath being the last day, but who says saturday has to be the last day? After all, Saturday is just a day named after the god/planet Saturn.

>Kamiya, you're really...
Really what? As an art student, he should be agreeing with that statement.

According to Gintama it is.

They're both copied from English, so not that interesting.

Blame the Romans.

Thanks OP!

A subtle seiyuu joke. I like.

The stupidest thing I've seen is "low-sodium salt". It's regular table salt but ground coarsely so if you measure by volume (i.e. teaspoon) you pick up less mass compared to uniformly shaped crystals.

My favorite hetero couple of this show

>The stupidest thing I've seen is "low-sodium salt". It's regular table salt but ground coarsely so if you measure by volume (i.e. teaspoon) you pick up less mass compared to uniformly shaped crystals.
So that's how it works, thanks for the info.

Yep. It ignores that much of the time salt is used "to taste" instead of measured. And you can get the same results by simply using less salt. But marketing.

Kamiya has the best faces.

>So that's how it works
Not in my country anyway, but OP's country may be allowed to get away with more misleading products. In my country, half the salt is replaced with potassium chloride or something like that, which is still a form of salt, so technically the salt has less sodium.

Couldn't you just as easily say labeling potassium chloride as salt is misleading?

these threads seem to last for two chapter dumps then drift off the page it's happened I think 3-4 times now

Well Uranium Nitrate is also a salt...

the ammount of people coming to post on these threads also doubled compared to the earlier ones

Give it a cute name and it could be the next fad. I think the kidney failure would help suppress appetite too.

people become more familiar withthe series hopefully someone will be motivated to complete the translation
like what happened to Atsumare fushigi kenkyu-bu recently

Not really as potassium chloride is technically a salt and the product clearly says there is less sodium, no sodium in potassium chloride.

Glow salt, a fun addition to lighten up every meal.


I picked it back up because of these threads
Really hope someone finishes the scanslation now that the series has ended

Maybe someone here can?
We could post raws once we run out of translated chapters, if we find them.
My Japanese isn't good enough to provide proper translations, but there are people on Yea Forums who could.

I've noticed that threads usually die a bit earlier on wednesdays, but this one is alive and kicking.

Atsumare has ended?! Damn, I really liked that series.

Don't think too deeply about it.

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That's all for today. Last time I was in Japan, I went with a friend who doesn't know a word of Japanese. I would order for both of us at restaurants. A few of them did think the crazy gaijin did want two meals and drinks, and must have dragged along a friend that didn't want anything.

Also, since some people were talking about scans being picked back up, there may be some movement there. No promises or anything, so don't get your hopes up too much.

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Hazuki obviously need to loos some weight.

no? I meant someone started translations after a couple dump threads

Thanks, user!

>there may be some movement there.
Well, better than nothing.
We shold take a while to catch up, right?

>149 chapters

>reacting to old adverts

>reacting to old adverts
It's especially bad when I watch ads from the 80s or 90s that don't even exist anymore. Nostalgia hits hardest.

There's a strong correlation between poverty and obesity.

this is a modern phoenomenon

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A better way to describe it would be there's a strong correlation between poverty and malnutrition.

Fun fact: the black death in england kicked off the agricultural and subsequent industrial revolution.

Does this exist in Japan?

Black death in Europe: 1346 to 1353
British agricultural revolution: mid 17th to late 19th century
The black death increased wages and weakened serfdom in England. This would later drive the desire for more productive agricultural techniques that started the agricultural revolution.

Or when you buy a CD or DVD and there's an insert for a bonus offer but it expired years ago.

You're forgetting the great plague of london in 1665.

>That's... a high school jersey...
>Well, it's not like I was going to see anyone.
Ouch. This is relatable in more ways than one.
The school jersey is pretty comfortable though.

Cute Hazuki on the chapter's cover. Thanks, OP.

remind me how these two are connected again?

Thanks as always.
>No promises or anything, so don't get your hopes up too much.
Better than nothing.
>What's more, they hate mackerel and won't eat it!
>What's more, they eat each other... eat the mackerel!

Cousins, Ueno used to be on the art club as well, back when he was a student

found this
my results are poor

The crawfish dislike mackerel to the point they rather canibalize each other than to eat the food they're given and of course Negishi mad

you have to keep getting questions right or it resets.
It's actually quite clever as a learning/revision technique.

It's just a little difficult when today is the first time I've heard of that plague.

That is horrifying, but what was she expecting?

If you break the fortune, does that mean it will come true?
How can you not know where you towel is kept after all this time?

I've gotten wary of 20% sales tactics, it's now common to jack the price up wait a few weeks, then have a "sale" where the product is back at its original price. Poor-chan should know this.

It's okay for everyone to take a break from club activities every so often, even if it is art club.
Thanks OP!

I dug out a few PS2 mags recently, that hit hard.

>If you break the fortune, does that mean it will come true?
If you tie it to a tree, then it won't come true. Failing to tie it means it will come true.

>now common
This was 2004. Was it a thing that long ago?

>It's especially bad when I watch ads from the 80s or 90s that don't even exist anymore. Nostalgia hits hardest.
Fuck, now it hit me.

It's been a thing for literally thousands of years.
we have ancient clay tablets documenting it.


Which chapter does the anime end at? Planning to pick this up because it looks comfy.

The anime is not a very direct adaptation from the manga.
It actually adapts more from the spin-off manga called Sketchbook: Shucchouban rather than the original manga itself.

Start reading from the first chapter.

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>The anime is not a very direct adaptation from the manga.
As long as it has more Asou, who cares?

The product I was thinking of is called "Salt Sense" and it apparently isn't made anymore. Probably stopped before they got in trouble for false advertising.

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Ops, "side-stories" is more appropriate.

Same characters, but not 4koma.

nothing on mangaupdates
any more details?

Mangaupdates just counts it as another volume on the main series. Look through the release listing and there's one labeled Shucchouban.


That face washing one is really relatable. It's such a minor annoyance that I honestly don't even think about it, but seeing it here is extremely satisfying for some reason.

that or the ice cold winter water

not enough cats

Thanks OP.

That kiwi is horrifying, I'm just glad it's not a real bird.

>seeing different kanji
I hate this.


>I'm just glad it's not a real bird.
If you can make a bird from the fruit, is it also possible to make a fruit from the bird?

Yes, but it gets very gory.

Not much of a difference to the case already shown in this chapter, really.

Crawfish sound horrible, look horrible too, why would anyone keep them?

>why would anyone keep them?
Because they don't sell well.

I didn't expect anyone to sell them, I assumed he caught them in a stream or something, but the thought of keeping them is horrifying.

At first you think they'd be cool because there got claws. Like they're going to fight or something. But then you realize they're just underwater insects.

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looking for a fight
asou is not best sketchbook


Well, there's Sora and Hazuki.

I wish her puppets were featured more prominently.

>Well, there's Sora and Hazuki.
As nice and cute as they are, they don't even come close.

>I wish her puppets were featured more prominently.
I don't know whether you intended "puppets" to be code for something more saucy, but either way: So do I.

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Last bump before the new chapter?

White horse prince!

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枕を高くして寝る: lit. Sleeping high on pillows; To sleep in peace, to sleep without fear.

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湯たんぽ yutanpo: Hot-water bottle

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It's not actually a checkbook, it's a passbook (通帳). Japan still uses them for some reason.

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That's all for Sketchbook today. When I was young, my mom would say it was good to sleep with your head up on multiple pillows when you're sick. But I would then be sick and sleep deprived.

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But it's not everything I'm posting today. I'm also dumping a start of summer bonus over at

Thanks, user!

I wonder ... if mixing two flavours make a new one, how do you know whether something has one flavour or two ... or seven? I mean, you counld just arbitrarily divide the flavour of something into subflavours, but that would mean that everybody gets different ones of those, right?

phew the cats are back
I guess you can have successive flavours that gradually take prominence over each other

Is it just their wild imagination or does Ryou and Fu have some deviant fetishes?
I honestly can't tell.

>flavours that gradually take prominence over each other
Mmh ... I guess that would work. If they are really distinct.

j a p a n e s e p a s t a

Thanks, user.

I can relate too much with president in this one.
I easily become like him at the sigh of a cute cat without even noticing. It's like I'm out of the character.

Famously cooked by birds.

To be honest, I prefer Japanese Risotto ...



all these twitter screenshots about the eva netflix debacle are driving decent threads off the board...

Just ignore those and keep on keeping actual threads alive.
They'll just push each other off and the "trend" will die down sooner rather than later. It's just another meme trolls get obsessesed over.

I once knew someone named Yutanpo.

they knew not where that they could go

Thanks as always.
A cat of mine tried to get under my bed to sleep for a time. I didn't let her, or else she would do that every time she wants to sleep.

You need to press harder on the buttons, everyone knows that.

Whenever I get bad coughing fits, this is the only way I can get to sleep, makes it a bit easier to breathe.

100 paper cuttings, 100 rock-paper-scissors, 100 calendar makings, and 10km list of practical ways to use a plushie screwdriver.

A lot of building societies and credit unions use them here too.

What are the seven flavours?

A bud that sticks out gets hammered.
Thanks OP.

I once had an actual bottle of hot water. It cooled down.

>What are the seven flavours?
Chili pepper, sesame, sansho, nori, poppy, hemp, and citrus peel.


Is it tasty?

Another kind of pepper.

Mainly spicy, so if you like that kind of thing.

>Mainly spicy
Well, that's what spices are for, ne?

Bump ...

They're for any kind of flavor. I don't think sesame or poppy are spicy.

>I don't think sesame or poppy are spicy.
Well, I'd argue that neither sesame not poppy are spices.

Then what are they and what are the requirements for a spice?

>Then what are they
Plant seeds.

>what are the requirements for a spice?
Being spicy!

yea, it's Kate

I can't believe the butterbur bud is fucking dead

>A cat of mine tried to get under my bed to sleep for a time. I didn't let her, or else she would do that every time she wants to sleep.
mine only does it once in a while and I wish she did it more
but getting to move around while I sleep is pretty good too

That's just your Western bias speaking.

I can't believe an actual bottle of hot water is fucking dead

it's my heart speaking

>it's my heart speaking
Maybe you should see a doctor about that, user.

I told my doctor and she said "sou naan dess kerr".

Kate is not a licenced physician.


Much appreciated OP!

Kate is cute.

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>Kate is cute.
Don't you mean "caw-whey"?

Hurray for Kate!

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Don't die yet, thread!

Thank you, OP.

>tfw you've been round crazy for so long that you understand the crazies and become president of the crazies...

I get that cosy feeling when I'm in bed in the middle of winter and don't want to get out. Not so much now in summer...

I thought it was like sweet, sour, salty, etc, and wondered how you can get all of that in one bowl.

My cat is a hot water bottle to me, great in the winter, not in the summer.

Why are the girls in this manga so great? I can't decide on a best one.

because they don't force themselves onto you with any dumb, tropy gimmicks (at least not as far as I know)
also this
>I can't decide on a best one.

Don't question a good thing.

Well Kate is playing the stereotypical dumb foreigner, and coincidentally, she's the worse one so far.

shitto teisto

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I'll help, Sora is the best.

>quirkiness is the ability to deal with quirkiness
there's just no winning

More like the ability to understand quirkiness.

Nearly time...

Cats respond with their tails.

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猫かぶり: lit. cat head; Feigned innocence or naivete, beguiling innocence, wolf in sheep's clothing.

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That's all for today. Does cold medicine really expire?

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These girls are made of spaghetti.

They're made of Japanese pasta.


Poor-chan makes me worried sometimes.

>Cats respond with their tails.
Or with their claws.

Thanks as always, some medicine has an expiration date. I remember some flu medicine I took had an expiration date.
How do you pronounce Ndon?

Thanks user!

>Does cold medicine really expire?
Yes! Cold medicine expires, warm medicine doesn't. Always keep your medicine above room temperature!

I thought everything would last longer in the fridge!

>I thought everything would last longer in the fridge!
Things that don't last in the fridge:
Hot water bottles
Hamsters and other small animals

So larger animals are fine?

>So larger animals are fine?
Yes, provided you can fit them in.

It sucks being poor.

Thanks OP. All medicine expire, but for the most part it just makes the basic medicines like cold medicine less effective rather than poisonous or something. I still take cold medicines and throat lozenges months after the expiration date, it barely works but it's better than nothing.

If it didn't, people would just use the medicine they already have. Not much profit in that.

>people would just use the medicine they already have.
They still do. Most people really don't care much about expiration dates. See .

People do, monolithic health service providers do not.
And that;s where the real money is.

Thanks, user. Kamiya is so cute.

I often did that with my cat when he was a kitten. He's too big now and I'm afraid his claws might get in my eyes if he starts falling.

Wouldn't they use it fast enough to not need to worry about expiration?

>Wouldn't they use it fast enough to not need to worry about expiration?
Nah, they have lots of medication in storage (they have to). Way more than they could ever use.

I finished this just now. Thanks for the dump!
