Yea Forums sings - Untitled Teaser

Last thread died a little too early for my tastes. Here's a preview of the current listings, as well as how I've heard your voices over the last couple of threads. Also, a peek on what mixers are doing which. Full mixer roster reveal later. Ping Pong teaser either tonight or tomorrow.

Let's try this again

>Yea Forums sings GochiUsa

The list has been trimmed a little but new blood has taken its place. Vote for your favorite ones, and only suggest songs you believe Yea Forums would be totally down for.

Last thread, I saw anons requesting some old goodies like
Beck OP (Hit in the U.S.A)
Naruto OP4 (GO!!!)

We'll see if anons this thread gives a fuck. But remember I'm trying to cut down to our mixer team's size. So I have to make cuts eventually.

Yea Forumsrufag, a separate mixer from us, is doing Aru's character song from Hitori Bocchi.

Here is the pasta:
Hey Anons, reminder that we're singing Aru's song!
Song: (embed)
Send your participation at [email protected]
Deadline is the 1st of July so you have 2 weeks to contribute!
Don't lose, user! Shine, user!

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Other urls found in this thread:

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to the anons who will sing

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It's coming slowly, but I'm doing it.

voting for:
>catch you catch me
>more one night
>active heart
>futari no kimochi no honto no himitsu
>monster without a name
>ikenai borderline

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Suggesting Days of Dash and Orange

Keep at it, user.
Almost got that aru-mikan part down

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have anons lost their voice that they no longer want to sing?

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Holy fucking shit. A fucking singing contest?! From the likes of the fucking despondent celibates on the internet? This general wouldn't have stayed up within the first hour were the rules be imposed properly. Kill yourself, genuinely kill yourself, whoever organizes this, you fucking normalfag-enabling wastes of oxygen.

You, especially should've killed yourself, holy mother of embarrassment

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>posting heroaca unironically
You just outed yourself first, newfag. I don't even think you know what Yea Forums sings is.

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Go ahead, let me hear your faggot voice that you wanted to show off Yea Forums so much. Go on. Cringe my day.

Here you go summerfag.
You know, it doesn't take longer than a youtube search to know what Yea Forums sings is.
It's been around for years, probably older than you've been browsing Yea Forums. You should take another 2 more years before posting. Highly recommend it.

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Looking forward to all the must-dos!

Voting for
>Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko OP
>Girls' Last Tour OP
>Valkyrie Drive ED

Yuru Camp OP anyone?

Working on Ping Pong. I'd ask for another k/araoke session but it seems no one is on at this time.

give it to me and I may sing it as awfuly as I can
it's my first time doing this, p-please be gentle user-kun!

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I honestly though CCS was going to be the most voted for, but it is not even in the top 4.
I am kinda surprised.

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You set a bad example for us herofags, quit feeding the shitposters with your newfaggotry.

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Is there a discord for Yea Forums sings?

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were you expecting some cute girl? too bad, it's just me.
I never thought this would be so hard

I post a 24-hr link every time I start the thread. You can find said link hidden in one of my videos.
But not this time. Too lazy.

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Need more confidence in your voice. I see the care in there, but you're flat on a couple places. Great try though

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itsumo miteita. chikai you de tookute. itsu datte, todokanai...
dou shite?...

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Sure is summer in here

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>April is summer
>November is summer
>February is summer

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Oh fuck I’m gonna do all those reds and make perfect takes on Dragon Maid and Kekkai Sensen. Any updates on doing a collab with Yea Forums draws for the latter? Also come ooooooon witch activity, you can do it

I don't even know how to contact him.

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>Nobody ITT supporting Hit in the USA
I'm not mad. I'm just disappointed.

>Naruto OP4 (GO!!!)

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Voting for:
Ikenai borderline and last theater, I'm guessing we don't need to vote for the red ones anymore?

pretty much

I do. As mentioned in the previous thread, I'd also like to play an instrument like we did for Fuwa Fuwa Time because it's relevant to the show, so it'd be nice if we have other instrumentfags too.

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Witch Activity, Catch You Catch Me, Maware, and Hit in the USA. Get em done. Drop Dragon Maid OP, it's fucking shit after the first ~15 seconds.

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G'night user~

So one of my mixers, new blood, I am prepping to join us for the big project. I had him try out mixing Yea Forums sings Bunny Girl for a try.
Thoughts? Ways he could improve? Is he better than me?
Here are the originals for reference

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That's not oniisama

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post your top 3 Yea Forums sings done so far, mine
1. Cruel Angel Thesis
2. Cagayake girls (>wwwwwwasshhhooiii)
3. AnoHana equaly good as Nichijou opening

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please leave.

You don't like the Clannad one?

1. This game
2. Kimi no shiranai monogatari
3. Zankoku na tenshi no thesis

Would anyone be interested in Kiss of Death - Darling in the franxx?

That, along with Kimi no Sei would be great for future projects

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Adrenaline!!! is probably the best one in terms of best mixing and best actual singers

Great job, user!

God knows. My falsetto scream was picked near the end, lucky the mixer mashed everyone together before the final chorus, else things would be super autistic with my sustained screaming

Clannad one was the best thing this shit of a website ever produced.

sxarp no

I ruined Sparkle from Kimi no Nawa for all of you, how bad is it Yea Forums?

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Bedford was doing so much to brush all the vocals, that's why he's a person to look up to doing these, if he made anons doing autistic noises sing he'd manage to make some pop shit sound good.
Clannad is by all means a masterpiece, but Cruel Angel Thesis and Cagayake Girls got a sentimental value of discovering this whole fun people had doing more like it, Cagayake Girls made me discover theFuruGuy, who basically inspired myself to make covers and remixes
and AnoHana made me sadder than moot leaving us, because I actually cared more for someone who did something for Yea Forums, unlike >who, doing all the n/a/ruto shit and more. Don't misunderstad, I don't hate that turbo faggot moot, but sometimes he was too anal.
spoilers for less related blogshit etc.

learn the lyrics, otherwise it's really good!
The guitar sounds good to a non-music person like me, and your voice is smooth as hell.

We should unironically do this, it's one of my favorite anime songs of all time

Holy shit, i just listened to us doing clannad and it's fucking beautiful. 2012 was far behind my Yea Forums days


I really wanted to do Carnival Phantasm's OP with Yea Forums but I missed out on it because I was hypnotized discovering 2hu games then, I know Yea Forums's general opinion about isekai but how about Isekai Quartet OP? , for me at least it has the same mood around it as >KIMI TOOOO

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Gotta sleep now anons, g'night


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With Kouran and Maware a must do, will vote for
>Ikenai Borderline

Does anyone have our hitorigoto cover? the youtube video got taken down

Where is my Shiny Days on that list?

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>the track information

The bass has gone to shit but it's not too bad.
>Catholic polka pop

It's good enough, not much you can do with shitty audio like ours.

>Ways he could improve?

>Is he better than me?
In my opinion, no.

Whoops, must've taken it out during the purge. I'll put it back on

Needs better timing, kei seems to have it down well so she can probably say how to get it timed right.Other than that it's fine for a new guy.

It's honestly about the same out of sync ass mix

Was looking for Shiny Days too. Also:
>More One Night
>Ikenai Borderline

These too, Shiny Days and Ikenai Borderline got replies in the previous thread so I expected to see them in the list.

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>Naruto OP4 (GO!!!)
oh shit didn't see this one nominated, would be all in for this it's the anthem for cons in asia

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voting theme
The list has been updated (slightly).

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So how are 2 mixers going to do Last Parade?

remember her Yea Forums? I'm still mad

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Two ways they can go at it:
>Mixer A (lead) and B (assistant) work on Song X
>Mixer B does the noise reduction and silencing, syncing everyone to the original vocals as a point of reference
>Mixer A does the main mixing and direction, inputting everyone's vocals into Song X the best w/a/y possible
>Mixer A does 2-3 songs, Mixer B decides to help with the third song
>Mixer A works on Songs X and Y, while Mixer B does Song Z
Listen, nigga. I will put you in a fucking hearse for making me remember True fucking Tears.
I hate that shit so much. One of the first times in anime I realized I can actually hate an anime after being 10/13 episodes in.
You have a wonderful voice, though. Thank you for sharing.

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according to keikaku,
it also was my first time I was actually mad because of a hyperfaggot MC, looked for a companion

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this was me being me again and misquoting a post
as for The list is godtier so far, 7DS ending and TWGOK op1 are ones I look forward to most. Can't wait to die on part with x10
>God only knows [..]

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