Don't browse Yea Forums for a few years

>don't browse Yea Forums for a few years
>come back
>the exact same dozen or so threads

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Misato a shit

Welcome back

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Reminder that Madoka surpassed Eva a long time ago.

I wish this was true

You wish that one in five threads were Umaru threads again?

There are more feet threads now tho, thats a net gain to me.

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How did you escape the first time?

Unrelated question, what are you sexual fetishes?


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I feel like 90% of the threads on the catalogue deserve to be deleted. These shit tier "funposting" template threads should be allowed, but then the board would be empty. Hmm...

>Oh boy, can't wait to catch up on all those K-on and Azumanga threads
>*checks catalog*

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I have yet to see an Accelspammer or Sakurafish thread since I came back, where are you looking?

I fucking wish.

>Leave Yea Forums 5 years ago because its the same shit over and over again
>Only browse Yea Forums
>Leave Yea Forums for Yea Forums after it became /pol/lite and smash general
>It's still the same

This is exactly what I wanted.

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Its interesting how this place manages to be mostly the same but worse at the same time

Never come back Yea Forumsermin

No sadpanda or you can't learn Japanese threads here either.

I don't wanna. I even don't have a wojack or dumb frog on my computer I swear.

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All moved to /jp/ in an attempt to butcher Yea Forums. Notice how Shounen threads are allowed now. Can't believe these faggot mods banned Sakurafish, what the fuck were they thinking?

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But buyfags threads are still allowed for some reason

Epic win

Not him, but for me, it's the McChicken.

For some weird reason /toy/ has a hate boner for statues so buyfag threads are /toy/ refugees. It's really dumb

I agree about moving the stuff to /jp/ because it was always blatantly off topic and Yea Forums has been a blue board for ages. Permabanning Sakurafish was mean, he was a nice guy even for a faggot spammer

What ever happened to r/a/dio?

>Dont browse /po/ for a coupe years
>come back
>the exact same thread still up

In just under a month, it'll have been 3 years.
Don't forget, you're here forever.

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Banned, just like every other piece of board culture.

I barely browse Yea Forums in 2019.
Maybe only for Fate threads., TF and Ikuhara. What a sad state.

>Fate threads
Which one? I doubt any of them are good at this point.

Most of the DJs you know and love are gone. One actually died.

still exists, bunch of people moved to meguca

There are a few more Dungeon Meshi threads now. Which is nice.

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No, fuck Umaru. Give me Chaika or give me death.

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Welcome Home

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If you stop using 4channel for more than a year then you're a newfriend again and can't complain.

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Yea Forums stopped working for me? just for like 15 - 20 minutes, please never leave Yea Forums, this is a special place even if chink moot is a faggot, even if it's the same seasonal anime shit, even if it's waifufagging, even if it's bait threads, I need you Yea Forumsutists or this place wouldn't be as special as it is

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Lore ones and anime. They're still sometimes appear here without too much shitposting.
>Case Files soon
>Babylon soon

Its better than what Yea Forums has become at least.