
Will they censor it?

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Shinji will be holding a goofy looking spring loaded hammer.

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God I hope not, they put effort into animating the jizz dripping down his fingers, they can't censor art.

How was he jerking off that he got it on that part of his hand?

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I'd be even more disturbed by that. Shit isn't normal. You'd expect a kid to fap when he sees tits.

>wouldn't hold her or return any physical feelings
>instead jacks off to her while she's comatose
I think that pissed Asuka off more than just being a creep, the fact that he's a coward. It's a very important scene, they better not censor it.

It was an extreme variant of the earlier situation of Shinji trying to kiss her when she is asleep, but being a total faggot when she is the one who offers to kiss him.

why was asuka such a cunt
why is shinji a huge faggot
why is rei perfect
these are the questions that nobody has been able to answer in over 20 years

You have autism.

We got the main character of Crybaby literally spraying the ceiling with his semen, with some of it landing on his face

So no, I don't think they will

He put his hand in front of his cock to catch it so it wouldn't shoot everywhere.

Asuka found her mother hanging from the ceiling of her hospital room.

Shinji was abandoned.

Rei is a living embodiment of purity and obedience. You could make her do anything and Gendo had undoubtedly reamed every hole in every spare body she had.

Based, I wish 4kids was still around

I never quite got this scene.
What exactly is on Shinji's hand? Breast milk?

He sneezed

Bird poop

I mean those are the three character qualities that drive the whole show
Shinji eventually accepts reality and stops running away by rejecting instrumentality
Asuka reaches out and gently strokes Shinji's cheek while he's strangling her, a very kind response to the situation she's in
Rei stops seeing herself as expendable thing and stands up for herself, cucking Gendo

He threw up after seeing Asuka's disgusting flat chest

I spilled the yogurt he was eating

Glue. He was trying to put Asuka back together again, but it was a messy task.

Of course not

White paint

This guy got it right

>Will they censor it?
i dont care, can i have Ultraman in 2D now ?

What a gentleman

Do you people seriously think that Netflix's release will bring some giant influx of new viewers? Because that's pretty retarded


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Depends on how much they advertise it I expect. If it's like front page and in your face, maybe. Anime is much more mainstream now than when this was first released. Not that it was super obscure of course, but it'll have a wider audience now

>that pic

formerly chucked

Who caught them and what happens?

This was out of character for Shinji. Same with Misato being flirty towards Shinji.

>Who caught them
>what happens
The Third Impact

when does their redub come out?

you fucked BAITED ME

We'll be fucking 70 and still talk about evangelion. By the time society collapses, a new type of religion will be spread among the masses by word and word will be made flesh and thus the Neon Genesis Evangelion Bible will be written.

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Imagine being the guy sculpting this statue and having to carve a 70 foot long dick and ball sack out of rock.

I suspect that particular statue probably had no genitals. But I dunno

You should work for Netflix unironically

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You'd be surprised by how many people only watch anime legally on paid sites like crunchyroll, for Eva to actually get licensed and be available in the West will get people watching

they were greeks, getting to sculpt the junk was the best part

>"H-hey, don't get the wrong idea! We weren't sleeping together, I would never with this baka! We were - he was hungry! Like the big baby he is, and tried to breastfeed off of me! That is all!"

Censor it where, exactly?
Is there something new coming I don't know about?

everyone is (rightfully) worried that netflix will cut shit out of it and change the dialogue to fit their blatant leftist narrative.

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No one caught them. They're both just that terrified of intimacy.

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>worried that netflix will cut shit out of it and change the dialogue to fit their blatant leftist narrative
Can't you just literally watch it somewhere else if that's the case?

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No, this scene won't exist.


She'd probably tear them apart and give them a big L about how they 'need to put the happiness of the human race before their own' and how 'it's reckless to be doing this sort of thing because she might get pregnant'. Like the hypocrite she is.

Do not reply to the mentally ill posters.

>imagining a corporation has any sort of narrative and doesn't simply air whatever is required to cater to its audience for more revenue

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Altered carbon has a fight scene where the Asian chick fights bare ass naked, with her ass and breasts and vagina on full display for everyone to see. Compared to that. Eva with the cumshot seems tame.

Ok...well i'm not sure whose lying and who isn't but personally, I would've jerked off. I mean, she's lying there naked so why not right? haha

It's popular to cater to leftisit since they don't have the self-awareness and intelligence to use ad-blockers.Why else would corporations cater to anyone with well made products, when they can just serve ads to idiots?

Yeah but she's not 14, and is consenting to baring herself.

havent watched many animes yet because they're just cringe lmao but I watched like one or two episodes of this on netflix and it was kinda lit desu
The only thing that bothers me about it rn is how sexist it is. literally makes me cringe and shut my eyes sometimes. like HELLO?! I get that it was made in like the 80s or something
but like WTF..... They literally show the main character who is like a !!!!!14!!!!!! yo KID literally NAKED even though he CLEARY didn't seem comfortable with it... LIKE WHAT THE F*** man what a MESSED UP world this was back then tbhqhwy... Also the MC is kinda cute and seems to have daddy issues....I already like where this is going desu!! UwU we love a gay boy!! shinyi FTW. Go get em boy!!! BTW you guys, if you can watch the series on netflix, it's called neon gensis .. something something; can't remember the name right now but you'll see it on the front page of netflix anyway, they are going CRAZY with the advertisement on this one lol. And yeah like don't expect TOO much, it's not like Stranger Things or anything but it's OK-ish. Like a 5 or something but definitely worthwhile if you're bored or want to fall asleep... kinda like background noise with occasional cringe lmao. Also they fight in like some purple robots LMAOO, literally screaming rn shits too funny hahahaha. What kinda people made this??? its like a literal meme series now that I think about it lmao... Well anyway, for now I just hope it doesn't get any more sexist than this haha..

If it was Kaji, Asuka would probably go ballistic in anger and shame

People who would write something with that content don't write in this style.

You realize the Berserk Golden Age films are on Netflix in all its uncensored glory. Also Devilman Crybaby had full on nudity, gore and profanity.

Imagine being this fucking paranoid and delusional.

The only reason I would think it could be different in this case is that the cast is 13/14 years old but I still don't think they would censor it. Also full on direct nudity and gore seems to be more accepted than 'creep' stuff like fapping to comatose girls


do you live under a rock?

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Did Shinji not know there is a camera in Room 303? They were monitoring Asuka the whole time since they brought her in. He fapped to her on camera to all of NERV.

I wonder if they will use the "I'm so fucked up" subtitles

cum its not that white

why did he shake her so much anyway? the fuck is wrong with him? she's catatonic in bed and he mimics a fucking magnitude 7 earthquake by shaking her bed so much

In my day we just slapped women to their senses. Then they'd either died in childbirth, or make us a sandwich. Also I think it says something about the staff that they just let Shinji do this. As we had seen when Shinji was in the hospital, there is a camera in the room. I guess hospitals have the same rules as a soapland, so long as you don't insert it's okay.

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They will replace the semen with tears.

What if they changed so Shinji instead of masturbating actually raped Asuka.

>They will replace the semen with tears.
Replace the line with
>I'm so choked up

can you give me a rundown on this scene? i speedwatched evangelion

So are shinji and Asuka going to repopulate the earth at the end?

Yeah, I can definitely see her doing that. Never mind the fact that they could die at any time.

It's implied that others will come back as well. However it's unknown how long they were both actually in the LCL. It may have been hours, or it may have been thousands of years.

based and redpilled

I hope not. This is how I explained what masturbation is.

Is EoE even coming to Netflix or just NGE? I've seen sub multiple times, dub once (it was bad) and wouldn't mind seeing an improved dub

NERV are retards at monitoring.
Section 2 couldn't find Asuka for a week, and in general they seem pretty bad at being around such as during the blackout.
And when Shinji went hiding after jacking off to Asuka, it took them a moment to get the Magi to locate where he was in their own damn HQ.

tip top kek

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And others could have come back already. People aren't all going to come back on the same beach.

Netflix doesn't censor anime, do they?


Misato is sometimes a hypocrite, but i strongly doubt she would be THAT hypocrite, specially when she is putting her own moves on shinji
At most she would say the part of "Dont get her pregnant because you still need to save the world. Here are some condoms"

Well, Shinji spent weeks alone before Asuka showed up. Safe to say nobody else spawned at the beach or within a radius of at least 10 miles or so

I assume that Shinji was the linchpin and nobody could comeback before he ended instrumentality, but yeah there is LCL everywhere; so people could form from any pool.

okay, another stupid question, but I just finished a rewatch recently and i'm dumb

why was shinji mad at asuka and strangling her?

If a Netflix series can have a season finale where a high school boy gets raped up the ass with a mop by other high school boys, this can be on the platform uncensored too

There's a few different theories. One is that he was checking to see if he was still in the dream/instrumentality world or the real world and he was choking Asuka as a check. I don't buy it. Another theory is that when he was so pissed at Asuka for rejecting him, he was picking up where he left off before instrumentality was kicked off where he was strangling Asuka in the kitchen in his dream. And yet another theory is that Shinji was putting her out of her misery so Asuka didn't have to live in the post third impact world.

lol no

I like the second theory as its in line with his sexual frustration, but the third theory hold weight as well.
thanks for the quick rundown

My theory is that they were laying there a while waiting for someone else to come back, so they had anyone else to talk to rather than have to go talk to each other alone through the "mine field" left by their last few interactions.
No one came back, they start to lose it, go into the "thousand-yard stare mode" we see them in, and Shinji starts choking her in madness until Asuka's gesture of affection snaps him out of it.

Episode where Shinji is absorbed into unit 01 we learn the concept of representation of others within our mind and their true representation. This comes up again in the final episode ie "this is the Asuka, Rei, Misato that exists in Shinji's mind etc. In the episode where Shinji is trapped inside of the Eva he's hearing from representations of others that exist from within his own mind. The Rei which he talks to on the train however is actually his mother as she is trapped inside of the eva unit, making her and the Shinji within his mind the only true representations. The idea is that how you view others isn't necessarily how they really are.

Skip ahead to EOE and we have Shinji once again on the train however he's talking to the real Asuka, Misato, and Rei rather than the ones in his mind. His belief is that they hate him and he deserved to be hated and punished. Instead they tell him that they're actually nice to him. He then has a sperg moment and calls them liars. Then he escapes to his mind where the Asuka that exists in his mind is. This Asuka behaves how he believes the real Asuka would behave towards him. Him asking for help from her results in her lashing out at him. Asuka is also symbolic of the harshness of reality based and red pilled vs fantasy blue pilled Rei. Shinji choking her is symbolic of a rejection of the reality of his situation as well as playing out a fantasy, like when you recount a story and say something that you were thinking rather than said. From there we cut into Shinji in a room of women telling him off and he is happy. He is happy because he believes this is what he deserves, in his mind he's a horrible person and people hating him is an emotion he can understand. As the last insult fades so do the representations of others within his mind as he is hive minded into the LCL, and now all minds are one. There is no longer an Asuka that exists in Shinji's mind as now all representations are one in the same.

When he's back on land eventually he chokes the real asuka thinking that he's still in his mind. However this Asuka doesn't react how he believed Asuka would react. She didn't hit and berate him. She just gently touched his face.

>thinking that he's still in his mind
Why would he think that when he just had a sobering conversation with Rei and Yui about ending instrumentality and returning to Earth?

Did they censored this in Devilman Crybaby?
Did they censored Satan's dick? Did they censor the rape?

Dont be silly user, Evangelion won't be censored, normalfags and the Netflix audience love their hardcore violence and sex

>Also full on direct nudity and gore seems to be more accepted than 'creep' stuff like fapping to comatose girls

Ok... you have a point there

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Personally I think it could be that he's ashamed of what he did and panicked
Since Asuka also says her "I'm sick" line and they just got out of the instrumentality I assumed both of them were thinking the same thing


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I like the second theory, where he is still trying to finish what he started at the very early moments of instrumentality, but then realized what he was doing when she caressed his face.
Also this song supports said theory

Why do people sometimes pinch themselves to see if they're still dreaming? He just spent possibly hundreds or thousands of years living out a life of universes he constructed himself. Everyone acted according to "his script". Someone doing something that he wouldn't have expected them to do is probably the best way for him to realize that his isn't just another world of his own construct.

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WAAAY too convoluted for my taste. I consider that both Asuka in the train and in the kitchen were the real asuka. She says she USED to be nice to him in the train, but in the kitchen she acknowledges that he is being selfish, thats why she wont give him another chance.
This makes him extremely pissed and he chokes her and trigger instrumentality.
Then skip forward to the beach scene, he tries to finish it until she touches him.

Dude when the fuck has that ever happened on Netflix

Only just finished EoE, but I read this scene as Shinji and Asuka's true enlightenment, to put the lessons learned in the LCL pool into practice (in brief, to accept one's sense of self and the agency you have in your life; and that human interaction always involves some amount of pain you must be able to power through) in the most difficult situation possible. Were they left on the beach with ANYONE else it would be relatively easy to start over and forge bonds in a healthier way, but as far as they knew they were both left alone on the planet with the ONE person who could still cause immense emotional pain thanks to the Hedgehog's Dilemma. Shinji being Shinji cracks first, but Asuka finally understands the pain she causes him and shows kindness - think of the face caress as a nonverbal apology.

Under this reading Ghost Rei isn't watching for people dying but for people who learn to accept their mistakes and flaws: its just that this kind of introspection tends to happen while they're dying.

The train one was the real asuka as in her mind she was being nice to him. The asuka in the kitchen was only a representation in his mind; of what he wanted to hear. He wanted to be told what a horrible person he is. He wanted Asuka to wake up and hit him, he tried telling Misato what a bad person he was so she'd scold him or abandon and leave him for dead. In the final episode he's even holding a script with directors notes, from another "possible" reality that he had created. Everyone then explains to him that reality is what he chooses it to be, but Shinji realizes that he can't find true happiness in a reality like that. In EOE he has a moment with Rei when she is asking why he keeps running away from these realities; and he even tried to create one where he didn't exist. All of them he felt lonely because he couldn't accept the reality. There is also a possibility that Rei that he had seen at the start of episode 1 that vanished signified that, that world itself could have also have been a reality constructed by Shinji, and that each world he creates ends in some form of instrumentality as he rejects it, and seemingly can only end when he rejects them and returns to the safety of the LCL. It's very well possible that Shinji had been in a cycle of "death and rebirth" for thousands if not millions of years. It would also explain why he is choking Asuka as right before he had seen a vision of Rei vanish which had been an indicator of a fabricated universe; leaving Shinji to decide what he will accept as reality.

Look at this cumlet

You're not one of those fucking early hentai goblins that enjoyed yellow cum are you? What the fuck was up with early Hentai and Doujins, and them describing cum as yellow? Do nips eat some weird shit that makes this normal for them?

I watched this on a blurry fansubbed MPEG where it was impossible to see anything on his hand at all
I start collecting social security next year

How long will Asuka hold this event over Shinji's head?
Or will it be more of a "We were both in a bad place at the time, let us never speak of it again" kind of thing?

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Shinji is a seething beta male who acts nice around women but actually resents and hates them for always choosing a stronger, more confident, more interesting man instead of him. When he wakes up on the beach with Asuka he realizes he finally has a chance to take out his years of pent up aggression on one of them.

Considering in instrumentality Asuka said she didn't care and kinda expected that behavior from Shinji, probably not very long.

What show is that?

What said.

She literally didn't care and still just wanted Shinji all to herself.

it'll be her 'losing a heated argument but despite herself can't just admit defeat or compromise' nuclear option, ensuring that they both feel like shit for the day

What's the best lawnmower 2 stroke or electric?

13 Reasons Why. I haven't actually watched it, just remembered that scene being buzzed about

This guy knows women.

My dad still ribs my mom about some crappy shoes she bought 30 years ago. I mean it's all just bants at this point but still. You use shit like this for ammo for life

was she aware he did it?
this. he will never hear the end of it.

Of course they won’t, retard.

>It's implied that others will come back as well
I thought they were given the choice to come back. Like I don't see Gendo, misato, or steele coming back for example.

Unironically true.
>tfw I've seen even tumblr fujos admit he's a bitter misogynist and only loves Kaworu more than Asuka because he has more respect for someone without a pussy