>mfw summer 2019
This will be a backlog season won't it?
Mfw summer 2019
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Not for me, it actually has more shows that interest me than this season
Got a chart?
Yep, not a single show I'm interested in is airing. As if that wasn't enough there apparently are literally zero originals, which means there won't even be any interesting speculation threads.
Original anime sucks anyway. You should try reading LNs, that is if you can read in the first place.
The only anime I will watch is the "do you even lift bro?" one since I like the manga.
Literally everything else is isekai trash holy shit
>zero originals
>Literally everything else is isekai trash
Only 4 out of 30+ series are isekai
RIP. Sucks to be you.
This whole year is a backlog season
>Arifureta Shokugyou
>Isekai Cheat Magician
>mom isekai
>Maou-sama Retry
>Naka no Hito Genome
That's five.
Post the damn chart already no one gives a shit what Yea Forums thinks
I'm in a constant state of backlog season.
Can't stand having to wait a week for every new episode with nothing inbetween.
But this season is looking really shitty with Vinland being the possible exception.
I'd like to see a chart. I've already used this season as a backlog season so it could be shaping up to be a backlog year.
>all these anons asking for a chart
Google nigga google
How about I Google your ass instead buddy?
As long as that keeps you from trying to be spoonfed ITT, knock yourself out.
So the same as the most recent 6 seasons then? Television anime has been taking a nosedive since 2017 ended. I've ran out of shit to watch and started rewatching movies out of boredom.
This was the backlog season.
I finished my anime backlog last year. I'm barely watching anything this season, and next season looks pretty anemic. Guess I'll just focus on other backlogs and peace out for the next few months.
>He hasn't seen Fall season
Oh boy you're in for a surprise.
All I need really, HSG S2 is a nice touch.
>finishing your backlog
>mom isekai
>Takagi S2
>Tejina-senpai (wow, already?)
I'll be watching these. Could be better, could be worse.
It's easy if you stop watching stuff that bores you.
I'm also pretty picky in general anyway, I can just redflag shit at a glance in a seasonal chart.
Danberu is going to be good.
This will be 3 backlog season in a row.
2019 has had a couple of great shows but the rest has been complete shit, only picked up 4 shows this season.
Mostly worthless. Maybe with picking up three or four new series by the looks of it.
why aren't you going to watch symphogear
Because OP is a casual pleb who only watches anime if they're produced by Kyoani or Trigger and then complains that all anime is shit.
It's basically kadokawa season, isn't it?
Just look who fund all those shows.
Looks much better than summer.
I looked into a Symphogear thread yesterday and almost all of it was people talking about how terrible the writing is.
So which ones are worth watching Yea Forums?
I'm gonna be watching Danberu, Tejina-senpai and Case Files. Might give that mom isekai shit one or two episodes to see what the fuss is about.
>Dr. Stone
>Fire Force
>Vinland Saga
>/fit/ girls doing /fit/ things
>JK no Mudazaki
that's what I'm interested in, not sure how much will stick past the first few episodes
>You're a casual for not watching the mountains of Isekai and romcom trash we get each season
This season is irredeemable, but next season is going to be great. 2019 isn't a bad year for anime overall. I swear to fuck, the entire industry has a worse case of Zelda cycle syndrome than the Zelda franchise.
>there apparently are literally zero originals
>trashbag goddess and her fuccboi part 2
>promare rip-off
>okada show about horny HS girls
>420 sensei
>cunny craft
>MOMMY isekai
>vocaloid sensei and other weird girls
>magic hotaru
>SOUTHS GONNA RISE AGAIN fantasy edition
>Vicky anime edition
looks like a fun season, unlike this shitheap right now and autumn of s2
After 2 seasons without a Kirara adaptation I hope that alone will make it worthwhile.
Hopefully most of the 7 shows I'm planning on watching are alright.
I'll only see the loli book isekai
>not fall or winter
magireco when?
Lord El-Melloi II Case Files is the only thing I'm somewhat interested in, but I just learned it's related to Fate, anyone who's familiar with the novels know if I have to understand Fate in order to watch it?
Which one is that?
Yeah, it looks mostly uninteresting
Takagi, El-Melloi, Vinland, Okaasan and that's pretty much it. Maybe Cop Craft but I don't think they'll do Murata's art justice
You need to have some knowledge of the lore, otherwise it won't make sense
You don't have to watch anime if you don't like it. You can even leave this board if you don't watch anything.
You'd only really have to watch Zero. The main character is from there.
Time to drop anime for good and do something useful.
>look everyone, I figured out how to read
I bet you haven't even read the bible yet, you drooling illiterate.
Yeah pretty much. Maybe i check out what Dr.Stone if it is any good.
Jesus christ. Anime can't get any worse than this.
>Mom isekai
cute mom
>Isekai cheat
cute ponytail imouto
first dungeon and Yue
self explanatory
>Case notes
Reines and waver bully
>hentai demo
doggy senpai a hot
More than I thought and more than I'd like.
There's a lot of good anime films coming out this Summer at least. Really excited for Children of the Sea and hoping Promare leaks.