if your waifu is posted you go and be productive
If your waifu is posted you go and be productive
Other urls found in this thread:
What did he mean by 'being productive'?
not a single one of you will ever post mine
Give us a hint, then.
She's not technically from an anime, but she's still anime style.
She'll never get posted
Now, Kurisufags, off to work
jokes on you I dont have one
>go and be productive
avatar character
ill try
Nope. She was still created in japan.
live-action cutie-patutie Alita
Nope. Nothing live action either.
Video game?
Soulsborne waifu
Neither of these.
A shooter?
>a flower
Nope, that's an asshole
That takes out the most likely option. Well, have a fun day doing nothing user.
>if your waifu is posted you go and be productive
My waifu is never posted in this kind of thread. And because I'll actually have to be productive later on (and can't do any of that work right now), I won't tell you who she is either.
fuck, still not going to be productive tho
I'm actually going to do some work today, so it wouldn't matter either way.
I've done enough for the day. It's someone elses turn to be productive.
fuck, you got me there.
I will be very surprised if I see mine posted here.
Rare waifu coming through
you got me
OP posted my wifu, its not fair
get some friends.
Currently on lunch break so I'm already being productive unlike you neets.
These threads never work on me because nobody ever posts older women.
You bastard.
that's because Yea Forums is infested with pedophiles
I was just about to play video games, too
Productivity just increased 250%
Don’t cry my dear, I’m already getting dressed to go to work.
>no one posted Aqua yet and tomorrow I have a big exam
No. Fuck you I don't want to be productive I want to decay in my room like I have been for a year. Is that so bad?
You'll never get her anyways.
thanks user, you got me
I doubt thats anyones wife, she pleases old black men for pleasure
Fuck. Time to draw then
Please go study desu
So why isn't she pleasing me right now then?
close but no cigar
Lunch time's done. Back to work.
Rin is a high class prostitute, you couldn’t afford her in a lifetime worth of savings
I am at work, already being productive for Asuka.
Which means I get to be lazy since my butterfly waifu is rarely posted.
I'm already at work tho
Fuck you, i was about to go to sleep.
Might as well go do some push ups or something.
Damn, I'm out so quickly
>Katawa Shoujo General #3662
Get the fuck outta here
I'm taking a bit of a gamble on this one
got me
disgusting thot
ya got me
is fapping productive?
Dumb off-model fuboobs poster, that isn't how chests work
Feels good to be a lazy fuck today
no. it's counterproductive. go get pussy.
Does this kinda count?
No one can post my waifu because I'm the only one who draws her and no one else knows she exists.
Half the website is gone after this.
no u
Why would I want to be productive?
Literally who?
>half of the website
Cute, but my waifu is more on the darker side colorwise.
>they lost count and started over
welp, guess im skipping class today too
What's the superior style?
Pls love Saori
Damn, I want to hatefuck Nino.
>cheating on you're waifu with 3d
Well guess I'll get to work on that cover letter then. Probably for the better anyway
On lunch break at my factory job. Kys
post yfw nobody's going to post your waifu
Why does Hiro look white in this pic?
She barely even shows up in the shotguns where other girls from her franchise are a staple
Surprised no one posted my cute red headed genius.
Please no one post her, it is my day off
That’s a boy tho
Get to work fellow Saberbros. Never tire for the King.
I can spot you monikafriends from a mile away
Not monika either. Also, rinfags have to get to work now.
My waifu has fallen off the radar too much to get posted by someone who isn't me.
>created in japan
I know the feeling.
>still not posted
feels good
>/ddlc/ - Doki Doki Literature Club! #1224
>my waifu
ps: Kukuru is not my waifu
Seeing as no one gonna post her
ddlc was released in japan first, newfag
>tfw same boat but Waifu is French
You wish you could match that dedication
please post mine
hints: short hair, tomboyish, strong sense of justice
many people on Yea Forums hate her ;_;
ill do it my self
You're right, best elf is best
not him but
>ddlc was released in japan first
is this bait?
The game's only like 2 years old
>when you’re safe cause your waifu isn’t Yea Forums
Time to take out 6 of you fucks
N-no user, if it was from that definitely-not-porn it would be the bdsm catboy
No, I don't. that general manages to be one of the saddest places I've visited in the last few years.
>tfw ddlc is 8 years old next month
Time flies, user
I wonder if I sink a battleship
Same but she used to
This one's for the insane people out there.
Got me.
If you want to see sad go visit a fate thread, where the franchise was murdered by south east asian gacha devs
Nisekoi fags go home
>is this bait?
Isn't it obvious enough?
its a miracle nobody posted my waifu.
I'd rather have my waifu be forgotten by the masses than constantly used to shitpost, so we'll always have that.
Who's this racky thot?
I want you to know I was already being productive. We Holobros are an industrious people.
bedtime, boomers.
She is a good girl, but damn she is a massive slut.
>black waifu
Posting Mai Waifu, just finished another fanfic chapter so already ahead of the game.
This. My waifu has been used exclusively for shitposting for far too long and being increasingly forgotten means that it can finally end.
She is no slut. She is a victim of circumstances.
go defend the fatherland
>go and be productive
Implying we know how to do that
Bye bye, Hayasakafags
damn nice tats. My waifu has almost the same size, but she'll never be posted in here.
Oh, you’re THAT guy, don’t @ me again /r/eddit
>THAT guy
>go and be productive
Go fucking kill yourself normalfag.
Who would waifu the worst gi-
>no one posted my precious gutterflower
i already worked out today anyway
>i'm literally her only boyfriend
>tfw no one will post your waifu
yeah, nobody post qt's from any of the mobile suit series, so I feel pretty safe.
Also Lalatina-fags get out.
What does it mean "be productive"?
>yfw nobody's going to post your waifu
I don't know, sounds like some of that stupid shit mothers say to annoy their children. I bet next he'll go "You're 58 years old, get a job already!"
>a year
newfags really are cancer
There is at least one of you that waifu'd hanekawa.
user I've been here since like 2008.
Nobody will post the crazy lesbian.
stop larping newfag, no one cares
I've already been productive today, and it's probably the closest thing that I have.
Now back to work.
Alright I guess. I just wanted to clarify because I didn't see the connection between my NEET life and my length of time on Yea Forums.
So you're one of those Fox News and Chanology newfags. Stop ruining the board culture with your newfag shit. Go back to Gaia.
why is the loli pushing on the other loli's bladder?
She's preparing to pour hot magic essence into the loli. It's complicated. Loli science stuff.
Do either of these even still exist anymore?
wait fuck if i post my own am i forced to be productive now shit
Please post her
>nobody has picked Tomoyo
On one hand I'm glad I get to post her
But also sad I'm the only one who appreciates her
Also fuck all of you. If I'm going down, I'm taking at least some of you with me.
How do you even keep all these cartoon characters apart? They all look the same. Like Asians.
By not being retarded.
Fuck, back to work for this wagie
>a year
>NEET life
please kill yourself normalfag. You dont know what pain or suffering is kid stop blogging about how youve been in your bedroom for a WHOLE year
One down. Good.
I have a personal booru.
You faggots will never post her
Is that Tanya?
You're acting like I said I was consistently non-NEET before my current situation. I never even said anything about pain or suffering, you're filling in details on your own so you have an excuse to not like me.
>Fuck you I don't want to be productive I want to decay in my room like I have been for a year
its pretty easy to infer that you are trying to come off as depressed with the way you wrote this with the word 'decay'. Also you don't know anything about being NEET sitting in your bedroom for a WHOLE year
I'll just let you that that as a lvl 38 NEET and convicted child sex offender with a gold account I look down on you. Newfag.
Not him, but I think I have a pretty good idea. It's more of the same.
>tfw no one will post my waifu since she's a vidya character
I'll give you a hint:
She's from a Yoko Taro game, but not the game you're probably thinking of
I said decay because I thought it was funny. Why would I want to sound depressed in a waifu thread? And again you're assuming I was consistently non-NEET before this when I just took a forced hiatus.
Then don't be productive. As if I give a fuck.
I'm already at work and have been doing nothing for the past 7 hours.
how much longer are you going to try and justify yourself on an anonymous board? You make me sick faggot. Go back to blogging about how you've been in your bedroom for a WHOLE year
And last but not least, Pitoufag.
I know that you're here.
Go do something useful for a change.
What do you mean justify myself, I'm just replying.
Why is everything I say some kind of an argument to you?
Go do something other than crying about TsukiRe, Arcfags
disgusting dumblr art
based and 3dpd cunny and/or smolpp-pilled
>Most of Yea Forums is too new to even know who she is.
No you can't make me!
im the only one who loves her so anyone who posts it would literally have to be targeting me specifically.
No. Kendo is best girl, deserves more screentime, and I'd like to see a spinoff starring her.
Good thing I was already being productive today. She'd be proud of us. Good job, user.
Because you fags won't post her I'll just drop the nuke
Street Fighter girl? Fighting game girl in general?
i would die if i saw my waifu in a pose like this
Nope, she's not from a fighting game.
Nukes don't count
still missed me retard
No one's ever going to put my waifu in one of those dumb compilations, she's too disjointed.
>waifu fucking mom was posted but not her
Sorry Yuuanon
step on me Rin!
you missed me faggot
>scan entire thread
>still don't see my waifu
>almost 300 posts
No one ever posts my waifu ;_;
But user, she was already posted And I don't have any to do right now unless I want to make dinner, but I'm not hungry just yet.
Also fuck you and this show
Hey at least we get to do nothing
Us Kurisufags are at work silly. I'm about to get out of this ten hour shift and hit up some doctor pepper.
goodbye pinkshits
Sakura was great, fuck you
Anons please, noone could actually have taste THIS bad, right?
Don't worry loyal tomofag
Many of us share your sympathies
And I'm back from my second shift, unfortunately no Dr pepper in my local store...
I am suiciding, i have been too lazy the whole day.
Damn, got me
Nooo, I was breezing through the thread.
Getting a good sleep after work is productive right? If so hurry the fuck up and post her
C'mon Yea Forums, I start finals tomorrow and I really need to get to it right now
based kendobro
Go do some cardio, it's what she would want you to do.
My waifu is on this chart, but I don't think that counts.
It counts. Too bad my waifu isn't on any of those large charts.
It still hurts
Writing fan fiction isn't being productive though.
How isn't it?
Christ I was glad nobody was getting her before but now I'm starting to be sad, I didn't realize she was this unpopular.
It's hobby stuff. You aren't paid for it, you don't need to do it in order to get by and it doesn't improve your position in life.
Not saying don't do it if that's what you enjoy, but it's not really productive.
I know there's EXACTLY one of you
>You aren't paid for it
you would be surprised what people are willing to pay for. Either way I'm not him but I'd say a hobby like that can be considered productive.
Don't listen to that faggot.
Literally doing anything that will give you a sense of accomplishment is "productive".
Not best girl but coffee 100x better than candy
This. Most anime are adaptions of glorified fanfics. Modern isekai for example is literally "My MMORPG Fanfic - The Anime"
Doing my Anki reps for waifu
So finishing a show or vidya in my backlog is productive?
>Literally doing anything that will give you a sense of accomplishment
it's been so long I've forgotten what that feels like.
So you're the only other user on 4channel who's Devola or Popola?
Tfw if it was 2012 I woulda been got and she’s still a Waifu from one of the shittiest threads on /vg/
This is now a Fremy thread.
Try doing something productive.
The only good part of a boring-ass series.
>i know i gotcha you anone
Somebody post Eris from Asobi ni Ikuyo so I can get to drawing already..
I question your taste in general and your intellectual capabilities in particular.
cute bubble
Eris a shit.
but my waifu hasn't been posted and my brain doesn't want me to.
That's pure consumption. The sense of accomplishment it delivers is false and hollow. Just like levelling up in a children's game. No value, only depression. Do something productive instead.
I feel productive after it.
Got me
Is she from a bullet hell game?
>I didn't realize she was this unpopular.
You do realize that people in here just post the most obvious meme girls in anime, right? Basically "entry level waifu". Not that anything's wrong about having such a waifu, but to be posted in here, she'd either have to be among the (at most 250) most chosen girls from the most accessible anime out there.
Or someone has to target you in particular, I guess.
well, okay then
>Your waifu will probably never be posted
Not sure how to feel about that
you got me with Kallen
"Productive" comes from "product" or "produce". Watching anime doesn't produce anything, writing fanfic does.
a swing and a miss
>waifu never gets mentioned in any of these threads
>not even in the nuke images
Nobody will ever guess her unless I give a hint. Then everybody will be able to guess who it is.
Also Jerry you seasonal casualfag. I know you're lurking here you piece of shit. Get off your fat NEET ass and do something with your life.