What went wrong with Shingeki no Kyojin

What went wrong with Shingeki no Kyojin

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your mom

They killed my boy Bert

The creator.

The story started out promising, but after a bit, most of the intrigue was wrapped up like afterthoughts, and then shoved aside for more action.
That'd be okqy, if the manga art and general character designs weren't so amateurish.
SnK owes moat of its fame to the animation team massively streamlining the visuals and not being incompetent, but that still didn't save the frustrating and grating plot fron being the most disappointing shit you could start well.

glad i dropped this along time ago


they can go fuck themselves in the ass for all I care

>implying you'd have to point out something so extremly present throughout the story

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glad i dropped this along time ago

Searching for things to be offended about is literally Polygon's (and most western media's) MO. If you want to be offended by something, you WILL find something to be offended by.

nice samefagging
filthy tranny freak

Wtf i love Shingeki no Kyojin now


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I don't get it. Creators can't draw inspiration from historical event anymore?

Also why are they complaining about this only now? Fucking anime only should be the first to be gassed.

we had this same thread yesterday
go back to Yea Forums

is this the part of the thread when someone makes an anti/pol/ bait post and all the underage Yea Forums crossboarders reply to that bait

I always wonder what's going through the heads of people who make these posts.
>Hey, wouldn't it be EPIC to repost this screenshot from another site and pretend to be mad?

>fascist subtext
Oh, what gave it away? The segregation? The fucking armbands?
Fucking """""journalists"""""


uhhhh is it really subtext when the entire story kinda revolves around the unfair subjugation of bloodlines?

It's basically trolling, except you're using inflammatory clickbait journalists instead of your own material to try and rile people up.

>Attack on Titan
>Anime inspired on nazi germany so much the damn houses have the same arquitecture
>Also heavily centered around the horrors and dilemas of war
>People getting pissy about it, despite being a show that wants us to see how bad shit is.

People simply lost their hability to interpret shit. Goddamn.

I don't get how they see snk agreeing with fascism. It only goes so far as to say that even nazi kids were just unfortunate brainwashed human kids that wanted the best for their family.
Honestly, to me it seems to just show how ugly and pointles wars can get and that even most people fighting them are nothing but victims without justifying their actions.

I really like it.

Is this one of those polygon articles where it's clear the writer didn't watch the episode.

You mean all of them?

Stop giving this shit attention.

that's an odd way of spelling "what went right with Shigeki no Kyojin


hopefully one day someone makes an anime from the nazis perspective so all western s oysippers die of heart attacks

In that article the guy literally says that he never liked SNK on first place and he uses information that hasn't even been confirmed like Isamaya basing Pixis on a japanese WW2 war criminal

Every fucking time!

Everyone knows Isayama is an ultra-nationalist, it doesn't make his work any worse.

>redpilling Yea Forums
Epic win! keep going at it gamers!

>reading polygon articles
Bet the author is a speedreader

shingeKINO is a work of art that your average Polygon blogger can't wrap their head around. It's like uneducated plebs hating on modern art and calling it "degenerate", same thing really.

We were already redpilled on the (((eldian))) question ages ago though

really makes you think

Nothing. Actually it became better after the the basement reveal. Stop letting others force their misguided opinions on you and never read such bullshit articles.

wait franxx was right wing propaganda?

It is according to the writer of the article

Polygon can't stop the TITANCHADS

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>fascist this fascist that
You don’t even know what fascist even means.

also everything a creator writes is his exact voice, no matter how vile the character is


To them fascism means authoritarianism.

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