Is the moeblob genre declining?

Is the moeblob genre declining?

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God I hope it die soon.

No, it's just overshadowed by isekai.

Moeblob isekai when?

Endro comes close.

No, but it was pushed out of the center of attention - now isekai is all the rage.
Nevermind that it's the same shit with new packaging.

Native isekai

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I hope so.

Moe has been replaced by isekai

It's receding into its former obscure cubbyhole. Best that it remains there so the moefags can never slime up the industry again.

I really, really want to hate moeshit
But there is Madoka

Nothing can top K-on anyway so why even try?

Only if we are lucky.

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Chernobyl mutant. I'll just go ahead and nail it with an RPG.

No, it's deflating.

Cheeki Breeki

It was just one of the many fads that came and went. We had battle harems, moe, and now isekai. Whether or not one was better than the other is up to you, but it seems like we are due for something new to appear soon (or at least I hope so).

I can't stand it


I think it’s dead

No, but I hope it dies.

K-On! was the peak of anime, so naturally, everything that comes after is worse, no matter the genre

Fuck yes it is