Wtf bros you told me that it was shit but actually it has the best story that anime has had in this decade

Wtf bros you told me that it was shit but actually it has the best story that anime has had in this decade

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based, truthpilled and pretentiousfagswillbetriggeredpilled

>it has the best story that anime has had in this decade

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>Yea Forums ever being right

Mhafag here, It's not the best anime.

how people can actually believe shit like hero academy and hxh are well written stories is beyond me

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>Listening to Yea Forums
Your fault

Decuckfags will never not make me cringe

It's literally just a shallow Nazi allegory.

source pls

read the mango

this is obvious to everyone in /snk/. The interesting thing is there's no consensus on who is who in the allegory. That's what I find interesting, there are good arguments for the eldians being either jews or nazis

I mean, not really. The Eldians are being persecuted because of propaganda made by the Marley. There's literally no nuance. The Marley are the evil bad Nazis and the Eldians are the poor innocent persecuted Jews.

Fucking kek'd. I actually like BnHA but everything on this picture is flat out true

Jews were (and are again currently) very powerfull people too, not on the scale of the Eldians but still. Eldians are clearly the jews in this allegory

except all the similarities in the other direction...
>former militaristic civilization
>accused of horrible past, suppressing other nations
>forced to make amends and feel shame and guilt for what they did
>only friend is oriental island people
honestly the only connections to the jews is the armbands and camps, but the armband's basically just an aesthetic choice, and plenty of countries have locked up ethnic minorities in camps.
>I mean, not really

>former militaristic civilization

But they weren't formerly militaristic. That was just propaganda made by the Marley. It's revealed that Ymir built roads and entire civilizations with her power.

>It's revealed that Ymir built roads and entire civilizations with her power.
So like the nazis huh

Wow, that sure is a stretch.

eldians are germans preyed on by the jews after losing the wars.
they lie about eldians committing genocide in the past as an excuse to exterminate them, exactly as it is happening right today.

Is that why the Eldians wear clothing that's clearly supposed to invoke the imagery of Jews in the camps? Is that why the Marley soldiers wear uniforms that's clearly meant to invoke the imagery of SS Officers?

this shallow thinking is why you allow jews to pull your country to wars in the middle-east

Then please enlighten me if I'm such an idiot. Why do you think that the imagery that's clearly trying to be invoked is actually wrong? Do you know this story better than the author?

The anime is good, but after Clash everything goes downhill.

You're letting something as shallow as a costume get in the way of the facts of the situation, which is the entire point. You can make modern day Germans look like oppressed Jews on the verge of extinction just by slapping a star armband on them and putting those who seek to exterminate them in military uniforms.

you think blatant holohoax revisionism would fly? lmao ofcourse its veiled behind reverse roles.

So let me get this straight. You genuinely believe that Isayama is using Attack on Titan as a way to take a stab towards the jews by...having their clothing reversed? You realize how genuinely incompetent of a writer that would make him, right? Why would you try to invoke imagery of something only for it to be completely unfounded?
I mean, you're right that it wouldn't fly in the modern era. But I just feel like you guys are projecting your political views onto this show. It's LITERALLY just "Nazis bad Jews good".

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It starts out really strong, quickly loses a ton of momentum after the first titan shifter reveal, and then somehow turns around and becomes one of the most consistently engaging anime/manga you can find.

>That was just propaganda made by the Marley.
Well the rest of the word and King Fritz himself believed it, so it can't just be Marley spreading propaganda
>It's revealed that Ymir built roads and entire civilizations with her power.
She was only alive for 13 years with her titan power. The "Eldian Empire" that came after her lasted for 1800 years and realistically had it's dark times.


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>Wtf bros you told me that it was shit
Oh nononon ahahaha
Look he fell for Yea Forums's lies again

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The Shiganshina arc is probably the best arc and Marley is the most well writing arc of the manga with the most kino moment of the manga (pic related)

And the current arc is pretty good even if he has a slow start

Manga after Clash > Before Clash user

user, not him but make an effort, stop speedreading and look what Grisha said at Grice just after that

Both Marley and Eldian resistance make propaganda

>You realize how genuinely incompetent of a writer that would make him, right? Why would you try to invoke imagery of something only for it to be completely unfounded?
To get a point across. It's doesn't matter who the victim is (whether it's the jews or the germans). The point is that to the eyes of the persecuted, the persecutor is always wrong.
The jews aren't ubermenschmen like eldians are, germans "were".
The jews weren't accused of genocide. The germans were.
The top Jews weren't stereotypically blonde with blue eyes. The germans were.
The Eldians were basically stereotypical germans treated like persecuted jews.

>It doesn't matter*

>but they weren't, it was just propaganda
we don't actually know this for sure, but it seems likely -- but that is the exact point. Germany was blamed singlehandedly for causing WW1 (initial Eldian attacks), which the Nazis (modern Eldians) are claiming is just propaganda by the other side to make them look bad. The manga is currently at the point of the Eldians rising up against the people who are spreading propaganda against them, just as the Nazis framed what they were doing at the start of WW2 as just reclaiming their rights as Germans and refusing to be made a subservient country in Europe because of something that they may or may not have done years ago.

This. Yea Forums recommended me punpun, and it was shit.

t. someone who was raised in an abusive household like that piece of shit

>Grice : Where's your sauce on that?
>Grisha : I don't have any source. But I can't possibly be wrong!!
>Everyone : Yeah!!!
Does anyone have the Vince "no sauce allowed" edit?

i've seen a lot of anime. I mean A LOT like almost 50 but none have come close to snk. maybe naruto but it might just be nostalgia talking lol...........

>This. Yea Forums recommended me punpun, and it was shit.

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Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
t. Christopher Poole

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>>best story
The series depends far too much on flashbacks to develop its cast and setting, and it's gotten bloated with surface level political and philosophical commentary,

>muh price of freedom
>muh historical revisionism and overcoming race guilt
>muh cycle of hatred and tyranny (totally different than Nardo!)
>life can be extreme suffering, but procreating is still worth continuing because life is a gift (realized by most in their late teens)

Isayama should have stuck to SNK's survival horror roots. The end was spelled when he admitted to changed the ending midway through to appeal to fans after the series exploded in popularity. The asspulls (consciousness transfer, loli goddess resurrection, serumbowl, Armin's survival, Levi and Zeke surviving a point blank explosion) and the nonsense of Ymir committing essentially committing suicide because it would be too early to reveal the outside world make it abundantly clear that Isayama sees this series as a milking cow. He is far too willing to suspend logic to create false tension and forced mystery.

For a more nuanced story I would recommend HxH. The Prince war on boat arc alone has more depth and complexity than the entirety of SNK.

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Eren will pull a Lelouch.

Eldians are an allegory for the Japanese

>listening to what Yea Forums says is shit
>listening to what anyone says is shit
I remember when I used to be like this

>arranging a clusterfuck of information makes my series look more deep
The level of pretentiousness is off the charts. Literally you can do the same with SNK and th current arc.

based hunterchad

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might be but I agree with that fag... fag

Re-read Eren's convo with Pixis on the wall during Trost

don't listen to Yea Forums follow your heart. Yea Forums just wants to be better than you and tell you what to do.

>it's chad to destroy humanity for muh nationalism

Not until the manga Marley and final arc does it get kino


Is it true that if you put "muh" in front of something then you're automatically right?