Strike Witches: 501 Butai Hasshin Shimasu!

I can't fucking believe Mio's dead. Best episode yet?

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Mio gets killed in episode 11 and the 501st gets disbanded in the 12th. Is this the darkest witch series yet?

It was great.
>that Minna scream

I think it got deduced as much already that it was best episode. Pretty sure you read the replies too.

Why are the two best shows this season half-length gag series?

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Because they're fun.

I love this show especially Hartmann. Is the original similiar or is at more "serious"?

It's definitely more serious, but has it's fair share of comedic moments as well. There are comedy episodes, soothing episodes, intense episodes, the whole gambit.
The short is basically a slapstick version of what they do when there's no Neuroi attacks.

It's serious at times, but overall it's still a pretty silly show. Lewd as hell, too.

Good taste in witches.

Attached: sky boobies.webm (1280x720, 1.42M)

You forgot "nipples episodes". Please don't forget the nipples episodes.

That was going to be his special surprise for actually watching the show!

This was the starter. Road to Berlin next year will be the main course, and the idolfag show the year after that will be the desert.

Is this the right way to look at it?

Attached: [Erai-raws] Strike Witches - 501 Butai Hasshin Shimasu! - 08 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_09.36_[2019.05.28_ (1920x1080, 591K)


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Yes? I don't really get the question when it should be obvious, although idolfag shit is something Kusokawa wants desperately to become their own idol cashcow production so not really a dessert for them.

Weren't they all nipple episodes?

This is the tits, Berlin will be the pussy and then idols will be ass. You can cap it.

I'm still pretty hyped for it although I would have preferred more 502nd.

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The protag for the idolfag project is based on a Scot, right? I'm excited to finally have a cute girl representing my country in anime.

Lmao just go rewatch Braveheart

Google and sw wiki exists if you're interested in something, but yes.

This season is really bad.

What would a Scottish idol be like?

I would if William Wallace-chan was a cute genderbent version of himself.

There were SEVERAL episodes where no nipples appeared AT ALL
t. Angry Nipplolegist

But they were at least talking about nipples, right?

I'd watch that anime.