Which Jojo's bizare adventure would be able to beat Kenshiro? And which one would Kenshiro be stronger than?

Which Jojo's bizare adventure would be able to beat Kenshiro? And which one would Kenshiro be stronger than?

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That depends
Can Kenshiro develop a stand?

none could beat Kenshiro.

Kenshiro would wreck them all.

>beats Kenshiro
Giorno with GER
Jotaro at the end of SDC
>Beaten by Kenshiro
Giorno without GER

He can invoke the spirit of his dead allies. close enough?

Everyone lose

Kenshiro would probably be on the same levels as The Pillar Men.

He can kill those stand with his fist

Isn't Kenshiro's ability just Killer Queen?

Do you mean Kars-level or Ultimate-Kars?

I guess it depends at what point in Hokuto no Ken really

Well, he is pretty much accomplished from the start, though, aside from flashback. It's not so much we see him get better but rather see him use aptitudes we didn't see him use before.

scatfag gyro

Kenshiro can walk through skyscrapers and reinforced steel, Pillar Men can't event break through bulletproof glass.

The movies have questionable canonicity, though.

Who cares?

Just because Santana can't doesn't mean the others can't either. Stroheim after becoming a cyborg was way stronger than Santana yet Cars beat Stroheim easily.

Hokuto Shinken is canonically invincible. Musou Tensei allows him to essentially avoid all physical attacks, and mastering Kokuto Ryuuken allows him to overcome all psychic / ethereal attacks. Kenshiro is unstoppable.

GER can't affect him, because "zero" and "nothingness" are the same state. Bites the Dust can't affect him, neither The World nor Star Platinum can out-blitz him, and Johnny couldn't connect a hit with Spin on him to trap him.

>neither The World nor Star Platinum can out-blitz him
Kenshiro has no answer for time stop. If their punches can harm him, he'd eventually lose simply from attrition

If attrition is all he has, then he is toast. figuring a pattern, doing distant atack and reading his oppoent's next move is all Ken needs.


It would be neat if the last Jojo villain was just some evil Kenshiro knock off