Why aren't there more anime about lonely OL cakes?
Why aren't there more anime about lonely OL cakes?
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I love Tittyzawa!
This. The only OL cakes in existence are the fat, ugly ones.
You're wise beyond your years.
>watching anime for realism
please user, it's called escapism for a reason.
lonely ol cakes finding companionship with shotas
>lonely OL cakes
Those are a myth.
There is a point where escapism breaks immersion due to excess delusion.
She’s so cute
Because IRL OL cakes are just court cases waiting to happen. People are generally setting aside the thought in their minds without realising it.
What is the appeal of OL's?
Big tit cougars with an aura of professionalism and a degree of chaste. Plus the outfit is sexy.
Why does she have condoms in her drawer
Desperately wants sex but never uses them because she's an OL and people avoid OLs for legal reasons.
Professional and mature look, repressed sexual urges.
It's not americunts or euroniggers we are talking about here.
tight dresses and experience
Why yes, only Japanese OLs can look like this
OL feet in nylons!
OLs generally do their job in order to find a husband.
They are horny as fuck. At least in Japan.
>skin colored tights
It's hot in Japan
On your knees and lick.
Tittyzawa is kinda different than most anime/manga's OLs. She actually reeks of positive aura for some reason
Why are so many people who like OL's also footfags?
*sniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffffffff* yes thank you dear. truly wonderful scent. i shall get back to work now
Because pantyhose is a part of OL dress code, at least in Japan and Russia
They're not, a lot of them are femdom/mommy fags though.
what the... BASED
I'd like a mommy OL desu desu
This looks like a VN
very nice
Lick tits clean
Would make emoji babies with this emoji OL.
Is it that hard to find a husband in Japan?
The only ol cakes are old and fat, hell most young women who work for companies are ugly, except for a secretar heroes and there(and you know they are fucking the boss).
Good looking women with a bit of brain în their heads use their looks and hook some rich fuck from their early twenties so they dont have to work.
Only incel jobless virgins who have never even seen an office irl fall for this retarded fantasy.
sleeveless shirts are the miracle of the universe
>retarded fantasy
have you never watched anime before?
There's a cute plain nip girl who works where I'm at in a different department. The only problem is I can't tell how old she is.
That's been the standard method for a long time now, probably imported from the burgers. Marry the secretary, she retires and gets pregnant, hire a new one, ???, oh wait birthrate is tanking help.
OL's are mostly lesbians they get along with the yuri fandom very easily. Yes shouta/mommy even femdon are part with that too.
>OL's are mostly lesbians
stop pulling shit out of your ass.
>go to office in the middle of the Summer
>suddenly armpits season
most of this thread is people pulling shit out of their ass
Exposed shoulders are too lewd.
>quit your job
But I want to be findommed and have my domme take all of my wage to spend however she likes.
>OL's are mostly lesbians they get along with the yuri fandom very easily
Citation needed
Gib me your money fag
For those in positions of power outside of countries with affirmative action, gender quota's and #MeToo HR shittery it also implies intelligence, leadership skills and willingness to work hard.
Pretty sure they're models, if not AVs.
nigger tacos
Patrician taste
Nah, it's just "behind the times". It worked the same way in the West once upon a time: the workplace was a good place to socialize with professional men who earned a good living. As such you became a nurse if you wanted to date a doctor, or you became a secretary if you wanted to date a banker. This is also why women prior to feminism consistently and deliberately got paid less than men of equivalent skill and experience: it was expected that the women would eventually leave in order to start a family, while men were expected to stick around. It made no sense to pay them the same wages. Workplace equality and quota's broke this model down. Now you have high earning women entering their 30s, discovering that there are no men in their age category who outearn them and refusing to settle down with a lower earner.
Ironically Yakumo-san is the best example I can think of in regards to this despite not even being a cake. She pursued a very lady-like degree in literature and ended up marrying her professor and becoming a housewife. By ladylike degree I meant something that doesn't end up conferring marketable skills per se, but would make her come across as educated in social gatherings (so she doesn't end up humiliating her husband by just looking like yet another bimbo).
That's it for the history lesson on why OL are the way they are in anime, I guess.
>you will never bully an OL senpai's heart
I like her
Who is this and can she sit on my face?
Interesting read, thanks user
Office Lady or Sensei?
Unironically teachers are for boys, OLs are for men.
I want to tongue bath a hot teacher to get a better grade.
>tfw no teacher who made me stay when school was over to massage and worship her feet and did shoe dangles during class to tease me ;-;
I like woman and suits, ergo OLs draw my eyes
Getting an office lady pregnant and turning her into a housewife!
Why does she wear the gloves?
Do all OLs have huge tits?
for a moment i was excited this was serialized...
Be salaryman in Japan is suffering.
Fucking savage!
Gross. Much better to get her pregnant and be turned into a housewife.
>starts like every ntr doujin ever
>husband is a complete alpha so it never happens
Good, good.
>ywn have a sexy repressed OL boss who teases you during work and asks you to stay back late
>ywn recieve texts in the morning about how great the night before was and how she wants you to work weekends for extra 'pay'
>ywn be promoted to her secretary and obligated to cater to her unique 'needs'
>ywn be treated to dinner at a fancy restaurant where she proposes to you
>ywn become a loyal house-husband for her and your children
This is a lonely OL cake
>married couple having a happy and normal sex life
That's my fetish
No, this is a middle schooler
She's 18/19. Cake is 25+.
She's part of a sexist company that only employs women
Why do OLs wear the glasses so often
Do you expect me to care about what China thinks?
Have you seen chinese women? Im not suprised they think that way.
Because they're old so their vision sucks
>The perfect man may exist, but why on earth would he want to marry you?
Because glasses are cute and turn me on.
Staring at screens all day does that to you.
That part's honestly true though.
A lot of women have very high standards for men, there's statistics to show that 80% of women only go for the top 20% of men.
Where can I find those statistics?
I see China's pills match their flag.
Ironically though, points 2 and 3 hold just as true for men.
I'm not picky and I'll take the leftovers. One man's trash is another man's treasure.
But cougars/sugarmoms are a real thing.
It falls apart when you realize that most "mature office ladies" are only supposed to be like 23
>japan in charge of cougars
Hence mommies are superior
Chapter 2 when ?
you could try googling
japanese women are in a weird position. a japanese wife is expected to take care of all the housework, the kids (Japan has shit childcare), and her husband's aging parents.
at the same time, japanese firms often demand shitloads of (often unpaid) overtime. office workers will also get dragooned into "mandatory fun" drinking with coworkers, late into the evening. This, coupled with horrendous commute times, means that office workers are overworked and seriously sleep deprived.
Compounding this is the fact that Japan is deeply conservative. so much so that the concept of any kind of sexual equality is laughable. women are simply second class citizens who are expected to be subservient to men.
So, you are a japanese woman, would like a regular boyfriend, leading to marriage, but all the men are sexist jerks with no social skills, any potential husband can be expected to be a ghost who only appears at night, and married life is likely to be lonely drudgery.
On the other hand, since everyone thinks you are stupid and irresponsible, it is perfectly acceptable to work some piss easy job, life with your parents, and blow all your cash on drinks with your girls and expensive handbags.
>tfw no OL wife who you can motivate by fucking her brains out every night
this sounds fake and vaguely racist
>I want a wife!!
>any woman older than 25 is too old
>any woman younger than 18-25 is constantly swarmed with hot young men
>and really, its just 21-25, because women go to college at higher rates than men
stupid people shoot themselves in the foot, and then blame the foot for hurting
Watch Aggretsuko, an anime about an office lady fed up with her job.
Someone post that witch.
That's the correct definition of cake.
>Compounding this is the fact that Japan is deeply conservative. so much so that the concept of any kind of sexual equality is laughable. women are simply second class citizens who are expected to be subservient to men.
Secretary and OL are completely different things, though.
The birthrate is tanking, since salaries have been tanking over the last 30 years, and a single income doesn't suffice to support a household anymore.
Pareto is a meme, smoothbrain newfag.
Anons full of shit. That's for dating apps, and they've always been like that. Most women expect you to do the leg work, and don't seek for novel ways to break the ice. That's why OL and Christmas Cakes are even a thing, because most women aren't naturally disposed to making the first move for a mate, so they get stuck because they've made themselves unapproachable and don't approach themselves.
Welcome to Yea Forums. I hope you enjoyed your stay. Now please leave
Because otaku can't relate to them.
Cake, in this context, is short for "Christmas Cake," so applies to 25+ or single office woman.
>Much better to get her pregnant and be turned into a housewife.
Fuck yes.
I'd take being a househusband than having to deal with retail hell any fucking day.
Call me a bitch and I'll just buy something from your store and you have do what I fucking say you slave to a balding middle aged dictator.
Actually the one he is replying to sounds more like the visitor. Both of them do, though.
While the first half of the post cites true shit, the second half is entirely bullshit.
Swamp ass
You are talking about French
What makes OL cakes sexually repressed, thhough?
>sexual equality is laughable. women are simply second class citizens who are expected to be subservient to men
That sounds amazing
sounds pathetic. i want a woman, not a doll
How do you find Wotakoi?
Enjoy your alimony and half black children
Because they're expired and no one wants expired cakes.
There's nothing wrong with a doll.
Everyone here thinks that they'd be desperate enough to go out with a fat ugly loser like them when in real life they'd all flock to the Chads.
I worked in a tutoring center with a 1:3 male:female ratio once. It was not a fun time at all. 2D makes literally everything better.
My nigga, bare shoulders are the best.
This, but actual dolls.
ya'll actually need to touch a woman sometime.
Best New Game
>high earning women entering their 30s, discovering that there are no men in their age category who outearn them
>refusing to settle down with a lower earner.
Men historically had to provide for and protect women, even to this day, although women nowdays can and will outearn them.
Hypergamy is one nasty bitch, isn't it? Personally I think they get what they deserve though.
Because no one wants to buy OL manga
>tfw 32 years old but still has the older women fetish
Fucking christ age does suck. I could self insert so much better if I was 18-22.
Sell me on this user
You and me brother
Going into dangerous territory there user. I still like cakes even if I'm approaching old fart. Love for JS, JC, and JK hasn't lessened at all.
Cute OLs enjoying tasty burgers
Weebs are getting older
Seen this many times but never knew where it's from
Soon she won't be lonely anymore.
That kouhai of hers will be in her bed in no time
How about you fall for 50 more memes and then come back?
The fate of every ol
11-15 is the prime age
I thought every OL had a model BL loving boyfriend?
Who cares about corporate wageslaves, not interesting.
How are you going to survive when you're both good for nothing NEETs?
Not if the mangaka has 2 cats
at least i'll have touched a woman sempai
God bless Fue.
His dedication to his mouth/tongue fetish is nothing short of admirable.
>peak is 14 yrs old
After that every age gets BFTO
What's your favorite kind of suit?
What does it mean when an OL cake does this?
With happiness of course.
How will wageslaves survive without it?
Why do mommies entice young men so much?
She looks 19
I can't really put my finger on it
Isn't there more men than women in China?
Yeah, thanks to their one child policy
that is strangely arousing
imagine the smell of sweat and shit in her asshole haha
>The salarymen get shit treatment
>Thus, their wives are the victims
Okay, Hillary. If anything, they're more equal than us purely because the shit is evenly spread out.
>Categorizes every single male based on your own strawman
>Th-they're the sexists!
Dumb cunt
Don't people use phones and recorders anymore?
Men just want to fuck a hot girl while women want money, fame, and your life in exchange for some pussy and ass. Its fucking ridiculous having to deal with retarded ass standards like this with no hope for a change.
They're considering relaxing the OL dress code, say goodbye to the mandatory heels lads.
>OL dress code
There is one?
I'm hard. Post more.
i want to annoy my cute boss or something like that
Because no one cares about fat old women.
Pumps and heels are mandatory believe it or not.
>perfect man exists, but why would he marry you
Not surprising since even in nature, most males have to prove their worth one way or another (territory, appearances, winning a fight against another male, etc). It’s true with us humans too, but our civilization made it complex but ultimately still the same:
>good looks and fit body
Overall healthy mate who will probably add their attractiveness genes to offspring
>is strong or capable
>financially well off
Can provide for both mother and kids
I guess the problem then comes down to personality. A lot of women “claim” they value personality over everything else, but the shitload of absent fathers prove either they’re lying or they have worse judgement than they think. In the end, I am sure everyone of us actually want our mothers to try and gun for a good male so that we have the best dads. At least in theory.
the bigger the OL, the better
she's 36
Are you me? Back when I was 15 it was all fun and game. Now I am all out of options except for the crazies and the already-married.
Aging sucks.
I like legs
I like women who don't look like bimbos
What do you call a man that's 26 and still a kissless virgin?
an incel
What kind of unholy abomination is this
Good find! Here’s another one for you guys.
Sensei nigga.
Sorry to break your heart, user, he's just a Indonesian twitter artist. He occasionally posts some comics (mostly of this OL), but most of his stuff are drawings.
It's nice that he posts in English and also translates his comics himself
>mfw this whole thread
>tfw you are sick but still have to go to work
Brace for impact!
its time to slow down grandma
you are gonna bust a hip, one of these days
Cakes in real life are vile. Their age is starting to show and they usually have some kind of neurosis or personality flaw as the reason why they're left over.
Cakes in anime are perfect. They look amazing, they're usually funny and/or witty, and they usually want to date the MC.
Nothing will relate to the otaku. Fuck them personally.
>the Japanese actually do this
I wish I was that diligent.
But the OL loves women and she's a lesbian.
That's just dangerous
>artist fell in love with said creation
Based. I hope an entire tank with marriage inbetween is done.
user are you still in this thread sauce me up fampai
Wish fulfillment fantasy.
Not him but she's Ayumi Miura
They’re basically adults, but not mommy levels yet. They’re still looking for a man to start a family so it’s a balancing act of being responsible and mature to do their jobs and pay their bills, but also having to retain the charm/heart and beauty of their younger selves to attract a good guy and enjoying things a single adult with a job and some disposable income can.
Nice thanks user just found it and about to post it myself too. SDNM-201 for anyone interested.
She's /ourgal/
Get yourself a girl who looks at you the way Yaeko looks at Souma.
Because anime is about fantasy, not real life.
You think you're being sneak you fucking faggot ?
China is disgusting.
No, you don't.
I agree. I find lonely cakes really cute and incredibly sexy at the same time.
second webm is actually from SDNM-192
God I wish that was me
the closest you'll get is her VR videos
One of favourite doujins
Rule 63 Senko san would be pretty fucking cash, desu.
>Shota fox pampering an OL cake
I'm interested
Look at the bigger picture, sir.
>Shota fox pampering an OL cake and telling her to call him 'Poppa'
this is 4channel. racism is not allowed in here
jesus christ my dick
Pretty much every anime trope is excess delusion, user. IRL:
Tsunderes need psychiatric help - RIP tsunderes
little sisters aren't bitchy demanding semen demons - RIP imoutos
Older sisters are not sexy warm caring nurturing mother figure stand-ins - RIP onee-sans
Children do not want to give you blowjobs - RIP lolis
Girls who dress like sluts usually are - RIP pure gyarus
Single working women over 25-30 are not physically perfect, eager to start a family, and desperate for love. RIP OLs
Fantasy is fun it's like half+ the reason anime is great.
But if you try that IRL instead of anime you will go to jail
I do not recommend criminal behavior, user
This has got to be fake
>that one doujin where the government was labeling anyone with the slightest deviation from social programming as terrorists and legally turning them into love dolls
>cop OL working for a government task force sees too much
>supervisor dies in a """car accident"""
>turned into a government issued love doll for good boy sheeple
I've seen some shit.
It isn't fake but it's one study.
This is NNNGGGHHHFFF their.
>Pumps and heels are mandatory believe it or not.
A big story in Japan right now is the protests after a crusty old politician said companies are allowed to make women wear high heels.
Also, there is definitely OL dress code. Companies with uniforms for OL have required accessories like the ubiquitous vest.
Pantyhose are mandatory across the board.
A selection of OL uniform catalogs:
>dick bulge
>OL without heels
What's wrong with those nips?
It's like saying salary man without a suit.
With this chart, all the SJW females still blame men for pedophilia if they are attracted to women that are age 40 to 44. But since many SJW simply like to blame something or anything in order to justify their latest rage project, these types of charts get invented in order to collect funding dollars for whatever clients put the money up. There's too many "scholars for hire" out there looking for grant funding.
Peak performance.
Also what the fuck Adobe has this image at 5MB while gimp is only at 900KB. How much bloat are these groups getting away with?
>female author writes femdom
I dont know how to feel about this
Igumox is female?
>can't be bothered to read the thread
>get my tongue split as well
That's some lewd shit. Also, can you even do that?
Nibba u realize this is the reason japans birthrate in an decline
Older style of doujinshi from the mid 1990's.
How can it be true though?
In all third world countries where women are inferior to men they breed like rabbits
>Children do not want to give you blowjobs
I've got some bad news for you
are you retarded
the reason for the low birth rates is feminism
white people in the west have even lower birth rates than japan
people in places without feminism like africa and the middle east breed like rats
I will start to read. Thanks.
>get my tongue split as well
It's not split. It is a manga and doujinshi drawing style. Multiple positions are shown in the same frame to convey movement. This prevents the unsightly appearance of having several frames of everything looking the same but for the movement of the tongue.
>ctrl f
>ase to sekken
>0 results
Worst OL thread I've ever seen.
>It's not split. It is a manga and doujinshi drawing style
No, it's split. The character says in the manga she got it done when she was young.
>whore who has sex in 1st chapter
But in the first chapter it gives a vibe that she is not so smart.
Too big
Huh, I've read this three times already and missed that. It's hard to concentrate when the dick is taking over.
Any anime where the cute lonely cake ends up with the young guy?
>has only had sex with one guy
>was a virgin until age 26
Boku no Pico
"Why are you here, sensei?" has that happening 4 times this season.
She cannot be 59 kg and have those enormous tits
Well, I fucked 2 girls of 30 and 28. Both were virgins and the blood stain was there.
>I've got some bad news for you
So do I.
Identified her as best girl on the first frame with her and was never proven wrong.
Every slut was a virgin once, believe it or not.
what he said you can find a study for basically every result you'd like to see. scientists just report their data, that doesn't mean that their data couldn't have been biased or faulty in some way.
When are they going to officially start dating? This is dragging waay to much now if you ask me.
>le EPIC FBI meme
Interact with children.
Need sex without condom
Because people have no taste.
> Interact with children.
I do, I'm a teacher. You, however, probably shouldn't.
Hags have smelly feet and vagos. It's gross.
Also a teacher here, highschool kids are horny as fuck. I've overheard casual sex talk more times that I can remember.
Are you in the USA or Mexico?
Same here, that goes without saying. We were all horny teenagers once.
But that user was talking about lolis.
>But that user was talking about lolis.
I'm confused why people think kids aren't also horny as fuck. For instance, I started masturbating when I was 10 years old, but that doesn't mean you get to fuck them you degenerate fucks.
Bubblegum Crisis 2040 made Linna into an OL. Big fan of the 80s original BGC aesthetic, but I need to watch this for the OL content eventually. Remember seeing a scene where a robot OL was humiliating her for having a dirty uniform.
As someone who works in a law firm, suits are going away too from the business sphere. Most people in smaller firms only wear full suits when they're seeing clients or going to court. It kinda sucks
because youa re not suppose to sate your co workers. its like fucking your teacer in highschool. its forbidden and thats why it s tight
after 25th birthday, no males but their dad cares to take care of them and bring them food.
There's nothing more ugly than "business casual". A polo shirt with shit brown khaki is a uniform fit for a ghetto schoolboy, and is neither business nor casual. Under this bizarre scheme, women get to wear whatever they want, including flip flop shoes and T shirts as well.
Yay to the salaryman for having some standards.
they havent even officially dated yet, how are they going to have sex?
even in the movue titanic,the rich womne were talking about sending the mc grill ot college
another layd objected, you send a lady to college in order ot find a hosband, but rose is already engaged with the american steel tycoon. andrew c?
a reason why most college educated men marry college educated women.... or is it another way around that college educated owmne only accept the ring of colleeg educsted men? or maybe just men with more.resource in general
htis is interesting, is there a nmr for the manga?
For u
>Interact with children.
Is she in charge of penis inspection day?
I'm into OL, cakes, femdom, and mommy, but I can't stand foot stuff
It's all about the legsssss
Can confirm. She was great. Got a gold star and a nursing handjob every penis inspection day for having the best penis.
fuck the ending, rest was great tho
Story time or fuck off.
I wonder if there’s a skirtsuit design that is actually a bodysuit. A sci-fi spess OL.
>short and scruffy
>getting sick by other's germs
clean yourselves, and develop some immunity. eat some vegetables once in a blue moon
>3dpd shit
ofcourse cakefags are the worst. Even worst than milffags
Milfs are just cakes who won the MC bowl.
Anime is for children, but you keep forgetting that.
>For children
OK retard
>not waifuing your waifu only
>being a filthy bowlfag
>Tfw the gentle femdom sequel.
The only difference is that (you) are the MC turning the cake into a milf.
But those genres very rarely get adapted to anime. Studios invest in shit for kids because it's more profitable. Not to mention, older people have less time to spend watching tv and prefer to read.
Thank you for this
Alright, good point. You got me there. That kinda sucks though, there's a lot of more adult oriented manga I'd love to see adapted.
People just don't care anymore. As long as the work is getting done and profits keep increasing, there is no point in forcing your workers to wear what some old fuck wore in the 60s.
but the s t y l e
Pay me more if you want me wearing business professional. I had 10 hour notice about a customer facing work function and had to drop >$200 on a jacket that was properly fitting.
>Love office ladies
>Hate pantyhose
It's a hard life man, but goddam when an OL is wearing thighhighs and a garter belt? My poor dick
that's irrelevant. go for it. if shes younger you get to teach her. if shes older she teaches you. if shes your age she gets it. you cant lose user.
Source of the draw? I mean the artis, I knoe its BGC 2040
By doing so. Why is he so horny and not brave?
stop hurting me in this way user
Watch Miru Tights. It will give you a new outlook and change your life.
STOP IT!!!!!
I've seen plenty of screenshots, they just don't do anything. I'd rather the girl just wear leggings or tight slacks.
Imagine having this much shit taste.
>be 17
>boss lady is 27
>flirt at work
>husband hears rumors and threatens me
>sex her up in her office later that year
>leave the job not long after
But thighhighs and garterbelt are superior desu
Nah, those are worn by whores while the good girls wear pantyhose everyday to work. More fun to imagine deflowering a good girl in pantyhose.
Cake butt.
thank you for introducing me to peak cute OL
Masaki Yamada, as it says in English in the pic.
What do?
What a dumb cake, is like she wanted to get pregnant.
She can be responsible too