Kengan omega

its me again
waiting for the raws

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It isn't tomorrow in Japan until 2 hours from now; no one *can* have the raws at the moment.

i know, im the guy that posts the raws
i always start the thread early

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waiting with you buddy. also how long until the raws usually

I think raw user usually posts them around 3 hours from now. Correct me if I'm wrong.

you weasel

i'm so tired...and checked

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/fit/bros what are some good grip strength workouts that don't require any tools?


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Masturbating to Karla

Hold a piece of coal in your hand like this as hard as you can for as long as you can.

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Get a 5 pound weight if you are starting off, 10 pound if you are experienced. Tie a rope around the weight and a bar (the material of the bar isn't important but it has to be long enough for you to hold it with both hands at shoulder width apart). The Rope should be long enough for the weight to rest on the ground while you hold your arms straight forwards.

Keeping your arms straight crank the weight upwards only using your wrists and hands. If you have proper form you will feel the stress in your forearms. When you react the top reverse your motion and slowly lower the weight. This exercise will strengthen your forearms which has a direct increase in your grip strength as they use the same muscles. This is a essentially a larger scale version of a wrist curl.

>that don't require any tools?
>okay get a weight, a rope and a bar

Swing a big stick around

I don't own rope.

I figured he meant machines or grip strengtheners - specialized things. Not basic materials that you should have around your house.

Then pull ups are some of the simplest choices you got.

>Then pull ups are some of the simplest choices you got.
Okay, so do I NEED to have my hands wrapped around whatever I'm using for a pull up for it to work? Cause the only thing I can think that can support my fatass is my dresser

What exercise gear do you have around your house atm?

Lose weight first before worrying about grip strength, fattie

Workout bike, treadmill, 2 3 pound dumbells, 1 5 pound dumbell, 2 10 pound dumbells, and a backyard big enough for a jog.

Carry big stones around with just your fingertips

a hammer and a giant wheel

Actually I unironically do have a fuck huge rock (like as long as a 10 year old child and 3-5 feet thick) in my backyard, but there is no way in hell I can lift it.

So, using your dumbbells - 3lbs if you are starting off 10lbs if you are confident. Hammer Curls where you hold the dumbbell like a hammer (arms held so that a 'thumbs up' points toward the ceiling) are better for grip than normal curls. As are Wrist Curls where you rest your forearms on a flat surface and let your wrists hang off the edge knuckles to the floor, holding your weight curl your wrists up and slowly down (wrist extensions are the opposite of this - forearms on table knuckles to the ceiling and curl your wrists upwards. Or you can hold the end of the dumbbell with your finger tips for ~60 sec if not longer (if you get good, lift the weight in front of you with just your fingertips)

>Or you can hold the end of the dumbbell with your finger tips for ~60 sec if not longer
By this do you mean wrapping just my fingers around them, or holding them like a waiter holding a dish?
here you go fellas
have fun — your least favourite raw user

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Grab one end and just let the dumbbell dangle.

Did Kazzy realize that he sort of accidentally did invite him to watch a match?
>That Nogi glance
kek he knows what Kazzy got himself into.

Damn this is a packed chapter.

okay, got it coach

So Toku2 is a better version of Kaneda with a flair for hard submissions? I like it.

So he did have glasses just like some said last week.

Then what do you use to hang yourself with? Maybe a belt could work for low weight

Oh Anons were right, dude DOES wear glasses

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I doubt Ryuki killed him. He had no real evidence of him being worm.

>Ryuki casually made the Ghost a actual Ghost.

Not cool man.

I thought it was the guy with sunglasses?

Ryuki was pretty angry about Ghost trying to kill Toku2. I personally think it was Goat's bodyguard and Ryuki is in the wrong place in the wrong time.

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It was clearly the Falcon guy who did it.
>Goat gave Ghost a dirty (by his standards) look
>Falcon wears gloves possibly hinting he uses an assassin style


Looks like Ryuki and Koga caught the Goat's attention, might not be a good thing for them.

I recommend some Hojo Undo jar excersizes, but instead of jars use yor dumbbells

You always need a tool for something so specific, don't be a retard, basic minimum are pullups on a tree branch.
Imagine doing that, go red with embarassment and buy yourself some equipment. You know there are literall grippers specific for grip strength? Captains of Crush are the world's best brand, jujimufu started a company recently with all types of grip equipment, it's called GripGenie, do your research.

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Koga might be fine, Ryuki on the other hand i could see getting into some issues when Goat happens to mention him while talking with Wu.

Koga's last name has some kind of reputation, there might be a plot point based around that.

Doing god's work user

I wanted to get the foundation down before getting any specialized tools. Don't want to run before I can walk you know.
and trust me I know about Juji, I watch his videos a lot, he's probably 1/4th of the reason I'm trying to get into shape. Obviously I know I'm never going to get that huge though

look at page 4 toyoda says something to ghost that makes ryuki distraught

Its mostly Fist of the Seekers related and the ones that also been in that tournament.

i can confirm ryuki did not kill him
how dare you kaneda is perfection personified

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> gloved hands show sharp nails
Does he fight with Hung Gar?

Or Ying Zhao Quan not quite sure

based off what

Damn, Ghost got justed pretty hard these past few chapters.

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the translation obviously

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I dont see anything in the translation that confirms who killed him

toyoda and falcon talking about there being something in the air is a pretty big sign to me but i guess we’ll see next week

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he's kind of cute with his glasses

I think thats just a misdirection by the author so we expect it's falcon but it's actually ryuki on the last page. Could still be either imo

a shame Ghost got exorcised I thought his fighting style was pretty cool

> Ghost is now really a ghost
Sandwich the possibilties are endless

After their last meeting, Idemitsu indicated that 'next time' he'd like to have a nice long chat with Yamashita, who realizes that this is the result of his offhand response to that proposal. Jose told Idemitsu about Ryuuki and Kouga. Idemitsu wants to take them to see Purgatory and refers to Kazuo as a friend. Idemitsu doesn't seem to take Ghost's defeat seriously, basically saying 'on to the next one'. When Cosmo asks if something's going on with Kengan and Purgatory, Yamashita attempts to avert suspicion, but Nitoku immediately points out the truth. Yamashita asks how he knew about the battle, and Nitoku says that he didn't until Yamashita just confirmed it by asking that. When asked to participate, Nitoku says that he'll go to watch because it'll give him interesting material, but he doesn't want to fight. He apparently believes that it's a moral wrong/evil to have more money than you need. Kouga gives him shit and Nitoku gives Kouga shit back. Nitoku is an author, but his works don't sell. Nitoku started fighting in his 20s; he encountered Sambo in Russia while studying and, after graduating, started using the Kengan matches as a side-job so that he could devote himself to his writing. He only fights when he's out of money. However, Cosmo is certain that Nitoku will fight in the tourney because his books are terrible and he can't manage money. Falcon is indeed the guy who Idemitsu came with; Idemitsu asks him to do something. Random beat cops find Ghost's body.

I doubt Ryuki is that quick to realize if he killed Ghost, then evidence like the blood spurt would be obvious. Otherwise, it's probably no Ryuki.

>Cosmo is certain that Nitoku will fight in the tourney because his books are terrible and he can't manage money.
Fucking kek, Nitoku is a fun guy, his specs already makes him way more interesting than no-Nitoku from Ashura.

So Toku2 is becoming more fun. That's nice. I do wonder if Ghost was really killed by Idemitsu/Goat, or is this just Sandrovich tricking us?

Poor Sen already eclipsed by his replacement.

The only time i found him interesting was his bout with chiba

deepening nitoku. I'll take it. that's a sign he's gonna stick around way more.

Someone tell me the difference between hard and soft grappling? I thought grappling was considered the soft category.

>people actually think Ryuki killed Ghost and not the bodyguard
Are you guys okay???

Ghost has been either killed by Falcon, or by someone using similar style to Ghost's, judging by the wound that was cause of death.

Almost certain that like Ryuki has done with practically everyone so far, his autism will end up with the cops pinning him for Ghost's murder.

Soft Grappling is about using you opponent against themselves - they throw a punch you use that to guide them into an armbar for example. Hard Grappling is about using your own strength in the fight - you lock that armbar into place for example. Soft Grappling is more about submissions and locks whereas hard grappling is about breaking your opponent.

This is a very generalized description and inaccurate because of that but it should be good enough.

He's not even a bodyguard. He's one of the top Gladiators.

Im still waiting for the Muteba/Meguro haunted adventures,

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>You see Meguro THIS is how you kill someone, not that judo garbage. Now posses that man and show me the right way.

It was the easiest way to describe him

no that's Haruo's gimmick

So Idemitsu really is that large? Didn't seem like it when he was first introduced

Designs change over time.

Seems like Purgatory have some killy dudes in there.

>it'll give him interesting material, but he doesn't want to fight.
I'm not really interested in Nitoku so I'm glad he refused to be part of the 13. He's a good character but just as a side character.

So, like Kokuro? Great bro, but not a 13 material?

The thing that we have to accept that most of the fighters from Asura aren't going to make a comeback.
To keep the series fresh Sandro is going to have to introduce new characters like Toku2 and Kokuro that aren't as interesting as last time so that he can make the series more interesting. Toku2 is probably going to be part of the 13 just because he is one of the best choices for it.