Thoughts on garden of sinners?
Kara no kyoukai
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Somehow I enjoy it a lot more than fate series. Don't know why tho.
yeah me too, cant quite put my finger on it, maybe its just because Mikiya and Shiki make such a cute yet platonic couple
It's a favorite of mine
tsukihime > knk
I think both are interchangeable but still better than fate overall.
Some cool concepts but overall it wasn't fun.
Never knew FGO Assassin has her own anime
It’s a long ride, but not matter what anybody tells you, watch it in release order, not chronological order
FGO Assassin, fuck man even though I love fgo seeing this statement triggers me on a whole new level
well it is one of nasu's first few stories so I guess there will be some flaws but I still loved it
Nice bait
Which fight was your favorite?
5th movie is my favourite anime movie. Its the most human and has the most beautiful messages, not to mention the most gripping story. 1st has awesome atmosphere. 3 is terrible. Rest are okay. Handles awesome concepts decently and love the richness of the lore. Bit tryhard with its philosophy at times though.
type-moon edge with a crappy plot
Dropped it. Nothing interesting happens in it.
Shiki vs twisty lady
Immensely overrated because people mistake "atmospheric" for "good". It's a solid 7/10 though.
whenever someone talks about this, i cant help but remember how it was such a masterpiece. the chemistry and romance of mikiya and shiki was so great, their voice actors actually married.
just imagine how awesome it is that throughout recording for every film, their love for each other blossomed bear fruit.
its one of those reasons why we dont need a third nuke for japan.
It's 2007 ~ 2008 Anime
So GreaT
Wish it was eroge like fate
Shiki is BadAss
Best Female MC in Anime
2 nukes are never enough.
I liked it a lot more than fate since it’s not tied down.
I still don’t understand what happened in movie 8, where kokuto meets Shiki in a kimono after he is injured
Paradox paradigm
When Tokou goes all out
He Meet other Side Personality of Ryougi Shiki
Wasn't it explained as the manifestation of her origin? It's another entity basically that resides in between the 2 shikis and is what we believe as the root.
Wish the HF trilogy had the same narrative care, instead we got Sakura the movies
goddammit, i was just about to post that
Leo should've had a clearer motivation and fucked Shiki.
Isn't that obvious
I'll beat you to posting the other one too
What happened? How did Nasu go from these two to shit like Saber?
Saber was decent in FSN itself, afterwards she became a complete moeblob.
>that shaky camera
ufotable really is shit
How the fuck was Mana made with how dense Mikiya is?
Great visuals, perfect casting, excellent music,bretty interesting story, though at times a little 2deep4u.
Because it was far more mysterious/show rather than tell.
Fate suffers heavily from exposition dump that actually has relevance while KnK technobabble is ultimately of little consequence in the narrative itself.
Only good shit nasu has ever written.
Very creepy. I want to doink Shiki in a strange way.
Best animated TM work, to date.
But I have a question, Yea Forums: why was Mikiya so adamant about not using lethal force on Leo?
Like, I can understand the idea of him not wanting Shiki, specifically, to actually kill anyone, but why was he himself so against using lethal force against Leo? And where did the lack of self-preservation come from that caused him to be so indifferent to Leo brutalizing him? In KnK5, he has a full-blown panic attack when Cornelius pursues him and even attempts to retaliate, so what made this case so much more different? Was it a lack of a beheaded Touko that caused the initial meltdown or something? I haven't read the books yet, so maybe there's better elaboration there.
DEEP shit
Pretentious garbage for pseudointellectuals
Boring and pretentious. Literally no reason for the story to be told out of order, boring characters, a flat setting, stupid ideals (like Shiki's refusal to kill or fighr back even when a guy was literally about to rape her and murder her boyfriend). Tsukihime was MUCH better.
This. Far Side of the Moon is peak Nasu in my opinion