God, these shitty characters serve nothing but make people hate lesbians more.
God, these shitty characters serve nothing but make people hate lesbians more.
what is this
Binetsu Kuukan from the Hidamari Sketch author.
/u/ deserves to suffer because they're a bunch of obnoxious self-righteous faggots.
She's a lesbian though
So she herself thinks her kind is obnoxious? I like her even more.
Not really, Hidamari is pretty much just moe lesbians. She has both good people and bad people in shared categories.
fuck faggots and fuck dykes, both are a plague on this world
To be honest, this story sucks
>NBR right out the gate with their respective friends a budding side couple
>Onee-chan is tsundere, needy, and spoiled
>Outoto-chan may as we be her sounding board and wallet
>Friend (male) is obnoxious and Friend (female) has that obligatory one sided crush
>any actually interesting family scenes are virtually offscreen
Tell me what the last one was first asshole 189546604
have sex
>how indifferent you are towards me
How is she supposed to feel about him?
Considering just who wrote this, I think you're quite moronic to be jumping the gun about "/u/" or "dykes".
It's like, if you read Citrus and then went "/u/ BTFO!!" when anything dramatic happened. In other words, retarded
That guy seems like an asshole.
Kek absolutely seething yurifag
>Hahahha kek yurifag trannies DILATE uuunnnngg I wish I could have SEX uuuhhh
t.angry incel
He's the friend that wants a girlfriend badly and thought she was taking him out on a date. He has a mind to tell her that she should be considerate of other people's feelings (since she basically called him out to get between her friend and her brother-boyfriend) and calls her cute because he wants to date her. She's gay for her friend, so she doesn't bite.
>t. brainlet faggots
go back to you monogoloids pieces of shit and kys
Fuck off faggot. You don't seem to mind when /u/ comes here to shitpost about hetfags
No, just not a newfag?
Also a newfag. How embarrassing. Your ignorance is perfect
>tries to call out everyone who disagrees with his cancer as a newfag in a pathetic attempt to invalidate their opinions
Ah, the classic newfag defence
Your tears are delicious
You post like Yea Forums users.
There's nothing to agree or disagree with, here, you're talking about one of the biggest fucking dykes in manga.
We didn't bring up Shitrus. You did.
What the fuck is wrong with the T's in that typeset font? Gross
What exactly makes /u/ btfo in that picture? It's just some guy being an asshole.
Ao no Flag, it's more of a "/y/ btfo" manga though and honestly, it's not that good.
Chagen is loose again.
He was harsh but he spoke the truth. She invited him out just to try to get him be a wedge between his friend and the girl she liked. And she did it all for her own selfish reasons. Also she also got his name wrong, showing how little she actually cared about him.
But it's still stupid. It's like saying that nice boat's ending btfos hetfags.
But she's never going to get the girl, how does /u/ not lose in this situation?
Why hello there, mr. time traveler.
Should yurifags go make a cancerous thread in every time some dude gets rejected in a yuri manga you probably don't even read? Because that's pretty much what you are doing
That was pretty fucking savage, but who the fuck says that, especially out of high-schoolers?
Also, I don't fucking care about Homu and the kid who somehow seems ever gayer, get back to the siblings, they have a nice thing going.
I kinda assumed this sort of things happens around the clock on /u/.
You're not allowed to post boys on /u/. Take that as you will.
Seething hetfags know they need to take their victories where they could get them
You can't post girls on /y/ or yuri on /h/
Why are you acting like such a cunt? I was providing context to about what had happened in this manga ie the lesbian was called out for being a terrible person. Also I'm not OP and I do read yuri manga. But I hate when people try to discuss yuri on Yea Forums, either through obnoxious /u/ fags making generic template threads or false flagging /u/ hate threads posted by shitposting faggots.
This level of obsession is unhealthy, user.
>yuri on /h/
Yes you can
How am I acting like a cunt? I'm just putting things into perspective, take the statement as if I was talking to OP instead, considering fujos have a literal weekly general I don't see what's wrong with having a template thread
Not according to the board rules
>considering fujos have a literal weekly general I don't see what's wrong with having a template thread
It's thinking like that which brings the posting quality of this board down. I'm not saying the thread is a good thing but how is also having a yuri containment thread on Yea Forums going to solve anything?
Technically you can, so long as it is relevant to the topic but some of the people that browse /u/ are complete misandrist assholes and are vehemently opposed to the existence of men in their yuri manga so they report post like that and kick up a fuss about it. I like yuri and even I think they're mentally ill faggots.
>get back to the siblings
They're piss boring though. The whole cast, really, maybe barring whatever the hell happened with the parents.
Who's talking about solving anything? The board is beyond hopeless at this point, if people get banned they just reset their ip, still I like talking about dumb stuff in a fast board, if other people are being allowed to and the situation is hopeless might as well do it, well if fujos ever get their blatant general deleted for good I might consider stopping.
They have some nice chemistry together, that kind of subtle attraction the title suggests.
>dyke BTF-
>ends up with three (3) girlfriends
How did she do it?
>fast board
this board isn't even that fast
When compared to /u/
that's not saying anything, is it? I've never been, so I wouldn't know.
If you browse faster boards than Yea Forums you're probably crossboarding scum that needs to leave
/vg/ and Yea Forums are more than twice as fast as Yea Forums, and Yea Forums and /pol/ are three times faster
Yea Forums is ten times faster than the hobby boards I browse tho
interesting, thank you user
Why is Yea Forums so powerful
people see "video games" and then click on it because "hey I like video games" and then there are twenty bajillion people posting on Yea Forums
The author? You have a source?
Yea Forums doesn't talk about video games in the same way Yea Forums talks about anime. It's mostly twitter screenshots leading to outrage and obsessing over nothing.
Mahiro is a cheater and a whore
it's a week after E3
based Ume
Based chadhiru
I like it, it's cute
>nothing but make people hate lesbians more.
That´s not how it work, your damn homophobic.
Typical of discriminatory people
Why does she have to be considerate of his feelings but he doesn't have to care about hers?
HOW is this BTHFO?
She is a lesbian so don´t matter what guy think of her
>but you´re rude
Guys shouldn't even have rights in a world full of cute girls.
He's being very considerate, in these circumstances.
Unfortunately for you this is a het romance series, so the gender ratio is about even.
I guess it's that "always make sure you lay out your intentions with guys lest they get the wrong idea" thing. She never told him why she wanted to meet up with him, simply that she wanted to, and he was hoping it led to a date. He also is infatuated with her, but the fact remains that he's a guy and she's a girl, so whatever activity she asks to do with him could also be seen as romantic even if it isn't.
>all this hetfaggotry
>all this /u/faggotry
Boys, i think it's time i introduce you to something called yaoi...
I never said anything about yuri though.