One Piece

Favorite fights that weren't Luffy's?

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Literally what you posted. This fight is the epitome of fight kino.

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Law vs Smoker


I hope we get something similar in Zoro vs Kyoushiro.

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Just saw your thread on Yea Forums, you should be ashamed OP.

Why do retards still pretend haki was planned? This is nothing like haki.

Waifu poll. If not listed, tag me.

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Because Oda said so.


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What is it with Zoro always turning his opponents tsundere at the end
>mr 1
>whoever the flashy guy was at skypeia

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Swordsmen respect strong opponents. Zoro's fights are often kind of a competition rather than death match

She's in it. I voted for her.

Franky vs senor Pink went from joke fight to Kino really quickly

we survived another break week bros

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this one felt especially long, compared to the last ones. probably due to the fact it coincided with e3

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hopefully we go back to 4 chapter - break schedule

next week is goldenweek sorry to break your heart user


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Any predictions for 946, lads?
Where will Oda take us? Udon's chaos? Flower capital showdown? Ashura revealing some big secret to Kin?

haha im just fucking with you

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Zoro vs Kaku and Zoro vs Ryuma

reminder that toei already secured the perfect seiyuu fo queen-sama

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Usopp gets captured


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if you said mountain day I'd have believed you. Cause that's the week after.


My top

10) Zoro vs Braham
9) Franky, Luffy and Law vs Yeti Cool Brothers
8) Franky vs Fukurou
7) Zoro vs Ryuma
6) Chopper and Usopp vs Mr & Ms Merry Christmas
5) Colosseum fights
4) Ace vs BlackBeard
3) Law vs Smoker
2) Vergo vs Everyone
1) Franky vs Baby 5 and Buffalo

Turn on your loudspeaker Karasu!

>Zoro says that his sword understands his will
>Haki is literalky willpower energy
>"thats not haki"

Queen knocks out Big Meme

Kinemon vs Kaido in chapter 1000

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>worst scabbard that has to be handheld by zoro to find the most important fucking person alive to him

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How did such a cute and pure girl like Gerth turn into such a massive slut?
Why would Oda do this?

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Punk Hazard had some pretty cool fights. Too had the SHs were in it with their plot armor.

How do we know she's a slut?

except this is what Luffy trying to learn right now

this panel looks so fucking hot

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>wearing that "dress" while going nopan and nobra
>single thigh high

She's a slut.

Is Kinemon a jew?

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Good Morning
I checked all the results to my Wano test last thread and I would like to say that every last one of you failed. It saddens me to know that there are so many speedreaders running rampant in these threads. Due to this, I'll be sure to make the next test even easier than the last
Look forward to it soon!

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You posted this thread on Yea Forums

Good morning

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Who made Zoror the OP?

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>Le black screen shallow cut man
Sanji vs kuroobi and Sanji vs gin.

944 failed, what's the next big theory?

Zoro will kill Kaido

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>469 Luffy appears
>496 Luffy appears
>649 Luffy appears
>694 Luffy appears

GODA will deliver

at some point, carrot became vivi #2
but when exactly?

Spoiler when ?

For me, it's Wiper, Gan Fall, Zoro, and Robin vs Enel.

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I should probably check this but I choose to believe you.

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How could i forget about this? This was such a lovely moment. I haven't read or watched anything of the Skypia arc in more than 10 years, i should definitely change that.

if they aren't out in a hour or so, tonight

Akainu vs Kuzan.
Reminder that Akainu is Yonko level at least.

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This is literally the shit used in Wano, their version of Haki like Mantra was for the skypiea retards

Sneaking on the ship

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not even in zoro top 3 fights, only edgelords likes it

Whens the next opening?

We don't know

He probably can bring the same level of destruction of a Yonko but I wouldn't say that he'd win in a 1vs1

Also happens to be one of my favourite fights overall. If we're talking 1v1 fights then probably Usopp vs Perona.

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2 non humans in the top 6
Shanks is disgusted

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What is the man wearing a strawhat that will destroy fishman island is Shanks?

Luffy and Shanks meet again. Luffy gives the strawhat back. Shanks ''thanks, now we have to bring in the great cleansing....'''

>There are 4 other Peronafags here
Which one of you made fun of my nigga Mihawk?

I would guess on the 7th since that's the official start of Wano but who knows

why do all zoro's fights end with some asspull

Vivi is not a human?

I wish zoro will actually use techniques other than his fucking dogshit range attack

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that's what you call a retcon


>that synthesizer effect at 0:52

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Same. I'd love if oda did another stupid tactical all vs one like this to bring down kaido.

Oda is an atheist for sure.

Me. Mihawk is a sword autist. Anybody who thinks he and Perona actually hooked up are delusional. They haven't even canonically touched.

Incelhawk can't even get past Perona's ghosts. Why do you think he hasn't kicked her out?

Pre time skip chopper was more fuckable than current carrot.
his voice was much cuter too.


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Poor zoro really misjudged the effort it'd take to raise to the top.


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Maybe your just a tiny bit gay, user.

Is it weird if I shed tears at how good this fight was what in the fucking oblivion

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T. Brainlet who doesn't understand skypiea
Skypiea is oda's criticism of idols, how we try to hide from things we can't control and fear by forcing the mantel of god on them
He has no problem with none idolatry religions

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>Ittouryu iai... SHISHI SONSON
>*birds chirping*
>sheathes sword
Pure fucking kino

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So are spoilers out late tonight?

Of course not
One piece is a male romance, it's completely reasonable to be brought to tears by it, that just shows your a real human being with empathy


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>Perona spent an extra week or two on Sabaody just to fuck Zoro

So exactly how much of her smell was actually Zoro's in this scene?

>zorofags are this delusional

None you fucking ape

early One Piece really has that oldschool anime feel

jesus christ sanji is fucking gross

None of the strawhats ever gave the villain the final blow, it's always Luffy. Why should it be different now?

Sanji will try to fuck anything. Including corpses and animals.


It's Perona vs Nami now. Who would win in a fight?

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You bet your ass Zoro will fight Kaido like Enel though escape graciously because he can't get injured that badly for the war.

My one favorite is Usopp vs Luffy since it shows how strong Luffy is while also showing Usopp's competence, the emotional weight and length of the fight.Other than that Usopp & Chopper vs those BW agents, Usopp vs Perona, Zoro vs Mr 1, Sanji vs Bon Kurei.

Pre-timeskip Usopp had the best fights, Zoro fights are just shit since demonstrating a sword fight in manga format is quite difficult, most moves are just straight up bullshit and all fights end with Zoro teleporting 10 meters behind his opponent, same pose every fucking fight.

Luffy fights are kind of ok but Luffy's endurance aka plot armor and opponent sucking Luffy's cock throughout the fight always kill the whole thing.

It's not necessarily his attempts to fuck anything that makes him gross, it's his perverted behavior. That's exactly how you don't get to fuck anything

back to r/OnePiece

>she just hung around Sabaody for far longer than necessary for no reason at all!
>she just forced Zoro to cuddle with her for no reason at all!
>she was just willing to go out of her way to do anything Zoro wanted for no reason at all!


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don't forget about Axe-Hand Morgan, if you ask me, Kaido is the Morgan of the new world. Rika gave Zoro food, Tama gave Luffy food.
Luffy beat Morgan's son, Luffy beat Kaido's son (Katakuri)
Morgan put a giant statue of himself on his base, Kaido's island looks like him....

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God I truly hope Mihawk and Zoro peed in my mouth together

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Based Sanji

>They made Zolo failing to cut the birdcage a legend
>Zolos 2nd legend has the same outfit as his first

When did Zoro attempt to cut the birdcage?

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This is too precise. Pic related will happen.

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what the fuck is this ugly shit

>Zoro as an Int unit

It's a gacha game, every character will have a legend version of nearly every scene. Also who cares what the grinding game features, when I realised how much work it was to level up my Sengoku's special I just quit

>ignoring my question
So you admit to being wrong?

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>Int slashers
Why are you pretending you even have basic knowledge about the game

Its kinda lame that his only legends are all from Dressrossa desu. There are other Zolo outfits.

Luffys wife

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Zoro is not intelligent or cerebral. He should stick to Str Dex Qck

It's not lame at all? His new legend revived slashers and is practically a much better V2 Sanji.
Also Dressrosa is the only place where he's done something worthy of getting a legend. He barely even tried against Hyouzou or Monet.

That shit hasn't mattered for years you moron. Stop trying to talk about something you don't even know about.

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>I'll do anything!

>str dex qck int cel
>representing characters
confirmed retard



More like


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>shut up we don't want things to make sense

>mfw patiently waiting for Bonney to cuck Hancock

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Yes, they don't make sense in the game nor are they supposed to you retard. It's just how the game functions.

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Hes closer to Blucci than V2 Sanji sit down.
>revived Slashers


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The nice thing is even if most things other people cried about won't even bring you near tears there's a scene for almost everyone.
So far I was hit hardest by the comfy party and piano scenes at the end of thriller bark.

>closer to blucci than v2 sanji

Where's my spoilers?


I don't play gachashit, but doesn't Treasure Cruise have some psychic/psy bullshit classification?
Why would you think any of the stats should represent their character?

Cried like a bitch at Hiluluk and Bellemere.

What? His pigman actions are one of the major reasons he's considerably less attractive than Zoro, reflected in how Oda draws him looking repulsive when he's like that

More evidence that elite swords have a form of sentience.

It will never happen

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Haki was planned but you are right there is an extra factor in Koshiro’s cutting technique, which will get expansion in Wano and probably has a relation to the Fire Cut Zoro wants to learn.

Alabasta was full of incredible moments. But my personal favorite's got to be Usopp and Chopper Vs. Ms. Merry Christmas and Mr. 4. Shit was incredibly creative and I love any moment where my man Usopp gets to shine against people obviously more powerful than him.

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So far only Kyoshiro and Zoro has proved they can “not cut” while cutting, definitely not “everyone on Wano” or even Mihawk has proved they can “not cut.”

Haki and the voice of all things is different speed reader kun.

Usopp is the only weak character with a named “meteor” attack (finished that fight). All the others with one are like Garp, Fujitora, and Akainu.

Everything is finna be fine, fellow Lawchads...

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are you sure? I bet they'll love eating together

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All pinkshits belong to Zoro. The only pink haired slut that has interacted with him that hasn't tried jumping his bones is Shirahoshi, who doesn't even know what sex is.

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Because V2 Sanji is a chain booster while V2 Zoro is a conditional 4.025 like Lucci.
Plus V2 Zoro special is mediocre.
I guess he saved Slashers with a 2018 tier legend.

i meant mihawk

Luffy vs Usopp at the end of the Alabasta Arc.

It isn't a Luffy fight more than an Usopp fight against a brick fucking wall.

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I would say 40/60. He certainly seems capable of injuring them and could tank White Beard's strongest attacks.

water7 you mean

Big Mom is the strongest One Piece character
She can straight up walk through the earth with her face

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Fuck, it's been too long.
You're right.

Will other strong subordinates of Kaidou be revealed other than the remaining Flying 6? For an army of zoan users we are kiiiiinda low on new zoans this arc.

Scuse me, but you are forgeting that Kaido is a thing.
Y'know, the dude that face planted himself on an island from a sky island, didn't feel a thing and wrecked 3 different pirate groups that were no slouches either.
All that while drunk out of his mind.

Who's the strongest pre-TS enemy that Sanji could beat by himself? I think he should easily be able to handle Lucci.

It's not like we'd see that many real zoans when the entire fleet is made of smile users.

Kaido had to climb out of the hole he made. Big Mom walked out through solid rock.

>Chapter 946

Chopper will explain what is going on with O-Linlin to Luffy

Luffy is gonna ride Big Mom like UCY in dressorsa and go on a Rampage haha

That would be epic

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You mean post-TS Sanji against pre-TS Lucci?
I think it wouldn't even be fun to watch. Lucci is an actual beast in terms of raw strength, but haki gives Sanji such an edge over him it's not even a contest.

We missed you the last couple of threads

Oda showed he is capable of being creative with the straw hats but almost immediately after this arc he regressed to monster trio wankery: haki edition even after the timeskip

He should handle Lucci my ass.Pre-TS Sanji would get his ass kicked by Pre-TS Lucci.Post-TS sanji would get his ass kicked by Post-TS Lucci.If we're talking Post-TS Sanji vs Pre-TS Lucci then Lucci still has the upperhand since Sanji was one of the least progressed Strawhats during the time skip.Running away from trannies only gets you so far.

Yeah, but even before X Drake joined and before all the smile business, Kaidou's crew was known as the Beasts Pirates. And sure, there are some strong zoans in his crew, but I would like to see some more. Hell, Big Mom's arc just casually threw background characters with random devil fruit powers around for the sake of it. Might aswell drop in some unimportant zoans for Kaidou aswell.

Haki is a thing now tho.
Not only armament, his forte is actually observation.

Next Chapter will have Big Mom entering Rampage mode. For now, she seems self-controlled and still conscious. She will obliterate the prison next chapter, but when she finds out there is no O-Shiruko left, she'll begin really smashing it down, and attacking Chopper and her "allies".
Luffy escapes with everyone from prison, with Big Mom following behind and chasing after them.

Reminder that kaido is stronger than zunisha, who one shot a ynko commander and destroyed his entire fleet
Reminder that kaido is the strongest living thing

I'm talking post-TS Sanji vs pre-TS opponents.

Luffy could beat up the Boa sisters with relative easy pre-ts, and they were prominent haki users.

>Sandersonia isn't even on the list
Top pleb tier poll

Post time skip lucci has both observation and armament
Also sanji hasn't shown katakuri levels of observation
At most it'd be a kind of tricky fight for pre-ts lucci, but it was shown in skypiea that CoO doesn't make one invincible

What is it with "strongest man"/"strongest thing/creature"? Is it Oda hypebaiting WB first and now Kaido? Or is it a hint that Kaido is no man at all? And if so, would it refer to him having a dragon fruit or him being a beast or something else?

Bonney is most likely a 60 yo woman

Probably yes.
I'm hoping it has a different conotation to it this time tho, a continuation of the Totland arc with them just running away would be boring.

I'm not sure if he can beat CP9 Lucci though, even the VA and the Sichibukai were hyping him.

CP9 techniques are haki before haki and I don't think Observation would help in a 1v1 fight against a Zoan user unless you have the future sight.

That's what I said.

He could if he was actually out for blood, yes.
But the thing is that we actually got to see the ful extent of Lucci's power pre-ts with his fight with Luffy. Post ts Sanji is THE fastest Straw Hat on land without any boost, has the second best observation haki (loosing only to 10-secs-into-future-Luffy) and was already part of the monster trio BEFORE having a power up in the form of his Germa Suit, which made him even fucking fater.

yeah why are you so retarded to even need to talk about this, Sanji and Zoro oneshooted Pacifista, they would beat any pre ts Villain up to Shabody

>Caesar cover story
>It’s how he gets away from WCI
>He accidentally runs into Vegapunk’s escort
>He gets captured by cp0 there
>last page of his story shows Caesar yelling “THIS SHIP IS GOING WHERE?!?!?!?”
>Now Caesar gets to be in Wano too

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>Post ts Sanji is THE fastest Straw Hat on land without any boost
Nah, that would be Brook

Ayo where my zorobros at?

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Caesar is in the Sunny speedread-kun

Is this even his final form ?

The rokushiki is just some glorified technique that anyone can learn one way or the other.
Luffy learned essentially higan with gear second and Sanji learned soru with skywalk.

Haki does make things easier on Sanji bacause learning just armament makes you stronger in every sense of the word and observation makes so that you don't even need to show how strong you are because you dodge so fast.

Friendly reminder that Bartolomew sent Zoro on Mihawk's island on purpose to protect and give some company to his biological daughter Perona.

It's obvious that Lucci was nerfed against Luffy in EL. Same for Crocodile, he was btfo'd by base Luffy but he could hold his own against Doflamingo in Marineford while post-TS Sanji got stomped.

That would be Asura, where he multiplies his already absurdly high IQ by three.

If you are saying that because of the water thing, it is because he's fast, but more because he's light.
I seriously can't see Brook outspeed Sanji, pre or post TS.

I wonder what he's huffing

He's a big guy

Pray tell how the shit was he nerfed.
I don't remember anything happening to Lucci that would make him weak.
If anything he got buffed because he just ate his Leopard Fruit.

Present, as always!

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it was never stated when Lucci eat his fruit, we only know that he didn't have it at the age of 13

Kaido is stronger, he just been raped in the past and his fear allows Linlin to oneshoot him with Soul Phocus

That's even worse, he had time to train with it.

>Want someone to beat him
>Afraid of Big Mom
Is there literally anyone that can go against her?

In terms of sheer PHYS, Big Mom is the strongest.
Her magic is nullified by courage though and Kaido’s isn’t.

Sanji shouldn't have too much problem taking down Crocodile or Moria with his raid suit. Maybe even Kuma.


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She's still well and wrecking his partner.

basically fodder at this point. Bartolomeo one shotted a Vice Admiral in the Colosseum

Oda already answered an SBS question about which SHs would win in a race, with Brook being first and Sanji being second.

Isn't Big Mom outside Tottoland one of the most dangerous events? What would happen if she craves a food that can only be found in there? Like a dessert or a course that is simply not available in a certain island.
They're lucky she's hungering for O-Shiruko and not Mc Donalds.

not really, if Big meme couldn't beat Jinbei then she's going down next chapter

Bartholomew Kuma of Thriller Bark or Kizaru of Saboady.
Raid Suit Sanji is very strong.

travel speed doesn't matter in actual fights. Zoro was fifth in that ranking and he beat Ryuma who was basically a stronger version of Brook

Remember when before the big war the Navy would almost shit itself everytime one of the yonkos made a move? Big Mom trying to invade Kaido's territory would be world news yet the navy hasn't done shit.

King > Big Mom
Caesar > Luffy and Smoker
Yeti Cool Brothers > Zoro

Kizaru is a bit of a stretch but I could see him beating Kuma since he and Preskip Zoro could damage him.

Kalifa vs Sanji because irojikake is my weakness.

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Who's the one between Law's legs?

Because they have the retard Akainu running things now. He isn't the tactical genius Sengoku was.

Looks like Brook

The image the manga world fears.

Sanji is East Blue level

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Travel speed mattered when Norland saved the girl from Kashi.
Life-saving is the true way of the swordsman.

Goddamnit if Brook gets to be there then so should my nigga Franky.

It's Brook but i guess its kind of a mistake lmao


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Well it's not like speed is the deciding factor in all fights. Brook is the fastest, and Zoro would've been ranked higher but he got lost.

No PURIN = no vote

Zoro will get super wrecked if he cannot aia as fast as Kyoshiro. Also his arm is hurt.

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Oh my god with this

Princesses think they're safe from the BTC.



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What if Uranus was that giant moon thing Capone ran into post-marineford?

That can't be because Uranus is Kaidou.

Plot. The protagonist always beat the villain no matter how strong they are supposed to be, it's the same in any shonen.
Pre-ts Crocodile and Lucci can't possibly be weaker than a Pacifista, a freaking Shichibukai and the strongest Cipher Pol agent ever. And yet they lost against pre-TS Luffy. There's no in-universe explanation for this, it's just plot.

> irojikake
Nani sore?

It's "iai" user, and sword drawing speed =/= travel speed.

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Is Killer finally confirmed the weakest Supernova? Most people thought that it's either him, Bege, or Bonney but Bege has the Big Father and Bonney has a Sugar-tier df.

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Kaido's just an AG who ate a dragon fruit. AG's are just that fucking strong.

Based Zoronerd schooling retards

tfw still waiting to find if my bois kid and killer are gonna be okay

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>the protagonist always beat the villain no matter how strong they are supposed to be
uhh nope. not in this series. most of the time, sure, but definitely not 100% of the time.

It was the best powerup ever, but many fights surpassed it. The drama was super high tier.

>someone voted for Flampe

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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand swordsmanship

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>Shigure is Tashigi's sword, which name means Late Autumn Rain
>Shimotsuki, the name of Zoro and Kuina's village as well as the family name of Yasu'ie means Frost Moon, an old name for November, which is late autumn
>Every region of Wano so far has simulated a different season
>Hakumai where Yasu'ie governed had an autumn like climate
>The sword Shigure was forged in Wano, likely in the Hakumai region
>Hakumai is one of the few regions that hasn't been explored in the main story
>The Smile phenomenon has to be reversed, and only one man can do it
>Said man is with Smoker and Tashigi

Tashigi will show up in Wano while in the Hakumai region. She will encounter Zoro and berate him for losing Shusui and carelessly getting injured. She will "rain on his parade" while in the autumn region of Wano.

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Why? Because he lost to Zoro or because he's the first to lose?
You're being stupid, for all we know Apoo will be beaten by Usopp.

Killer and Kid have done more shit than any other supernova these past two years. They've infiltrated Big Mom's territory and survived while accomplishing their goal. They've survived a run in with the Red Haired pirates and now survived the Kaido skirmish. Not to mention them becoming deep parts of the underworld.

It's Caribou.

Usopp wouldn't even beat Holdem

Norland was a stronger swordsman than Zoro with also a higher travel speed.

Usopp would beat Weevil.

Oh god the Schizo is here again.

Yes that's literally your headcanon. Nobody excepted Killer would be taken down in a single move with some shitty and average technique like Rengoku Onigiri.

Attached: fucking octopus looking ass.jpg (739x415, 37K)


his bounty says otherwise.
38 million beli increase after 2 years is not really impressive, especially compared to characters like Bege or Apoo.

Not him but Norland was someone alive hundreds of years ago. We have no way of telling Norland's powerlevel because there's no way to compare. For all we know he could be admiral level in offensive terms.

The truth behind all these Killer defenders is that we know Zoro is stronger than Killer and tool him out pretty handely but we don’t want to belive it because that’s fucking lame.

A true pirate rival for Zoro is cool and makes for interesting manga

hes probably worse off sober hes a super alcoholic

Zoro is still growing

Attached: Zoro saving Hiyori.png (619x550, 231K)

Norland peaked, Zoro hasn't.

zoro looks so badass here

>these threads
Holy fucking shit all you people do is talk about Zoro what the FUCK

Attached: 828a040.png (530x719, 455K)

zoro bad

This is what a "Year of x" is supposed to be user.

Attached: Smug_Zoro.png (202x282, 168K)

The Gorosei weren't afraid of Shanks being in their room or Akainu melting their face off, so they must be weak.

What is the actual point of making Orochi and the ninjas such weaklings? Oda talks about how he “writes this manga for young boys” well is that what young boys want to see? Jobbers?

It just doesn’t make sense to me, you can have Orochi be the same hateable scum bag but make him strong. And the ninjas who have cool designs blow. Why?

zoro good

/Zoro/ when

Attached: Sanji_this_isnt_weed.png (503x386, 198K)

Norland could blink strike, Zoro can’t.
Norland could cut Kashi’s scales, Zoro couldn’t cut Noland’s.
Norland could move the earth with his strength when it swallowed him. Zoro hasn’t shown that level of strength so far in the story.

They had their heads under water for 2 weeks, gonna be a hard no from me.

>I'm the only one who voted for my waifu
Yeah boy, no competition!

Look who they lost to, retard. You're making the same mistake you made with Holdem.

What the fuck man, I was trying to post that exact same image in reply to that post.

Attached: b983e2813881c637f9aa4b8d28d693c9.jpg (500x395, 35K)

Power levels are for ADHD faggots

You completely failed to understand my point.

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>Zoro could not cut *Nola’s
Also Luffy’s punches couldn’t hurt Nola either, similar to how he cant damage through Kaido’s scales.

Since we know Norland saved the tontatta from a great enemy 400 years ago, maybe it was the same kind of monster as Kaido.

Attached: 9F6C5FD7-C5D6-4DC1-B8D9-AD70548C2D4D.png (600x603, 883K)

Smart people tend to think alike.

Attached: Zorojuro_smart.jpg (800x1053, 210K)

Excuse me for speedreading but would Kuma really have taken Luffy to the marines at the end of thriller bark or was that a charade? And if it wasn't what changed at sabaody?

I just disagreed with it. He was obviously “admiral level” and the ancient enemy he saved the tontatta from was also very strong. Oda wouldn’t randomly bring it up near the end of the story if not.

>he was obviously "admiral level"
Oh so you practically mean the same thing as I do.

Anyway, my point is it's pointless to compare Zoro with Noland because Noland is just very strong. It's like trying to compare Luffy and Kaido. There's nothing.

Noland is so much cooler than Ryuma

I agree losing to Luffy Zoro or Sanji doesn’t make you weak, but to be handled literally effortlessly by the likes of Robin and Brook. I wouldn’t even mind if they lost to those two, but they just are jokes. And it’s not like the New Fishman Pirates where you can tell Oda thinks they’re cool but everyone disagrees, Oda knows they are jokes. My question is why?


Brook is just spooking them, there will always be comedy in One Piece.
Robin slapped them away but did not injure them. If Robin hadn't used her hana clone when they all struck back in the early 930s, she'd be dead.

Attached: 1409590546877.png (700x700, 236K)

literally me when looking at qt zoro

If Noland was so strong, why didn't he just escape, instead of being executed like a cuck in a dishonest trial fabricated by a greedy king?

I mean Zoro needs a few flashbacks before he can be strong like Noland. Of course it will be hard to compare once Zoro is a complete swordsman, but in that case I’d give Zoro benefit of the doubt.

>What is the actual point of making Orochi and the ninjas such weaklings?
Wano has been an isolated country for 20 or so years, they've not had much challenge oppressing the common civilians so when a whole bunch of beefed up foreigners come, they're taken by surprise.

This panel basically summarizes Kin'emon's role in the story.

Attached: kinmon.jpg (453x280, 37K)

It's a mystery post.

That’s a reasonable explanation, but I still don’t think that makes for interesting manga

It’s clear that he willfully submitted to it whether you think that’s dumb or not.
The guy could move the earth when it swallowed him.

t. Hiyori

Attached: 1560898899628.png (1199x771, 1.29M)

Zoro vs Mr. 1

Kinemon is explictly Kizaru level.
And just like him, if he messes up and accidentally uses just a little bit too much strength, there's lots of collaterol damage.
Since they were trying to be subtle, it was much safer to have Sanji deal with them, instead of Kinemon causing a massive scene by unleashing his power level.

Sent from my iPhone 6S

They nearly killed Robin. Alone, they're not strong, but as a group they obviously are, and they're always in a group.

But he was crying his eyes out, he had a family, and he wanted to make it back to Kalgara.
Yes, he could've broken free easily but he didn't, when he wanted to.

It's a huge plothole.

I guess we just missed him a lot.

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Attached: Best Bros.jpg (449x930, 121K)

Why are you assuming he could've easily broken free?

Don't even fuckin joke user I swear on ye mum

Attached: 6d553cced43d6d882b80f65fc43cda1b.jpg (563x473, 33K)

didn't mean to call you a retard if it's you sorry user i was just messing around

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12 hours until queenfags rise up


Attached: drowning.png (548x157, 93K)

Kinemon does not want to reveal his secret sword style to pirates. Kinemon did not teach the fire cut to Zoro.
Even though he’s travelled with the strawhats, even though they saved him, pirates cannot be trusted.
Kinemon is still the only samurai that brought something new to swordsmanship to the table, and he’s a time traveller samurai.

Attached: CFF5139A-DB21-4EBA-BE11-67018F8FA203.png (954x533, 152K)

Better return both of them to nami if you want to prevent disaster.

>pirates killed Oden two months ago from my perspective.
Note how Kinemon has been trickling truth from his initial lies for the last five years of releases?

Yeah that scene was awesome, but after that they’ve literally don’t nkthing but job. I pray that Fukurojuku is a threat. They said he stood with Hyogoro so I don’t see why he wouldn’t be.

Nami is a slut

Attached: ph657.jpg (706x525, 85K)

/opg/ is so wholesome!

Attached: idiot sandwich.jpg (544x564, 26K)

Only one of them has jobbed bro. The others just got spooked for a gag.

Nami the Virgin Killer

He could've just beaten them with simple swordsmanship. It's not like fodder are a huge threat.

>sharing food
will never happen, apply yourself

They are strong, but Shanks could have easily killed one if it was his intent. He also could have killed Akainu instead of saved Coby at Marineford.

The results are finally here! TalkOP's Most Popular One Piece Characters

-The followers of God shouldn't be underestimated. After being behind both for months, Usopp surpasses Sabo and Kata in the final week and makes it into the top 10!
-Franky was in the top 20 for quite a while but, unfortunately, he isn't anymore. He is the only Straw Hat that didn't make the cut
-Katakuri is the most popular character introduced in the last two years
-Jack still can't catch a break and is overshadowed by his "big bros" King and Queen
-Some users on the site suspect the votes may have been counted wrong. So, there will be a recount just in case. Otherwise, they apologize for the inconvenience

Attached: Top.jpg (1080x1707, 2.02M)

Fuck jobbing or not jobbing, scoring or not scoring as long as he's happy it's fine whatever he does.

They claimed to have Kanjuro as a hostage, so Kinemon would have to beat them with a technique rather than through attrition.
In Punk Hazard he is split in three. Put together again he slays the mini slimes and saves Brook from the strongest dragon on the island. On Dressrosa he asks Sanji to fight fodder for him. On Wano he has the stomach flu.


Attached: OG trio.jpg (1200x845, 154K)

*handle the strongest attack of a weakened whitebeard because of sickness and old age

Not sure if he could’ve took a punch from WB if he was 10years younger and healthier tho.

But yeah, Akainu is stronk

Luffy looks like hes pround of nami

Nami was behind Robin for quite a while in the poll. She managed to get into the top 3 in the last minute. Nami fans made themselves known in the last week.

>Hiyori 53
>Komurasaki 56

>Ace and Sabo slowly begin dropping out of the top ten
About time.

is this sarcasm?

Early talkop
946: Kibidango
big mom standing over smoke
in spread, queen neck rises and hits big mom and pushes her back
tama wants to help olin and gives chopper Kibidango
raizo trying to find key for Luffy neck
big mom and Queen clash. Suddenly on last page walk point chopper comes and throws Kibidango into queen mouth. Queen calls Tama master. No break next week


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The poll began before the reveal. So, people voted for Komu until then. The voters began using Hiyori later. But, I do agree that they should've been counted as one

clearly fake

Tama will defeat Kaido

No, just me being retarded. I remembered the last top ten wrong, I thought Ace was 4 and Sabo was 8 or something. I was speedreading the image so hard I didn't even pay attention to the "changes from previous poll" arrows.



Based OG Trio


>Reiju that high
>Franky that low
not nice
>Nami above Sanji
very nice

Where's Franky? Is 22 supposed to be him?

Sabo needs to fuck off

Yes. He's #22 as Franosuke

>Tama 42
>Toko 94 at absolute best

Ugly SMILEgoblin fags BTFO

under reiju. fucking unbelievable man, i don't even understand why we should pretend to give a shit about these dumbasses' taste

>Tashigi below Hiyori

Attached: Hiyori wink.png (404x465, 134K)

I wonder how things would go if they put these polls on the internet and open internationally

>Carrot 29

They'd be botted to hell and back

56 is Kiku you nerd

w-why is luffy staring at nami's fat tiddies like that?

They're TIED you doofus.

It's both. They're tied with Fisher Tiger

Assuming of course that they'd protect against that

>I want an all-out war where i can finally die
>Reee don't let her in i don't want a war
Explain this

Best fight we never got to see Akainu vs Aokiji. So massive it fucked the entire island they did it on

damn, no Im?

>no Urouge

Attached: wicked.jpg (306x500, 66K)

Stop right there, Fujitora!

Attached: LuKa.png (1080x712, 898K)

viz had a poll last time SJ had one

Attached: Download.jpg (260x194, 18K)

I tried to upload this like 6 hours ago but my internet is too shit
Suggest me more, ill add more but i dont think there is much left to be added

Attached: iceberg.jpg (1580x2238, 316K)


Why did Robin wear such revealing clothing in Dressrosa? Also when did she say this?

>kibidango working on real zoans
I really hope not.

when Usopp lied about being related to Noland

>Explain this
He wants the greatest war ever to engulf the world and raze it to ashes, not engage in a single-handed kaiju battle between just him and Big Mom. Kaido wants to go out all guns blazing.

That's actually pretty funny
>bb triplets theory


Attached: fag.png (503x278, 111K)

946 early scans

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one piece has gotten shit after the timeskip

Friendly reminder that unless you are BLACK, a FISH-MAN or possess a BIG CYBORG COCK, Robin isn't interested in you

69? that's a sex number haha

Attached: 69.jpg (150x71, 6K)

I’m a Sanjifag, like him even more than Zoro and Nami, but even I know the fact that the OG trio is the most important trio in the series

It just looks rehashed from WCI, wtf man.

>actually spending time making this
lmao nerd

very nice, but also needs
>Monet is alive
>mfw patiently waiting for Bonney to join
>Green Bull has acid logia


Kyros is my nigga, he should be higher

Where did his collar go

Why do Nips not care about the Yonko besides Shanks?


>Vivi 17
>Carrot 29

not like the situation differs too much from the chinese fandom to the japanese one

holy shit no one likes Franky

>Not voting for Vivi
I, for one, am disappointed in yinz taste Yea Forums.

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early raw is out

Attached: condoriano901_zps12bgbkx8.png (407x315, 69K)

>no One Piece will be on break

Can I at least be her paypig?

Based Vivichad

Attached: tennis-vivi.png (233x635, 363K)

I voted Carrot only for Vivi to go down

Absolutely based. This is the only kind of furfaggotry that's okay.

To compare, here are the top 20 from the first annual poll in 2017

Attached: 2017.jpg (1440x1080, 571K)

why is ace popular

You're really stupid if you're being serious.

I wish he would've gone a little further.
The eyes of the true Celestial Dragons (Imu) look like that becauuuse...

>It's obvious that Lucci was nerfed against Luffy in EL.



Attached: 07.jpg (1554x1200, 590K)

It can be safely assumed that fujos dominate these things, right?

robin is a slut, Nami is a pure goddess

Nice arm, Shanks.

He wants a good fight but doesn't want his Wano operation messed up

>Boa out of the top 10

Thank fucking Christ, as soon as we ditch Poochie and Poochie 2 we'll be back on track.

Lolonoa Zolo, Swoldsman of Stlawhat Pilates

>Hancock, Sabo, and Ace finally start falling behind because they've done literally nothing for the first time in years
>"Some users on the site suspect the votes may have been counted wrong. So, there will be a recount just in case."

Transparent as fuck.

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Attached: scarey pudding.gif (149x150, 284K)

>OG trio first
Wtf,can't believe chinks are actually based
Why do asians dislike Franky tho?

They are afraid of the high test.

>still in the top 7 females
>still a Babelord of the Sea

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They'll be ready tonight, chef

Don't worry. Someone's gonna reel him in.

Attached: Subtle movement.gif (500x281, 953K)

>d choose their own death
i think this is a pretty safe bet and shouldn't be this deep

Yeah. I honestly don't think we will ever find out much more about the Will of D than we already know. Maybe some things about heritage, but with how much emphasis Oda puts on chosen family being more important than biological one, even that is on shakey grounds in my book.
Ds just happen to have a lot of self-determination for some reason. That's it, really. I really hope Oda is able to keep the D mysterious.

man, that's a really pretty katana
zoro likes katanas

Honestly, I’ve gotten so used to the “Big Mom split personality” theory that any other thing that actually happnes in the story will seem stupid to me. It just makes so much sense, both BM and MC scowl the same, have empty dreams, and treat their “family” good on the surface but actually shitty.

I love Puddin

>it's his perverted behavior
you have to go back to /mha/

It’s because you have something called good taste

she's in it

>Usopp is from the long nose tribe
Top kek

Woooow that was a big miss. My bad.

Current top 10.
Carrot falling behind after leading for a while, Perona has a huuuge fanbase apparently.

Attached: top10.png (1199x788, 91K)

World's Most Beautiful Woman

Who wouldn’t want a big titty goth gf

One piece of Doo doo

I just like that Oda for once write a female character that was important to the plot
+ she's pretty

Attached: one_piece_chapter_848__good_bye_pudding__by_amanomoon-daqbksh-731x449.jpg (731x449, 58K)

She has good qualities: attractive but unique look, while for instance Vivi and Rebecca are just Nami palette swaps.

Broken DF allows her attitude that ranges from crazy to cute. She has a nice laugh as well.

They have a better rank than Big Mom
She is 69

>og trio top 3
>franky number 22
taste disregarded

They don't like Franky because he's a based American

Not including the Peronafag vote spamming this proves Nami and Robin are the two peak cumdumpsters of OP

Charlottefags BTFO
>No Smootie and Perospero

What's that

Franky is one of the most neglected strawhats and most people seems to dislike his post ts design

WTF Zeus > Big mom

Also you can't argue that he's not a pervert, it's literally one of his character traits

This. Had he continued with how he was Pre-timeskip, he'd at least be in the top 20.

gear five will be...?

and that's the reason why Kinemon will join so we will have perverted trio

Attached: i8WR79C.jpg (1440x810, 191K)

Gear 5 : Baka Man

Attached: Luffy.png (483x289, 76K)

Attached: Gear 5 Michelin Man.jpg (736x1024, 60K)


Attached: 1555124186751.png (1147x1531, 1.42M)

How high are the chances that one of the remaining red scabbards is dead and either Zoro or Momonosuke has to fill the empty spot for the fight against the five heads of Orochi?

How exactly is this different from Gear Fourth?

Luffy vs Blueno for several reasons

>it introduced me to OP

Now aside from the fanboy shit. It introduced G2 which as the first real "powerup" for Luffy in the series. Every member of the crew have gotten stronger somehow (especially Zoro) , but Luffy was strong as hell to begin with (how he lifted that huge part of the ship while mind controlled by Jango, the golden bell, shattered Krieg's armor with bare hands) just lacked experience. Now he reached a cockblock here, because he could keep up with Blueno in terms of power, but not in speed. So G2, utter destruction, but wait, Blueno is still not down yet? Let's try Gear...then he falls. This was the best foreshadowed power in the series imo, and left people power that not one but two gears at once? Even stronger? What could it be? So yeah.

>How high are the chances that one of the remaining red scabbards is dead
well, one of the big theories right now is that denjiro is actually dead and ashura is gonna show kin his grave

Attached: memories.png (866x496, 359K)

From Redon:

-Ace vs Kaido flashback

Yeah, that shit was pretty great, a shame Gear 3 was kinda eh in comparison.
But I think you kinda ignored OP's question.

Zoro always had the best fights, much better than Luffy's.

It's fine; it's not like everyone can have good taste.

Attached: Carrotchad.png (1080x1331, 972K)

I always really liked Luffy's Gear 2 fights, but Zoro is literally the fight man, he has the best ones

I'm a Carrot poster and this image is literally me right now

Attached: boing.gif (498x278, 2.23M)

usopp and franky fights

Franky vs Fukurou was based

>all the ones from the abyss are from the Kinemonfag
Based schizo

Attached: Kinemon_Anime_Concept_Art.png (412x1064, 371K)

Attached: Captura de pantalla 2019-06-19 a la(s) 3.01.38 p.m..png (500x533, 57K)

spoilers when

The usual time will be 10 hours from now.

You know I just realized, shouldn't Zoro's breath of all things allow him to detect Sanji's raid suit and Shiryu's sword in their respective invisibilities?

Please be fake

I was bored so I checked in which arc the most characters debuted. If it wasn't 100 % clear when a character debuted (due to shadowed panels or something) I used whatever the wiki used. Also I did count Hiyori and Komurasaki as one character
Data I gathered:
>arcs not represented are post-enies lobby, return to sabaody (sorry caribou bros) and Marineford
>only cover story represented is coby-helmeppo with Garp
>most represented arc is Dressrosa with 11 characters ahead of Sabaody (7) and Romance Dawn. Jaya, Water7, Fishman Island, all tied with 5
>arcs with exactly 1 character are Reverse Mountain, Little Garden, Long Ring Long Land, Enies Lobby, Amazon Lily and the Reverie
>arcs with 2 characters are Arlong Park, Whiskey Peak, Impel Down, Post-War and Punk Hazard
>arcs with 3 characters are Orange Town, Syrup Village, Loguetown, Drum, Skypiea, Zou and Wano
>arcs with 4 characters are Baratie, Alabasta, Thriller Bark and Whole Cake Island
hope I didn't miss anything, have any questions go ahead, thanks for reading fellow autists

Attached: naglas.png (661x264, 287K)

>none of my imu is a girl theories are in

Quick someone vote for Rebecca to push Tashigis out of top


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Vice Admiral is such a shit position because their strength is so varied

Its missing Big Mom is a homie and the leg hair theory.

I bet Enel is shit at piloting Uranus and that’s why Oda played with the idea of him taking Nami.
Nami piloted the waver better than Conis, who had been practicing her whole life.
Whatever vessel Uranus is, Nami seems like its rightful pilot.

Attached: A41FA717-B0DF-4227-83C3-2A668F7CE7E2.png (540x176, 92K)

>mother caramel is controlling big mom

The leg hair canon you mean.

didnt we have a golden week break like 2-3 months ago?

I’m the proud inventor of the “Imu is a Luffy fangirl” theory

Redpill me on leg hair


nami is naturally good at riding

Attached: 1472927257985.jpg (400x388, 28K)

>Carrot top 5
>Boa Hancock top 9

Attached: 32213.jpg (905x881, 254K)


Why does that make the position shit?

If it's from Artur, then it's wrong.

I too like Chisaki aka Overhaul.

every male character with leg hair is not a virgin
it's a pretty uninteresting theory in my opinion

Big Mom?

Sick bastard

legpill me on red hair

I'm going to propose to Robin, wish me luck bros.

Pittsburgh degenerate scum

Attached: robinstoocute.png (119x290, 10K)

Project harder, seething Robin nigger.
Or do you think nobody noticed how Robin was 7 votes behind Nami, then suddenly caught up out of nowhere, and now gets a vote whenever Nami does too?

>hates longlegs
>hates longarms
>hates fishmen
>hates mermen
>hates giants
>hates three-eyes

He is based and redpilled

Attached: 3d2a7308629992c9ff560a2737718b13df62d614_00.jpg (500x281, 22K)

will purge the okamas in the future

i want to fuq usopp

Attached: eb9.jpg (500x500, 39K)

Calm down Shanks

He has hairy legs to show he has had sex

Attached: downloadfile-1.png (270x560, 103K)

Should not.

Attached: 1536101325578.jpg (600x600, 32K)

It’s the last road Poneglyph in disguise.

Attached: D1008CBB-227F-4589-A9D2-5864F57F39F0.jpg (601x1019, 305K)

It can also apply to chest hair.
Basically body hair is a sign of being a man. And they say you become a real man when you lose your virginity.


Why do long noses get a pass?

I think I just got cucked by this guy.

Attached: kZ4XCnQ.jpg (1280x720, 197K)

sorry user, I really like you but..

Attached: robji.png (394x233, 114K)

who is this

