WTF, what kind of rule is this? Why the fuck would you forbid highschoolers buying sweets on their way home?

WTF, what kind of rule is this? Why the fuck would you forbid highschoolers buying sweets on their way home?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Encourages good behaviour, prevents obesity and diabetes

Good point, desu. But, I think a sweet once in a while won't hurt.

These rules are usually just about them wearing their uniforms while doing it.

Japan has many rules just for the sake of having rules. It's about breaking your spirit and mold you into the perfect cog in their ant-like society.

>wearing their uniforms while doing it
This, and insurance might be a factor, too.
In Germany pupils are insured on the schools account both on the way to and from school, so generally it's discourage to make detours.

And you Euros make fun of us for upholding school lunch debts

Ah yeah, the opressive traditional japanese society, they need to learn to accept the amerimutt consumerist globohomo.

>school lunch debt
I never heard of that, but we have that problem, too, in some capacity.
If parents don't pay or give insufficient lunch money you'll not be getting your school meal.
Might actually be better to allow them to eat anyway and incur debt.
This is a weird situation where 'merica actually is more socialist.

I remember when I was in Japan, a teacher got mad at some students for eating in the classroom during some break. They didn’t know they weren’t supposed to, and I asked why. She said: ‘It’s common sense.’
I thought that it couldn’t be common sense when they obviously had no idea before that, but now I see. Common sense in Japan is just what they engrave on the inside of your skull over twenty years so you become another Japanese drone.

Never heard of that, but it sounds a hell of a lot more preferable to let the kids fucking eat anyway and just send them a bill instead of saying "fuck you, go hungry then".

>having the kids pay directly for the school lunch

Sounds weird to me, here it's paid through tax and the kids don't need to bring a dime to school.

Schools love nothing more than imposing pointless restrictions on student behaviour.

That means the school can't offer different meals at different price points, or second servings or anything like that.

if japanese society and culture are so demeaning and demoralizing, why are they so good at producing art?

just like you have weeaboos you'll have the opposite extreme, but they're just as ignorant

It's extremely common in primary and middle schools all over the world. Not so much high schools.

Because art is frequently a “fuck you” to demeaning and demoralising rules.

Just so you know, highschool rules like no eating or drinking anything other than water in classroom are very common in Asia. Some teachers care, some don't give a shit. It's not exclusive to Japan.


>That means the school can't offer different meals at different price points

We got 2 options every day, the regular food and the vegetarian food. There was also a small cafeteria at my highschool where I bought food when the dishes offered were something I hated. As for the different price points, I fail to see the relevance as no students had to pay at all.

>or second servings or anything like that.

We got second servings most of the time with no problem, it was only with certain dishes where they had limitations like "not more than 2 pancakes for dessert". The opposite problem where kids took way too much food in their first serving and it had to be tossed was an issue, so dividing it into two servings was basically encouraged in order to avoid it.

>We got 2 options every day, the regular food and the vegetarian food
And we had like 5 options per day, plus the option of saying fuck it and going to a nearby convenience store or some shit if we didn't particularly want any option. I think we won out.

Pretty sure it's illegal for a school to enforce their own laws desu.

>plus the option of saying fuck it and going to a nearby convenience store or some shit if we didn't particularly want any option

Same here, at least in highschool. They didn't want students leaving the area when we were younger as they were responsible for us. And appearantly kids from the school were shoplifting candy and shit from the nearby convenience store. I guess that played a role.

Maybe they have a lot of Van Goghs and art produced out of depression.

That’s good to know, thank you. I suppose the students hadn’t been confronted with a hardliner like that before.

thats never stopped them

Welcome to Japan, where the school (and later, your workplace) IS the law.

If you're then the difference is that we always had the option of using the lunch money we had (and which we'd have got from our parents unless we had a steady income and particularly dickish parents) on what we felt like using it for, while you had to choose betwween "eat food given you for free" or "use own money to buy something else".

All laws are just suggestions if you're powerful enough or don't care enough. It's not like they can physically stop you from doing something.

>It's not like they can physically stop you from doing something.
>he doesn't know about Japanese school police

Don't American schools have literal police officers assigned to them?

It's a pretty complex cultural and economical issue in a way.
Here in glorious Europe we already have the muslims demanding halal food options,
but so far they've acually been told to fuck off and bring their own food if they don't like it.
Since we're all super socialist here technically nobody should be unable to afford the already subsidized school food, but since most schooling here is free arranging for it to be paid monthly or whatever is not practical.
It's different from how pre-school works, which is (generally) paid for and includes food.

Is Australia the only place where the norm is for students to bring their own lunch?

>being weaker than Japanese school officers.
If you let that stop you then you've got no chance elsewhere.

Well in America, it's against the law for kids to be outside by themselves without supervision. So they wouldn't even be in a position to buy sweets on the way home.

Japan wins again. Your next move, USA?

I wonder if it has to do with cleaning?
I'm German (not the same German as the other user), and at my school, they always had cleaning ladies go through the classrooms to clean, in the late afternoon after school was over.

Maybe in Japan they don't have this and that's why you aren't supposed to eat (kids make a mess easily)

Here, we have no food provided by the school for free. You either bring it from home or buy it in the school canteen.

Suffering rather than decadence leads to the best artists being born
Ever heard of Dostoyevsky?

Not all of us have a sugar addiction like America.

If anime is anything to go by the students usually clean after hours
It's probably more of a
>You can't becuase you're not allowed to
kind of deal.

The Japanese have the kids clean the school after classes are done for the day.

I thought it was basically "you must go straight home from school, no stops on the way for your safety" thing?

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welcome to japan OP. it's not utopia futurism as lot people expect, but Orwellian Gerontocracy is the one you actually get.

>no stops on the way for your safety
Safety from what? Is Japan seriously that dangerous that schoolkids can't even walk around after school?

Fuck off Zhang. Japan is still better than South Korea and China.

>But, I think a sweet once in a while won't hurt.
This is why your whole extended family is overweight or obese.

That's literally forced child labor and would get the school into deep shit in any western country. Are they too poor to hire a janitor or something?

Eating fast food while wearing uniform is bad for school reputation

>That's literally forced child labor
Bro, going to school is forced child labor.

Probably started as that and no-one ever changed it because tradition and they probably thought it instilled pride or taught them values or some shit.

That's not because "once in a while", user. It's because "all the time".

>The American is too lazy to clean up after himself
Sasuga, America-jin

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Teenagers are known for their flawless impulse control.

Why would I do someone else's job for free? Do you also go around picking up other people's garbage after watching a movie in a theater?

The "keep you safe" is probably just what they tell the kids. They don't want the school to be liable for whatever happens when the students are going or leaving school.

>Do you also go around picking up other people's garbage after watching a movie in a theater?
I pick up *MY* trash becuase I'm not a slob.

>his room is messy because his mother gave up cleaning his room

Why can't it be both?
Kids do stupid shit and they don't want weirdos to mess with the kids so they tell them to just go straight home.
It doesn't matter how safe the country is, schools everywhere will give kids basic safety guidelines.

Beta faggots spotted. Pathetic.

>Cleaning up after yourself is beta
So Americans think living in their own filth is Alpha?
Well that explains alot.

I too live in squalor because my mother stopped cleaning my room because it was someone else's job.

Please stay hydrated, anons. Make lots of clear pee to keep yourself running clean. Water water water. Fitness is for life.

Based water user.
Thanks for your concern.

Here you pay a sum to the school each month. And there was a big uproar recently because some elementary school kid, whose family was too poor to pay for her lunch, was initially suspended from it and was to be sent home hungry. Then they backtracked and decided she would get crackers and tuna which made it worse. Eventually the lunch quota was paid by a football champion whose name escapes me after the news slammed the school for a month for denying food to such a small kid.

don't give them tips, they are a lost cause.

I drink 2-2,5 liters of water a day (that's half a gallon for yanks) and get weird looks for it, literally nobody believes 2l is the acceptable amount for a person
>haha user I bet you pee a lot lmao
Enjoy liver failure faggots

Sure, kind user.

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Are Japanese schools really like this?

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Wow, that's really harsh if true. In my country, we only got a stern telling from the teacher if we rode a motorcycle when we still haven't got license.

More like they want the children to change out of their uniform then they can go to the red light district for all they care.

I don't have a page on hand, but there was this scene in KnJ where the teachers talk about how they have a policy to put close friends in separate classes when they shuffle them around every year because "it would help the kids when they grow up".
What the fuck? Does this really happen in Japanese schools?

No, it's also a norm in other third-world countries

Well they've done a really commendable job at it, it must be said.


Japanese culture is big hazing ritual where everyone shits on kids and others beneath them since that's what happened to them when they were coming up.
Video of Japanese boss putting employee's face in hot pot while coworkers laugh.

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It's weird, some days I'll drink 1.5 gallons of water, and some days I literally won't drink anything at all. It probably averages out to the same thing though.

Because they'll get fat, mr. instant gratification American

The issue is uniforms. Why can't they just let students wear what they want, within certain reasonable limitations? As my HS didn't have uniform, we were free to leave school during breaks to eat what we wanted whenever we wanted and travel however we wanted and stop wherever we wanted so long we didn't miss many classes. Fuck uniforms.

>he think uniform is bad

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Many schools also force students to wear white underwear, and yes they do check.

I seriously doubt it

Whoa based

Dude it's the end of the world for them if someone switches summer/winter uniform at the wrong day of the year (no matter if it's snowstorm or sauna outside) and you want them to get rid of uniforms altogether?

Just like my doujins

>Japan has many rules just for the sake of having rules.
Same here in the Netherlands, and its fucking grating.



You can't even drive a car with a license if you're a highschooler.

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In my hometown it was because the kids were known to nick sweets and harass shopkeepers and constantly ask to buy fags even though they were obviously thirteen
And the sweet wrappers were strewn throughout the school
And the 'toxic waste' sours and gums were great to stick to things and not be found
This was in Bongland though, I can't imagine a gaggle of Japanese chavs so easily (delinquents are far too competent and self-aware, and gyaru have Jeremy Kyle runoffs as their fashion, not their lifestyle).

Gonna need a source, damn..

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Ugly hags


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Too old

That subtle freckleblush

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Fucking evil.

No wonder Japan is a country of loners

Japanese culture seems pretty weird.
Is this how people feel about Americans?
Am I blind to my biases?

That's a goodway to develop anti social human

Fuck this shit. It's more valuable to have a good group of few friends who work best together than that everyone has to be best friend with everyone shit. If you want to force socialization just kick students from the classrooms during break.

First of all, school rules are not laws, and secondly, where I live (Central Europe), the School Act states that pupils are obliged to follow rules created by their school. So yeah, here schools can set their own rules and then enforce them by available means.

Why do they all look like fucking junior high students

The school still cannot override the existing laws and student rights. Forcing someone to dye hair wouldn't fly in most western countries.

She should have shaved her head in protest.

The difference is, in Europe school rules would apply while at school. In Japan school dictates your life from when you wake up to when you sleep. Random rules with no clear purpose helps instill a sense of hopelessness and gets you used to the fact that you only exist as a piece in a machine, ultimately forging the average Japanese person with no spine to stand up for themselves and an acceptance of any and all authority.

reminds me of this gem

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I completely agree. Forcing someone to change appearance or trespassing on their personal integrity in any other way is off limits. I would also argue that forcing students to something outside of the school is questionable, to say the least, but within reasonable bounds it's not completely unreasonable.

and it escalates

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Japan has been occupied by globohomo since the end of the war.

Can your schools decide they don't want their students to get a part-time job? Because in japan they can.

>they'll grow into people who can't function without a hugbox and are only good at circlejerking

this is because Japan was a feudal, class-based hierarchical society until the late 19th century when they suddenly and violently modernized. Then they spent another 100 years as an extremely militarized, non-class based but still hierarchical society until the US put an end to that. Still, centuries of deep-rooted cultural structures don't get erased that easily. Notions of hierarchy and class are built into their language at a fundamental level. A lot of Japanese I've talked to consider the salaryman the modern bushi, work culture is filled with warrior metaphors, and companies are set up as psuedo-militaries where you're expected to join young and serve them unwaveringly for life, working your way up from the bottom to officer positions if you show enough ability. Early Japanese companies were almost all funded and run by ex-samurai families. Of course, this is changing now. It's easier than before to get a job after your early 20s, it's easier to change companies / careers, people are conceptualizing salarymen as a warrior elite less and less.

Compare this with the west, which more gradually eased itself out of feudalism over the course of centuries with a series of revolutions and cultural shifts, rather than having modernization suddenly thrust onto them.

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If you don't eat eat rice, miso, and sides in proper order you get indigestion because Japanese have longer intestines than non-japanese.

and rules work

why cant you boomers understand how the world actually works?

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>when you're fifteen minutes late to work because you have to discipline your kid

I can't tell if this is bullshit or not.

google it you retard

This is very much on point. There's also the whole senpai-kohai system that exists everywhere from schools to workplaces and is not nearly as fluffycute as portrayed in your typical SoL or romance anime. It's could be easily abused for hazing and other forms of bullying, and is so ingrained it's pretty much impossible to fight or criticize.

The perfect Japanese citizen.

>forcing children to bear debt load before they even get out of school
>forcing children to pay for food

Indigestion is in the stomach, not the intestines.

>Japanese have longer intestines than non-japanese.

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Japanese have a distinct physiology due to their unique island ancestry, some belief they have evolved from a distinct branch of primate.

Well i didnt know and or care. just wanted to call someone a retard

Gotta start working on your (((credit rating))) from the early days!

It's the parents that are responsible. If you can't afford three dollars a day to feed your kid, you are a complete and total failure.

>"For over 1,000 years, Japanese had not consumed meat, and their diet was centered on grains and vegetables rich in dietary fiber, which takes longer to digest. For that reason, compared with Westerners, they evolved intestines that are 1.5 to 2 meters longer.”
>Prime Minister Tsutomu Hata insists that Japanese intestines are longer than Western guts, arguing that foreign beef imports should be banned because the meat would be indigestible here (Japan)

>credit rating
Yeah, what the fuck is up with that? I don't think that exists outside of the united states on macdonalds.

How do other countries know if people are good people or not?

China has a SOCIAL credit rating where they score you on your behaviors.

Big schools in the ghetto yeah. I went to school in white people land in the midwest. Barely ever even saw a nigger or spic. Also never had a cop at school. Go figure.

That's it, but its same in most places.
Reminds me of elementary school. Teachers decide your portions and watch that you eat with etiquette.

America is just straight up disgusting, not weird. Everything about it is an eyesore and I'd erase it from existence and memory if I could

You’re saying that as though the American public school system isn’t designed to do the same thing.

Why all the hate?

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They are capitalists but not consumerist globalists.

Show me the pictures. The prime minster saying something doesn't make it true.

My elementary school in Canada had rules similar to that. Even worse they never allowed us to throw out garbage from lunch at school because it was too hard on the janitors (not kidding, that's what they claimed). Dumb shit like that exists all over the world, and it really depends on teachers to be honest.

>For over 1,000 years, Japanese had not consumed meat,
>Island nation surrounded by fish
>Having been cooking fish in their meals for fucking ever

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exists in the Divided Kingdom as well, but I don't know anyone who knows how it works or anything. It's just 'pay your denbt or else bad score', and the score influences the repayment rate and interest rates (somehow)

>grains and vegetables take longer to digest than meat resulting in Japanese evolving a longer intestine
>Beef is indigestible even though it has longer than necessary to be fully processed

Do you HAVE to be retarded to be a politician?

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>The Japanese intestine
>evolved... 2 meters longer
>The Western Gut
>full of low-grade beef

No, it’s also common in America because school lunches here are worse than prison food.

Japanese highschools are more like private businesses. They're always super concerned about their reputation as it affects how many students will apply to them. So they have a lot of stupid rules for what students do outside of school because if they're caught doing stupid shit while in uniform it can damage their reputation.

It's also the reason we have those stupid bullying manga, because if teachers reported it, it would damage their reputation.

The west also has an unhealthy work culture, it come with industrialization.

Most public schools have a single officer assigned to them. Its a do nothing job and they mostly just sit by the front entrance all day making sure no weirdos come in.

It's pretty simple. A credit bureau or bank looks at your financial history and assigns a score based on statistical data that gives a basic indication of how trustworthy you are with money.

shut up gaijin and recognize superior Japanese intestine

Pretty sure credit rating exists everywhere. How the fuck do you think banks decide if they will provide a loan?

>Screenshot_20190619-163655.png (1.01 MB)
You know this isn't old Yea Forums when no one has said anything about this shit

Since I'm half, does that mean my small intestine is 0.75-1m longer?

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They look at your bank history and how much you earn, just to check if you can actually pay.

Because america doesnt have a culture, they have an anti culture. The whole thing is about devolving humans into mindless cattle the very opplsite of what culture is supposed to do.

>your family consists of fat fucks because your school didn't prevent it

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How the hell was this spared from turning into a bokuben thread?

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How about this? I'll disembowel myself and post my intestine, and you do the same. Then we'll compare.

there's only one way to find out

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It doesn't say vlcsnap, that's good enough for me.

Art and specially manga/anime are complete opposites to how Japanese society actually works. They are a form of counter culture made by people fed up by the way their society works which is why us westerners love it so much, because it appeals to our culture much more than any other Japanese media.

More interesting topic than another anime that will be forgotten at the start of next season.

Because literally all he knows about America is whatever he gets from clickbait crime stories, fat memes, and whatever weird thing Californians are doing.

Forgotten by who?

Ah yes, fish and fowl. The greatest of the grains and vegetables.

“We have a complete breakdown of the basic needs of civilization in Los Angeles right now,” Pinsky told Fox New host Laura Ingraham. “We have the three prongs of airborne disease, tuberculosis is exploding, rodent-borne. We are one of the only cities in the country that doesn’t have a rodent control program, and sanitation has broken down.”

I'm sure some of the news are overly sensationalist but still.

Why would school rules apply to you after school, when you aren't on school grounds

How about you don't spend money you don't have

>because it appeals to our culture much more than any other Japanese media.
J-Dramas are disgustingly popular with normalfags.

Here in Italy rules in school are never respected,when i was in highschool we frequently smoked weed during break

>Just accumulate 300k to buy a house bro

Because you're still student of said school? And wearing their uniform on top of that.

same way your employer can be partially to fully responsible for your insurance on your way to and from work. also: uniforms.

Solution: Don't require your students to wear a uniform.

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I don't know if the longer Japanese intestine thing is true but with longer intestines the meat putrefy inside it, maybe that's what he meant by indigestible. Still a retarded choice of word.

Guess I'll just never own a car newer than 20 years old, a house, or ever buy anything online ever again then.

>That's literally forced child labor and would get the school into deep shit in any western country.
Nah, my school did that too.

In the US you still have to sing the national anthem when school starts lmoa, and yeah you technically don't have to, but due to peer pressure most students do it anyway, like the good bug people they are

>If we let these kids socialize, they'll never learn how to socialize

>but with longer intestines the meat putrefy inside it,

That's a myth. By the time the meat has gone through your stomach acids and been broken down by bacteria its not going to suddenly putrefy. It's already been broken down and what's left in the intestines is mostly the same as what would be there if you had been eating meat. Vegetables actually get broken down less than meat does due to higher amounts of things like fiber.

Tldr meat won't putrefy inside your intestines just because its longer.

That one makes sense, it's about forcing them to form new groups.

>don't teach kids proper behavior so they can get a decent start in life.
>if a rule get in the way of children having fun get rid of it.
That's how you create a generation of entitled assholes.

>is mostly the same as what would be there if you had been eating vegetables*

Eating ice cream is improper behavior?

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>patriotic peer pressure in the US
maybe 20 years ago

Yes it is, fat fuck.

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Now you're thinking!
>or ever buy anything online ever again then.
Do Americans not have a way to pay directly from your bank account?

Becoming a fatass is. Rules and measures that prevent obesity are a good thing. And thanks to them Japan has less fatasses than the USA or Germany.

user, I have bad news. That's not even ice cream.

It's not much further down the line, degeneracy spirals.

user, eating a popsicle once a week on a sweltering hot day will make you an obese blob according to some people in this thread. It also leads to deviant behaviors like humming, thinking of things other than work, and smiling occasionally.

>Born too late to explore the earth
>Born too early to explore the earth
>Born just in time to explore the limits of human digestion

Quite unironically the prices are what they are because that's what people can pay and in large part thanks to easily available loans.

Eating ice cream is okay, but only if it's Italian ice cream.

They let the students clean in order to teach them to work for everybody’s benefit. I have read claims that it just doesn’t work because the students don’t know how to clean properly (being non-professionals) and because the whole Japanese work ethic is ‘look like you are working, results don’t matter’; and the schools degrade from small damages over time.

Funny, isn’t it. That was a private highschool, by the way.

Where to cop shoes?

Is Italian ice cream just ice cream with spaghetti sauce on it?

No but it's the only ice cream that's actually good.
I heard in Japan they have ice cream with squid ink added to it. And in the US of course they add your usual stuff, chemical additives and all that

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To prevent bacterias from mugging your teeth on your way to your house.
There has been a lot of toothnapping around lately and the fairy police is on the look out.

And here's an interview with the local dentist.
>I fucking lost my dog because I said he's a sweet canine too loud! The fuck is this?

I imagine having to take care of your school like that could help to make you feel that it's something you take part in as a group effort rather than it being just an institution or a service

user it's 2019.

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Italian ice cream is what you'd usually refer to as 'ice cream', in contrast to soft ice and its offshoots

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If you're in the US just get haagen dazs.

>eating ice cream=becoming fatass
Murricans are fatasses because they eat unhealthy junk food and don't have self-control, which doesn't equal eating some fucking ice cream after school ya dumb cunt.
Japan also has a lot of suicides and death from overworking, real noice place.

You'll understand when you grow up.

Imagine being American and having to worry about getting shoot in school everyday. Nice digit you got there, if only you were a bit a faster than

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Not walking to school promotes it way more and buying sweets with some friends for the long walk home is great fun. So if it keeps them from taking the bus I doubt some snacks will make them fat.

Show me where the American touched you on the doll user.

It tastes like ice cream that's made to taste good instead of being as cheap as possible. It actually deserves the word 'cream'.

Good little loancuck wageslave.

you worked so hard for it, here you go!

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Literally half of you are obese, so i guess its appropriate now, you're a democracy after all.

When it comes to (you)'s, there's not crime.

Forcing them to clean their room at home instead of buying a service to do it also it. Same with washing the dishes they maybe didn't even eat from.
It gets you used to basic chores and some kids are lucky enough to have to endure this forced child labor for forced free food, shelter and education.

>WTF, what kind of rule is this?
t. most obesese country in world

>would get the school into deep shit in any western country
Nope, but it's mostly only practiced at private schools as much as I know. So people even pay for letting their kids work.

t.third world nigger

What's with these retards triggered by fatasses, did the whales eat your family or something? kids eating some ice cream after school does not equal being obese you maximalistic underages.

Just don't buy a house bro.

The source is literally some random dude, not a scientist, based on conjecture, and not actual anthropological evidence from a study.

>t. most obesese country in world


And you're an idiot if you think the rule has anything to do with health or preventing obesity. Its about not wanting people to see their students loitering around after school instead of being at home studying. Shit like going to arcades, movies, etc are often banned too.

>I'm probably richer according to what I bought and can buy than most anons despite only working a 30 hour 20k job
Also what the fuck, can't you buy stoff online just by paypal or giving your bank informations?

A fucking condo where I am goes for 400k minimum. Housing market is fucked here but I don't have the skills to secure a job somewhere cheaper.

They are literally controlled by globohomo, they are going to extinct in this century, they have a lot of deaths from overworking and suicides, your based nippon is cuck of a country, they only ever are acting tough against chink and gook.

>Just keep paying rent for an apartment that you will never actually own and whose rent goes up over time bro.

I know you're making a joke, but there are legitimately people stupid enough to think renting a place long term is better. And people who can't comprehend not everyone can just inherit a house or that their families house isn't large enough to hold multiple families.

>arcades, movies,
going to arcades/movies also goes with eating fast food shit and becoming fatter ;)

Good to see Yea Forums didn't lost yet it's last shreds of sanity.

>you are owned by banks/corporations etc
>you are owned by state
We are fucking screwed.


Paypal is legit awful. High service fees for transactions and high conversion fees if you're buying anything overseas. And I do not want every site I buy from to have my bank information. Its a lot easier to get a fraudulent charge removed from your credit card then it is from your bank account.

we got shit pizza every day. that's it. pizza. the michelle obama-enforced fruit was the goddamn tomato sauce on the pizza. they dairy was the cheese. the grain was the dough. the spices were vegetables. no second options, no sides, just cardboard pizza every day.

You DO realize that the only reason you can enjoy the NEET life is because your parents did all the things that you refuse to do and because they have the human decency not to throw you out on your ass, right?

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Exactly, it's a show off, there's no moral ground here, they just don't want to ruin "reputation" and "good image".

Capitalism is more like indentured servitude. You can and should be debt free long before retirement.

You do realize that someone don't have to work at all and have everything you never gonna have, and you wanna brag about someone not wanting to fall into wageslave meme.

ahh, good times...

You went to school in Japan? How, and for what purpose?

Want to try that again in English, slick?

Such wonderful food culture.

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I'm not, I honestly don't understand why some people treat it as the norm even if they act like it's a chore to them.

I mean buying something is usually like 30 years of rent + additional interests and eventual costs for insurance, renovation and fixing things. Moving becomes more complicated too.
Also there's always the risk of loosing most of the money you put into that thing if there's a bigger accident or you want to move after all and the prices plummeted.

Of course, if you really find a house and neighbourhood you love and are mostly sure you'll want to spend the rest of your life there it's another situation.

It's similar with cars. Some people spend a lot of money and time driving them despite they only need to go to places that aren't easy to reach using public transport once or twice a year.
I don't understand how all the insurance, stress, money and wasted time is worth it when a combination of bike, public transport and a rented car every now and then does the job just as well for less money.

>that artstyle
wait is this porn

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>the michelle obama-enforced fruit was the goddamn tomato sauce on the pizza
If this is true that's pretty funny actually.

>bike, public transport and a rented car every now and then does the job just as well for less money.
You do know that people like cars for reasons other than transport, right?

Huh. I thought he was a bad guy but that was a good one actually.

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What chapter was this?

I live on my own, but nice try though.

>He didn't hear about Michelle "new martha stuart" Obama's school lunch policy that declared pizza a vegetable.

I thought everyone on Yea Forums knew about that blunder.

Good goy! Be a individual! Buy a house!

Shockingly, in Japan rules do work, because their entire culture isn't based around bucking the law and being anti-authority. Even in the U.S., where we have an extreme culture of individualism and pretty much all hate authority telling us to do anything, the majority of people feel compelled to follow the law most of the time.
Why can't you literal children understand that you don't know anything about human nature because you have no life experience or meaningful education?

good god, america is falling apart.

Sweet sales are usually a cover for drug sales.

Sweet salesmen are also often sexual predators using a pretext to lure their victims.

It's an understandable rule.

My mother thinks they're descendants of aliens.

The nearest bus stop from me involves walking or biking over a mile down a relatively busy road without sidewalks that people like to speed down way over the limit. Then wait about an hour for the bus to arrive to take me to the metro station to take me to work. Similar if I want to go shopping. I don't even live in a super rural area, a good sized town is just 10 minutes by car away. Not everywhere has super good public transport or is safe to walk and bike. This isn't uncommon either.

Clearly, yes.

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Yeah, but those are mostly used for free time fun.
I'm only wondering about the people who really seem to just use them for transportation where it isn't needed and then complain about being stuck in traffic, having trouble to find parking spaces in the city and the gas prices.

Protein deficit is not a good thing

>school uniform are small skirts
>surprised people try to see underwear

I guess I should crossboard more.
Is that what she wanted to archive or just a perfect example of how rules can become jokes if you don't close loopholes?

In my slavland our class has been together for 9 years, despite having multiple classes like, say 2-A and 2-B, is shuffling them every year a Japanese thing?

Human nature is malleable. Seeing the US versus Japan should have clued people into this by now.

The latter.

>the majority of people feel compelled to follow the law most of the time.
Despite agreeing with most laws it worries me how most people follow them without thinking about it and can't even imagine changing some. Like they honestly argue with "it's legal" in a debate about why something should be allowed.
Rules are all about finding a somewhat acceptable common ground for most of the society but you should always be encouraged thinking about them and questioning them.

Is that loss in the bottom right corner?

>relatively busy road without sidewalks that people like to speed down way over the limit
I hate this. More good sidewalks or little bike only roads would do a lot more to prevent fat kids than banning sweets on certain ways.

It's better than being a cyclist.

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>working your way up from the bottom to officer positions if you kiss enough ass*


If they're in the school where the students are obviously below the age to get the license, that's obviously good rule

They're third years (17-18) and you only need to be 16 to get a scooter license (or a mid-size motorcycle license for that matter).

The age required to get the type of license for a scooter is only 16 in Japan. You can get one by your second year in highschool over there.

So what about realistic delinquent culture in Japan? Do people who dye their hair blond, ignore rules, wear long skirts, tan their skin an etc exist? If they break the rules, does the school constantly give them expulsion?

Having too many expulsions damages the schools reputation.

They don't expel them, they encourage them to withdraw.

You would think delinquents, who probably punch people who try to be "encouraging" and skip classes wouldn't give a care?

Delinquents in japan are the same in every country. They're little shits who cut class and smoke in the bathrooms.

You live on your own but never took a loan out to buy a home or car?

Its the parents who withdraw them and transfer them to a different school because they don't want the shame of having an expelled student in their family either.

Yeah how dare a student be made to respect the country they live in

Not everyone lives in america. Public transportation is so good and cheap that you don't need a car if you're a shutin like me, and buying a house just isn't a good deal unless you are filthy rich.

I realize not everyone lives in the US, but I think most people that live on their own would understand why people take out loans on those things (And no I am not the guy who was arguing with you, it was just a question since I'm surprised someone who lives on their won took that stance).

Buying a home where I live is cheaper than renting and I get to keep it. It's pretty much impossible to get around here without a vehicle. I'm not rich and I took loans out but I live pretty clearly within my means and they'll be paid off. Car way before home though.

Why do Americans hate cyclists so much? Is it because you think they're poor? Communists? Get over yourselves

implying anyone here wants to live

Not american but over here they are a real blight on the roads. They treat the local bike lanes as their personal tour the france, disregarding every traffic rule known to man. Obviously i'm talking about the spandex clad maniacs, not regular people.

What does that have to do with respect?
It's a completely arbitrary thing to say, that singing a national anthem somehow means you respect your country or you're a better citizen.

If you respect your country, do well in school, get a nice job, pay your taxes, get 3-4 children, and do community service.

I'm an American and never heard of anyone hating cyclists.

We had the same thing in my public school (American).
Usually the sort of foods or drinks people brought were from a vending machine and had noisy wrappers or were carbonated/could leave sticky spots if spilled.
No one would stop you from eating/drinking something like that in the hallway, though.

Its mostly in cities people hate them because they tend to ride really aggressively because they technically have the right of way in most situations.

>highschool rules like no eating or drinking anything other than water in classroom are very common in Asia.

Public schools in the US are the same. How heavily they're enforced is another matter though.

>Compare this with the west, which more gradually eased itself out of feudalism over the course of centuries with a series of revolutions and cultural shifts
FUCK Europe

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Let me tell you about something called the Soviet Union

>Fox New host Laura Ingraham

>Compare this with the west, which more gradually eased itself out of feudalism over the course of centuries with a series of revolutions and cultural shifts, rather than having modernization suddenly thrust onto them.
This is the same problem with the Middle East. A lot of countries were doing fine when they were still ruled by monarchs, but when they were suddenly give democracy with no time to develop, everything went to shit.

Ever heard about the hungering artist?

America's cycling infrastructure is hot garbage though, and cyclists have to cycle in really unsafe ways. Add to that the car culture and you have a perfect recipe for hatred.

>anime is real life

no school in real life has anime school rules

Every school in japan is like GTO school

you aren't allowed to eat in classrooms in europe too, its just a basic sanitary rules

>ban valentine's day and other affection at school
>complain about more singles and not enough kids getting born

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>parents who were taught work ethic and responsibilities while I was raised by the computer and television
>user why don't you suddenly jump up and go to work after never even having to do homework or clean your room you good for nothing literal slime
based and epic

Don't bother, the vast majority of people on Yea Forums believe babies were born with complete control of their actions and that everyone who's experienced any type of misfortune should "just work harder, bro"

In what universe is being a consequence-free leech on one's parents a "misfortune"?

>the schools in our city banned all forms of hugs, kisses and shaking hands were banned due to swine flue
>some idiots started to greet each other by rubbing crotches and it started to become a local trend
I'm sure swine flue turned a few people gay this way

Why don't they just make the whole room bulletproof instead?

The fun thing is, if those rules really apply depend on the teacher.
While our math teacher didn't even allow the display of food our biology teacher brough some fruit snacks along for the whole class and in laboratory week during a genetics project we were allowed to eat ice cream and even store it in the enzyme freezer.

Where's your foreskin?

In expensive beauty products.

At our school, we were allowe to eat in the classrooms. But there was a strict ban in the science rooms, i.e. the chemistry room, biology room and i think the physics room too (it was sometimes used for chemistry).

10 month student exchange, by paying a company that does student exchanges. Ask the school if your kid can do it, one needs permission to miss a year. Because I was bored with life and wanted to experience that. Got some sleezy language skills out of it, too.
Be careful with choosing the company, though, some suck… in other countries, they give host families money so the host families suck, but in Japan, there’s cronyism instead or they just don’t do their work and shuffle you around host families every few months.

But why did you know Japanese? (Not the other guy.)

Don't want kids making a massive fucking mess of classrooms and not cleaning up after themselves.


a lot of students from my high school came to school in motorcycles lol then again, my country is a shithole

the uniforms in my high school looked like if they were made my a pedophile god bless uniforms lol

Lmao just because Japan is racially homogeneous doesn't mean they haven't been long infected by the globohomo.

>Forbid public display of affection
>Ask why the country has a declining rate of couples being formed and getting married.

>In Germany pupils are insured on the schools account both on the way to and from school,
even my 3rd world shithole does that

>Never having had to clean their room or even do their homework before.

What? Being a slob who's had their parents do everything for them their whole life isn't misfortune.

To be honest I've only taken to passing on the good advice I got from the nurse who administered my pain meds when I went to the hospital thinking my appendix had burst. Kidney stones. It's worse than you think, and even worse than that is that you're more prone to them after the first round. They form more readily on the scar tissue they leave behind. Had them twice more after the first round. Never again since. Drink more water. Pee clear all the time. And pee a lot, yes. Your body will thank you by not stabbing you in the ureters.

My school had us clean class but nobody could be trusted and one time a whole class was missing their phones.

Yes to both.

Because I was bored, I took two semesters of classes at an evening school beforehand.

I think they were eating snacks, but they have to clean up themselves anyway, so…

kys weeb

>why are they so good at producing art?
kek this can't be real

old but gold

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What has one thing to do with the other?

That falls under “whatever weird thing the Californians are doing.”

Are you retarded? they make you clean the fucking classroom or other parts of the school, that's literally janitor's work, not only cleaning your fucking desk you weeb

That in itself would tarnish schools reputation.
The whole purpose of the uniform is so public can recognize students school. Posh uniform of high rep private school makes school and its students look good if they behave. Thus the rules. Its a nasty system, but in a society where reputation is super important its also understandable.

same here but the funny thing was it never applied to the teachers



Is it true they aren't allowed to have a part time job in school?

Yes because fish definitely has the same consistency as beef/pork.

Good rule desu. I remember when everyone, the whole school bought these after school. Sugar is a fucking drug for kids

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I heard that Japanese start up culture is pretty much nonexistent too at least when compared to US, EU or China. I dont remember the article but there was a story about a Jap who got a well paying job at google but was rebuffed by his wife as its a foreign company. She was concerned about him becoming a non grata in the eyes of jap corporations

Not sure how much of it is true though

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Japanese intestines folded over 1000 years!

>No, your animal protein isn't the same as this animal protein

I completely understand, my mother's from Alpha Centauri and the rice she ate gave her a second heart and a third ear.

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What the fuck? I hope this is not real.

But the american use imperial system and "once in a while" converted becomes "all the time"

You don't like american movies?

she's just retarded just like her fanbase

Are you defending this shit?

What? You're talking out of your ass.

botanically, tomatoes are fruit. it has not even the excuse of bitterness of quince or unripe plantain, because it tastes sweet.
it annoys me to no end when people call gourds, peppers or olives vegetables, but i get positively apoplectic when someone insists on calling strawberry a fruit.