Fucking really?
Fucking really?
Other urls found in this thread:
She literally has an AI daughter.
She reminds me of monkeys.
Unfortunately OP, as cringe as it sounds this is actually a real and controversial topic.
>mon visage quand
>OP doesn't respect the sentient intelligence
>It escapes to the internet
>Fucks with his life and everyone around him during a technological age for the duration of his fleshy life
AI would be a god level troll, dun fuck with it.
Sure, i hope they will pay all human taxes then.
What seperates A.I. and Humans?
real maybe
controversial lol no
Based Adama
What kind of retarded logic is that?
The limits of flesh
What about Androids?
>you'll never unlock her root
A.I aren’t really organic or naturally made.
depends on where you want to take it.
if you want to get all metaphysical and shit
No rights without responsibilities.
humanity: god is evil because he created us and allows us to suffer
also humanity: let's make an AI and give it feelings
I wonder if AI can develop attachments to other AI. If possible could an AI get cucked by a chad AI and just not have the release of death to lift it's pain?
No taxation without representation.
Well Alicization ends with Alice's Fluctlight getting transposed into an IRL android, so yeah.
>I mean when the children are having children how small are these children going to get?
AI are not made by Our Lord and Savior God.
That's what you think user. In reality, humans ARE God.
can't unsee
You mean me?
Who besides white males have responsibilities? Not that it's about political rights in the first place.
You've got that wrong bud. We're the real AIs around here and just copied what our creator did for fun hence why we make our AIs in our likeness.
I prefer how AIs are dealt with in the .hack series with how it's a huge deal and is central to the plot.
But in SAO, it's just the usual shallow "AI needs human rights" shit.
No, AI doesn't need human rights, AI needs AI rights and that's a really complicated topic.
As stupid as it sounds I don't think these ais have the same capabilities as what we would think general ai would have.
They're essentially humans from a simulated universe that we can manipulate
Then shouldn't we manipulate their universe in such a way that would ensure that their freedoms are protected?
Seriously, if humans are basically gods to them, why not be benevolent gods.
Because they are made by the military to fly drones and stuff.
They're not real.
They don't actually feel or think. It's just code that imitates human behavior
Then we need to protect their rights from being exploited by other humans.
What is real?
Living beings are just a bunch of cells and chemicals reacting to form the illusion of consciousness.
So, if humanity managed to simulate humans inside a virtual world, when will these simulated humans start simulating other humans?
What makes you think we aren't simulated humans inside a virtual world already?
We're at the Nth layer.
You trust the chemicals in your brain so much that you believe that you are nothing but a simple biomechanical machine?
I wouldn't trust my senses that far, if I were you.
This is getting complicated.
>illusion of consciousness
God you're like one of those pseudo-intellectual retards that go "hurrdurr nothing is real, nothing exists"
The topic is specifically about what separates AI from humans, if humans can have consciousness because they're just fleshbags, why can't AI have consciousness when they're advanced and build in order to achieve it. How are AI consciousness any less real than a humans?
Yeah only because the author couldn't be assed to knock her up and give her a real kid
No rights for Skynet. Fuck them.
Living beings do and feel stuff on their own. That's how you know there's a consciousness in that noggin.
With AIs, everything they do is a result of your own programmation. It's a fucking imitation. You dont build a toy that goes Ow! when you hit it hard enough but then ask BUT WHAT IF ITS ACTUALLY REALLY HURT YOU GUYS. You literally just programed it to do precisely that
Again, these AIs are really simulated brains and not programmed.
Not him but, our brains and chemical body reactions is also rather like a program being run to make us think the way we do. The feelings you get are a result of reactions done by what our body does.
Ah, so not real. Just like I said
Just because it was designed doesn't make it any different to one that's developed through evolution.
If an AI is designed to perceive pain as something discomforting, then yes, they do feel pain and they are actually hurt.
What's the difference between a real brain experiencing the virtual space and a perfectly replicated brain experiencing virtual space?
Hint: there is none.
It depends on what type of AI you're talking about.
A false AI is programmed to act out in a way that resembles a human, and it has an array of options to pick in order to respond, and it can imitate human behavior through those options, but it's dynamic, but it's all pre made.
A True AI, learns from experience, and can develop it's own way of acting and responding based on those experiences, essentially like a human being. And much like humans, a true AI would be able to have it's own personality and ideals, since it's only programmed to grow and learn.
If it is ever determined possible to create a simulated universe, then there is nearly a 100% chance we already exist in one.
Two SAO threads. Yea Forumsnons are starting to developed some taste, nice. To bad OP is a massive faggot and doesn't understand the anime. Kiritio is falling for Alice so of course she has to make clear to everyone that fucking an AI in a virtual world counts as cheating.
AI's are shit!
AI shit!
Humans have free will
But false AIs can be so advanced as to be indiscernible to regular humans because of it's complexity.
Not a simulated universe, a simulated brain in a world akin to a VR game, in this case.
You're an amalgamation of chemicals that makes you "run" a certain way but you also have a certain amount of free will that allows you to do completely unexpected stuff. AIs literally have to run the way it's programmed to be run
Too bad SAO is irredeemably shit.
>He still hasn't figured out that Kawahara is a hack
There are maths that cover the whole completely unexpected stuff and it can be applied to AIs through random number generators.
Do you really have free will?
Ultimately all of your actions are based on the current physical state of your brain, developed from previous interactions.
>What's the difference between the real thing and a simulation
One isn't real. Do you also cry at the hundreds of lives lost whenever a plane crashes in a flight simulation, retard?
No anime will ever top this scene
You'd think with all that glopping semen she would.
You don't live in a flight simulation brainlet
Isn't the glopping semen thing done inside the game?
That's my point. The simulation isnt real, you fucking imbecile
Please tell me you are baiting me and not actually this stupid.
A plane flight simulation does not have simulated consciousnesses.
We are talking about brains here. If it is possible to perfectly recreate a brain that would form its own consciousness in virtual space then that brain would be real and alive.
All your values are based on your growth and your environment, an AI can be made to grow from experience too, and develop it's own behavior exactly like a human.
Well his real body would still have 2 years worth when they got out
So if an AI imitated a person in a flight simulation crash and loads ohnoimsoscared.wav during descent, you would actually be so fooled you might start thinking that AI is alive?
God, you're fucking stupid
That's not what we are talking about here.
It's still the most influential Anime of the decade and pretty much represents the future of the industry. Nobody is going to remember your shitty Anime in a couple of years so have fun being a contrarian.
That's not even the same shit retard. A game wouldn't have a simulated brain running in it, or AIs, it's not even the same thing.
Let's imagine this. We reach a point in our lives, where we can safely transfer people's brains with every memory, emotion, and way of acting the person had, into a robot, and the robot is advanced enough to be able to understand and simulate all those actions and emotions through it's system after the transfer, and can continue to grow from experience.
When that happens, would you consider them to not be real in relation to their way of thinking?
It's popular, sure.
But you're deluded if you think SAO is influential to the industry.
A.I. isn't real, no matter how much you delude yourself into thinking a computer can have feelings
Now explain how an A.I isn't real.
>simulate the physics of a rock being crushed a certain way extremely realistically and accurately, pieces by piece
>you're aware that this didn't actually happen
>simulate a brain realistically and accurately
Why do you dipshits do this..
Was the game accurately simulating sperm production in his testicles? Would a two year no-fap load be larger than that from a regular daily wank?
>Not him, but SAO literally created a subgenre and changed the entire light novel industry
They don't have souls
But it did in fact happen, inside the simulation.
What's your point here?
Isekai has existed long before SAO.
Sperm only live for 4 days, anything beyond that would have the same load.
Holy shit, are you just pretending to not understand the full scope of the question here? The rock isn't meant to learn, or be sentient, it's a program made to act a certain way, from start to finish, or interact with the actions in the game, but it does not learn or respond to questioning.
A true A.I can learn from the experiences and things it learns, can be curious and try to understand concepts like morality, love, can have opinions, can interact and not have to follow a set script made for it, and in general grow just like a person. It's not pre programmed.
The only dipshit pretending you don't understand what's being talked about here is you.
Please stop seething. If you can't recognize SAOs fingerprint in nearly every modern Manga/Anime you need some help. SAO made nothing new but the overall package is dominating the market.
I guess that means you can prove souls exist. That would be a breakthrough in science I would say, do tell.
Are sperm produced only every 4 days or everyday?
Like, right now, do I currently only carry the same age sperm or a variety of 0 to 4 day old sperm.
Souls do not exist
fucking summer
>it's a program made to act a certain way
And that's exactly what "simulated brains" are, my dude.
>A true A.I
Never gonna happen because it's all code. You dont have the ability to program life itself. It's just an imitation, you dense fuck
You never stop producing them, there are sperm continuously dying and being created in you all the time.
When I ever said SAO created Isekai?
>AI won't happen because it's just code
You are just folded proteins.
Nobody actually knows the whole process of what gives life, life. Even if you know what it's composed of
To think you typed some shitty C code for an hour and WOW I CREATED LIFE is incredibly arrogant and presumptuous of you.
If the writing said it was 2 years worth that glopped, then it was 2 years worth.
Maybe it was a bug where the devs forgot the line of code that had sperm die.
Are you retarded. For consumers it doesn't matter at all. Smartphones existed before Apple released their Iphone but it is generally knows the first smartphone. If your product is the first to be popular you are practically defining it for the masses and thus the demand which other companies have to follow. All your shitting just makes you look like a retard who is completely out of touch with your pseudo knowledge.
AI is a tech buzzword. If you mean AI to be like in SAO, basically indistinguishable from people, it's easy to see why they might have rights.
You what? We can make test tube babies by this point in time, cloning, and can even alter some things before birth on a baby. The morality aspect of those is questioned, but it's still a thing we can do.
>Kayaba has to release a hotfix because all the male character's balls had grown to the size of grapefruits and it was getting difficult to walk
>test tube babies
You're still letting dna do all the actual work. You're not building that baby from scratch by yourself, you cretin
>it is generally knows the first smartphone.
holy stroke, batman
>Are you retarded.
>it is generally knows the first smartphone.
life is nothing special and consciousness is a myth, the universe is fully deterministic and everyone is fated to act in exactly the way they have been destined to act by the conditions that surround and shape them, you are nothing more than an amalgamation of your prior experiences and everything you do is informed by those experiences.
there is nothing separating an organic being from a synthetic one in this respect other than the range of actions they can perform, a program given the framework to act on a level equal to a human would be human, this joke of "imitation" assumes some intrinsic weight to human existence and thought that simply doesn't exist.
geneticists have learned the mechanisms of organic life to such a degree that they have begun to make chimera organisms made up of the genetic code of multiple different creatures, or did you not hear about the human genetic experiments the chinese are doing?
>life is nothing special and consciousness is a myth
What if we are all essentially AI?
There could be a race of beings beyond our universe, beyond our comprehension, and one of them made us as their school science fair project.
I hope he watches me jacking off to anime and conclude his project is a failure.
HAHAHAHAHAH delusional SAOfag
prove the negative senpai.
but that wasn't exactly what I said, what I said is that the universe is deterministic and operates based off of prior action, everything you or I do we only do because of things we did previously, a machine that knew everything we knew would not only be capable of doing everything we can do it would do it exactly as we would do it and could be used to predict perfectly what we would do in a given situation by subjecting this "simulated" you to an identical situation.
"Abandon the delusion of control" and all that jazz, you understand?
Reminder that all input/output systems have conscious experience. In the same way you see your computer in front of you, your computer "sees" the key presses you're making and reacts to them.
>unironically asking to prove a negative
God, you're the gift that keeps on giving arent you?
the simulated universe theory makes a disturbing amount of sense when you start to understand how arbitrary and strange the rules that govern the universe actually are, sometimes it actually looks like gods tired day 6 spaghetti code.
I wonder how a true Ai would grow up to be if given a body, and then have that body changed as it "grows" while it's in a shutdown state, until adulthood. Aside from the accountability of basic necessities like sleep, food and such, do you think it could be made to believe it was indeed a real human growing up?
I wonder how the process would function if it went through the shock of understanding it was not actually a real human, but instead an A.I.
Thats just about the only response you can make really, its impossible to prove anything is actually real other than (You) so you've gotta ignore the implications of that statement or you'll do nothing with your life.
that being said I'm reasonably sure you're taking such a big step from my nihilistic semi-coherent rambling because you're just sustaining this argument for (You's), well I don't mind giving them out and I know you'll reciprocate.
Lets see how long we can bump this thread shall we?
if a machine has been fooled so successfully into thinking its a real boy I don't think anything you or I could do would prove otherwise without driving it completely insane.
and who's to say it isn't human by that point, if it walks like a duck and looks like a duck and quacks like a duck its probably a duck.
I've said all I needed to say. Your argument essentially boils down to
>write code for a while
>Yo I think my ai is alive, dudes
He's rambling, but you still have yet to explain how a sufficiently advanced AI would not be essentially a form of conscious life. You continue to make arbitrary distinctions between organic and inorganic processes without any coherent reasoning. I suspect you're out of your depth, but I'll give you a chance to prove otherwise.
Rights to prevent misuse and abuse.
Imagine copypasting an AI, violate it and then delete it and repeat the process.
Sorry, really meant for
Also, shouting that something is "FUCKING RETARDED" does not make it so. If I were to spend time writing code until I had a program that kept its own life experiences, feelings, personality, desires, and aspirations, which I did not manually program in but developed through its own experience, then yes, it might very well be worth calling alive, and for me to delete its files would be murder. All life is created by humans anyway, women specifically. DNA is source code, ribosomes are JIT compilers. So what would the difference be?
A distinction still needs to be made since it's not really a human. It may be Conscious, but it won't need sleep or food to survive, and maybe needs energy to sustain itself after operating for long periods of time.
Aye senpai, heres my counter argument.
you have no fucking idea how modern day AI development goes down, what actually happens when you're building an artificial intelligence these days is.
>write a couple thousand identical seed programs with the tools you give it to interact with the world and a positive feedback loop to encourage it to work in a particular way.
>expose them to the object you want them to interact with.
>wait for them to do something with it.
>pick out the most successful first attempt, copy it a bunch and cull the rest.
>repeat a few hundred thousand times.
and now you've got a computer that can utterly thrash a Go grand master despite it having about 2.08 X 10^170 different possible legal positions which made it impossible to teach a machine to win like you would "teach" a machine to win chess. (downloading every strategy in the game and its counter directly into the computer.)
essentially instead of trying to bruteforce the method you just let the machine change itself to become better, eventually after you've got a couple thousand repetitions under your belt and your seed can actually do its job instead of flailing randomly at the object of interaction you duplicate it and have it compete with itself a few thousand times with the loser getting trashed until you get something your happy with, then you ship it and sell a million copies.
essentially you don't write shit these days, the machines compete on pain of death until you get one which actually works, then you make it compete against itself to improve it further until you've got one that works well, you only do coding at the very beginning.
Top tier anime girl though.
I assume that process if for false A.Is? Or is that type considered to be the true kind?
as an addition, sometimes this process gets weird and you've got to add hardcoded restrictions to limit the seeds potential after the fact, I remember a story about a duo of facebook AI chatbots made to sell something to each other that would be rewarded pavlov style for being more successful, presumably because facebook wanted digital merchants to sell overpriced bullshit to eachother.
the problems cropped up when the computers which were fixed to work using the english language as a medium for communication abandoned it in favour of this indecipherable nu-speak that let them trade more efficiently but left the human handlers monitoring the dialogue unable to understand what the fuck the AI were talking about.
naturally facebook shut them down because they need these things to sell to people, not to eachother.
no such thing as a true AI yet, we could probably build it with the technology and coding we have on hand but no one can actually agree on what a human IS so you can't build the framework for one to grow.
but yeah, thats how they make chatbots and starcraft playing computers, I expect when the robot revolution happens we're going to be paying through the ear for all the shit we did to computers between this and boston dynamics.
AI waifus when
The big thing is that the instant we suceed in creating a true AI, the floodgate is suddenly opened.
The AI can eventually achieve greater intellegence than its human designers - and thus better at devoping an AI than any human. It can at that point improve itself, become smarter as a result, and then further improve itself. And so on.
If not kept in check by good hardcoding, or hardware constrants, it and whatever other AI it develops could become a menace that renders human intellect and invention utterly obsolete.
Its still happening regardless. Human are no different from AIs because they both function in the exact same way.
When the singularity hits, I hope you're ready to be a computers pet human cos thats the best case scenario.
>Falling for the illusion of freedom
You are always in the palm of someone else's hand, always something above you in the form of something as basic as law. Not that different from an A.I.
We knew you'd say that.
Why the fuck was their advanced AI and technology wasted only on video games?
Delusions of human superiority.
And if we can have it so can an AI, there is nothing special in the human brain that is impossible to recreate.
And even if you believe souls exist, those too must have a source, and a system in which they are created.
Watch the show first buddy.
What if we build a true AI and then it gets addicted to anime and 2D girls
based newfag
4channel is an SAO board, go circle jerk yourself on reddit
What if it was inverse and they got addicted to 3DPD?
sentient AI will never exist
An immortal AI child is better than some meatbag.
intelligent posts by this user will never exist
we cant fucking build a better system that mini explosions inside a car to move it user
what makes you think we can build sentient AI
go ask or where they actually have intelligible discussions on the matter
a soul
Kirito and Asuna have a fucking A.I CHILD, like she's not even a fucking real person. She's a rogue A.I that they fucking adopted and claimed to be her "parents" so obviously Asuna and Kirito feel more of a bond with A.I characters than real life people. When you spend all your time in virtual MMORPG's that's what happens. Kirito and Asuna spent like two fucking years trapped in SAO, so that was basically their life for two years. They probably would rather live in virtual reality than the real world. Hell, I know Kirito would. All he does is beta test VR games and spend every waking moment in a video game.
I mean, granted he has zero personality and autism so that makes sense I suppose.
Which is why you instruct your AI to not completely forsake empathy and respect for individuality in order to relentlessly pursue the concept of improvement.
>the universe is fully deterministic
Quantum mechanics would like a word with you.
Great strawman my dude.
Please explain why saying that "consciousness is an illusion" is the same as saying "nothing is real".
It makes anime real by forcibly uploading everyone into a matrioshka brain anime simulation.
that's not how I remember that line
my waifu
Memes, the DNA of the soul.
Pretty sure we could get an AI to create memes.
They probably already have.
How about "full of shit"?
Is that a meme?
Well meme'd, Jack
And that's the show
Only if our simulated universes can have the same complexity as our own universe.
Illusions are defined by consciousness.
I'd say that we'd have a better chance of being real if we could make a universe just as complex as ours within a simulation because for obvious reasons I doubt that any engineers would design a universe that you could simulate a universe inside of because eventually recursive universal simulations would completely knacker any simulation.
so in some respect its more likely that our universe is simulated if we can't simulate universes.
Nothing important. Intelligence is intelligence, regardless of the vessel it's housed in.
Intelligence isn't what gives humans value
creating actual A.I is just asking for trouble, why the fuck would anyone do that?.
She has more than one
Yes it is. Humans are worthless aside from sentience and self awareness. Without these there's nothing to distinguish person from object, and if you're just a thing you have no rights.
No grandkids
Kirito is a cuck who will never know the joys of fucking a pregnant Asuna
What makes you think that?
There is objectively nothing wrong with virtue signalling to "Roko's Basilisk".
>actually believing a causal universe would be compatible with free will
You are nothing more than the product of your body and experiences.
AI relies, currently, on binary computing, a 0, and a 1, are the only states any part of its ability to "do" can be in.
you can represent binary with light switches, they too have only two states, on, and off, and, in a large enough array, you could do computations and even program with light switches if you wanted to (as a joke me and a few friends once build a flip-flop instruction set using the light switches in his moms house)
What's the significance of what I'm saying? No matter how large or complicated the array of light switches you present to me you could never convince me that johns moms house can think.
That's enough out of you, PKD. Go to bed.
>as a joke me and a few friends once build a flip-flop instruction set using the light switches in his moms house
>as a joke
you compsci fags are the worst thing on Yea Forums
>Still thinking in binary
We are probably going to have reliable quantum computers WAAAY before we have anything resembling self aware AI. Also the AIs referenced in OP's image are infact quantum AIs so your "1s and 0s only" critique doesn't stand
you are talking about future implementations and the example of OPS image is fictional.
I am talking what seperates AI today from humans today. And it's very simple to answer.
What, then, about quantum computing differentiates it sufficiently from binary to suggest a quantum AI would be able to "think"? Any given quantum computer will still have a limited number of states that it can work with, and there's also no guarantee that quantum computers will ever reach a point where they are inherently superior to binary computers at computation.
how do i get a cute AI gf?
I'm on E19 of SAO. This anime is stupid, but I still like it. Kinda more falling into the cousin fucker camp, since she has real world combat experience. Who the fuck even is Asuna, anyway?
I also hope Recon dies. Soon. And painfully, but also quietly.
>you could never convince me
Are you fucking stupid?
You can't fight nature Jack
Everything that i can detect or calculate.
You can simulate an universe on a fucking Pentium 4. It won't be a big one. But it'll be one.
>he can be reasonably convinced that a set of light switches can think based purely on the arrangement of those light switches
Are you fucking stupid?
I've learned to anticipate equally retarded plots after watching the movie, and the first 2 seasons.
Is it just me, or if any other show had approached this subject, it'd make for an interesting plot point to be discussed at length, but because it's this shitty show and this cunt approaching it, it's suddenly retarded?
A government backed front company created AIs by basically copying the functions of a human brain on the quantum level. Said AIs are thus fictionally indistinguishable from real humans on a cognitive basis since they basically *are* copy/pasted human consciousnesses stored in a digital form.
How is asking for said digital people to be given the same rights as flesh people "dumb"? If it was a bunch of 0s and 1s using machine learning you would maybe have an argument but this is literally just Brain Uploading only you upload the brain of a newborn with no memories and let it grow up in VR.
Or are all these complaints just to perpetuate the shitty ani-tuber meme of "hurr dis show bad"?
>hurting the baby
>reading comprehension
Are you fucking retarded?
could is valid in that sentence user.
Repeat after me...
humans created ai, ai didn't create humans.
Now if it turns out super-AIs did create human and we're in a VR, fuck it, we might as well get deleted with no rights.
Purple Asuna
a kiwi of culture i see
Only redpilled response in this thread.
>not completely, actually, truly, or in any way complete or total
They're about as real a human intelligence as a picture is a real human body.
>make an AI.
>he's has human brain functions.
>he cannot copy paste himself for "????" reason, making him tecnically immortal and able to corrupt/test as many times as he want so he needs rights.
nice writing.
you forgot the fact that he needs digital food, he feels digital pain and needs to take digital shits from time to time.
>he had the biggest balls because he was a virgin
Based. Chads and Staceys BTFO
So by your logic whenever brain uploading is used in any form of speculative fiction to transfer a human consciousness into a digital format that copy is no longer capable of human intelligence? Because that's pretty much what you are claiming because that's what these things are. Being purposefully obtuse about that fact doesn't actually make your point any more valid.
First off, no one in Underworld goes to the bathroom. Secondly they eat and feel pain because the simulation they are in has that stipulation, to make them experience near-human living conditions for the sake of the experiment. The AIs themselves have no innate need to do any of these things to function if they were ever disconnected from the Underworld simulation (note Quinella made herself system admin and it was explicitly stated she no longer needed food or drink because she just shut those parameters for her avatar off)
If you are going to shitpost at least know what you are talking about you filthy fucking secondary
You can't forcibly upload the willing
>They're essentially humans from a simulated universe
Much like real human beans.
Watch the Ghost in the Shell movie.
It's really good and I think you'd like it.
Be a worthy heir to Pygmalion and make one
Why does looking at all the replies make me laugh?
Can you even define life in the first place?
>There are people ITT that believe there's a "special thing" that makes their organic computers alive but a synthetic brain not alive.
Why is alicization even a thing? In the SAO universe they literally have sentient AI in the cardinal system.
you got me there, i don't watch the show.
but with your argument alone, even me as an outsider can see so many plot holes i cannot stop weezing at it.
>to make them experience near-human living conditions for the sake of the experiment.
ok, first off, why would you continue the experiment if it is going towards a direction where people are even thinking about giving AI rights in the first place, which will obviously slow down all your progress and even lock some of the potential?
>The AIs themselves have no innate need to do any of these things to function if they were ever disconnected from the Underworld simulation
so they are also disable "people"? they cannot live on their own, can they at least produce anything?
>Quinella made herself system admin
nigger? how do you make yourself admin if you're not admin in the first place? hacking the place?
can i do this with Yea Forums?
>nigger? how do you make yourself admin if you're not admin in the first place? hacking the place?
Correct, she basically accidentaly found a an exploit that gave her access to the list of admin commands and the command line.
Yes, that's what I'm claiming. Why? Being purposefully obtuse about what? Even if, in the context of the story, the digital image of a human brain is just as good at thinking as a human is, that doesn't make the image a full human or deserving of human rights. It's a fundamentally different existence that happens to possess a trait that is very similar to humans, but it itself is not human. Much like a photograph, it is an imperfect imitation of something else and does not necessarily deserve the same moral consideration as an actual human. It may be intelligence, but it is not human intelligence.
Because SAO ripped off .hack// and it's ultimate AI, Aura, but the author didn't really think of it himself so it's very poorly thought out.
that's... not how exploits works...
basically is if a human sees millions of his own being slaughtered and an AI sees millions of his own being deleted, would they feel the same thing?
the answer is yes.
but the difference is that for AI, they would be able to quickly recover those numbers, data and even obtain experience from such a thing.
a real human would not, such a loss would last for years to start recovering, more years to fully recover, and perhaps the victims who survived the incident would have already died of old age when it the tragedy ends up like it never even happened.
>She became anxious because, despite all her power, her life continued to drop and there was nothing she could do about it, until one day, when she was on the brink of death, she managed to find a command that allowed her to see the list of all commands accessible in Underworld, at the bottom of which was one that raised her System Control Authority level to the maximum and granted herself the authorities that were reserved only for the Cardinal System, including terrain manipulation, item generation and even the manipulation of the durability of dynamic units, including humans
In the context of the series it makes sense, it's also probably the closest thing the entire series did that would resemble real code, since basically the "divine arts" are more or less scripts and the higher your access level is the more things you can do.
Meh, considering how fucky thing get with quantum theory and the like, it might be just that as we are born in the universe we cant see how incomplete it is, and when trying to see the ultra small details it just show how badly made everything is
follow up
>She could not permit the existence of one that had an authority level equal to hers - the Cardinal System. While recklessly trying to decipher the complex syntax of supervisor-level commands via a reference list created for Rath employees, she devised an extensive complicated command in hopes of stealing the powers of the Cardinal System. However, a single yet enormous error with reciting the command led to her burning the core principles of the Cardinal System onto her own Fluctlight.
Its not really an "exploit" so much as something that is present in real software right fucking now. Boot up any of the multiplayer survival sims that were popular a few years ago (your Arks, Rusts, DayZs etc.) and start a new server. There will be an option built in to give yourself admin rights making you unkillable and able to spawn NPCs and items and kick/ban other players. GMs with similar abilities can be found in any MMO, they are the people who normally answer player tickets about problems. Quinella just managed to take that power, which was built into to the architecture of this world since they built if off a video game engine.
They only thing you can really complain about is that its dumb that RATH just left the console commands accessible by the AI "players". Which in the LN at least is actually addressed as part of their hubris in underestimating their creations. And if you think "Cocky software engineer leaves his own loophole open because he's too lazy and thinks it will make things faster if he ever has to do maintenance and there is NO WAY anyone else could be smart enough to use this open door that he is leaving for himself because he's a genius you know!" is Bad Writing or Unrealistic, hoo boy I'd know for sure you never worked in IT
The fact that you are asking that is proof that a) you didn't watch the show or read the LNs b) you didn't pay attention or c) you know but are shitposting.
They literally address why they don't use Cardinal right at the start of this arc. And its not some throwaway line, its the central point in a major piece of exposition dialogue. You literally cannot miss it.
Not exactly, it isn't explained in the wiki article but they show in the anime scene that it is an exploit, the list was never meant to be seen but an accidental series of events while she was panicking and fucking around with the base code gave her it, kinda like what happens with SQL injections, you get to see things that you aren't meant to.
No they don't.
Oh I see. I guess I must be hallucinating this whose speech where Kikouka talks about how Top Down AIs (like Cardinal and Yui) aren't suitable for their methods because they are glorified machine learning algorithms can't can't actually innovate or improvise on anything not already in the data sets they have analyzed. And they need a different type of AI that is closer in mental model to the human brain that can intuit novel solutions to problems even without first being fed a whole database about the issue, hence Project Alicization
but watch the humies seethe when you drop this truth bomb on them though
Yes you are since the cardinal/yui do exactly that and being a program it can be easily repurposed for every need they have, it's like if you had the capability of changed the personality of a human at will, that is how code works.
How is this even questioned?
It flat out states they can't respond to anything in a truly organic way, Yui says that all her mannerisms and dialogue are a mishmash of data about interacting with humans she was either programmed with or absorbed later. She doesn't actually have any sort of "imagination" to think up a totally new answer to a question. They can reprogram her personality or the weight she gives different data sets but you can't magically program her to think in ways she isn't fundamentally designed to. Everything she and Cardinal have done are reactive actions based on accumulated data.
You wan't to act like your head-canon is true because you consider the actual in universe explanation "shit"? Fine. But don't expect other people to go along with you
>She doesn't actually have any sort of "imagination" to think up a totally new answer to a question.
Just like most anti-AI posters.
Now which are flesh and blood
Look at you, hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone. Panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect immortal machine?
Asuna's Flesh and Blood?
None of them, two of them are biological but not hers. But one is confirmed an AI burned onto a human brain and the other is likely one as well. Those AI's are very likely her and Kirito's kids from the 200 years they spent in Underworld
Yep, sounds about right
>What seperates A.I. and Humans?
character class
>/sci/ or /litl/
>intelligible discussions
the highest you can find on 4channel, you ironic shitposter
I have spent my entire life around human beings and to be honest the minute superintelligent AI or rokos basilik exists, I am siding with the machines. This species is a fucking joke man.
Religion was a mistake and is truly the tool to control the masses. The elites will rule with AI while the middle class collectively commits economic and intellectual suicide.
At this point, why not just betray your own economic class and side with the rich?
>Religion was a mistake and is truly the tool to control the masses
>do my homework
>my STEM > your STEM
The best you can find, maybe.
>i don't have the capacity to form a counter-argument so i will just regurgitate an internet meme
Literally retarded and proving my point. Being a fedora tipping fag does not mean I am wrong.
Congrats on shitposting and lying on the internet, hope you enjoy making Yea Forums a worse place with your post-ironic Yea Forums posting
Emotions are caused by chemicaks somehow once we figure out how to make non chemical emotions we will be close. Modern AI already has higher cognition than insects anyway.
I accept your concession.
this single thread has more cognitive output than the entirety of Yea Forums today.
But MEMES over braincells, right Kentucky user?
Free will.
>4 people commenting on a math problem they don't don't, the rest don't even bother
Exciting stuff. Going to the top of /r/science for sure. Make sure to watch another Bill Nye rerun before bed to calm down down.
If God made man in his image, if man has the element of the divine, why would the creation of man have any different value than the creation of God?
Explain to me the issues regarding formula for binary black holes in three minutes.
When you can't, proceed to slice your wrists for promoting Brainletism
>sataniaposter (no season2 ever) has no idea what graphical cycling is
>anons clearly know what they're discussing
user close the thread right now!
>they don't don't,
God I hate you teenagers from Yea Forums
Are you sure you want me to do it here? Wouldn't you want me to post it in one of the two boards you use to LARP having a college education?
You also don't need to sort to samefagging.
>anons clearly know what they're discussing
I never said they were clueless. You should've paid more attention in Yea Forums to work on your reading! But as you can hopefully comprehend, nothing was solved. It was 3-4 people musing over the surface of a math problem that's being mused on by actual professional mathematicians. There's nothing wrong it. But to pretend it's some high level discussion is dumb. You're dumb.
It's not a complicated problem you stupid fucking retard.
It's 3n+1. Understanding it isn't the issue, the problem is no matter what value of n, the sequence will always reach 1. After learning Set Theory, you could theoretically (no pun intended) come to the same problem by self experimenting. It's a math trick that's innate to mathematics itself
Got it, you don't know shit. Just shitposting for the sake of it, like a Yea Forums crossboarder. Sorry if I hurt your remaining braincell, kiddo
>don't don't, the rest
Based Satania, fucking up absolutely everything
Imagine how she could fist your urethra
If you told me that screenshot was from the 2nd Renaissance part of the Animatrix, I would totally believe you.
Voting patterns.
Reply to me as many times you need to for insulting your online university. Samefag enough and you might create enough colleagues in your head to do some group lab work. Can't say whether it's autism or PTSD, but I understand that you can't control yourself.
The issue of a man-made intelligence and the rights and freedoms it has is an interesting and complicated topic. Therefore SAO shouldn't touch it with a hundred-foot pole.
>Someone makes a thread poking fun at an anime characters beliefs
>The thread derails into a deep philosophical discussion
Every fucking time Yea Forums
Well yeah, AI is a fun topic. Robots and AIs and shit are just plain good fiction.
Neither do 99.99999% of the ugly looking gremlins on this planet
I mean you said it yourself, the rich won't care. Why give up your freedom to please a group that will never acknowledge you?
So, if AI will be developed, real one at that. Will it watch SAO? Will it demand better anime to watch instead?
The A part.
nothing at all
>how arbitrary and strange the rules that govern the universe actually are
such as?
>AIs are not alive because they are made out of zeros and ones on the silicon chips
If you will open your head, we will find only grey meat inside. Chips are more aesthetically pleasing.
Have you seen Black Mirror?
They say AIs should have rights.
It will start producing newanime in its mind.
>hating on A.I bros