What is this character archetype called?

What is this character archetype called?

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The traitor archetype

dont forget gay


Faggy partner-turned-foe

(g)ayyyylmao wasn't a traitor, mc was the traitor

200% gay faggot.

The fuck boy faggot demigod

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Can you tell me who's the third character? The blond one.

how do you not know what it is?

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a good guy

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Bishi with a god complex

White devil

Person who did nothing wrong outside of being gay for mc

Good boy who has done nothing wrong.

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Magical faggot.

Ryo clones.

It's more a scorpion and frog kinda deal where they hint at being shitbags all along to a naive protagonist.

Not the case with the alien. He was extremely naive and got shaped by the canonically sociopathic protag.

cunt (you know i'm right)

My father died....


this or the betrayer

Go read devilman right now, trust me, it's worth it if you like evangelion and Berserk.

He was the slow-burn villain the second it showed where he'd copied his robes from instead of anything worn by the sample of people actually present and how he saw himself in relation to humans.

lurk moar desu

>canonically sociopathic protag
Was that ever confirmed? Felt more like shit writing than intentional.

>arguably antagonistic

>smoking drugs laced with drugs

What kind of drugs??????

The second half was a result of executive meddling and last-minute rewrites by someone who didn't write the original screenplay, but yes.

He didn't see himself that way; he just grabbed the first "strange" outfit he saw. According to the staff, he was completely pure:
>And speaking of which, zaShunina has a male form as well, but he's going to gradually turn into a pure maiden of sorts? (laugh) Blame it on Shindo's presence.
>The vision for zaShunina was that he'd look like a transcendentally beautiful, aloof young man, who is distinctly inhuman in some ways. He is also innocent when it comes to humans and very young in some respects.
>Series director comment: It's an episode about how Shindo first established communication with zaShunina after his journey from space. At the very beginning, zaShunina is as vulnerable and defenseless as a baby and the visuals hint on that. Then he gradually learns human expressions and behaviour and in episode 3 we can already see him emote himself.
>Series director comment: zaShunina's "hello?" was rather popular, wasn't it. The motion of him patting his bread is something we inserted at the storyboard stage. He had seen bread in episode 2, so he felt compelled to study it closer. The episode has the Wam distribution and the UN reaction, but it's fun to watch zaShunina being his adorable self, too.

>Guts left Griffith first

I always use this too and I fap to that archetype.


The one that invented the archetype. You pleb.

t. traitor

Faggot backstabber

The homo for the MC """antagonist"""

What a newfag

>Faggot backstabber
Twice as dangerous as normal backstabber

Sexy gay bois

The west

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Based boys

Gay albinos neme-friends

Why is Ryo so hot nooooooooooooo

Backstabbing homo


The good shit, coffee beans



Let's redeem white haired characters by posting non faggot ones

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White haired faggots assemble!

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Who's bottom right?

It's not worth knowing, believe me.

rise up

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Best girl

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More like the Otherness. The west is just part of that great whole.

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Luciferian. not satanic though. Thats literally it.

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>Griffith is arguably antagonistic

The hottest fallen angel.

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Well I mean he did nothing wrong.

Might as well post related character design processes I have in my folder.

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>sacrifices everyone to rape demons

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Also let's not forget

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MCsexual pretty guy

The you better pray it doesn't happen to you

But we are all fat lard here so no chance for anons of Yea Forums

This guy gets it

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it's almost cringe how much Anno based him off of Ikuhara

Speak for yourself, one day I'll turn into a beautiful MC and white haired twinks will start lusting after me.

user I...

Imagine how much cringier it would be if Kaworu was designed based on what an Ikuhara/Anno lovechild would look like.
Haha. Hahaha

No wonder Sadamoto changed the design in manga and even more in rebuild

Have some zaShunina crotch

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And feet

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The betrayer