Why is part 4 so trash?

Why is part 4 so trash?

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1st third: Monster of the week with a main villain
2nd third: Monster of the week with interesting fights
Final third: Kira and unrelated fights.

Diamond is not trash.

Because you watched it dubbed, faggot

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>Josuke is the worst Jojo of all
>his friends are all insufferable as fuck
>Jotaro does basically nothing and only exists to make us wonder about the laws of physics with his hat
>everything is super asspulley and doesn't feel earned at all compared to the rest of the series
>people act retarded all of the time for the plot to work so the resolution isn't satisfying
>meanders around for 30 episodes before it deals with the main villain
>main villain isn't interesting at all either
>the resolution doesn't even involve stands but just outright magic or some shit with no explanation
I could go on

The hat meme was funny for a bit
Now it’s just annoying

It has no solid direction for the majority of it. Part 1, the goal was to take down Dio, and every monster of the week fight had a context related to that. Part 2, the goal is to take down the stone masks and pillar men, and every monster of the week fight had a context related to that. Part 3, the goal was to take down Dio, and every monster of the week fight had a context related to that. Part 5, the goal was to take down the Mafia (ultimately leading up to Diavolo), and every monster of the week fight had a context related to that. Etc.

With Part 4 however, you first have Angelo and that leads up to recovering the first arrow by Red Hot Chili Peppers. Then out of nowhere you get a SECOND arrow and Kira becomes the real final villian. You also sprinkle in useless sequences like with Superfly, Antonio, and the Alien, which all have no effect on the bigger story, and the direction becomes even more aimless.

Ideas like "Around the world in 80 days", "Mafia", "Prison", or "Old West" are used more as settings rather than a type of story telling which the Jojo-brand of story-telling (a straightforward adventure) fits well with. In Part 4, the setting was "Suburbia", but Slice of life isn't a setting, it's entirely different type of story-telling.

Part 4 is unironically comfy

Part 4 is the ultimate pleb filter.
Also, fuck dubfags and fuck niggers.

All Jojo is trash

The first half is filler that leads no where. Kira is an interesting villian but they made him too op with bites the dust. I liked him up until the constant time repeats. Overall i feel jojo is best when going on an adventure not playing clue.

Stands ruined the fucking series, who even watched/read after part 1.



You can tell what Araki wanted to do with part 4, some kind of Twin Peaks Buffy the Vampire Slayer styled small town horror story, but he completely failed to use his set pieces effectively and the end result is this incoherent mess that drags on and on without going anywhere.

More like: because you watched the anime, faggot.


Part 4 tried to be too many things and failed fucking hard.

>Plotlines introduced, then dropped like a hot potato
>Broken stand abilities, poorly utilized throughout the story.
>Characters meeting off-screen
>Characters knowing information they shouldn't.
>World breaking shit like ghosts and aliens
>Jotaro and Joseph hang out for months waiting for the plot to kick in.

There is some good stuff in it though.

I honestly haven't even been able to get through part 3 so I wouldn't know. I cleared 1 & 2 in two days, but it took a month to get through 17 episodes of part 3 and jesus christ it's a slog. Does it get any better when they finally get to Egypt?

Go for the OVA. Some people dislike it for cutting content, but it does certain aspects ABSURDLY better than the DP anime. If you enjoy those parts, then go to the manga, because DP's anime kinda has shit animation for part 3.

Yeah, the first story line with Akira and the bow and arrow wasn't compelling. The second arrow plot with Kira's dad doesn't intertwine with Kira's plot at all, it just dilutes it. The "slice of life" is mediocre because it gets interrupted by stand nonsense. The "mystery" aspect is undermined by no one really investigating Kira other than Rohan and Jotaro and even then it's treated as a side thing.

The Morioh residents have about as much depth as a puddle and instead of developing the ones we already have and making them relevant to the main plot and overall theme of the story (golden heart of Morioh), we just keep getting introduced to new characters.

If part 4 had good writing though, it'd be about Kira from the beginning with an ensemble cast of Josuke, Koichi, Jotaro, Okuyasu, Yukako and Rohan.

Thanks man, I'll give it a go. I've been bummed out because I heard nothing but stuff like "part 3 is when it gets really good" and folks even recommending skipping parts 1 & 2, so i kinda worry parts 3 and onward might not be my cup of tea. I want to keep going because I love the idea of stands and how absurdly cool the fights can get, but the pacing and some of the writing (especially dialogue-wise) feels really off putting at times

Part 3 is the weakest of the stand parts.

Watch an episode or so when you have nothing else to do. JoJo always feels like a slog to watch for me, but whenever I finish a part, I look back on it positively.

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>World breaking shit like ghosts and aliens
Earlier parts had vampires and zombies

Let me break it down for you.

DiU is like the music you loved in your adolescence. It's decent, musically. It's stylish. Maybe there's a gimmick or two, that to your fourteen year old brain, is mind blowing, ground breaking kino.

But for an adult, it's Jazz. SO, SBR, Jojolion. You've come into your own, you understand what makes the music you like tick, but now your brain is more demanding. You need to hear something you've never heard before and you need to hear it done well. Style, concept, meme, scene, presented in a new topology you can only understand after having lived a full musical life.

Vampires and zombies have a common origin that is explained and established as the main threat of Part 1 and 2. Aliens and ghosts came out of nowhere.

Most of Part 4 doesn't have a plot, shit happens just because while Kira is in hiding.
The excuse for why enemy stand users attack the heroes is stupid (Kira's dad stabbed them with the arrow, now they all happen to have the same objective as Kira and want to kill Josuke because reasons).
A lot of chapters don't advance the story in any way and are there to provide a monster of the week without a connection to the over-arching plot.

Part 4 starts like a regular Jojo part, then becomes a delinquent SOL manga with superpowers until Kira's first appearance, when it becomes regular Jojo again, then it's baco to delinquent SOL until the end. This genre switch has you wanting to know what happens next in the main plot, therefore not caring about the SOL + monster of the week sections, for like 75% of the manga. This is bad compared to later parts where every arc reveals new plot points, answers mysteries and poses new ones, that even if small, are good enough to keep the reader interested.

because jojo in the first place are a trash manga.

It's the best Jojo part for showing how Stand users usually live their lives and how it can influence common occurrences on a city.

Part 5 is Stand of the week with gangster background noise. The only thing it ads is some info on the arrows and that's it. It's almost filler it's so self contained.

five 5 is better than 4.
part 4 without kira would be the worst jojo part of all, prove me wrong.

i'm a manga only fag btw

>Remove the main focus of the plot and it's nothing
Are you this retarded?

>part 4


>Skipping parts
Why are part 3 shitters so cringe?

Imagine shitting on one of the best parts

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Nobody here has shat on Stone Ocean.

jolyne is a female mc, therefore is bad.

Awe someone is mad cause they watched dub and got called out. Keep crying faggot

I read and later watched ジョジョの奇妙な冒険・ダイヤモンドは砕けない in it's original language and both times I thought it was the worst Jojo part.