New Game!

what the fuck is this true?

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Well, a salary means a fixed payment per month, while a wage means a fixed payment per hour.
The latter seems safer against overtime.

In situations where you don't get paid overtime yeah. I don't understand why that's allowed to happen though. I am a full time salaried employee where I work but my salary is based off my hourly wage of 52 40-hour work weeks (minus the 10 stat holidays, and the 4 weeks of vacation time I get). Any extra time I stay at work due to necessity, I am either paid for or allowed to collect as vacation time.

I cannot beleive this is not a standard in all 1st world developed countries.

I honestly wouldn't care, typically people who have salaries are making more than me and their jobs don't require any if at all physical effort

Why are you putting thought into ecchi moeshit? Just turn your brain off and watch it

Dumb teen

>Nah bro the show about cute anime girls making video games with pantyshots every 20 seconds is totally deep and full of commentary... or something
Dumb basement dweller.

Not if you actually have marketable skills.

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I want to be Aoba's house husband!

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>is this true?
Oh hell yes, especially in STEM. One key to happiness is to never mentally turn your salary into a real hourly rate.

The problem most wagecucks have isn't overtime but undertime. Jew managers cut costs by setting the sparsest of schedules. They then challenge the slaves to "prove" they deserve more hours which pits worker vs worker. Too preoccupied with competing against their peers they fail to recognize its the business owners who are holding their pay hostage.

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just don't work past 8hrs. as soon as my "shift" is up I leave regardless of what's going on.

I've been working 80 hour weeks to get my software done and yeah, we don't get overtime.

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>ecchi moeshit

Fuck off, commie.


>no argument

I did that for two startups. Neither one paid off, so I stopped doing that.

Whatever you say, fake intellectual retard.

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>cute anime girls making video games with pantyshots every 20 seconds
Why are you saying this like it's a bad thing?

That's startups in general. Took me three times in chemistry/physics ones.

I'd watch the shit out of an anime about this

Japanese game developers look like THAT?

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>This show has meaning
Literally no one said that and that's fucking terrible logic anyway.

Imagine the smell all around the Eagle Jump office.

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>implying (((international capitalists))) haven't subverted and fucked over America

>The amount of effort behind this scene is glorious
I wonder if they used CG

This entire thread is about people arguing over economics and it started with OP trying to decipher meaning from this shit. "Literally no one said that" my ass.

Well he is right, I myself am a wageslave in such a situation.

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They knew when to get the detail right.

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I bet it makes your head spin.

What a pack of geniuses

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The solution is an agreement on minimum hours per worker, with maybe some flextime on top of that. We're talking hourly workers here
Example: If the agreement is minimum of 24 hours per week, and this week the company only needs you for 20 hours this week, the worker gets paid for 24 hours, but that extra 4 hours is deducted from the next paycheck (or maybe over a longer time period). Of course, the worker and manager may agree that the worker can do a couple of extra hours.
Of course, wagecucks are fucked because they have zero leverage, so they'll never get this agreement.

We salaryslaves in the civilized world (gayrope) have flextime. My workweek is *exactly* 37.5 hours + lunch breaks.
If I work more than that, the extra time is put into the hour bank.
If work slackens up, I can can do a shorter week, or take days off.
I can even go into a small deficit. I think my personal flextime limit is +-80 hours.
Actual overtime is governed by its own rules and means extra hours into the hour bank, and it's always separately agreed upon. If the hour bank limit is broken, they'll probably pay off in cash.

>We're talking hourly workers here
plebs don't have rights

>get salaried
>still have to track hours
Sounds annoying. All my boss cares about is that it generally looks like I'm working full-time.

Even here in gayrope the trade unions don't seem to give a fuck about the lowest class of workers, the temps, the cleaners, the burger flippers, janitors etc.
Otherwise they would've forced a ban on zero-hour contracts.
We have a system of collective and universally binding labor agreements. The unions could do it, but WON'T.

it's all about salaries, full time workers etc, Good Jobs.

I'm salaried and we have to track hours. It's annoying as fuck but we deal with subsidized government projects and those require us to keep track of hours worked on specific projects. But hey, tax breaks are tax breaks.

I want to live inside aobas armpit

We have to track hours to do billing. That same system is used for tracking hours worked.
Sometimes I might work on 2-4 different customers in a single day.

Oh right, billing to projects. Thank god all my "clients" are in-house.

Gotta get those sweet, sweet billable hours

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This thread isn't even trying to be about Anime and/or Manga.

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Any programmers here?
I'm so stressed about job interviews.

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Software dev / programmer here. What kind of programming do you do?

Programming is New Game related.

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Back end I guess.
I'm trying to practice whiteboard algorithm questions but it's hard.

I do scientific/numerical programming for a data science firm.

Our interviews were 1/3rd math/statistics, 1/3rd algorithms/data structures/programming, and 1/3rd other stuff.

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I doubt I'll get any non-easy math questions during interviews.
I'm too slow/bad at dynamic programming problems.
Want to be online friends?

Attached: Nene_Sakura_Stitched_Cap_(New_Game_Ep_8).jpg (1278x1208, 229K)

The main thing is to talk through your thought process and test your solution afterwards. You can fuck up pretty badly but so long as you give them a sense that you actually know how to program, most places will care more about your approach to solving problems.
There are a lot of good books of practice problems out there and you'll notice some patterns once you do enough.

dynamic programming/algorithms is a big thing in interviews. i would focus on that

New Game is basically dilbert with girls

including gun assaults at workplace

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and Hifumi?

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>it's bad because it has lewd thing
Whatever you say, pretentious teen. Don't forget to give this show a 1 on MAL and write a negative review.

Hentai with Hifumi!

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It's for in person interviews at google and facebook so I'm worried if I make single mistake I'm done for.
Do you think it's easier to do bottom up or top down?

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Wagecuck here. It's really not hard to get your full 40 hours a week. Even being slightly competent and actually being reliable enough to show up every time you are scheduled pretty much grantees you your hours Hell I've always ended up telling my bosses to fuck off because I don't want overtime and would rather go home early.

people are stressed during interviews. as long as you don't completely freeze up, i'm sure they won't think less of you for it. personally, i like bottom up (brute forcing, etc) but it's more dependent on your way of thinking more than anything.

Have sex

Sure, bend over

Don't be. I know saying that doesn't do much, but real development will have code reviews and testers to help catch mistakes. And when the actual interview hits you'll be nervous for about 15 minutes before you get into talking shop and forget to be nervous.

Bonus tip:
A good strategy when you can't think of the "proper" algorithm is to start with a brute force approach, see what that teaches you about the problem, and start brainstorming improvements from there. All out loud, of course.

Work depresses me but I'm so angry I got past depression and actually regained my energy

I wish you the best of luck! Ganbare!

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So in France who entered the room while she was sleeping?

>real development will have code reviews and testers to help catch mistakes

I fucking hate this, every time I make a commit fixing small parts of the code I am being blamed for the rest of the shitty code in the file and I am told to fix the issues even though they had nothing to do with the case I was doing. It's like they never heard of "git-blame" tool.

>real development will have code reviews and testers to help catch mistakes.
People don't realize this.

We have entire teams of testers who throw ungodly stupid shit at your software to test for breakage. Their job is to find holes in your code, and your job is to make your code bulletproof to their shit.

We also have code review, in which your supervisor goes through your code and suggests improvements. This helps fix any obviously slow or inefficient code. (As you become more experienced, you are trusted more, and code review shifts in style and scope.)

Also, new developers, please leave time in your schedule for debugging, getting results back from testers, and revising based on code review.

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>he has testers
Users are our /qa/.

Momiji has trouble breaking the highscore on the new game.

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Is it worth it to take a few months to practice on your skills and develop projects? I have a few ideas of projects and resources I'd like to use to start machine learning but I'm currently stuck at a monkey paper job

The manager at my fast food joint is working 80 hour weeks because we're so short-staffed and getting paid 0 overtime.
I'm constantly reminded of Aoba's line, salaried manager seems like hell.

i want to break her pusy

I used to think that jews were to blame for that famous chart for real wages, but thinking about it, jews didn't magically appear in the year when the wages stopped following the productivity - they existed before. Now I believe that the reason is that oil is getting harder to take out of the ground. Jews are victims too.

Giving good code reviews is a skill. Pushing back on unreasonable change requests is also a skill.

>please leave time in your schedule for debugging
Oh god, now I remember the feature I had that was 2 days of programming and a full month of testing.

It's true some places will keep you as a part timer to jew you out of retirement and medical.

If you live somewhere full of methheads though, then you'll get more shifts just by showing up clean.

Child labor can be paid only by wage

caught my wife hifumi sleeping

Attached: hifumi13.jpg (1920x1080, 306K)

>Deciphering something mean it have meaning
Enjoy ypur life, kid

Fuck that part timing bullshit. At one company I was carefully being kept just under the threshold for insurances and goodies beyond the mandatory.

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>had a comfy job working like 15 hours a week
>it was enough to live on, plus I was still eligible for welfare
>then my boss offered me more hours and I was too beta to say "no"
>ended up being too stressful and quit
Why can't I have this "problem".

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Gifu me, hifumi.

Yeah, must be fucking nice.

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Must be nice to be Nene too.

I want a spin-off about the nurses!

No one is pretending it's deep you brainlet.

All hail our cake overlord for running our lesbian videogame adventures!

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She's a succubus granny who has to breed regularly to maintain her body, she's the mother of the other new games. Aoba's "mother" is actually her sister.

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I rarely work overtime, it is mostly when learning new tools for a project but it is only in short bursts and lasts two weeks at most.
Typical workday is around 6 hours on the job anyway.
Not having to worry about the number of hours is good, planning a budget around a steady income is simple.


Deep lore, I'd breed her.

Binged this a couple days ago. Felt like every episode had a close up shot of Kou's ass, I hope it continues like that in season 2.
Also Hazuki is best girl.

>spending night at work again

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I want to FUCK Yun.

>theoretical physicist so I could solve most of the questions I see popping up in theory
>if I actually understood them
I need to study their terminology some more, half of the time it's some really trivial shit I just don't understand because I don't know what half the words mean.

What do you mean?

>this will never be animated
How does it make you feel?

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>>I'm so stressed about job interviews.
>tfw scared shitless of job interviews because I never learned it properly and "just coded it" in such a way that it would work with only some optimization for the most time consuming routines
Every time I hear about job interviews in tech there are so many detailed questions I wouldn't even understand. I should have learned a craft instead.
At least my code is properly documented though.

Feels indifferent man

>"you want the job? Solve these in 45 minutes on the whiteboard."
>job is making simple websites with HTML and Javascript
I'm just so weary.

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season 2 has some good ecchi scenes too but less kou

god I wish that my interviews will only be simple stuff like that. I'm decent at solving problems when I'm allowed to have access to some resources that let me look up how to do some of that shit (not googling the solutions, just checking again how some formula worked and so on), but I fucking suck at it when you ask me to do it at the top of my head

That's not that simple to do on whiteboard.

I would love to be a prodigy programmer like Nene

Same tbqh
And a good artist like Yun

That's not the spirit

>no additional shot of Hifumi's boob mole
Makes me feel quite bad

I'm dead inside.

These aren't bad. The 2nd is weird though, what's with that local minimum?
1st is basic dichotomy and 3rd is conditional probability i guess?

as a brainlet, what's the right solution to the first one? I'd naively assume the safest way is to just start at floor 1 and than go up in steps of 2 (1, 3, 5, ...). once my first egg breaks I go one floor down to check if it still breaks on that one and I have my answer.
but knowing math, there's probably something way more efficient

the mathematical ideal solution is this weird stepping solution starting from 1 that is completely ridiculous. you go like 1 3 5 8 15 and it's dumb.

Dichotomy. Start with 50, if it breaks then 25 and so on.

The exact opposite is actually true. Salaries are most in common with jobs that require problem solving and thinking. When working on a problem, the problem will get stuck in your head and you'll find yourself thinking about it outside of office hours.

In a sense this means you're always working since you might be thinking about the problem at any point in the day. Salaries keep you from getting boned by only getting paid when you're in the office. Instead, you're getting paid all the time, office or not. Whether you work 2 hours a day, or 10. You get your salary.

Of course, a salary needs to pay well for all this to be true. But that's usually a given.

>1st is basic dichotomy
What do you mean, that doesn't sound right?
>The 2nd is weird though, what's with that local minimum?
How do you mean, it's just spot on the grid with neighbors all larger than it.

but if it would break on something like floor 5 then going 50 -> 25 won't actually answer the question, will it? now I have two broken eggs but only know that they break somewhere between the ground floor and the 25th floor

That doesn't work, you only have two eggs.
The steps make sense when you think about it.
More eggs is more confusing though.

>I was too beta to say "no"
There's your problem.

Why is she so smug?

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Nene is so cute and smart

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But you'll never be able to find the actual floor with two eggs. Going by steps of 2 doesn't help.

>Going by steps of 2 doesn't help.
why not? if it breaks on floor 1, I know it's the ground floor. if it breaks on floor 3, I know it's either floor 3 or floor 2 but I have a second egg to check if it breaks in floor 2.
and so on and so forth.

You have one to break on a first pass to narrow down the range, then you have to step one by one with the second one.

Go up by one starting at bottom, this is correct but not efficient. So it is possible to find the floor with two eggs.

But it's all a matter of luck. Going up by steps of 2 only narrows the possibilities to 50, so you'll need a few dozen eggs on average. With dichotomy you'll never need more than 7-8 eggs

>throw one from floor 50
>if it breaks, go floor 0-49, which means worst case is 50 more tries, 51 in total
>if it doesn't break, go floor 51-100, 50 steps for the worst case, 51 in total
so it's 51 tries either way

>throw an egg from floor 1, then 3, going all the way up to 99 for the worst case (which is floor 98), which means 50 attempts
>then check 98 to see if it still breaks, which makes it 51 attempts

There is no difference between double step and checking at 50 to cut it down to half, assuming the worst case scenario for both.

The eggs don't break every time.
You only have two eggs.

You only have 2 eggs though. You can use them again if they don't break from the fall, but if you break 2 by trying to narrow it down quickly you won't be able to answer the question or sure.

Dichotomy divides the possible interval by 2 each time so you'll only need 7 tries

You can't do that you'll run out of eggs.

Afterglow burn-in.

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Oh. It wasn't a matter of speed then, I'm dumb

But the banking and finance industry benefits from open borders.

I kinda feel like user worded that question incorrectly because the way he asked the question the best you can achieve for the worst case is 51 tries and the solution for it is pretty simple.

Working in Japan is suicidal.

Are jobs that have such complex interviews really that demanding? Or are you code monkey just like everyone else, once you've passed the interview?

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Nene be blessed.

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>I kinda feel like user worded that question incorrectly because the way he asked the question the best you can achieve for the worst case is 51 tries and the solution for it is pretty simple.
No there are better solutions, for example step by 4 instead of 2. Now in worst case you have 25+3=28 tries.

You mean America fucked over itself?
That's been the story of this world for the last 30 years, hasn't it?

The US haven't done any good for the common good since 1990.
And the only reason they were doing any good before that was that there was someone worse than them.
Guess why Bush jumped on the "War on Terror" train that hard. That was the primary reason. They thought they had finally found someone again that "everyone" could agree on to unite against.
Too bad they shat on all their forefathers' principles in that process.

Fucking commie. Do you need more nukes up your ass?
Murrika will kick the world's stinky butt forever!

Did jannie really delete aoba's butt?

this is a retail problem, and as we all know retail is the worst

Unironically right
Its one of many reasons unions are required

>Murrika will kick the world's stinky butt forever!
You have already kicked the bucket, man.
And it's not Trump's fault, he is merely the result.

Posting Umiko's butt for inspection

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well now I feel fucking dumb for not thinking of that.
5step is even faster though, 20 steps to get to 100 and then 4 more to get to 99 which is the worst case
>24 steps

6step takes 16 steps to get to 96, then 5 steps for 95 (worst case, you finish faster when it still hasn't broken on 96)
>21 steps

7step takes 14 steps to 98, and then 6 more for floor 97 (worst case)
>20 steps

8step takes 12 to get to 96, and then 7 to get to 95
>19 steps

9step takes 11 steps to 99 and then 8 to 98
>19 steps

10step takes 10 steps to 100 and then 9 to get to 99
>19 steps

11step takes 9 steps for 99 and then 10 steps for 98
>19 steps

12step takes 8 steps and then 11 steps to get to 95
>19 steps

actually fuck that, seems to go roughly by worst case steps = (floors/eggs)+(eggs-1)
there's still some inaccuracy in that but I'm too much of a brainlet to fix it for the exact solution
8-12 steps are all equally good, below and above that you need more attempts

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>worst case steps = (floors/eggs)+(eggs-1)
I'm an idiot, that's steps obviously and not eggs.
Would mean your optimal step width is sqrt(nfloors)
Now I only need someone to tell me where I fucked up because there's still some error in it somewhere

You can do even better.
The trick is to decrease step size by once each time because that is cost of dropping egg for each step.

Isn't the right answer binary search?
You're all idiots.

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The trick is to not rely on books.
You need to practice without them.

I feel like I'm too dumb for this field.

No Nene!

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I don't know what country you are in, but software is such an in-demand profession that if your salary isn't super high to imply baked in overtime (like FAANGs level) then you should have an easy time finding a job with a sane schedule.

It's not because you only have two of the eggs and you can only reuse them if you don't break them.
If you go 50 -> 25 and your right floor was somewhere from 1-24 then you broke both eggs already without getting the answer.

Already said It might not give the best results everytime though. Might be the best on average.

If you have majored in CS, you should be able to solve those.

I had a comfy 9-5 job 3 days week which was suuuuuper comfy.
Don't really need more than that to live yet companies are stingy.

The idea is that you use your first egg to clear as much of the interval as you can and then you use the second going step by step on the interval you narrowed down.

>If you live somewhere full of methheads though, then you'll get more shifts just by showing up clean.
Not in my city where the managers are probably on it.

We jump X floors and drop egg.
If it breaks then we check below one by one for total of X drops in worst case.
If it doesn't we jump again.
If we jump X again we've already used one drop so if it breaks then we'd have X+1 in worst case.
So we should jump X-1 for second jump.

Then our jumps are X, X-1, X-2, ... and we need to make it to 100 floors.
So 1+2+3+...+X >= 100, this sum equals X(X+1)/2.
So then X is solution the quadratic X(X+1)/2-100=0 rounded up.

You can do same for 3 eggs except now our jumps must decrease by the next lowest triangular number (because that's the cost of subcase with two eggs). So now the sum is X(X+1)(X+2)/6 which is a cubic so you would get the solution with the formula in pic.

Attached: cubic.gif (645x176, 4K)

then you end with 51 steps for the worst case scenario, that's not very good

Then what's the answer?

Attached: neene.jpg (500x401, 40K)

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Yes, that's the same as the 2 steps scenario. But it can also go much faster for other cases. Gotta check the average.

Well, I don't think I can judge if that's correct or not.
I wonder if my own solution would be accepted by anyone, too. It gets reasonable close with some rounding, maybe not the perfect solution but at least one I can still understand.

1. 51
2. I don't think that can be done better than greedily, and I'm not sure, if that's in O(n).
3. The last ball will always be blue.

Forget the math part.
All you need to understand is why interval we move shrinks.
1. When the first egg breaks the cost to find the true floor is equal to number of floors we just skipped over.
2. Our total drops counts all drops of each egg.
3. So if we skip 10 floors each time and it breaks on floor 100 then we just spent 10 drops to get there and then 9 with 2nd egg so 19.
4. But if it broke on floor 10 then it only took 1 drop to get there + 9 so 10 drops.
5. We wants these to be equal because if one is smaller then another must be larger like putting down carpet to big for a room and the largest one determines our worst case which we want to be as small as possible.

The math is just what you need to actually figure out what initial step size will work out and keep them all equal.

1. No, best is 14 drops.
2. Greedy is O(n^2) in worst case.
3. It's not 1 or 0.

English is not your native tongue, is it?

programming quizzes like that are nothing like real world programming

>If we jump X again we've already used one drop so if it breaks then we'd have X+1 in worst case.
>So we should jump X-1 for second jump.

I assumed as much, but that doesn't help if I can't pass the interview questions, does it?

Oh, I think I got it now. Thanks.

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>1. No, best is 14 drops.
What's the algorithm? Can't you at most skip one level without losing the ability to determine the exact floor?
>2. Greedy is O(n^2) in worst case.
Isn't it better, since you always go to the best neighbor? Maybe O(n*log(n))?
What's the worst case instance that gives n^2? A spiral doesn't work.
>3. It's not 1 or 0.
If you draw a red ball, you remove it. If you draw a blue ball you return it, and remove the next one no matter what.
It's literally impossible for a red ball to be the last one. The initial number of balls doesn't matter beyond there being at least one blue ball.

Using our first egg we're splitting the floors into sections which upon breaking we will examine floor by floor whatever section we were at using our 2nd and final egg.
We want the total cost of finding the floor to be the same no matter what section it is in. This is because if one section is cheaper then another section must be more expensive. This is bad because we're trying to make the worst case as small as possible so the worst section is what counts.

So we need to reduce the next interval to account for the drop we just did, in this case we just reduce by one since the final check is a linear scan.

>It's literally impossible for a red ball to be the last one. The initial number of balls doesn't matter beyond there being at least one blue ball
You'll remove the blue ball if you draw it twice in a row.

>Can't you at most skip one level without losing the ability to determine the exact floor?
You could jump straight to 10 and then go 1-9 if it breaks on 10, resulting in 10 total tries to find the right floor.
user posted a more in depth explanation further up, you basically want to keep the amount of attempts low no matter which floor ends up being the right one, whereas fixed steps scale linearly with the amount of floors for the worst case scenario

>You'll remove the blue ball if you draw it twice in a row.
Oh fuck, forgot about that case. Thank You.

>tfw actually learned something
>but my brain is a fucking sieve so I'll have forgotten about it in half a week
I need a field of employment where you can bullshit your way through with short term memory because that one is stellar, but my long term memory does not exist.

You are right. Thank You.

Underage b&

>What's the algorithm?
Here >Can't you at most skip one level without losing the ability to determine the exact floor?
You can always figure it out with one egg by going up one by one, it's just slow.

>What's the worst case instance that gives n^2? A spiral doesn't work.
If you greedily roll down hill then if the grid has a downward sloping snake pattern with high walls you'll follow it the whole way so (n/2) rows x n columns for O(n^2). See crappy drawing, black is sloping path and red are large entries.

Attached: snake.png (500x500, 9K)

>programmer job interviews

Good night ding ding ding..




Thanks for the instance.

Politician would be the usual answer to that question, but you need massive social skills and a decent amount of money to start off with for that.
For a politician long term memory is only a hindrance.

Dammit, user.
Now I want to lick a girl's asshole.

How come "non-normalfag" programmers are the most insufferable and obnoxious people?

What's a non-normalfag programmer?

>Are jobs that have such complex interviews really that demanding? Or are you code monkey just like everyone else, once you've passed the interview?

My experience has been that a complex interview normally doesn't really mean shit.

Currently working the most mentally demanding job I've done in a while, and the interview was easy as fuck.

My previous job had a series of difficult interview tasks and the actual job was trivial, because there was so much bureaucracy and mess that it wasn't actually possible to get anything done, so you didn't even bother trying eventually.

I like them. Pretty agreeable people in my experience.
I will take the worst autist over the best business major any day.
Still working on my Masters, though, so it's not like I was talking from too much experience.

I'm confused that my real life programmer peers were all normalfags. I felt so fucking out of place. Strangely, my programmer peers in the internet are all autisms.

They are definitely not the most insufferable of persons, but like any "non-normalfag" the answer is poor social skills.

it really depends on the person if poor social skills are a problem or not. I have one coworker with absolutely terrible social skills but it's not much of a problem because he's also a fairly quiet guy who's just happy to stick along without contributing much
so you are only seldomly exposed to his autism, and that dose is tolerable

I'm Sorry to be the one to tell you, but I think she's dead.

post New Game! panties

she's still alive

Attached: hifumi11.jpg (1766x2490, 671K)

>drop at 10. If break, start at 1 and step up one by one. If not, add 10 to both. If intact by 90, start step by 2 at 92.
At most 15 drops.

2nd that seems like it'd involve a lot of lines just to flatten out the second loop. Anyone have the solution?

3rd too many scenarios. I'd just guess 2/3 since you need to pull out a ball 120 times to reach last since a blue ball getting discarded means next one being blue puts it back into the box instead of being discarded.

>At most 15 drops.
For 89 your algorithm needs 9+9=18 drops.

>2nd that seems like it'd involve a lot of lines just to flatten out the second loop. Anyone have the solution?
Split grid in half, find smallest element on split line and pick side that has smaller neighbor. if neither side is smaller then it's a local min.
Keep doing this and every region you pick is guaranteed to contain a local minimum so you'll find it when region is size one.

Recurrence: T(n) = T(n/2) + n = n(1+1/2+1/4+...) < 2n so O(n)

Attached: 1535457032849.jpg (1800x1199, 1.12M)

>n(1+1/2+1/4+...) = 2n

It's not an infinite series since you'll run out of grid to divide.
I was to lazy to write final term, something like 1/2^ceiling(log_2(n))) or whatever

But those are swim wears.

>how come anons are the most insufferable and obnoxious people?
Because lulz.

Attached: 1532893787870.jpg (720x720, 159K)

That's because hate is discouraged in our society and you cannot make a good program without solid criticism (i.e. what people call "hate" today) of the process.
Thought AIDs has killed programming.

Attached: if only you knew how bad things really are__.jpg (1200x1200, 199K)

You can provide constructive criticism without being a dick.
Also fuck those people that drag out code reviews with loads of nit picky personal preferences.

Woops. Was meant to say, the reason why the people on the internet are like that is because generally they have hate.
You don't succeed in a workplace today with hate. Hate is too intolerant of diversity and that's a bad thing, even though hateful natures are by far the best at numerical problem solving.
Hell I bet they even misdiagnose this mentality as things like borderline disorder.

That's how fucked we are.

>You can provide constructive criticism without being a dick.
No you cannot. You are always a dick if you don't agree with the status quo. That is the nature of human society.

That is why everyone was a dick in the past.

>Also fuck those people that drag out code reviews with loads of nit picky personal preferences.
Enjoy your inconsistent code with dozens of "minor" issues that all add up.

Making Nene cry with brutal code reviews!
Reviews involving anus.

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Having two returns in a function is not an issue, they just read some blogpost about how there should only be one per function and took it verbatim because they're brainless and now I have to have an awkward back and forth about it through code review comments.

How about these?

Attached: try2.jpg (1739x1233, 394K)

You probably use tons of unnecessary whitespace everywhere and use shitty names, faggot

Are you that guy who complains about using i,j,k as variables since they're too short/not descriptive?