You haven't forgotten my name have you Yea Forums?

You haven't forgotten my name have you Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:愛-奉文-x-聖子

>generic anime girl
>generic anime boy
>switch bodies
>time travel
>make millions of cash

Is it Keit-ai?

Because mods haven't forgotten.

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You haven't forgotten my name have you Yea Forums?

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Keit-Ai has been made into:

>a wiki
>a fanfic
>a fictionpress story
>a manga
>a meme
>a series recognized by TV Tropes
>an anime preview
>an anime episode
>an anime series
>an honest-to-goodness anime movie
>Oscar considered
>a critically acclaimed box office success in Japan
>a worldwide hit
>the no. 1 highest grossing anime film of all time
>a certified fresh movie on Rotten Tomatoes
>a live-action film

Meme magic is amazing.

I remember you, Mitsubishi!

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Already a thing.愛-奉文-x-聖子

Shes actually a mushi. Her name, is mushi.

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That's the Hinamatsuri bartender right?


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And add in 5 or so mini climaxes. Fuck me by the end I was just glad the movie finally finished. It was just eye candy and that's it.

You're thinking of Hina's classmate Hitome, and No.

I wish I've forgotten.


Normalfags love that shit.

This is quite literally my favorite movie of all time. Fuck all of you contrarians who think it's bad.

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koe no katachi was simply the better movie

Mods hate him!


>Mitsuha switches places with Heisenberg
>funyanz are da bomb yo

Hina Amano, right?

stick to your loli shit homo

the movie was an over hyped, poorly paced piece of eye candy. It was shit. get over it.

How could I forget you, Miyazaki?

Not him but I enjoyed it. Must feel bad to have wasted time and possibly money watching a shit movie.

Nyanko Manko

Have sex


same, but wait until tenki no ko bro


it will be good but not as good

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Yup, but at least I learned something from it. I understand now how to find content I like to watch. I Don't look at reviews anymore. Instead I just search for clips and go off my intial impressions of the clips. Works pretty much 10/10 times now and I always find stuff I like. I watched the Fuck me I don't know my own name because body swapping, because of all the 'rave' reviews and the sheer number of people who kept bringing it up and raving about it.
I'm like, well my first time with sex was shit, and I was pressured into doing the casual sex with someone that wasn't even a 7 for me and that was a complete disappointment. There is no way by listening to others that I'll be fucking let down again. Boy was I wrong... again. It's like I like to fucking torture my self in some sort of self depricating sadistic way.

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>baby first chick flick

checks out

I can have my own opinion. Everyone else trying to convince me that I'm wrong about what I like is fucking stupid and retarded.

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I love my wife Mitsuha very much!

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of course not

DAMN it feels good to be a Shinkaichad

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