This is a Japanese scientist

This is a Japanese scientist.

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Kurisu is American.
Salieri > Amadeus

Attached: 146a4.png (649x1183, 494K)

>lives in America for 3 years
>is as thin as a rail
Was this too unrealistic?

to be fair, she did wear shoes indoors

Grad students are too poor to eat, so I think it checks out.

Attached: aBjchAs.jpg (827x1169, 91K)

I don't know guy, the bad stuff is pretty cheap which is why so many are fat.

I can buy a 24 pack of No Name ramen noodle bricks from Super Store for about 5 bucks. That's only 20 cents a packet. How could a poor person turn down such a deal? But the nuritional information is genuinely shocking. It's incredible how much bad shit they can pack into a mere 400 calories. I immediately dumped the box and never ate one again.

The Japanese scientist doesn't like the the look you're giving her. Please stop.

Someone like Kurisu would be getting paid big bucks to pursue her post-grad.

No she's just lived in America for a few years.

Yeah but she's also super hot which is hard to achieve if you aren't eating properly.

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I hope all 10 of these projects are just full-length high-budget OVAs of Okabe and Kurisu fucking like rabbits

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>ywn have a Kurisu gf

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>ywn have a Maho gf

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I'd ask her to check my sperm count after I shoot it in her vagina.

God I wish kurisu would operate on me!

Based. I certainly wouldn't mind some official H content.

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>tfw ywn be mind broken by Kurisu
Why even live?

Attached: BB2CF37E-D84D-4DA7-B913-3356EAE45A54.jpg (1280x1850, 1.51M)

Telling Kurisu that women belong in the kitchen instead of a lab!
Patting Kurisu on the butt every time I pass her desk!
Accusing Kurisu of using her body to get to the top!
Informing Kurisu about her weight every time I see her eating a snack!
Telling Kurisu not to interupt my conversations because "the adults are talking!"
Asking Kurisu to make me a sandwich when I'm hungry!
Telling Kurisu she dresses like a slut, and that modern women are degenerates!
Taking Kurisu pictures without her consent and sending them to the bros!
Calling Kurisu an insane feminazi when she gets angry with me!

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Delete this. Kurisu is for tender hand holding

Kurisu would leave your lab and join mine. See, that's what happens when you harass people who have outside options.

I'll give Kurisu a 7980xe for her personal machine and shared access to a 128-core dual-socket Epyc machine for anything her personal machine couldn't handle.

God bless capitalism.

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Sexually harassing and hurling misogynistic abuse at the qt scientist is not allowed.

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Not that guy but winding up the girl you like is the literal opposite of hatred.

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That's not just bantz.

7000 millenia in paint

Attached: collage.jpg (2700x2400, 2.12M)

god bless

That app is full of great lewds.

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No. She's a Japanese with a work visa.
This is a real American scientist on the other hand.

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You'll have to make that 9 because one was already confirmed as a live show

god I wanna smell Maho so bad

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Are fun-size Americans always this cute?

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She fits in your carry-on!

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How convenient!

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She probably smells like NEET.

>female mind break
for the love of god sauce please

This doujin is hot as fuck, so I will be generous. Artist is nora shinji.

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Would Kurisu be into girls with DICKSU?[/spoilers]

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Well she did have a gay moment with Luka before she found out he was a guy, so maybe.

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That looks like a japanese skeleton though.

Thank you

Why do americans have such a warped view of what is healthy and attractive? If you don't have at least 25% bodyfat they think you're "anorexic"

The typical American is sick, overfed and mutilated. They can't help but project what they see all around them onto others.

Will they announce something during Kurisu's birthday bash?

>implying the rest of them aren't just a bunch of irrelevant shit

Thats your average white fatass that has given up on not being a fatass so they adopt that view to both cope and slim shame others into their lifestyle, its fucking moronic and has partially gotten me to get my shit together

I'm American and exceedingly thin, and I don't doubt there are people overly generous to fatsos in other parts of the world. Getting real sick of this stereotype.

Pacific islanders are the most commonly obese race where I live, followed by blacks, hispanics, whites, and asians least of all. Not sure why you'd assume white.

Well in Murica you got the biggest group of fatasses being black women then whites, somehow (according to the CDC last i remember) but despite that when you hear talk of muh harmful body images, its usually some humpty dumpty white fat cunt thats easily in her 30s and hardly ever lashanaqueesha being the speaker

Maybe it's just being on the west coast, but I definitely see more fatass islander dudes than any other demographic.

Thats probably what it is, as the majority of the fatties are in the south

no that's a fictional anime character

Christina is actually very pretty.