Shingeki no Kyojin

>Superior Waifu Genes

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Other urls found in this thread:



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Best Girl

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Reminder that OP is a faggot

>Hanji making fun of Eren as a chuuni

What went wrong with EMA?

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i didn't type that

Having Eldian blood

Faggot OP got cucked by superior thread

Eren outgrew them

Historia's pretty pink princess pussy got plowed in the stables

Would you shut the fuck up and stop

Absolute seething

>People still think that was TFR op
you were warned

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Their friendship was weird in the first place.

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Do you get extra bonus years if you eat another shifter?

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No, nobody can outlive Ymir.

>How will people react when Eren flattens every country outside Paradis in the end?
Any outcome I want involves rumbling.

>implying that wasn't you pretending to be janny
hi tfr

What the fuck is your problem OP

Seething dumbass whose thread was late

>Eren caused Levis whole squad to get killed
Eren fans will defend this

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>plotfag thread gets mogged by waifuchad's

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So why exactly do people like Attack on Titan? It's literally just a shallow "NAZIS BAD" allegory. You'd think Yea Forums of all places would hate this show.

why did mikasa change her hairstyle? she looks weird now.

Stop samefagging, it's desparate and sad. Like your shitty waifu.

She didn't intentionally. Isayama said someone accidentally cut her ponytail off.

Eren is scum and that's why I love him

I miss Yumiru

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What the fuck is wrong with you?

Go here instead to escape cancer

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Is there any character that can defeat Eren Yeager? And I'm not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager. Hell, I'm not even talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager in contact with an Eldian of royal blood, so that he activates his Shiso no Kyojin coordinate powers. I'm NOT talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after ingesting the Yoroi no Kyojin serum and having practiced his hardening abilities with Hange and the Survey Corps. I couldn't be talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yaeger using Porco Galliard as a nutcracker to destroy the Sentsui no Kyojin crystal so he can consume Ms. Tybur and gain precise creation abilities. I'm definitely not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yaeger with mastery over his Sentsui no Kyojin creation abilities used to break open the Megata no Kyojin crystal and consuming Annie Leonhart in order to gain her titan abilities. I'm really not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager commanding a group of loyal followers who have dedicated their lives to fulfilling Eren's dream of finally setting his people free and ensuring the safety of generations to come. Do you think I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after going fully nuclear and telling Mikasa he's hated her his entire life and beating the shit out of Armin because they're both just slaves who refuse to accept freedom and try to get in the way of his true, eternal freedom? You better be joking if you think I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after being ambushed by the surviving members of the Senshi-tai, effectively fighting off both Reiner and Porco at the same time and even taking on Reiner, solo, after eating two direct headshots from an anti-titan sniper rifle. I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager in contact with Sieg's Kemono no Kyojin form, albeit rejecting Sieg's plan to force Eldians into sterility in order to protect his lover, Historia Reiss, so that his child can be born free into this world.

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user, think of it this way. Each of those Shingeki ladies has a bigger harem of real fans than any waifuchad could ever even dream of.

Ymir had all 9 powers and only lived for 13 years. Having 2 or 5 or 7 powers won't help.

Actual OP here, I have no idea what is happening...

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>These kids are now Yaegerists

This is the worst falseflag I've seen yet, give up

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>You'd think Yea Forums of all places would hate this show.
Since when were you under the impression you were on Yea Forums?

OP thinks we're here to decide which Shingeki waifus to collect. But OP doesn't realized that each of those Shingeki ladies already have massive harems of real people. That's the real beauty of the harem genre. The harem fans think they're there to get more waifus for their collections, but actually they're the ones being collected and fleeced.

>make a thread and ask a question I wanted to ask
>link it in one other thread with no text
>some psycho spams replies in half a dozen posts in two separate threads screeching because someone making a thread when he wanted to make his waifufaggotry thread
>two anons mock him
>he spergs out on everyone like a rabid dog despite the fact that his thread's doing just fine and no one's out to get him
Jesus Christ, what is wrong with you, you fucking lunatic? You think anyone cares that you exist or that you posted a thread that's identical to a dozen others that have popped up on the board just today? How badly did your father fuck up at his job? Take your pills, man.

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I made that thread. I almost regret it because this faggot has spammed replies screeching about his thread being "challenged". Fuck's sake...

What a cruel world we live in...

Meanwhile you're shitting up the better thread with countless pointless links to yours, absolute fagman.

Christa topping Ymir will never get old

What the fuck are you even talking about now. Are you actually schizoid?

damn those island devils truly are devious

No, I am the original poster, faggot.

Let's the amp the cruelty even more. The fans have harems of fictional ladies or laddies, but the fictional characters have harems of real people.

You're remarkably mentally ill, man. Sort your shit out while you still have time. I didn't make that fucking post, it's a reply to something I posted. What is wrong with you?

>someone makes a waifu thread
>no fuck him I have a question to ask
>It's such a brilliant and original question it needs its own thread
>my thread came second and isn't needed but everyone who called me a faggot is the same guy
>better whine about it like I didn't knowingly make it this way

this might be the worst snk thread ever

To the faggot who made the "pikuCHAD" thread and then trawled three different threads samefagging as different people because it couldn't fathom the thought of someone making a non-waifufag thread - keep your threads, loon. Never making another one of these, fuck's sake. If I had any idea you lot get this psychotic over this shit I wouldn't have bothered posting.

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Get the fuck off my board newfag. No one likes your waifufaggotry. Fucking lunatic, get a life.
I just made the other thread to escape shitholes like you.

The one earlier was worse until the wwe posting started.

I'm glad you learned your lesson, user.

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I just wanted to post Eldian waifus...

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she took eren's comment about cutting her hair short and took it autistically

Dude I'm not the one who spammed links to his waifu thread. I literally made my thread, linked it once, and moved on. You need pills and a nice long chat with a father figure.

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Before going to Marley

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Mine was first. I posted the link first in the other thread. How is this so hard to understand brainlet

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It was an accident.

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> couldn't fathom the thought of someone making a non-waifufag

Chill, user. Look, some anons make waifu threads because they can't you know... get any of the real life stuff. You should this already. You should be feeling sorry for them.

Fuck off already no one gives a shit about your SO ORIGINAL AND DEEP question.

It's ridiculous.

>Isayama’s work is full of anti-Korean, nationalist, pro-Japan subtext, parallels to anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, and subtextual references to Nazi Germany.

you didn't make the thread... what your deal?

Stop samefagging, no one here is believing you

When it comes to entertainment, there's no such thing as bad publicity.

If you've moved on you can stop whining anytime

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Generals are autistically autistic as usual

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Awww... you samefag a lot don't you, user?

Hey, for sure, fag, that's fine by me. Now just stop samefagging
Your thread took off, many congratulations, now take your pills and let people talk.

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Probably sasha

Glad you agree that your thread is complete dogshit. Goodbye forever

I thought you were moving on user

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he is not even the OP you fool...

Only thing I can think of is it getting caught in something and having to hack most of it off to get her loose.

Stop falseflagging.

I'm not. You're being a whiny faggot for a thread that's not even good.

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I kind of am? At first it was just sort of stunning to watch in real time as this guy posted seething replies and then pretended to be different anons, including me, all for a fucking thread. Then I read some of the posts and noticed how combative and rabid/territorial they seemed, and I it feels like he was the kind of faggot who got shoved into lockers in school. So I guess I feel a little bad for him? Still shitty to spam his own link over and over and try to drag me even though I linked my thread once and only once. Fuck this place man, I'll just get my friends caught up on the last couple episodes so I can talk to them.

You're a remarkably sad person, user.

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probably in practice with the new version of ODM since the mechanisms are in the high-back?

I should mention that I've seen two posts of people pretending to be me and ragging on this guy for posting a waifu thread. I agree with the sentiment but I'd prefer if there were less false flagginhg. It doesn't help anyone.

I rabu Piku.

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I hope the sun is a little more set in the next episode so we have an incredibly orange glow on Kruger and Grisha when Grisha receives the photograph of his family. The skies in the SnK anime always look so nice and I just want an intense orange glow.

I do sympathize with waifu OP because he's just lonely and was lucky enough to be first.

On the other hand grisha OP is nazi and redpilled so that does tip the scales in his favor.

Tell me what end you want Anons. There's multiple variations of rumble, magic bullshit and of course the much-loathed "let's talk" kind of endings.

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>plotfag shitting up and samefagging in this thread to create confusion so other people will more likely go to his own thread

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A protip. People, not just anons, who are pissing over the interwebs are just redirecting stress from real life problems. That's also why the internet is so full of negative energy. This is a very handy tip, because so long as you can keep in mind that upset people are upset for a real life reason, you can shield yourself from their upset. Now, of course - this will make them even more upset, but user - we have to prioritize ourselves first, because we also have shitty problems to deal with ourselves, and they're already enough to deal with without other people's issues on top of the lot.

I wonder if they'll have one of the new compositions playing for that scene or if they'll use Wings of Freedom since the name-drop sequence shows the first time Grisha sees them as he gets picked up by the scouts outside Shiganshina.

Side note to the waifufag OP - this is what a normal post looks like when you can stop shitting yourself over whether your thread's taking off over someone else's. Hopefully you take notes and stop shitting up other threads when you could just let them be and make yours better instead.

It does look like it's the cords too. Mounted right at the top of their shoulderblades when Isayama remembers to draw it in

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Domstoria a best

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>Falseflagfag trying to create more confusion by posing as me

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And yet here you go again trying to stir up shit because your shitty waifu thread isn't as popular. Who is sad? Make some IRL friends, seriously user.

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I wasn't really thinking about my problems I just made a thread. Didn't realize it would be such a scandal. But hey lesson learned lol.

OP here, there is a guy pretending he made the threads and starring shit... Is this a joke I'm not getting?

Isn't that the abandoned trip?

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Jesus christ summer really is here boys.
Get ready for later this week when Eva drops on Netflix, the normie invasion hasn't even begin.

>all this drama over opening a fucking thread
Just when you thought /snk/ couldn't fall any lower.

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You're actually schizo, right? Or just incredibly bored. Go back to your shitty thread.

No, this was. I changed it after I realized I compromised myself.

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will these dysfunctional siblings meet again?

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>OP gets so butthurt he has to take on a tripcode for damage control

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I'm not the OP, I'm just the local drunkard. I'm going to go to bed now, though.

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I already made two posts telling you you can stop doing this shit. I still haven't linked my thread anywhere since the first time I did it. I've talked to other anons in your own faggoty thread about the actual episode without sage'ing or report-spamming, I didn't flame the guy who called me a Nazi for a simple post I made, and I sure as shit haven't false-flagged as other anons like a lunatic. For the sake of your own thread, quit your shit, you locker-dwelling faggot, and let my thread slide and this thread carry on. Fucking hell, man, step outside and take a fucking hike, literally.

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Its just two trolls pretending to be someone else and clashing for some reason...I refuse to believe this is because of a thread.

Genocide run or time-loop

Okay confirmed that waifuOP is falseflagging
>I've talked to other anons in your own faggoty thread
>let my thread slide and this thread carry on

Eren is the hottest!

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Don't know if this is a legit post or another made-up user pretending, but probably. I'm sick of it, though, not going to posting anymore in this thread or the one I made. Gonna go do something else and set a time with two friends to get them caught up since they've missed the last 2 episodes so I can talk to them instead.


I've been posting in threads for a little over a year. Just never made one myself until tonight. Why are you people more caught up in the meta of the threads than the series itself? Communal/social deprivation?

Good night

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Troll here, I think I've unlocked the secret to shutting down cancerous generals about shitty series like SnK.

I just finished reading chapter 118, where exactly does it say that Eren fugged Historia?

Obviously he couldn't he was overseas the whole time

For Christ's sake... What is wrong with this place.

But you've not shut the thread down. It's still on page 1. It'll go to completion and then the next thread will start.

Pissing in the pool of piss doesn't make it go away. It just makes it bigger.

Could someone redraw or “remake” isayama’s drawings to a more palatable standard. I swear, if his drawings are more highschool level AoT would be a masterpiece

EHtards delusion

>Pissing in the pool of piss doesn't make it go away. It just makes it bigger
Newfags won't ever get it, user.

>falling for the bait

I'm happy as long as Eren BTFOs literally everyone and then probably himself

It doesn't say. 'Eren is the father' is just a theory. By far the worst theory this series has ever spawned. Oh, for the good of days of theorizing that Monkey Trouble was an ancient titan made from experiments on apes or the tall guard was the Warhammer Titan...

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he's good

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But it doesn't matter if it was bait. If it was bait, then it, my bite, your response, and my response now, it's all just more piss. And it was real, all of these responses are also just more piss.

Do you understand where you are?

wtf is that, the condom titan?

>shallow nazis bad allegory
He doesnt know

Not consistent though. A few good panels here and there. This comic needs a professional make over

Calm down fedorachan, your thread won, move on.

I going to bet is going to be a variation of those 3 togetether.- Rumbling happens, a truce between warriors and the SL and the Ymir curse is destroyed at the end.

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If you really believed that then you wouldn't have pissed all over the other thread just to make sure your prevailed.

Stop feeding the troll he is not even the OP

A grim reminder for OP

>I've talked to other anons in your own faggoty thread
>let my thread slide and this thread carry on
Confirmed falseflagging

At least it isn't like Berserk where it takes literally 6 months for a new chapter

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>low IQ brain only sees the armbands and surface details

i literally want a 'bad' ending. zeke wins, and eren has to go back through PATHS canonically to live it over and over and over again

Will there be a new chapter this month or is Miura only doing one chapter a year now?

The point is that you CARE about your own personal piss that you piss out into the ocean. Even if it immediately disperses and you can no longer discern it from any of the other piss, you still cared about your own shitty thread enough to go in the other thread and start shitting it up too. You're the one who obviously doesn't understand.

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I made the other thread and I didn't even think much of the fact that this one took off instead. I've had more back and forth with anons in this retard's thread about the manga itself than he has. In the last thread some dude said "well if the waifu thread came first I don't know why the other user is seething". I literally only linked mine once and when I realized what was happening with this fag I just chilled out and posted about the OST and the Kruger-Grisha scene instead. Meanwhile he keeps spamming some flame-war bullshit for no goddamn reason even though there's no reason for it.

This is exactly like what happened last year when I started posting here and called manlet "Levi" and ended up with a dozen psychos telling me I was a fat lesbian for some fucking reason. Could anons at least try a little bit to not be such spergy lunatics? It's like a hivemind that knows 3 tricks.

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Other Special Titan Powers
>Has a feminine body
>Has sharp teeth
>Has a shell
>Is really big
>Looks like a monkey
>Crawls on all fours and is the most retarded looking Titan of all
>Is super strong and angry and “fights for freedom”
Warhammer Titan
>Makes Giant weapons, reshapes the earth around it, and can be controlled remotely
Is it too much to ask for mangaka to fucking think ahead with their series and not make stupid power jumps like this?

Can I get a rundown on that poly article

Pieck looks like a retarded abnormal

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that’s the page that made me start disliking hange. her failure at understanding eren seriously made me seethe so hard

Give me a final solution that will the secure the existence of Eren’s People and a future for Eldian children WITHOUT genocide, removal of Titan abilities or muh cliché Armin diplomacy.
There is none. So I prefer the Rumbling.

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Not him but if you’re the OP of that other thread please delete it. This thread is bas but what’s even worse than that is two threads.

>Isayama past controversy with the Koreans
>WW2 Imagery
>Eren is endorsing an extremist group

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They try to act like Titans are supposed to be Jews because none of them know the series and they just need to paint themselves as victims. Nevermind all these facts
>Eldians lose "The Great Titan War"
>Blamed for genocide, colonialism, eugenics, etc.
>Kids brainwashed and indoctrinated
>Made to fight Marley's wars
>Marley practices actual genetic purity testing, apartheid policies, propaganda etc.
>Kruger literally says the numbers on the Marleyan genocide don't add up
>Grisha literally says they need to correct the world, that Ymir civilized the world, and that their ancestors did nothing wrong
>Zeke is a literal race-traitor anti-natalist
>Eren is working to secure a future for his people and their children

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ratcheting up the power level is a time-honored tradition of increasing dramatic tension though.

This is the impenetrable continuous test to know who lurks and who doesn't. You drop out of the game and it's not so easy to get back in, normie.

> if I dumb everyone else down this otherone will look better
wow user.

There will never be a more faggot OP on Yea Forums

you forgot that grisha literally named his son Sieg

Don’t give then clicks

More than happy to be on the outskirts, you fucking psychos.

Unless you change in a big way user, your father will never stop wallowing in disappointment over how you've ended up.

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Delete your shitty thread and stop falseflagging then.

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The samefagging is incredibly pathethic user.

Actual normie animeonly detected

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Explain how any of the other titans remotely measure up to Warhammer.

Did anyone else laugh when he was born and Grisha said "Jeekuh"
I knew they probably wouldn't pronounce it zeek but it was still funny.

I legitimately haven't come across someone as pathetic as you in a while, faggot. I've made more level-headed posts about the series in your open faggoty thread than you yourself because you were too busy sperging out spamming your thread trying to start some retarded flamewar and trying to run a victory lap. Get help, fucking schizo, you're repulsive.

zeke could easily 1v1 wht

Jesus christ go back to l*ddit already

Reiner will kill Shitren Uchiha

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>Kruger literally says the numbers on the Marleyan genocide don't add up
Isayama you beautiful beautiful absolute madman.

Slit your fucking wrists and swan dive off a rooftop. Despite your rampant lunacy and faggotry, I've probably been more courteous to you than anyone unfortunate enough to be a part of your actual life. You're a sad person and a waste of resources.

>faggot. I've made more level-headed posts about the series in your open faggoty
>victory lap. Get help, fucking schizo, you're repulsive
Okay this definitely confirms falseflagging.

eren beat it fairly quick and wouldve easily beaten it faster if he knew its gimmick immediately

>two threads up, like always
>retards fighting
yawn. just go to that thread when this one dies.

>>retards fighting

It's just classic Tribalism.

>eren beat it fairly quick
*the SL beat it

Bye bye now /pol/grishatard. Nice try but no one was falling for your schizo antics.

Some guy made a weird Ace Combat Zero x SNK AMV thing in like 2014 and I saved it to replace theshit audio but then I never uploaded it and it seems like the original got deleted so here it is if anyone cares. Surprisingly well made for what it is.

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And that thread is sitting at a small number of replies and will probably get taken off on its own, sure, but I think I'm going to leave it up just to let you seethe a bit longer while I talk to anons about stuff I find interesting in the thread you made, you fucking fag. Imagine cucking yourself this hard, falseflagging retard. Jump into traffic.

HAHAHAHAHA what a fag

This guy fucking speed read the manga and is just shitting out stupid arguments.

"Muh anti semitism, muh holocaust parallels, muh pro militarism" What a bitch

Give it a read:

what is there even to fight about. i just dont understand and im normally a rather combative person

But he didn't beat it fairly quick. The only reason he even survived against it was cause he had a whole squad of 3dmg troops backing him and Mankasa shooting dozens of rockets into it.

Zeke is also on the same level of “just that good a fighter” as Levi, or Erza Scarlet. I meant their base powerfloor and ability lists and you know that, don’t be a disingenuous twat.

>give it a read
fuck off shill


>The low IQ replies to this
>None of them realizing he called manlet manlet
>These newfags trying to fit in
You braindead spics deserve to be gassed

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Eren being the father is literally the only outcome.

How can people deny it

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Fighting over which thread is better, I think.

how will Eren ever become the pirate king now

use the archive from Don't give Polygon clicks. Starve the bastards.

Fuck you, I'm not shilling shit

i honestly don’t know.

its almost like certain titans might counter other ones. imagine that. dont be a disingenuous twat

Actual 15 y/o redditor detected folks.

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I doubt the person even read it desu

If you project any harder you'll blow your bulb, fag. Kill yourself.

>This is exactly like what happened last year when I started posting here and called manlet "Levi" and ended up with a dozen psychos telling me I was a fat lesbian for some fucking reason

I'm just retarded


The farmer was confirmed to be the father when he was introduced, there is no other reason for the farmer to exist

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>Hisu showing up for another roll in the hay
>can't get any work done
Why are Eldian women so thirsty?

Reminder that OP is a fag and went to the other thread created at the same time and started shitting it up just so his waifufaggotry would win. I literally only linked mine once and when I realized what was happening with this fag I just chilled out and posted about the OST and the Kruger-Grisha scene instead. Chill already, you are unbelievably sad.

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he literally beats it in 1 chapter and thats without knowing any of its abilities. further the wht also had troops supporting it so that argument is moot

Best to just spare yourself the trouble, user. Shipping and logic, we know they don't mix well together.

it’s funny because he really is right about the last paragraph. i’ve definitely been called the ErwLfujo, and would honestly be surprised if a lot of people haven’t been accused of being them either.

>he literally beats it in 1 chapter

reminder that no one cares, and youre a fag too now stfu

It's the guy who made this waifu thread sperging out. I made the other one because I didn't notice his and chilled out afterwards while this mong started a flamewar. Then I started talking to an user about the next episode and he kept going on with his falseflagging so I told him to relax since I hadn't linked or spammed my thread and he had no reason to sperg out. Then he moved on to "well then delete your thread then". Some anons read my post, saw the part where I said "chill out, let that thread slide even I'm not posting in it, and focus on your thread" and they said "falseflagging waififag confirmed" which triggered him even more and he spouted more shit at me, at which point I told him to finally go fuck himself and seethe for as long as that other thread stays up.
Had someone just said "hey man I already made a thread so you should delete the one you just made" I would've just done that. But this place seems filled to the brim with people who got bullied or abused or whatever so they act like pomeranians with rabies. Fuck this place.

>Ooh if I make my entire post lowercase I can get away with samefagging!

Same here. Got accused of being Erwlmod, too.

I've never been called the ErwLfujo but I've been called 'benji' or 'genji' on occasion

It was never this bad before preggo Historia. For some reason preggo Historia is making the schizos lose their minds.

here you go retard. starts fighting in chap 101, beats it near the beginning of 102

Attached: rekt.jpg (1066x1600, 567K)

I've been accused of being everything and everyone. Fact remains that anyone who calls him Levi is new or a manletposter of some sort.

I didn't even argue with them. It was just "okay, got it, them's the rules" but it was fucking jarring when it happened.
It was very confusing when I didn't know what any of that shit meant. You fags need to step out more.

yeah that is true.

Wasn't the first post linking your thread obnoxious as fuck?

It's time to stop, schizofriend.

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with the help of Mikasa

Meanwhile the REAL oldfags call him as Reville.

They're just jealous of Levi, cause he's very popular. Hell, I'm also jealous of Levi but it's more of I wish I could come up with a fictional character that popular.

You took a wrong turn

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barely, and as i said, the only reason mikasa's help was even necessary is that eren didnt know wht abilities at all which was a huge disadvantage

There was literally no text. I just put the thread number in it and nothing else.

Wasn't it Rivaille

General faggots like you need to stop posting.

How long ago since your father called you and said something nice to you? Be honest, what did you do on father's day? I felt bad for you, but you honestly deserve to be this pathetic.

Last thread I was called an EMfag for posting this pasta.

If Farmer's the father:
>Moderate shitstorm since the statu quo is maintained
>EHfags bullied out of the threads and Grim Reminded by other shipperfags with collages and shitposts for the next couple months following the reveal for acting too cocky and confident for a whole year when they had no concrete evidence outside of "muh hints" and Isayama being ambiguous and blueballing the audience for no reason

If Eren's the father:
>Maximum shitstorm since the whole fanbase will be affected
>EHfags will gloat endlessly and make the threads unbearable by spamming their own collages and walls of anal devastation from both /snk/ and other platforms; other shipperfags will either be bullied out of the threads or see themselves out on their own and never dare coming back; there will most likely be threads about it outside of our generals as well and we won't be hearing the end of it even after the manga's over

I know which one I'm looking forward to the most.

Attached: E49875C3-B08B-48E1-B41B-0613E0866790.gif (180x166, 829K)

le sigh

>tfw no peaceful outcome without retards forcing a shitstorm

>the falseflagging never ends

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From what I gather, there's a minority of anons who think they're the only ones who populate these threads. And it looks like they've been around for ages because they're convinced they can identify each other just by how they write, which ships / characters are being talked about. It's like an invisible shipping war and random anons keep getting assigned to whichever side. Right now, it looks like it's EH vs most of the other ships.

I've been called ErwLfujo, LEpedo, Ymirtrannie, Benji, EHtard, LHcuck, EMfag, Armongwhale, AAfag, Erenchad (implying pedo), PPfag, Marleycuck, Porcoshit, YHtrash, Mankasafag, manletwhale, manletpedo, Hongocuck, Shitkasafag, Pisstoriafag, Shlomo and it isn't the full list.

By drunk MPs who were so well informed they were literally speculating on what went down behind the scenes? Didn't know they also did a paternity test to verify Farmer or Historia's claims. Why didn't the panels where Nile was summarizing the background check and Rogue was making up his theories even match their own vision of the story (a simple love affair/Historia selfishly saving her own hide)? I guess Zeke's gasified spinal fluid paralizing Eldians was confirmed too when he said it did. Also, a cover up would be needed regardless of whether said cover up is the father or not since Historia is co-conspiring with someone who's working against the government.

I'm not even the same guy. How desperate are you to gain upvotes

Congratulations user you are now an official certified member of Yea Forums please pick up your membership certificate in your mailbox

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It doesn't matter, he beat him with Mikasa.

Looks I saw the one in this thread first.

this. i don’t care about who’s thread is better, who was first, or why you guys are arguing, but niggers who link to the new threads seriously need to fuck off

oldfag here. I still remember that stupidity.

Yea Forums meta is how the weak are weeded out

I don't even know what that faggotry means but hey man, more than happy to not post when there's literal muttbrained fags like you shitting everything up

and the wht had the marleyan soldiers. k, whats your next argument

This is the cancer killing Yea Forums

I wasn't in these threads when the pregnancy was revealed and I never shipped anyone but I thought about the themes, the plot, and the characters and figured it was probably Eren's kid . Came here and mentioned how Eren was probably the father in one post.
That turned out well.

>This is exactly like what happened last year when I started posting here and called manlet "Levi" and ended up with a dozen psychos telling me I was a fat lesbian for some fucking reason. Could anons at least try a little bit to not be such spergy lunatics? It's like a hivemind that knows 3 tricks.

Haha this sounds exactly like /pol/ except we would call you a kike shill nigger

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First off, the Marley soldier barely did something, but that's not the point. It wasn't a 1v1 fight as you claim.

>normie tries to post on Yea Forums
>gets found out immediately
>"y-you're all insane lunatics, you fags need to step out more!"
I love you Yea Forums

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it doesnt matter, wht lost to eren with marleyan soldiers. those cancel out. eren beat wht 1v1

Gee. It' almost as if the WHT was powerfull enough to defeat the 7 other titan shifters so that the nation of marley could form.

Also wht power is just an advance form of hardening so chill out.

it took me 5~ months to fully understand the lore of /snk/ and be able to post comfortably. and it was FUCKING worth it.
>mfw trying to wrap my head around benji the first time
>mfw no face

Don't you dare include me in the screenshot

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>he needs a kike consumerist approved holiday to show love to his father

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No, it doesn't and stop ignoring Mikasa and the rest of the SL who took out those soldiers...

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It doesn't reshape the earth you mong

>normie tries to fit in
>shits on other user for trying to fit in on Yea Forums
>doesnt know hes posting on

I started posting about a year ago. Literally never used reddit and my friends hadn't yet started watching the show so I figured I'd come here to see what was up. Turned out to be a very interesting choice. The biggest mindfuck for me was that after weeks of slowly learning about a bunch of different schizo/pedophile anons, I found out they were actually the same guy, some dude From Brazil iirc. That's when I knew I wasn't going to bother with this shit. I also keep seeing people reference things like ErwLmod and yet I never actually see the guy in any threads.
I like the guy that posts the lyrics to your name with the parallel photos of Reiner and Eren though. Took me a few days to realize he might be a fag shipping the two, that kind of ruined it. But he's harmless and I like seeing that post because the music is one of the best things about the show and nothing is better than collages that show the parallels in the series

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yes it does. eren easily beat wht 1v1, and wouldve beaten it easier and in a 1v1 right now knowing the wht powers. im done arguing with a retard

Yeah no, the only one I posted was in the last active thread. Literally every other link to my thread was the psycho OP who made this one.

Yeah just like Humanity outside the Walls was extinct because the manga said so!

he wasn’t so based until he started using the full picture of the parallels. then he turned based.

Enemies of humanity.

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Yeah okay pledgemaster, let us know when you get the paddle out your ass and we'll come by to pay dues. Faggot.

Seriously just fuck off already and get a life. When was the last time you called your mother or father?

>it does because I said so


>For some reason
I mean, we all know the exact reason why this specific plot point has driven people insane, let's not kid ourselves. Historia's pregnancy wouldn't cause this much sperging if she'd just been married off to some noble and there was no reason to suspect or even think that Eren had anything to do with it.

I've been called an ErwLfujo, an EMfag and even Benji once

Kill yourself boomer, I'm the one who's made the most concise and clear posts about why Eldians = Jap/German Nationalists while you post shit that gets you banned every 3 days.

interesting comment about the "woman's voice". is that an accurate translation. but i was actually thinking about these two pages earlier and the longest dream comment. i wonder if that means that the dream eren had in the 1st chapter was also a memory of the past, or a previous time loop memory, or simply a 'memory' from the future

Aha yes fellow Yea Forumsnon let us laugh together because we are a group and together and a group ha ha ha

>OP of the failed thread still trying to falseflag

Except the eldians are a allegory to the jews but whatever

Okay this thread is epic

reading this list made me crack up uncontrollably at how retarded this general is

>I also keep seeing people reference things like ErwLmod and yet I never actually see the guy in any threads
I've seen it. She ships ErwL and EM so naturally she hates LH and EH. She edited my Hanji arts. Erased head and drew "blood" squirting from Hanji's neck.

I agree with your viewpoint though? And I’m 25 kek

The worst, most despicable family in history.

Attached: 1545164609625.png (2261x767, 1.98M)

Thank you.

>The biggest mindfuck for me was that after weeks of slowly learning about a bunch of different schizo/pedophile anons,

Sockpuppeting. Which is basically overcompensating with imaginary friends or enemies. A lot of loner-types think they don't need real human contact, but actually it's cause they ended up associating too many stress triggers on interactions with real people. So what happens is that they end up filling up an essential human need with imaginary friends or enemies, fictional characters and even online strangers. First time, I learned about it, my initial reaction was that's crazy. Then over time, it became more and more tragic to me.

>mfw trying to wrap my head around benji the first time
I've been here about a year and I'm still not sure I know who Benji is

>aaaand now he's false-flagging with the daddy issues line
I thought you were territorial about your thread and I didn't prod you because of that, figured it's maybe the only highlight of your day so why rag on you about it? But you're actually just starved for interaction. Sad. Hope getting this (you) makes you feel a little less psycho.

>thread is already at 300 replies
>retards still posting about some stupid OP faggotry that no one cares about
please just stop

>interesting comment about the "woman's voice". is that an accurate translation.

No, what's happening there is Eren using feminine pronouns (watashi, I think) to refer to himself when he normally uses masculine ones (boku). This is because he's so wrapped up in Grisha's memories that it's altering the way he talks. There's not really an easy way to convey this in English.

>ctrl + f polygon
>1 of 4 matches

Attached: 391.png (346x635, 197K)

Don't drag Hisu down with that shit

Attached: CYwnrQzVAAE_G5v.jpg (600x850, 104K)

Here we fucking go again. Learn to read speedreading dipshit.
>Eldians lose "The Great Titan War"
>Blamed for genocide, colonialism, eugenics, etc.
>Kids brainwashed and indoctrinated
>Made to fight Marley's wars
>Marley practices actual genetic purity testing, apartheid policies, propaganda etc.
>Kruger literally says the numbers on the Marleyan genocide don't add up
>Grisha literally says they need to correct the world, that Ymir civilized the world, and that their ancestors did nothing wrong

It's the normie SJW who made the nazigrisha thread shitting this one up because 2D waifus don't make his peepee big.

interesting, thank you with explanation of moonrunes

Btw can somebody explain about Benji. Who is he?

Most retarded post in this whole thread. You actually reply to someone saying farmer was confirmed by some 3rd view person which has proven before in the manga it can be misleading whereas Historia's pov is hidden and actually gave us info that she isn't even married and the pregnancy was not needed for Zeke and Yelena fucking shipfaggots

idc who or what it is, please just stop

Oh shit I remember those images. It was weird. Your Hange art was good though. If I can say anything good for these mental-asylum-tier threads, it's that they made me appreciate Hange a lot more than I used to, and by association manlet as well.

As in Benji Stark. It's a codename for Krista, AKA animeonlys who still refer to Hisu as Krista.
you're welcome

It was entirely her choice. If Eren's the father of her child it's only because she wanted him to be.


Absolutley based, Paradis is more of a post WW1 or WW2 germany (maybe even japan to an extent, but the characters all have german names).

Everything Eren's doing to hurt the rest of the military was to protect her

Hisu is the one who drag Eren down though.

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LH in two (2) chapters, bros.

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I've been called an EHfag from pointing the most obvious shit that will happen in this manga. Don't sweat it the whole fanbase is retarded using names

Well, shit, that does sound crazy. I used to lurk for the longest time because I'd see shit like that and avoid it instinctively. Then Trump won and social media and almost every forum out there became unusable so I just stuck to hanging out with people in person and then occasionally posting here anonymously. I get carried away while daydreaming sometimes but fuck man, I don't think I can even imagine what it's like to be someone who doesn't have that balance and loses it so summarily. "Sockpuppeting" is also a very creepy and sad word for it.

Post more fanart of Eren and/or Historia with dead eyes please.

Is that what's happening? Fascinating. I've never really considered it all that deeply aside from thinking 'these people are schizos'

Thanks for the informative post!

>Erased head and drew "blood" squirting from Hanji's neck.
That was the LEpedo. She did the same to Historia's panels in the manga.

Thanks for the explanation user

Quiet, Moishe or I'll chop off your schnozz.

Shut the fuck up goYErwin

YHfag right and people still think name calling is random when retards like this one make it so obvious

For me:
119 - 0%
120 - 33%
121 - 66%
122 - 99%

I'm convinced that Levi has to show up at least once in a volume otherwise manga sales will drop too much.

I'm quoting the Eruritrash aka the Gopnikslut, notice how she praises herself ;)
>Threads full of namecalling
>Someone says "ErwLmod"
>Wwhy are you namecalling?? xD
>btw that RE guy is cool and comfy, right??
God you are so pathetic

Attached: sadism.png (500x1000, 204K)

t. LHostfromLEddit

Post EMcringe

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In 10 years we will look back fondly on these threads and wish it was "like the old days again".

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why are you so obsessed over gopnikslut? do you want people to start spamming it around like we did with the sergantgross obsessor? you can be based sometimes but learn to control yourself, LEpedo.

Hush they will call you an shipperfag for Isayama making it to obvious.

>sockpuppeting in action
terrifying to behold.

I knew I'd finally grasped the overall vibe of these threads when I saw those comfy posts about manlet and Hange from the user who said he just wanted to see them happy and realized right away that it would only take a few days until some lunatic no-lifer started sperging out and spamming posts shipping them both with other characters. Lo and behold within about a week we suddenly had a shitton of Floch/Hange, Eren/Hange, and. Manlet/Mikasa spam.
This is a very sad place.

Not him but what it's wrong with the picture? Stop pretending she hates Eren when all she needed to do was not to get pregnant.
I really doubt YHfags like Historia seriously

hey you....little punk

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I remember leaving the threads back in 2013 because somebody wouldn't stop spamming Bert pictures.

I've been on these threads since utgard and I can safely say these threads are the worse tumor that has ever afflicted Yea Forums

Yup, learned about it 2 years ago. People who insist they don't need real people just end up making up fictional people. They don't do it to be mean or to cause trouble for other people. They do it to comfort themselves cause they're lonely. The primary purpose is to make themselves feel better, even at the expense of other people..

>ESL shipperfat

I still wait for Historias height post timeskip

t. LMao

I don't know what half of those words mean user. But if you read my post, you'll see that I call the Your Name lyrics poster a filthy fag for shipping Reiner and Eren. Could you please at least try a little bit to read?

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Are you new here? Just ignore user

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>was to protect her
You assume a lot, despite us not knowing his pov

I hope calling out sockpuppeting becomes a thing

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It’s a weird place not a sad place. I used to think /snk/ was a tragedy. But now I realize, it’s a comedy.

wow, what the fuck is wrong with CR? i literally thought paths allowed him to scream as if he was dina, and mikasa and armin heard dina’s scream. i’m so fucking mad

I only have this one.

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She is embarrassed she sounded like that. Eren did the same in Marley

Wait... I've seen that pose before...

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I posted those just for fun, I'm not part of any conspiracy.

I'll do my best, sir!

Don't drop the salad Mikasa

i love the “will you marry me, commander” edit

>watashi feminine

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I like LH and I laugh with some of those edits

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At least this fanart has the more or less exact height

I liked it

Because she wasn't serious. She says a lot of things she doesn't really mean, when she gets angry and holds her speeches. If she hated humanity so much, she wouldn't have build that orphanage.

You know the threads are absolute trash when no one mentions this kind of specimens here. Manlet is a disgusting piece of trash

Accurate, except Eren uses ore to refer to himself (from memory only Armin and Bert use boku). Grisha used ore as well when he was younger, but after marrying Dinah he began using watashi and stuck with it until he died.

What about FL?

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Fuck off EMtrash

Eren doesn't uses "boku" he uses "ore", and "watashi" is the way Grisha talks

She WAS serious dude
Orphanage =/= humanity. Humanity want to destroy them, even if she didnt know it back then, that's how Historia thinks. Even in the smartpass she supports Eren as long as she is fighting for THEM

Because it looked like b8?

Floch's actually pretty rational

Not that user but can you stop being a moron? Everyone knows she started talking in the heat of the moment, doesn't change one bit that at the time she had to eat Eren and save them all and picked to save Eren because humanity is selfish.

That makes more sense, thanks user

Even in that panel she sounds nervous and embarrassed. People are sincere during adrenaline. YHfag is retarded

>"I want to turn into a titan and help you guys defeat the female titan because that makes sense and it's our best chance for survival"
squad levi was fucking retarded

I like him and hope he gets to save Eren once before he dies

Attached: 41D57FDE-977A-4439-AED9-9C046AAFC875.jpg (934x1200, 188K)

die from methane poisoning FHart sniffer
see a doctor for your MAladaptive dreaming disorder


That's right!

Attached: Best Girl laughs.png (599x568, 304K)

poor flock, he just wanted to be hugged from behind instead of mikasa

Oh no! A woman, with a MAN! So terrible. Worst, with Eren. Wait you dont care about the farmers posts because that way you can still lie ti yourself she is a lesbian victim

i liked manlet’s take of
>do whatever you want, but don’t regret it

I know. That's exactly why Eren teased her about it. He knows she didn't actually mean it.
If Historia really works together with Eren, I want Eren to ask for her cooperation using those lines she said in that scenes.
>You are right Historia. Humanity (people outside the wall) is the problem. We should just let the titans destroy mankind (rumbling).
>If I become humanity enemy, would you still be my ally?

Been here a little over a year. This is just the first time I've talked about this shit because this thread is pure fucking cancer anyways.
I remember the first time I posted a reply to a post about favorite character rankings and I put Erwin pretty high up. That was the first time I found out what a psych ward these threads really are. All these replies start rolling in calling me this and that and they're all abbreviations that make no sense to me at all but I can kind of piece together the fact that people are implying I'm some LGBT fag from Tumblr who ships characters. I was so confused. I just liked the guy because he's a good character.
Same thing happened when I posted about Kenny once and attached an image of him and Uri in that scene by the pond. It's one of my favorite scenes in the anime because of the friendship, the dialogue, and especially the music. Right away someone replies with some shit about Kenny fucking Uri. It was so removed from anything I'd ever thought about those two that it took me a while to figure out what was even being said.
Reminded me of that post about how women or fags or whatever can't conceive of things like fraternal love, respectful love, brotherly love, filial love, etc. so they make everything sexual. Like they'll watch some capeshit film like Captain America and then go home to post about how all the guys who are soldiers in the film are totally gay for each other. I almost pity these people but they get on my nerves now so I just hope they trip and crack their necks.

Attached: Kenny and Uri Reiss - Attack On Titan Season 3 Episode 10.png (1280x738, 260K)

tall guard


Attached: D8Oxh-RX4AA4OkH.jpg (407x454, 20K)


its funny because in some forums of my country people guessed Eren is the father and farmer is the guard (you see farmers with Floch) and those have like ZERO shipping burgers go to sleep


Fair enough. I didn't mind since Floche is one of my favorite characters. The boyega shit was obnoxious, though, doubt that was just an user having some fun.

I like the one where he's looking at his phone and the kid is tied to his chest looking at the screen as well

YH dynamic should be the giveaway that Historia was totally serious in the cave, but i guess they are too busy with "muh yuri" than look at their characters

>it’s my birthday
spending my whole day on /snk/ to celebrate :)

this entire doujin is trash

She is still IMAGINE tier that's for sure.

>you see farmer with floch
that wasn’t the farmer but i do remember some anons saying the same thing lol

Happy birthday

I still want for it to be revealed that he was Eren's right hand man and privy to his real plan all along the way Yelena was for Zeke.

I bet you also believed every word she said at Utgard. Also back then humanity were them, not the people outside the walls

The Boyega was the LMfag right? She used to spam those every thread just after that LM fanart. Flochfags are just kidding though

I feel you, user. I just don't take these threads to heart and have a good laugh whenever I can. And if you change point of view you will find out that /snk/ is funny as hell.

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To me that teased how Historia really is. She would support Eren

Man I don't know what the fuck that's supposed to mean but fuck you anyways

>She says a lot of things she doesn't really mean
I think it's the exact contrary, ironically enough. She actually blurts out what's really on her mind whenever adrenaline kicks in (like in Utgard or in the cave). There's reason to get embarrassed afterwards because it always sounds ridiculously dramatic but it doesn't mean those feelings aren't real at the moment she gets them out of her system. And it is true that she doesn't care about humanity at large or as a concept: she cares about individuals. Her seriously considering the idea of killing Eren and getting back the FT had nothing to do with saving humanity but everything to do with her wish to be loved and fear of rejection, just like her decision to save Eren and subsequently help people who felt like her has nothing to do with humanity.

Please don't do this to yourself. Don't become a sockpuppeteer.

fuck off ZoYboy

Their dynamic is actually a giveaway Historia is good hearted and if anything she was being tsundere for humanity. She needed to act as if she didn't give a shit about humanity, so Eren can't push this task onto her and wants to stay alive. You really didn't understand the goal of her speech at all back then.

I said farmerS

The fact that this has a 90% chance of actually being canon is mind blowing

I don't know user. But not surprising that Flochposters are just having fun. Most based character, most based fanbase.

That sounds great desu.

>so Eren can't push this task onto her and wants to stay alive
Kek really? Eren even told her to eat him

It's this supposed to be ZekexYelena? How the fuck did you get that from my post you spastic retard?

That's the one. I don't understand what make it so funny.

How the fuck does “Is Hairy, Throws kinda good” counter any of that WH bullshit?

I like Floch too, people just hate characters treating their favorite characters like shit, never understood why, you can like both your character and their enemy

trust me, you do not have to worry about that.

>I don't even know what reddit is ahaha

Attached: it's me goku.png (645x729, 1.35M)

>sniffing Isayama's red herring composed FHart

>. She actually blurts out what's really on her mind whenever adrenaline kicks in
Yes, but because she seriosly means them. In that moment she just everything that comes to mind to get archive what she wants from that speech. At Utgard she told Ymir she is the worst person in the word, to stop her from acting heroic and sacrifice herself for them, because wanted him to survive. In the cave she told Eren she doesn't give a shit about humanity, so he can't push this task onto her of saving them, because she wanted him to stay alive and do it himself

Back then Keith had no idea about the curse of Ymir or what Grisha was going to do to Eren when he was about to take him to the forest, he was just speaking from his own experience as someone who got fooled by Grisha into thinking he was different from others and fucking himself over because of it. Yet he still asked Grisha if he was gonna curse yet another person. Did Keith's own lack of knowledge at the time made his question less relevant over time? Nope, the opposite, in fact.
Point is, I don't see how Historia's own lack of knowledge about the world at the time she made her rant diminishes the value or relevance of said rant in any way whatsoever, especially when the shift in perspective would actually make it even more meaningful now, since Paradis ARE the titans who are right now threatening humanity outside the walls.

I would love to see Eren with his kid. Sometimes I believe that user saying it was an accident, Eren and Historia are too good

That's what I just said. She wanted him to stop saying that

zeke easily 1v1d reiner off screen (no throwing involved) and can throw what are essentially shotgun pellets that go faster than bullets.

they live vicariously through the series and so end up taking things like that totally personal

Learn how to Twitter.

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>grabs artillery shells
>asplodes WHT into pieces

Exactly, that was my point. She actually means those words when she speaks out. She has no reason to lie to herself or anyone, especially in the heat of the moment, and Eren himself described her as stupidly honest. Just because she isn't actually the worst girl to have ever lived doesn't mean she doesn't think so when she says it.

that is exactly what i said, very correctpilled of you user, keep huffing whatever you're huffing.

Maybe, I just noticed, must be the only one who likes Hange, manlet, Eren and Floch

Actually no you missed the point, Ymir and Historia are opposites but the same type of people, Ymir said that Krista is just like her in the sense that is a mask to hide her trueself, Historia is a good person that's totally true but when it really matter she will be selfish, just like Ymir is a selfless person at heart but tries to avoid it being selfish

I do too. I like pretty much all characters except Mikasa, but that might change now since she's getting some much needed development.
I don't really get why people take SnK so seriously. Why can't we all have fun?

Thanks, I saved it from here. Do you have the name for the artist?

If you seriously believe she thinks Ymir is the worst person in the world, especially what she said to Hanji and Connie, then I doubt you understood her speeches

>Why can't we all have fun?
long story short the 19th amendment ruined everything

That's to much happiness for the ending if EH really did all the shit is happening consciously then they'll pay some consequences at some point

>all that reaching fuckery
>still can't help but shill the non-canon westernshit
Jesus Christ

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Same. I used to shrug it off and say nice joke. But after the wine, I don't know anymore.

>linking cp

If Eren is the padre, do you think Isayama is too scared to show it or he was told to wait for the anime to end?


>spoilering the final chapter audio
>shows the final page
he’s doing these to ease the outcry.

He's just spoiling the atmosphere/scenery of the final chapter, though

I've been thinking about that, if pregnancy was an accident, it actually be a direct parallel between Historia and Alma

See? Stop being so autistic and reveal it, chapters are almost unredeable

Is it possible that Eren didn't know about the wine until his meeting with Yelena?
Still doesn't excuse the fact that Manlet's squad got poisoned, though.

No is just isayama's own autism, he likes to parallel the anime and the manga

you don’t know what he’s just showing, and we still have 2~ months before anything. we don’t know if the audio chapter will be released at the start of the event, or near the end. (some two month long event type thing that starts in july)

How come he didnt parallel Hange with that speech? She is going to appear sooner or later

>people will unironically use speedlistener as an insult when talking about the final chapter reveal

They did announce what they were showing. It's on the archives, look it up.

Eren first meeting with Yelena happened 10 months ago. Historia got pregnant months after that.

I miss them

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the wine was spiked from the start, and i think it’s obvious that isayama is trying to say that yelena revealed everything to him when they first met. so yes, probably eren didn’t know about the wine until then. which is probably also one of the factors that shows eren’s anger during the meeting.

Some anons said the director is an ErwLfag so maybe he didn't want some hange-manlet scene during the anime but those are just theories

The episode starting with the title card and no OP was fucking kino

Holy shit, user reread what I said and reread her speeches in both Utgard and the cave. The point is that she *seriously* thinks at that moment that Ymir is a fucking idiot for killing herself in order to save them and that acting like a saint it won't get her a ticket to heaven, because Ymir herself called her out on that attitude years ago. That's why she told her to smash the tower to pieces and save herself first, and that's why she actually fucking cheered when she did it even though she had no idea that Ymir still did it so everyone could survive. I don't know why you're trying so hard to edulcorate Historia's character so much or what you gain from doing that.

Here's a bigger version, fellow LHbro.

Attached: 44323099_p0.png (744x1000, 861K)

i’m not gonna look it up, but i’ll believe you. that makes me more happy that he’s not willing to just drop an entire chapter of audio.

But what did Yelena use to blackmail him? She has no powers unless they bring Zeke there

you mean showing her in the manga to coincide with the serumbowl speech? there's no way to cut away from the current battle elegantly, i'm dyin to know what happened to her but these events obviously take precedence

They will be shot in the by ____Hisu

we have no idea how she did it. isayama hasn’t shown the meeting yet for a reason.

>people just hate characters treating their favorite characters like shit
It's just natural to take point of view of your favorite character. I hate Floch as a person but it doesn't mean I don't appreciate his character and Isayama's work with him.

So you agree she doesn't think humanity should go to hell, just like she didn't mean Ymir is the worst person in the world. And that she both just said those things, so Ymir and Eren aren't killing themselves

>Isayama cornered himself and doesnt know how to get out

she blackmailing him doesn't make sense specially when she doesn't show any type of suspicions or wariness around him, also the fact that she glorifies him just like zeke doesn't add up

My guess for a while now has been they found out the MPs planned to feed Zeke to Historia as soon as they brought him to the island. Where before they might have thought there'd be some time with Zeke on the island before passing his titan along.

i don’t think it’s a scenario like that. he used the time skip just to create mysteries like that.

Yeah but Historia already accepted her fate. Even if Eren doesn't want his friends to become titans, it was a better option than bringing Zeke and give him enough time to titanize people

That's probably the reason he made that face at the end of chapter 118. He didn't expect Zeke that soon.

>Eren knew about the wine
>Hange who suspects Eren didn't drink
>Manlet squad did
For Eren Hange>>>>>>>manlet

Thanks! I found my version in google while looking for LH fanarts, should have looked for better quality before posting.


She wanted Eren to stop saying that because he was trying to fucking die because he couldn't bear the burden of his father's sins and thought his existence was a mistake, which Historia obviously didn't agree with because she herself valued him as a person and didn't want him to believe give up on himself. Her shutting him up and calling him a crubaby had nothing to do with Eren supposedly pushing shit onto her or whatever weird headcanon you came up with. Her dad was the one whose burden she had to and decided to reject.

getfags like you need to be gassed

But Yelena said Zeke actually delivered by arriving at the time Eren was expecting

zeke himself said he arrived late

I don't think she blackmailed him and Eren came to the meeting by his own free will. He was hoping Yelena might have another solution or He might already found another solution but he needs Zeke for it. So he came to the meeting with the intention to manipulate Yelena and Zeke.

Maybe Eren loves Historia

No user, I already told you I don't. The whole point is that her feelings are real and she's speaking them out without a filter in the heat of the moment. If you don't want to acknowledge them because they don't fit your headcanon or whatever it's on you, not me.

Eren was actually willing to negociate with Gabbers about Falco's safety, so Yelena is probably delusional as always.

But according to Kruger's advice if he loves someone he would protect AM and the rest

why don't you talk to your frie- oh.. oh never mind...

cringe post

If you are talking about her feelings about wanting Ymir and Eren to stay alive in that moment and that they are morons, then sure. But for that she said things she didn't mean, like Ymir being the worst person of that she thinks humanity can go to hell.

And? That doesn't mean Grisha never loved Carla, Eren and Mikasa

Zeke said he arrived at the given time and place. He considers himself late because Eren was already struggling with enemies.

why are you still here? just click on your get link and get out


hange survived because she only drinks fine paradisian vintages over blended marley bum wine

i love freedom

Of course he loves his sister

Her words can still come to pass even if she didn't mean what she said at the time. That's called dramatic irony.

That's the catch, she didn't blackmail him. He accepted the meeting because he became desperate for an alternative at some point. Something between the railroad flashback and the ceremony or during the ceremony itself must have made him realize whatever Hange had planned was doomed to fail and completely give up on the idea of talking their way out of the 50 year plan.

The other day I found an old fansite that listed his full name as "Levi Rivaille" in the character bios. Really takes you back huh.

What everyone ignores is that Eren an Floch were the one that initiated the reunions with yelena an co that is info that Armin and Hange don't know

Yelena was the one who approached Floche and used him as an intermediary though, no?

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Better than WIT

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the angle of the stairs is not steep enough. 3/10

>There was a crisis
So Yelena might have told Floch about the wine, who in turn told Eren?

It was Rivaille.

looks like she convinced you as well.

>Isayama let best girl die
People still like Hacksayama

Attached: NanaBananaBa.jpg (400x600, 32K)

LITERALLY and unironically who

>no sandbags
Never any sandbags :(

Is this achievable natty? I want to benchpress a boat too.

I think that was more of a reference to the threat Marley was posing. But it wouldn't surprise me if she told both him and Eren about the wine. Don't think it's effective blackmail though since it's exposing her more than anything else: if the higher ups came to know about it they would also easily identify who did or didn't drink it and keep the infected as far away from Zeke as possible. If both Floche and Eren decided to cooperate despite that then that means it was because it served their agenda. Floche probs wasn't told about the euthanasia and wants Paradis' domination over the rest of the world, which means the idea of attacking Marley would've necessaruly seduced him. Meanwhile Eren wanted to use the Coordinate/Rumble without using the Historia option for whatever plan he had (assuming he already had one when he and Yelena met, which I kinda doubt), and was ready to fool ZY and fuck up his govt for that purpose.

>Doesn't know who Nanaba is
literal troglodyte

Attached: Nanagry.png (248x428, 123K)

>watches non canon bullshit
>cares about literal whos
BASED retard

>Eren doesn't want to use Historia
>suddenly Yelena shows up and explains Zeke's cuck plan
>Eren "oh fuck yeah i can use these idiots!"
>Eren agrees with Yelena and gets Zeke from Marley
This is what happened.

I think you're baiting but kys anyway

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i am being 100% serious. i completely forgot the character you were talking about, and only had very vague memories of her when you said her name. you caring about literal who’s and watching spin offs is such an outlandish foreign idea to me that you are CRINGE


Attached: NanabaHorse.png (702x395, 398K)

Sexiest tomboy.

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You wouldn't care if they were male, waifufag.

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I'm not user who posted Nanaba first. You're cringe. There's nothing bad about remembering characters from your favorite manga. Isayama did a great job with their designs.

>suddenly Yelena shows up
He had to accept the meeting for anything to happen. The question is what made him doubt everyone enough to actually accept and have a secret meeting with his brother's number one fangirl of all people when two months he was didn't seem opposed to Hange's negotiations idea at all.

We remember Mike, Oluo, Erd, Boris, etc. though.

He was desperate for another way. Hange didn't find any, the Azumabito came back empty-handed. Meanwhile, Zeke only has two years left.

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Also, look at him here. Doesn't look like he agree with what Armin said.

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Eren doesn't believe in a peaceful solution.

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he looks positively disgusted

You're right. He might not have said anything when Hange exposed her idea but he probably didn't believe it from the start. Those two months must have been quite difficult for him (and I assume it only got worse after the meeting with Yelena considering the shit he must have heard). I still think there was some kind of trigger, though.
I didn't mean to say he actually believes in a peaceful solution, but he still was actually willing to wait a whole year for Hizuru's response after the Kiyomi meeting, and he was the first one to claim they should consider all the options they had before resorting to the 50 year plan (when in reality they had none, aside from Hizuru miraculously solving the situation through diplomacy). That's what led me to think at the time he would be willing to cling to any alternative if that meant the 50 year plan could be avoided. But it didn't work and Hange's solution was too idealistic, so I can see why he'd go down a darker and more radical path eventually.



You know it

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delete this