He hasn't learned the rules of mahjong yet

>he hasn't learned the rules of mahjong yet

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It was pretty overwhelming at first, but I think I'm slowly getting the hang of it.

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again with this fucking thread for a utter mediocre show

>utter mediocre show
Still better than haremshits though.

I know the rules, I'm just shit at it.

>watch several mahjong shows
>don't bother to figure out the rules

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Fuck off back to your kekgurui ''le no stakes red-eyed girl'' thread, retard. You don't even deserve a (You).

i loved akagi without knowing how to play mahjong. 17 step mahjong was also 10/10 and i dont know how to play mahjong. all i know is that you pair the pieces and make a deck that gives points or something along those lines and that’s all you need to know


Read Ten

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Sorry for your shit taste.

What rules? You have to be a lesbian high school girl with better magical lesbian powers than the others and you get a yakuman when you need it the most and win.

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I'm only going to bother with the local variant because it's the only one I actually get any chance to play. And it's not Japanese.

gambling thread?

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I tried, I even payed for that one furry mahjong beginner app, but the UI changes and automatization don't help a whole lot. Mahjong just requires too much memorization for all the fucking hands and rules.

in my experience, neither have half of the people who enjoy akagi, or even half of the people here who "play mahjong"

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quick mahjong guide

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Yea Forums /e/ /jp/ /m/ /u/ Yea Forums mahjong team tournament when?

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Not a cross-board thing but there is this in a couple weeks

I just click on random pieces until something happens

That us some bullshit

Rewatched Saki after finally getting into mahjong thanks to Mahjong Soul. It was very enjoyable.

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>know the rules
>have zero experience with actually playing so have no idea what constitutes good or bad moves or impressive play beyond really basic shit
It's kinda like feeling smart and dumb at the same time. It's weird.

This post disgusts me

>feeling cute, might ronnyaa you later idk

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This post displeases the Dragon King.

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Give it a try, it's fun.

I got a life shaping hobby in riichi mahjong, not gonna lie. Irl players are mostly solid decent adult people and fun to hang out with.

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Same. Mahjong is neat except for the few fat weebs

"Zero experience with actual playing" wasn't entirely true, I've played some mahjong video games and shit, it's just that I don't really understand what "playing well" entails, so I just play as non-stupid as I can and sometimes manage to win.

It's the same with chess and shit, I just know the rules well enough to play, not well enough to actually strategize.

Which rules? There's at least 6 different ways to play mahjong without getting into memey stuff.

Not dealing in, knowing which tiles are dangerous (see: suji, kabe, the basics of defense) and fighting with good value hands instead of trash ones are some of the important steps.

>mfw my first draws and discards are 10 out of the 13 orphans
I wouldn't have gotten the last one anyways, but that pissed me off real good

Mahjong is fun!

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I tried reading the rules for Riichi but couldn't understand it. I'd need a physical mahjong set to help alleviate the strain on my brain.

"It's like poker except your hand needs to consist of several mini-hands" is the quickest and dirtiest way of describing it.

So you're trying to bluff your opponent into thinking that you have a shit hand, throw out the junk tiles and try and make the Mahong equivalent of the highest scoring hand with the tiles you have?

Partially. But you also need to be the first to complete and call a legal hand.

So wait, do the tiles have inherent value or are you just trying to make a hand no matter what tiles you throw away?

Bluff doesn't matter except at high level. You try building the biggest hand possible while your opponents are doing the same. The tiles you discard to.build your hand can be used by your opponents to finish their hand (and you'll pay them if they do complete it with the tile you discarded) so you wanna avoid that at all costs

Winning hands consist of 4 triplets (like 345, or 555) and 1 pair.
What makes them worth more point is fulfilling conditions. For example having a flush will make your hand worth 3 more points. Or you could have a 123456789. Or you could make a hand with no terminals (1,9).
Also and most importantly, there's always a bonus tile that differs for each round you play, which adds 1 more point for each you have

Tiles have no value on their own, but a legal hand incorporates every tile in the hand, so there's no equivalent of shit like hands with just one pair etc.

Pic related is the best beginner's guide/cheat sheet I know.

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"It's simple, trust me"

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70% of this doesn't matter. You can win by being a monkey and just spamming riichi

in the end you only can form what's given to you.

go for nagashi mangan

>It's like poker except your hand needs to consist of several mini-hands
Not really. A two pair for example can count as several mini-hands. Meanwhile a straight flush is not unlike 13 orphans.

Tanyao and pinfu are the fundamentals of mahjong.
Doesn't get much simpler than that.

the most difficult part in riichi mahjong is the scoring.

I don't think I'll ever pull off a nakadashi manko in my entire life.

Meme as fuck. If my kamicha sits onto two rows of terminals I call just because. Not on my watch fuckos. Both nagashis I saw in my life were someone else, not my left guy.
Speaking of which, if you people think riichi is confusing because of the amount of tiny things to hold into your active memory like this - don't. They are rare. Go through the forest of jap words you got spanned with in the very beginning on your own pace and you are GOOD.

Can you actually implement that strategy Akagi uses in the first episodes of "hearing the discards" to know exactly what your oponent is waiting on? Am i just too much of a brainlet?

Does Mahjong Soul have good tutorials?

No, it's pure fiction. Actual defensive mahjong is all about knowing what's safe rather than what's dangerous, and anything that's not the former is the latter.

It's for 2 vs 2 mahjong they are playing.

Actually you can but it's not absolute. Tiles discarded early can mean there's nothing close, or that it's useless (5 when you have a 78). Tiles that come out later are usually more dangerous. Of course it's no clear cut rule and there are tons of exceptions, which is why Akagi is a gambler.

Unless you know what you're doing you should focus on 100% safe discadmrds though. Making readings like some of the ones Akagi does is possible but hard and situational.

It's decent.

Here's a decent beginner guide: mahjong.guide/a-beginners-guide-to-riichi-mahjong/

That page has some more advanced guides as well which I'd recommend once you play the game for a bit.

I'm retarded.
To be clear about everything, Akagi does also have an over-the-top intuition. There's one time when he sees a guy's discards being focused on the end tiles, so he concludes the guy is close to concluding a junchan hand using end tiles, and avoids discarding them. This, of course, can be done by a perceptive good player. But there would also be a lot of false positives (because this would rarely happen, at least the guy's hand wouldn't be ready so fast) so most players would discard the bad tile since it'd pass 9 times out of 10. So even though the reading is based on logic, Akagi being able to tell it's the 1/10 bad case is due to his overpowered intuition. It could also be due to the story slightly manipulating the game to tell a story rather than showing boring games.

Mini storytime
Last round; I'm in first and the person after me second. He throws a 1sou so I throw a 6s which he chis. He then discards a 9p so I throw a 5p which he chis. He then rons off some other guy letting him keep his second place and I keep my first.
Throwing 1s means he probably has 34 or 45 and 9p means 45 or 56.

My guess is that that's the most the average player will be able to do with prediction. Even in hindsight, it is definitely not something I would consider a winning tactic.

I did and I still suck.

Don't be mean user, someone will take this seriously.

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It's actually a solid tactic widely used named sashikomi. When your hand is in no state to win, minimize the wins of others. Feeding another player with a cheap hand is the ideal way to do this. Of course it depends on the points placement and other factors. You could even bluff by throwing doras. If we're talking about avoiding people by reading their hands, then you can sometimes pinpoint riskier areas, like the end tiles that come out later. But whether or not your read is accurate is also a matter of luck, which is why you can't rely on this as your main weapon.

But I have

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Elaborate, I just want to learn to read Akagi

Read Or play majsoul. They explain everything. Read Ten after Akagi, it's the author's magnum opus and the actual ending of Akagi

>not a square elimination format like always
no way, are they actually learning something?

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Not worth it.

t. jonglet

>large community of nip expats in my city
>not a single one of them plays MAH JAN
life is suffering

Chanta being almost always as cheap as tanyao is a crime. Shit's way fucking harder.

Don't chanta. Do junchan instead.

If Akagi and Kaijis third arc involve special rules anyway why bother?

I only know Chinese mahjong and haven't played it in many years, but I used to be decent at it.

because it's still an enjoyable game to play

Kaiji is pretty different, Akagi is closer to regular mahjong, but both improve a lot with knowledge of the game. And most importantly, Ten.

Minefield Mahjong is great, even if you don’t know the rules

playing like that must be the most boring thing ever, if you're not almost dying every other game what's the point

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Is there any way to play Washizu Mahjong without having to buy the real thing outside of that one Akagi DS game?

>without having to buy the real thing
I bet you aren't even going to draw blood, you amateur.

I don't understand, does Riichi count as a yaku? you don't actually need a yaku if you Riichi? and Menzen Tsumo as well?

If yes to these question, and considering the fact that nearly all 1 han yaku hands are closed hand only, why would you ever call a chi or pon or kan? aren't you literally sabotaging yourself? I got to a point where I only pon on yakuhai honor tiles so I got a fucking yaku at least.

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>why would you ever call a chi or pon or kan?
to get into tenpai early

but it's not tenpai unless you have a yaku, which is likely ruined by you having opened your hand

so you either chi or pon a tile to put you into tenpai

sir are you making fun of me, I don't appreciate it

I just started watching Akagi and I have no fucking idea how Mahjong is played but I assume its like slope poker, awesome show.

there are many yaku other than yakuhai or tanyao you know

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name one that's easy to make without stupid luck and isn't closed hand only


>other than yakuhai or tanyao
so it's really just tanyao isn't it


toi toi, honitsu, sanshoku doujun, itsuu

all of those are very hard to get
itsuu is the easiest one and the only one I actually get every now and then
but it's still high tier

>all of those are very hard to get
maybe not the easiest ones but definitely not the hardest

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what I meant is that if you Chi or Pon while going for one of these hands, and you don't get the hand, then having opened your hand makes it impossible to get the lower tier yaku i.e. ippeiku and pinfu, which you would be able to salvage out of your fucked up hand otherwise.

From this point of view chi and pon look worthless.

Pon nya!

Usually you want to open with at least 3 han hand. Let's say you have 2 doras and tanyao or pair of dragons / seat-round winds then you can open your hand and get necessary speed. Basically you sacrificed defense and value for speed. Fow new player it's usually better to avoid reckless calls and improve your tile efficiency first.

I don't think I ever made it past the first 2 triplets.

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Wish they had Pachinko parlors in the west

What's the mahjong site with the cute girls?

yeah, if I'm 2/3 on a yakuhai I often don't mind opening because I'll be going for the yakuhai anyway.
but that's really only if I get 2 yakuhai tiles.
so you confirm my thoughts, I'm sure more experienced players know better how to build hands so they are more confident to open but for a casual player there's just no benefit unless you were dealt a great hand right away and can shift into a chiitoitsu or something

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No,you have to be a japanese old man that wants to die/kill

This show was such garbage. Mahjong was reduced to "lmao just have divine/devilish luck and roll with it"
They didn't even pretend that it was some advanced discard dump reading or something, straight up luck.
And that whole ghost girl whose discards were unreadable. Just fucking kill me that was terrible.

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This book is great for improving your game.

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To read Ten

the cute lesbians make up for it though

Usually you call to force a fast hand (tanyao or yakuhai) that could at the same time be very strong if you have 2-3 doras, or to go for some yaku such as honitsu/chinitsu (very powerful when appropriate), toitoi (if you also have yakuhai so that it stacks in top of it), sanshoku (same logic as tanyao/yakuhai, cheap unless doras) or junchan (slightly hard but can be expensive if you stack sanshoku/doras with it)

Maybe after a year of playing,it isn't that hard

>advanced discard or dump reading
I bet you hear the tiles' voices too. Defense is present in Saki, but it's not the usual mahjong defense as the girls have lesbian magic powers, but it's present. You want overthinking on discards but that's not how the game works, you can only have half truths if you're not going for pure genbutsu so what's the point of focusing in defense, mahjong anime is for the flashy attack.

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>I bet you hear the tiles' voices too.
You don't hear them?

I bet you can't feel flow either

Only go toitoi if you start with 3+ good pairs. (Terminals, honors). Profit if you can combine it with honitsu.

>Profit if you can combine it with honitsu
This is what makes it worth it

Usually yakuhai is what makes it worth it

>tfw never playing against real humans

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Majsoul bronze room is absolute shitters, you shouldn't spare them by not playing them. But then, they will gift you a couple of really bad habits since it's mostly chinese bruteforcing chinese style into riichi (without even knowing riichi rules sometimes)

Nobody knows them