The fascist subtext of Attack on Titan can’t go overlooked

Here we go again. I know, Polygon is utter trash and this is nothing but a hit piece, but what can we do about it ? What is this constant need to lie and alienate people about anime ?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Post a pastebin, i ain't clicking that shit.

Fuck the (((marleyans)))

wtf Polygon
fuck the Eldians

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You can't do anything about it materially, but you can point out that these people are so vapid they can't even make the best version of their argument. If an intelligent person wrote this article they would point out that this is basically a story about the descendants of Nazis being oppressed and being unfairly blamed for their crimes.

>what can we do about it ?
Something something personal army. Why does this bother you? You either haven't done enough to remove yourself from those social circles, or you actively go looking for it.

Tl;dr Isayama is using its medium to promote faschism and extremist views.

Wait, is that not what it's about? I refused to give them a click, so naturally guessed that was their point.

Who cares when they killed Bert :(

Deal with it. We're better off with less people getting into anime


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It's bothering me because people ate that shit, and mark my fucking words people someday will have be enough of a voice and theyll be able to pressure a country to ban anything.

Based Izayama making sjw seethe

Attack on Titan is a positive portrayal of a nationalist, militaristic police state and its major themes are about loyalty , patriotism and ethno-nationalism.

Yeah, Japan is gonna ban anime because of people who write for online gaming magazines.

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How does Yea Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.

Eren is basically against any authoritarian regime and is ready to sacrifice himself in the process. I can't understand this fucking article.

>I know, Polygon is utter trash

just insert the fucking link and done

>when Isayama revealed Yoshifuru as an inspiration, and got into a Twitter flame war where he appeared to deny the notorious Nanjing Massacre, he was swarmed by death threats from Koreans.
Koreans BTFO

The author of the article is a capeshitter

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Of course i'm not talking about Japan you ape i'm talking about Europe or even america. AoT is completely banned in china to begin with. They already censor every fucking bit of japanese product, give it a couple of years.

OP clearly enjoys searching for, clicking, and consuming garbage himself, so he must assume it'll be just as enjoyable for other people to swallow it too.

>The modern manga and anime industries would not exist without Attack on Titan
Jesus, this is absurd from line 1.

>since Titan exploded onto the scene, there’s been a surge of anime with right-wing leanings, from GATE (a sci-fi show centered around heroic JSDF agents that was actually used as recruitment material by the Japanese army) to the reemergence of the notorious Happy Science cult and the propagandistic anime films they fund to the themes some found in 2018’s Studio Trigger hit Darling in the Franxx.

You made this thread already

Lots of things are banned in China, and those same things get consumed and turned into R18 fanart anyway. You're going to be fine.

Imagine being paid to shit things like this.

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>Despite being wowed by Studio WIT’s dynamic visuals and that undeniably badass first opening theme song, I could never get into Attack on Titan
Why would anyone take this article seriously?

When communist infiltrate all industries and institutions from academia, the media, the school system to the game industry but nipon, the aryans best friends, masterfully make a check mate move creating based anime and creating the seed for generations and generations of fascist that one thay will curbstomp all the degenerate and bolsheviks into the pavement.
It's so beautifull.

Reiner will kill Shitren Uchiha

>The modern manga and anime industries would not exist without Attack on Titan
Nigger what? Shouldn't they at least drug test their writers?

The radical far left neo-commie text of polygon can't go overlooked and people who link to it should kill you are self

Sometimes I wonder if these kind of articles are written with rightists who want lefties to look bad

I came in here to tell OP to fuck off so I'm not even going to bother read the archive link but if this true then holy shit, OP should be banned on the spot for having a thread due for this.

Wtf based, maybe I should watch it

>Why does this bother you?
An opposing backlash NEEDS to exist otherwise the "journalists" will just walk all over us and the corporations/creatives will continue to listen to them.

You can bet one or two japanese anons are sharing this story in their corner of the internet, and the article could even reach isayama's eyes and it could even influence him. That's what articles like this do, they influence people. It's brainwashing people and you want to ignore it? You damn fool.

I don't, I fucking can't. Oh man, if Yea Forums weren't so shit I'd feel bad for them. This is the confident ignorance they have to put up with.

Not as funny as when ANN got mad at Dies Irae

This, normalfags are cancer

>and the article could even reach isayama's eyes and it could even influence him.
It won't. This isn't the first time these themes have been discussed in the West. You're making this matter way more than it does.
It's a travesty that so many anons in this thread have clicked OP's shill of a link. Unwarranted hysterics. Fucking pathetic.

>alienate people about anime
wtf I love polygon now

No he isn't. what the fuck are you talking about? Eren didn't rebel against the king or the military regime because they were authoritarian.

He rebelled against the king because the king did not have the interests of his people at heart and was trying to keep humans ineffectually locked in the walls, plus the king was trying to kill him and he rebelled against the military regime because he did not believe that they'd be able to secure the long term safety of his people or because he saw no option for his people's survival other than to follow zeke's plan or going along with the military regime's plan would mean Historia's life expectancy being shortened. In any case none of his reasons for rebelling have been because he's against authority.
That's a complete and utter misunderstanding.
Infact Eren has large amounts of respect for military hierarchy but his people's survival trumps it.

They're wrong
>Eldians lose "The Great Titan War"
>Blamed for genocide, colonialism, eugenics, etc.
>Kids brainwashed and indoctrinated
>Made to fight Marley's wars
>Marley practices actual genetic purity testing, apartheid policies, propaganda etc.
>Kruger literally says the numbers on the Marleyan genocide don't add up
>Grisha literally says they need to correct the world, that Ymir civilized the world, and that their ancestors did nothing wrong

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crossboarders should be publicly banned and shamed

Well you can write the sky is blue these days and either side will bitch about it being the other's fault. Also these writers come here and other sites to farm clicks anyway, it was obvious with sheild hero and goblin slayer.

>Yea Forums is higher quality than Yea Forums

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You don't seem to understand how many people take this insane nonsense seriously. You are in a bubble just like they are, though it is a bubble of common sense. The rest of the cancer internet (comment sections of journalist sites, most of reddit and resetera) are full on insane and they believe that if something is written in an article that it's true.
Articles = authority. You = anonymous nazi alt-righter. That's the narrative of the mainstream internet.
>This isn't the first time these themes have been discussed in the West.
I meant to say that it was a very low % chance, but if anime continues to get dragged through the mud it could eventually mean a higher chance of affecting japan, as they are in pursuit of ever greater profits that means appealing globally more and getting their feedback from articles like these about what the rest of the world thinks.

>Without Hajime Isayama’s dystopian series and its massive, global fan base, Crunchyroll would’ve remained a curiosity instead of the global streaming powerhouse and anime production partner it has become.
Really? I'd have thought Naruto played a much bigger role in growing Crunchyroll than friggin SnK.

these bloggers should be gassed

Last time I've been to Yea Forums they had a literal /r9k/ tier thread with the most posts, that place is trash.

Well, most of them are kikes so you do have a point.

We must be reading different comment sections on articles of things.

Yeah because Yea Forums totally doesn't have /r9k/ tier threads

Fuck off back to

isn't it confirmed false that Pixis is referenced from war criminal?

>but what can we do about it ?
Fucking ignore it and don't give them clicks.

Now fuck off back to /r/eddit.

>alienate people about anime
You mean alienate western people, that's a good thing to some extend.
Let's keep anime a japanese thing that is made for japanese people and also only outside that care about the art and hardwork that is anime.

Someone please kill this thread

I wonder how many clicks they even get from posting this trash here, I hope they are just wasting their time and resources so they die as soon as possible.

Which side are you on bros?

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Isayama is a Japanese nationalist that feel nostalgic for the Japanese empire and unironically believes the army is the real spirit of Japan because the army protect the emperor and his people. What's the big deal? Have you seen /pol/? If you like it, follow it. If you don't, drop it.

Western fans couldn't care less about Japanese nationalism, except for fringe weirdos like the Polygon guy, but the Koreans got pretty mad with Isayama praising the Japanese ocupation on Korea. Shit was really fucked

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this article gets so much shit wrong

the Yeagerists and the Eldians are on the same side, yo...

I guarante that you haven't actually read the article and are just reacting to the headline. The article explains that Isyama admitted to basing Pixis off of Akiyama Yoshifuru, who he said he admired. Akiyama Yoshifuru was a general involved in Japanese war crimes in China and Korea. I think it's at least fair to say Isyama has some unsavory far right beliefs.

>Muh cultural margism
Because Communism is when people call you glorious Nihonji cartoons fashy online.

honestly what did this writer expect? All this military fetishism in the entire series was a big giveaway. The author probably lives in the US which is why he didn't see it coming with all the jerking off it does with its military.

Creative works shouldn't be smeared by journos going after authors. It's some "guilt by association" bullshit where you're not allowed to enjoy something if it was created by a Bad Man.
The issue with this line of thinking is that EVERY single human being has aspects to critique. Look at presidential elections, you'd think after the 10,000th time they'd find candidates who don't have skeletons in their closet but that's just not how human beings work. People are flawed and journos need to fuck off.

I don't care if Isyama is a fucking rapist murderer who bites off toddler dick. Condemn him if you like but separate the art from the creator. Pixis doesn't commit Japanese war crimes in China and Korea.
Literally "cancel culture".

>The article explains that Isyama admitted to basing Pixis off of Akiyama Yoshifuru
I would take that with a grain of salt. I had read multiple sources and none of them had an actual picture or link where he admitted it, its always some reference to a vague blog that never gets linked.

These people need to have sex.

Even if Isayama does have a hard on for military stuff I don't see what's fascist about SNK. You're obviously supposed to sympathize with the oppressed minority that gets put into ghettos and gets sent on suicide missions. The only "facist" thing I can think about its that it depicts assholes from both sides.

>military topples the previous govt
>not fascist

that's what's called a "military coup", do you even know what fascism is?

And now the military govt came to be out of touch boomer that get toppled by populists

>Characters constantly talk about how no one is wrong or right, but what are just affected by the point of views and traumas instilled during their upbringing
>Isayama spends about 10 chapters showing this by switching the PoV to Reiner and making Eren look like a devil
>someone Isyama is pro-fascist and not someone promoting the idea that nationalism and thinking only of your people is a detrimental mindset

This is why video game """journalists""" are fucking stupid. They don't know how to critically think

do you know the history of fascism?

Kill yourself Yea Forumstard

>Mussolini got into power via a military coup, therefore every single nation ever, going back thousands of years, that also had a military coup was also fascist

Not anywhere in the article did it say you're not allowed to enjoy SnK, it just says to keep all this mind when reading it, taking the story with a grain of salt and all that.

>and the article could even reach isayama's eyes and it could even influence him. That's what articles like this do, they influence people.
Doubtful they would influence him. Anyone who writes segments like chinless girl dismantling Gabi's Eldian Guilt arguments is gonna understand the article is an attempt to invoke Japanese Guilt.

Remember, he's some flavor of nationalist Jap and that means his power level is obscenely high compared to the Western average.

I just finished reading this rambling argument.

So a oppressed group driven to a corner, desiring to overthrow the slaves who took their revenge and became the enslavers is now fascist?

so you don't know history then. Imagine what that coup would have looked like from normal Eldian.
>a handful of soldiers from an almost suicidal branch of the military kills a bunch of cops and overthrows a king and installs a "queen" no one knew existed

Good. I welcome these shitty articles. It keeps the normies out of anime, which in turn means we get better anime and less anime trying to appeal to the normies. Trying to appeal to these people is completely fool-hearty, as they'll always find something to bitch about, and don't even like anime in the first place anyway, so even if the anime industry tries to appeal to them in the short term, doing so in the long-term is impossible, and it won't take long for the industry to see that and go back to appealing to people who like anime in the first place.

If you asked the article's author what the word 'fascist' means he'd likely be unable to tell you.

Your framing is flawed. You missed the part where that same branch of the military killed the largest titan ever to exist. And then the soldier that struck the killing blow becomes queen. And this whole thing was witnessed by thousands of people and entered the common narrative.

So from the perspective of the common Eldian, the legitimacy of the new government comes not from the fact that it killed a bunch of cops and overthrew the king, but that it killed one of the biggest threats to their civilization that had yet to appear.

user normalfags aren't the ones that care about this shit, because normalfags just see all the cool action and twists without stopping to think if it has a "fascist" subtext or not. These articles just exist for clickbait and maybe sjw circlejerk.

>So from the perspective of the common Eldian, the legitimacy of the new government comes not from the fact that it killed a bunch of cops and overthrew the king, but that it killed one of the biggest threats to their civilization that had yet to appear.
yeah, would you oppose that new govt if they had the combat experience and power? How is that not fascist or at the very least some flavor of authoritarianism?

It IS a smear piece on SnK, just see the language used in the article. It compares the story to "Alex Jones’ darkest ravings". It's the kind of article that makes people read it and then think "glad I'm not watching this nazi show".
Journos always do this shit where they think they can write hit-pieces on people (or creative works) and get to hide behind "well it's just something to think about".
We need to ban journo article links from Yea Forums unless they're archived. I bet the author is in this fucking thread.

Yet another person spotting these themes and assuming the series presents them as being a positive thing.

if anything snk is a good anti-war story.

Normalfags are sjws. The biggest action movies are woke trash like Avengers and the horrible Star Wars sequels.

>would you oppose that new govt if they had the combat experience and power?
If I were a walldian, why would I oppose a government which is clearly acting on behalf my interests of not wanting to be eaten by titans? In your eyes, is them having combat experience and power in of itself a reason to oppose them? Are you some kind of anarchist or something?

>How is that not fascist or at the very least some flavor of authoritarianism?
It's not fascism because 1) the Walldians aren't a bunch of distinct ethnicities like the 1930s Italians, who required an external political ideology to weld them together despite local ethnic and cultural differences. the Walldians viewed themselves before the spread of Grisha's Journal as 'humanity,' a singular and united people, and thereafter as 'Eldians,' also a singular and united people.

2) they're a Monarchy. By definition a Monarchy is not fascist.

Sure, they're authoritarian, but authoritarian is not a subset of fascism. Do you even know what 'fascism' is? It's a specific ideology that arose in 1930s Italy because at the time Italy was composed of multiple opposing local ethnicities, and the idea of an "Italian" national identity was very weak. Fascism was an ideology designed to get around this.

Yep. What it's showing is the cycles of hatred and revenge, and how fighting in a horrific war can make one lose sight of their ideals. Never have I gotten the impression that the series presents any of it as good or admirable.

>but what can we do about it
Ignore it you bleeding-diaper /pol/ shitheap
jeesus christ, can you stop being triggered over every last literally-who retard's opinion piece?

>fascism is this very narrow definition and that definition will never change
I'm sorry I forgot that words always stayed the same.

this but unironically

Polygon and co are just mad because they relate to Grisha's cuck dad.

I thought nazis were cool around here. If Isayama was a nazi, wouldn't that make him /ourguy/?

Fuck OP and fuck anime journalists and ecelebs.

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This is how I know you are the article author. Begone.

Correct. Fascism refers to a specific political ideology which was bound in time and local culture. Simply because you personally lack the historical knowledge doesn't mean you get to use it as a catch-all for 'things i don't like,' any more than you could point at the moon and call it a 'boot'

No. Kill yourself, nazi.

I just don't like the thought that a military force or royalty can impose their will just because they are the strongest because eventually they will not align with whatever interest I would have. Shit its already happening now in the story with Eren. I will say that Isayama has wrote a story that is more complex than any journo will give credit for.

I have been an Yea Forums oldfag since day 1, and I've been fighting /pol/'s presence on this site since /news/. Isayama's (SNK author) desensitized view on Nazi Germany's war crimes and the rounding up of 6 million Jews during WW2 made me ill when I discovered the parallels in the anime. I know if the oldfags of Yea Forums were still here, we would boycott the fascist message that this series brings. We even started normalize the hatred for SNK back in the day. We KNOW that this would happen.



>I just don't like the thought that a military force or royalty can impose their will just because they are the strongest because eventually they will not align with whatever interest I would have.
So, oppose them once they fall out of alignment with you. But in the meantime while they ARE in alignment with you, opposing them just because seems to me unwise and self-destructive.

>Shit its already happening now in the story with Eren.
Is it? I don't see that the calculus for the common Walldian has changed. Paradis is currently under attack by Marley which wants to obtain their natural resources, and all factions of the government and military, including Eren and his Jaegerists, are currently fighting against the Marleyans. The interest of the common Walldian in this case would seem to be not wanting to be conquered by Marley, and is in perfect alignment with Eren.

>I will say that Isayama has wrote a story that is more complex than any journo will give credit for.
On that point I think we can agree.

>Waited until the big reveal episodes to post his post
>Claims to have also read the manga
The writer is doing it for the views. This is attentionwhoring.

>Tom Speelman is a freelance writer, proofreader & editor based in Lansing, Illinois. He’s on Twitter @tomtificate and has written, among other things, the English adaptation for Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka
>has written, among other things, the English adaptation for Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka
Talk about throwing stones in a glass house