What would you do if you were in this situation?
What would you do if you were in this situation?
Tell her to fuck off and go with actual best girl Fuwa
To be honest, I'll eat it and then go to the source and eat her pussy.
Its not like it's scat or /k/'s special ingrediant.
Eat the cookie and then enjoy sex with her like a normal fucking human being.
Patrician niggas here tonight.
Lick her cunny. Then eat her ass after.
>or /k/'s special ingrediant.
Turn 360 and walk away
1. Eat Cookies.
2. Have sex with she.
If you fucked her what are the chances she'd calm the fuck down?
I'd take that risk.
No. Anal of any kind is unacceptable.
We still miss you.
I'd be happy if a woman just made me cookies...
I'd eat them out of politeness but mostly just be concerned about getting a yeast infection
How would you get a yeast infection from eating cookies?
Cookies have yeast in them, duh.
I don't know, I assumed the vaginal discharge might increase the odds
Punish her for lewding my cookies.
Gobble up all the cookies then some love nectar straight from the tap.
Anons, only femanons (female) female can get yeast infections
Not true at all.
>/k/'s special ingrediant.
What was that again? Someone baked brownies or something at a /k/ meetup and put their semen in them?
marry her when she gets better
Demand a shot straight from the source.
I'd eat her cookie.
Miss Nishikinomiya's Cookies.
They're even better when you're dead.
but whats the nectar? her pee?
user she died
Spit the cookies in her face and then pick her up and fuck her,duh
Her cummies
Pay my respects.
Baginal secretions, natural lube.
yeah pretty much
I want to attend that wedding and see you two happy together
Thats depressing.
Why did she never marry? She looks pretty.
Is Satania an expy of Kuuko?
This lady is not my wife so I should not be eating that sort of thing from her.
fuck dude...
No, don't do this to me.
mmMMMmaaaaaaaaah yes the frennch wine
I wish
>I'd be happy
Nah fuck you
It's disrespectful of me, but you'd think a japanese working in the anime industry would know better than to spout deathflags like that.
God damn, fuck this gay earth.
Why are you like this?
You're not me.
You can't imitate me.
To do that, you'd need real human reactions.
All you seem to have is twisted spite.
A sense of time hitting reset on some vital level.
And oh so importantly - a view of the bigger picture unhindered by megalomaniacal derangement. I told you once, I tell you now -
I hope you know what it's like to be stuck watching what you loved die before it's time.
>When I get better, I'll work hard toward getting married
eat her
fuck cookies
>fuck cookies
You'd probably get crumbs in your dick, I imagine it'd be very uncomfortable.
Can someone post the cap of this? Haven't read it in a while.
ask for more
>y-you too
It was condensed milk actually.
Maybe he actually cummed in, but the white spec in the pic is obviously condensed milk. Way too much, too thick, consistent and opaque to be semen
This guy knows what he's talking about, a connoisseur no doubt
Eat the raw dough
Eat the cookies and ask her out
>What would you do if you were in this situation?
I don't like sweets, but I would eat them just to say that they are awful to make her feel bad.
Ask the cookies and eat her out
if the collar alerts everyone for having lewd thoughts then how come tanukichi got away with everything?
>died a day before my birthday
Well shit.
Dumb bitch kek
dye her hair slightly more purple and refer her to a candy shop that's hiring.
It's not fair.
>died of pneumonia
japan has the worst medical attention
Nurse here. Sounds like the birthday party is what killed her. She sounds like she was at her nadir period during cancer therapy and she was in neutropenic isolation. With that many people and festive props brought in, someone must have accidentally brought a deadly pathogen that took advantage of her her weak immune system.
Shame. Truly as the saying goes, "Hell is full of good intentions; Heaven's full of good works."
Nice diagnosis Mr. Nurse; let the doctors take care of it next time though kiddo.
Not diagnosing, just giving an opinion.
Naw, she already contracted pneumonia several months before the party.
She had Lymphoma and obviously had low immunity, but she contracted what killed her long before the party.
At that point she was trying to fight off the pneumonia for 3 months. If anything keeping the morale of a patient in such a long treatment is important.
Nigga I would get as far away from her as possible, women like her might be cute in anime but in real life they are lunatics, the type that will stab you in your sleep because they think they saw you looking at another woman
Placebo, gov said the collars do things, but they do nothing.
tell her I'm gonna put my love nectar straight into her womb
if you know what I mean
that was a hoax. the real guy posted the unshopped photo in the thread
you've had experience from many sources haven't you
Fycjk my initials really?
>If anything keeping the morale of a patient in such a long treatment is important.
Yeah, but not at the cost of more important needs: Maslow's Hierarchy, bro.
This is bullshit. Why did she had to die and pieces of shit like the one reading this are alive
eat her pussy day and night
Depends on whether the cookies taste good or not.