What are your expectations for S3?

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I hope my girl Aoi shows up

Koma bullying

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i want to see more of natsun's girlfriend

Stuff happening in japanese countryside.

I'll eat my hat if this doesn't happen.

I don't expect much, just some healing. I would normally expect yuri, but this isn't the kind of the show where character relationships develop in any major way (and besides, the mangafags would've told us if anything had happened).

But she is cute

AOTY like the previous seasons.

I expect it to be cute and comfy.

And funny.

I want more Nattsun in girly clothes.

Pls pls pls pls let them continue doing literally the best background art I've seen.
I will consider it a betrayal of the series if the quality isn't there,

More of the same as S1 and S2. If they can do that my expectations will be met and it will be my AoTY again.

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You can't spell Hotaru without Hot

healing and vietnam arc with thomas albin guest appearance


Healing. We're going home lads. We're going home.

I want them to adapt that infamous chapter where a delinquent from tokyo moves in and gets hotaru into drugs and prostitutes her to all the farmers then candy shop beats up the delinquent.

This is all I hope for. I do expect them to go through the next year instead of repeating the same year from S1 and S2 though.
>tfw NNB is my favorite anime but I have nobody to get hyped about S3 with

Ren begins the first stages of puberty, losing her genius autistic personality and becoming a sort of hybrid of her two older sisters.

I get the feeling they both did just as well in school as Renge, but that comes with personality quirks, like Kuzu-nee's laziness.

Comfy farm country life. The occasional festival

Taking in count they have reincarnated after the accident I expect a blonde Hotaru, a taller Komari and a lewder Renge, also a married candy lady with best boy.

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Crying on episode 4
More comedy gold from Hikage
More sweet Dagashiya and Renge moments
More of superior Japanese way of enjoying the four seasons (hanami, fall colors, etc)
Nattsun being based as usual
Komachan being on the verge of tears again
Amazing kinography
More arrangements of the flawless OST

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