Just watched the entire first season of this, barely could get through it. Not continuing

Just watched the entire first season of this, barely could get through it. Not continuing.

How the fuck is it such a highly praised anime? The story is full of holes and fake drama, the pacing and cuts are weird, the action feels pointless, the characters are ass

Do people seriously just like it because it's easy to masturbate to?

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don't even bother trying to take it seriously, treat it like a rollercoaster and laugh at how batshit insane every character is

You're fucking retarded if you couldn't see how fun CG is. Gb2 Yea Forums or whatever other pseudo-intellectual website you browse.

When will Yea Forums learn that these threads are bait? Code Geass is wonderfully written, and there is a reason why it has stood the test of time. It is a good anime with great characters. OP is just baiting lmao

Excellent opinion OP.

So when are you coming out to your parents?

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What do you think is more likely: that OP is baiting or that OP is a retard? Come on now.

no, i'm actually serious. The only compelling character is Lelouch, and that's just because I'm a sucker for the cool confident MC. Please explain to me how Suzaku is anything other than the biggest retard in the world. And Callum is just fap bait and Shirley fucking sucks

When I was rewatching, it was becoming clear that Code Geass was actually shit, so I tried to have fun with it like most people. Then it became too ridiculous to the point that it was depressing to watch. What was 14 year old me thinking?

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you probbably just liked to fap to the ridiculous even by anime-standards fan service scenes. I couldn't take Callum seriously after the shower scene from episode like 3

Retardation confirmed.

sorry i insulted your favorite baby anime

Fun things are fun. Nothing personnel kid.

I just rewatched Season 1.
characters are still great, pacing is mostly good (aside from the cat episode), it had some amazing moments. I totally forgot Clovis existed, the Red Herring that he would be the first boss was amazing, the season finale is pure hype. The battles are far dumber than I remembered them, everything just ends with Lulu blowing something up and catching the enemy in the blast. Mao was a shit arc.
Overall still very enjoyable 7/10

how the fuck was Clovis a red herring for being the final boss when he died in literally the third episode of the series

First boss.
He was hyped up as a strong initial enemy for Lulu for the first three episodes only to immediately die like a bitch.
It served several purposes - to make clear how dangerous Lelouch is, to set the stage for the next enemy (Cornelia), to alarm Brittania of a new threat and to show that Lulu has no qualms killing even his own brother to further his goals which serves a great starting point for his character development.
Overall it was a brilliant plot point.

He still is the first boss. And he already sounded like a bitch, so it was no surprise he was taken out so soon. Especially since mecha anime cram the first act of it's shows into the first couple of episodes.

It's entertaining, has interesting characters and situations. Some nice music and animation too.

Anime always has some holes. That's the rule, not the exception. Drama is proper for the genre, so I don't know what you are are even trying to say.

Pacing is fine until somewhere in the second season. Don't see what was wrong with it before then.

Action was pretty cool and people do like the characters, so you're full of crap.

It's not that I'd call Code Geass wonderfully written, but at least it does make more sense than what this lazy OP troll believes. That's all. Otherwise, it's just okay.

This, it's just fun retarded shit by CLAMP designs.

R2 is such a trainwreck

you dumb faggot. Code Geass is a mastepicece precisely because of how nonsensical, overly dramatic and over the top it is

eat shit r2 is gold all the way to the end

>i want to watch the movie but there is only a camrip

>mao arc shit
Pleb filter confirmed

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Listen here you little shit. Nobody cares about your bellyaching. It's a cartoon, don't take it so darn seriously.

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I'm watching through the first season for the first time right now, and it honestly feels so unique for me compared to modern anime. Code Geass takes itself seriously outwardly, but relishes in the goofiness in the subtext. The plot of code geass may be goofy, but its writers were very intelligent and self aware from what I have seen so far.

>psuedo-intellectual thread

That goes out the window in R2

>kill the Japanese, m’lady
>O, my memory, I was shot in the stomach
>I can only use geass once? Better wait until episode 45 to figure out how to make people obey all my future commands
>before I kill you, Lelouche, let me go trade my pistol for a shotgun
>unit 4! Go to d3 and flank from the right! ad nauseam
>hur I’m chess genius I win without playing game
>Marianne’s random assault of a geass power
>Britannia’s allowing terrorists to even come close to the suzaku parade
>all of the main characters coincidentally in the same high school club
>geass power origin never explained
>Charles’ evangelion dream having hardly anything to do with the plot
>obvious fan service
>some other stuff I’m forgetting
Other than all this, the show’s great!

>Imagine actually believing this

Attached: 1560788000426.png (339x457, 144K)

It's very good, actually.

>Code Geass takes itself seriously outwardly, but relishes in the goofiness in the subtext.
What the fuck are you talking about?

That's because the whole anime is basically an exaggerated theatrical production. The ridiculous action sequences, the melodramatic plot points, the bravado, the arrogance - it's intentionally overdone.

>Code Geass takes itself seriously outwardly, but relishes in the goofiness in the subtext.
Its called being tonedeaf

That is not what that word means

the only thing that saves this shitty show is the clamp characters

The show is about one guy taking the power with a sharingan and seeming smart for it. Imagine for a second Reinhard from LOGH planning an eternal tsukiyomi on the high nobles.

Apart from the plot holes and the annoying characters like Lloyd, of course.

>Code Geass takes itself seriously outwardly,
I'd say it's more like Lelouch takes the situation entirely seriously, because he has that sort of personality, but the show itself doesn't. Not even close to always in any case.

A lot of those were addressed in past Code Geass threads and you re-posted them without modification. But they are old and have been countered, in part or whole.

This is definitely true.

Not addressed at all. The show’s bad and does a horrible job of conveying important information, and many events are obvious plot conveniences. It could have been executed better, period.


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You're just a dimwitted kid that needs everything spoonfed and whines endlessly if it isn't. Period.

link to threads?

There’s a difference between spoon feeding and properly developing the plot and setting. Would it be spoonfeeding to illustrate how exactly Lelouch won the first chess game, or what exactly the battlefields actually look like, who’s where, etc.? Why is it a good thing that the viewer must fill in the holes of the show that the writers could have filled themselves? I don’t want to be told a story, I want to be SHOWN. I want to be able to analyze the greatness of the characters in what they’re doing. If you just tell me that Lelouch is a genius and that he gives out random orders and wins the battles, then how am I supposed to be impressed? There are plenty of great shows, movies, books, etc. that are entertaining without resorting to the shallow tactics by the Code Geass writers. The skill required to write such a show is nothing compared to Death Note, for example, which is not only unpredictable but also logical and consistent. Code geass is completely unpredictable due to all the plot conveniences and gals of information. It’s superficial. It’s only entertaining because the whole world is involved and Lelouch is literally trying to take over the largest empire. That’s where all the tension and action comes from, but this doesn’t really showcase the brilliance of the writers in any way.

It was amde in an era where most people weren't completely retarded and entitled sheep like today. Back then we could just enjoy something for reasons

>Annoying character
Hey fuck you

>what exactly the battlefields actually look like, who’s where, etc
Are you trolling or what? At almost every fight there was some sort of map, you could pinpoint location of any relevant character. If you properly use your brain of course.

god this show is ridiculous.

Attached: lol.jpg (1280x720, 478K)

god your standards must be rock bottom

Most likely you are the wrong age for it. I remember liking Mirai Nikki a lot, and people now like SAO. When watching this stuff try imagining yourself a highschool boy with big complexes but who is somewhat good at strategy games and chess.

good music , nice direction and animation , likable cast , sexy girls , funny tropes

the only bad things in s1 were the cat episode, mao and the euphemator


R2 is better than R1 because suzaku in R1 is dogshit

Why does everyone hate the Mao arc? Because it seems pointless and goes nowhere?

It's a trainwrek that's what makes it enjoyable in an ironic way for some reason newfags think it's actually good

>it's easy to masturbate to
Wait what? How?

But yes, it's overrated.
Not a terrible show, but no better than 7/10.

>The story is full of holes
This is true
>and fake drama,
This is definitely also true
>the pacing and cuts are weird,
Sometimes yes
>the action feels pointless
Definitely, 100%
>the characters are ass
Some of them, yes

And yet Code Geass is still in the top 10% of best anime. Let that sink in.

are you joking? when there are scenes like this?




Im going to have to send you back to English 101, won't I


maybe i should watch this show


Are you watching the official English version? Both the dub and sub have censored visuals that removes one of the more blatant hints to what the point of Code Geass is. You need to watch the fansubs, otherwise you may miss the point.

What is censored in the official version?

i shouldn't have to go through such a process to enjoy a show. If the official versions of the show (both dub AND sub) are bad, the show is bad.

not him, but what are the differences?

>When will Yea Forums learn that these threads are bait?
It doesn't seem do be bait.
It lacks the main ingredient of any proper CG-bait post (pic very related).

Attached: saytheline.jpg (395x650, 110K)

>Code Geass takes itself seriously outwardly, but relishes in the goofiness in the subtext.
It's literally the other way around

I'm actually not 100% sure, but I believe they removed the Pizza Hut references.

Were they present in the second season? Because I watched official subs for that, and suddenly they didn't even eat pizza anymore.

And the Pizza Hut plays a blatant role in showing what type of show it is.

You don't HAVE TO see the uncensored version, there should be enough hints even if you watch it censored, but it requires a very slight amount more intelligence to get it if you watch it censored. Not much though.

what a fag lmoa, downloading a new rip doesn't take any more effort out of you

Yeah, they couldn't get them licensed in NA for the dvd releases

>Code Geass is wonderfully written, and there is a reason why it has stood the test of time
Not sure if bait

>double spacing
>shit opinion
we need to add this to the list of universal constants along with pi and lightspeed

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Never ever.