Well i finally saw it. it was petty great

well i finally saw it. it was petty great.

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I know, Black sperm finally showed up in OPM

I personally prefer nausica.

Spirited Away is a visual masterpiece. It's such a good blend of old Japanese elements with Modern elements.
I liked the Manga more

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yeah it was wonderful to watch. im thinking of taking a week before seeing it again but man what a pleasure

She was my first crush when I saw it for the first time. It wasn't creepy back then because I was only 16 myself, but desu I still kinda like now 15 years later... every time I watch the movie I just kinda want to hold her so she doesn't feel lonely.

thats pretty cute bro. i think we all have movies or series or other works in other mediums like that and i dont think its creepy since youre more thinking back on your first feelings rather than new ones

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Indeed. The music is a big part of it for me. Joe Hisaishi always does a great job, but for me the score for this movie was his best work by far.

yea ive actually heard the songs before but it was great to hear them with the scenes. fuck what a magical film

I remember watching it as a child and having mixed feelings about it. I didn't like that old wrinkly woman, and i thought it was weird when the spirit with the mask grew larger and larger and swallowed everything up.
I can't actually think of any particular story element that i found positive, apart from the nice visuals

Consider watching Hoshi wo Ou Kodomo next if you haven't already. It's the only anime movie that ever came near being as good as Spirited Away for me. The main girl isn't as cute as Chihiro, though.

Nice try Miyazaki you pedo !

the first time i actally viewed it was at a band class ages ago but i didnt pay attention. would definitely recommend watching again user
i saw it years ago and remember enjoying it but ill have to give it another watch, havent seen it since that first time thank you brother

I saw both Your Name and Spiritied Away for the first time last year and thought Your Name completely blew Spirited Away out of the water

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theyre very different movies but i think spirited away is more classic and universal. your name was great though and i cried and the visuals/music were great as well

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>tfw the bath house from the movie is based on a real onsen
I wanna visit. Maybe I could find a cute girl like Chihiro in there. The chances might be quite high.

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never been to japan but id like to visit on onsen one day. ive been to hot springs in CA and korean spas but the aesthetics are quite different

It looks so nice.

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Rickshawbro's got some LAIGS.

I remember when Toonami used to air Miyazaki films and they showed Spirited Away every night for two weeks straight. I probably watched it every time.

>Maybe I could find a cute girl like Chihiro in there

i miss toonami fuck

I mean, it's back, but it's not the same

they cut the OP's I do hate them now

honestly anything is better than watching western garbage these days
it used to be cool back in the day now it's filled with nothing but gay shit and sjw virtue signaling

please recommended me some good ghibli movies

The atmosphere in the entire movie is what makes this so magical and special, like many others made by the studio. Something about that train scene will always capture my inner thoughts.

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>Spirited Away

Kiki's Delivery Service, if you haven't seen it already.

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>Delivering a box of Potatoes

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Princess Mononoke and Nausicaa are my personal favorites

nausicaa, mononoke and kiki

thanks bros

Good review.

It was decent, at best

I thought it had a kinda silly premise and didn't care for the visuals that much.

0/10 too much water

what did you like about it?

7/10 it's ok.

whisper of the heart is great slice of life


I prefer Whisper of the Heart, but the train scene in Spirited Away is genuinely one of the best scenes in the entire medium.

Yeah, the train scene really is just magical in a melancholy way.

Why was Howl's Moving Castle so trash bros?

It was good.

Good for you op

Just to get some idea op, here are the other movies. correct me if im wrong Yea Forums

nausica (the one with the white fly thing)
strong female: yes. pretty based with knife and such.
cool guy: yes, the jet pilot
weird monster: the 7 gigants, humanlike gigant creatures who can fire lasers. (and alle these weird insects)
antagonist: the female general who wants to kill all insects.
objective: mankind has to survive
journey: not linear... jungle -> outpost -> village -> kidnapped in airplane -> crash into jungle -> battle near the village
technology level : alternative wold, second world war + making things fly is easier

castle in the sky: the one with the pigtails and magical stone
strong female: not really, just a princess and she has the power to control a magic stone.
cool guy: Yes, the guy from mine
weird monster: ancient war robot (which is organic to some level I think??)
antagonist: first gang of thieves, later the military and the corrupt doctor
objective: find the castle in the sky
journey: escape from airship -> into mine -> house -> escape into village -> escape by train -> walking through cave -> captured

-> at military fortress -> escape with airship that looks like a bird -> return to house -> castle in the sky
technology level: alternative wold, second world war + making things fly is REALLY easy and a central element of the story.

later: alien level technology.
kikis delivery service (the loli witch)
strong female: no, really just crybaby
cool guy: well, that guy who wants to fly with his bike. kind of a dork.
weird monster: -
antagonist: -
objective: find a job
journey: parents house -> parked train -> city -> village some distance a way -> house in forest -> some other house -> city
technology level: 1950 or something. electrical power, telephones and whatnot (I think)

princess mononoke (the one with the wolves)
strong female: yes, very. Raised by wolves and ready to die. Has a knife and such.
cool guy: Yes, real gangster who shoots arrows so fast they cut of limbs and behead people.
weird monster: forest spirit, huge boars and wolves, apes...
antagonist: that mistress from the irontown
objective: Guy wants his arm to return to normal and also save nature.
journey: high seat -> village -> large village -> forest -> irontown -> river -> wolf cave -> battle in and around irontown
technology level: china, 1000 bc

spirited away: chihiro (just some kid)
strong female: haha, complete sissy
cool guy: yes, Haku. dude chan transform into a dragon.
weird monster: black ghost with mask and that disgusting blob that needs cleaning turns out to river god but has face of creepy

old men or whatever
antagonist: Greedy old witch with huge head
objective: turning parents back into humans and getting the fuck outta there
journey: arrival by car (awd audi), forest road, red shrine entrance, meadow "this used to be an amusement park" snack

bar/restaurant, bath house -> stairway -> furnace room -> top floor of bath house -> working in bath house -> pig stall -> bath

house -> train -> swamp -> house -> flying back to bath house -> back into real world. Lazy artists copy pasta'd this scene
technology level: today, 2001. Audi A4 B5.

moving castle (the one who turns into an old woman)
strong female: well, she's trying I guess.
cool guy: Yes, magician guy who can transform himself into back bird or whatever. During spare time he flys into warzones and

blows things up.
weird monster: -
antagonist: some sort of queen
objective: turning into a young girl again
journey: flower shop -> turning old as fuck -> meeting the guy -> walking to palace -> moving castle -> ??? portal style doors ->

house on medow with tons of flowers? -> abyss ??? -> whatever, I don't know
technology level: second world war level

Not everything is of great importance.

actull visual shit taste in everyway, go post somehwere else

it was good, it just didnt transcend like spirited away.
the falling scene was not just good visuals for example, but the climax of her relationship and story development played in a spectacle way, sotry and visuals

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Miyazaki likes to reuse a lot of character types I guess?

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dont know what Yea Forums thinks of it but my favourite ghibli, miyazaki and anime film is the wind rises

>I'm thinking of taking a week before seeing it again

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This movie was so average and forgettable. I dont remember almost anything and i watched it like a year ago. What was so good about it? Just visuals/setting?

The scene where its water as far as the eye can see is aesthetically pleasing as fuck.

Porco Rosso.

Is Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi an isekai?

This is probably the first anime I genuinely enjoyed. Used to have a dubbed VHS copy of it that my sister rewatched the shit out of, and one time I sat down and watched it with her and was surprised, it hit me right in the heart.
After seeing nothing but boring pokemon reruns and a few episodes of yugioh and DBZ, this was the first time I thought anime was actually good.

what's with the miyazaki thing of having characters who get annoyed (usually female and/or have medium length hair) go super saiyan and have it kind of rise up around them as if a wind started blowing from underneath them out of nowhere? i can recall this happening in totoro, mononoke and i think spirited away at the least

This is weird. It's rare to see a Yea Forums thread that doesn't completely hate Miyazaki, for being formulaic, calling him overrated, or sperging out because of his hatred for the otaku.

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This might surprising, but people can sperg out and hate Miyazaki all they want and still like Spirited Away. Much like they can hate this board yet still post on it.