She sees your annual salary

>she sees your annual salary

Attached: retsuko.png (1280x720, 267K)

what fuckin' cunt

Hey, Retsuko, you live with your mother, have no car, and are lucky Ton doesn't fire you.

Don't judge my 20k USD annual, you're a fucking loser.

Will he ever be happy?

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>she sees the janny's salary

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Not until he accepts that Retsuko will never date him and finds someone better

He should go out with Fenneko instead.

>She reads on her phone you want to date her again

Why do furries love this guy so much?

He cute, i want him to find happiness

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Dogged nice guy. Put himself out there and confessed to the girl he likes all for her to reject him for superficial reasons.

Ok but why do FURRIES like him

Based on his personality, it's more likely happiness that will find him.

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Because they're furries

Yeah but why him specifically the whole show is furries

>make more by myself than my cities average household income
>tfw alone

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Anai is pure evil.

>Can't cook or clean
>No real hobbies
>Expects to mooch off her husband while not taking care of the kids

Why would anyone want to get with her?



Hes easily one of the most attractive (physically) one on the show; especially by wearing only a shirt.
Also having a proportional body helps.

>you live with your mother

Is Gori's dub voice actor going for.... an Afro-American accent? Really?

Yes. Fenneko exists and there is hope

>watch anime dubbed
>find it funny
>turns out translation again is trying to push shit feminist agenda
Why do I do this to myself.

Furries love Hyena characters because they are the new flavor of the month and non-wolves,non-foxes,non-huskies.Plus the punk-rock asthetic.

Other then that, most people like Haida for probably the same reasons. Under-dog, respectful, truly kind and thoughtful of friends and his lover-interest. Hard worker and hopelessly romantic.

It's trying to push a "feminist agenda" of shitty bosses not demeaning their female employees. Why does this bother you? Are you an abusive manager of female employees who treats them with condescension and disrespect?

Retsuko should join a band or start making her own costumes to preform in. It's a shame they are still going the 'hidden ability' schtick except for Gori,Washimi and whatever guy she is about to break up with.

That or make her some kind of otaku of sorts. I guess she is a natural at golf perhaps..

She really can't be that picky.

Because as far as feminists are concerned it is always them vs us by virtue of having a y chromosome

He really went down for me this season. I felt bad for him, but he needs to fucking get over Retsuko and stop orbiting. They can still be friends, but he still keeps trying to fight everyone that has any attraction to Retsuko. Doesn't help Tadano and Shirota blew him out of the water in terms of being a really great guy.

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He is pretty relatable. But so are most guys in this show.
Well at least the donkey and the crazy s2 guy.

The crazy newbie spoke out in ways that would have gotten any real person fired but I seriously understand his motivations from experience. Most on the job training means being plopped down beside some clueless person with an attitude who has no idea how to explain their own tasks. I can feel that.

It bothers me when the dub changes the original lines. Episode 6 at minute 2 or so, when Gori is ranting, she says something about "WE WORK SO HARD FOR THINGS WHEN MEN GET THEM FREE" when in jap the line is absurdly different.

I don't understand why retsuko wanted to work retail for a short while. How is it any better than an office job? to me it seems worse on top of an overbearing boss you also have to deal with shitty customers and long weekends

she's a woman that doesn't know what she wants

You have us user.

Is that the guy who draws Scandinavia vs. the World?

He'll be fine when he accepts his destined mate.

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I really like the direction they took Director Ton's character now that he's this weird father figure to Retsuko

kek, love this dude

He is a cuck so no