Which was worse?

Which was worse?

Attached: japanese_girl_cooking_spaghetti.jpg (1440x720, 162K)

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camping with large pot would take forever to cook pastas
not cutting pastas in half in such a little pot, would make half baked pastas
breaking pastas in half is truely the superior lifestyle

T. pastafag

Jelly donut

The first is only retarded because you could just buy shorter pasta.

The meme-loving retards who complained about either.

What's wrong with breaking pasta? i do it all the time.

>live alone
>want to eat sone spaghetti
>break it in half since I don't want to have spaghetti leftovers
>the half satisfies my hunger with plenty to spare
>'no way fag, ur worse than hitler for breaking it'

Guess I'll be worse than hitler.

>breaking it in half
>not just using less spaghetti

Attached: 1540404354393.png (480x353, 285K)

I can't eyeball the amount I need. Breaking it half gives me the perfect portion.

That wouldn't solve her problem you dolt

what's so hard in breaking the pasta in half?

I forgot that there are people who don't weigh their pasta. I guess that makes sense then.

Objectively it was breaking the spaghetti, think about all the poor spaghetti farmers when you commit such an act!

my dick

I understand she's making pasta in a pot, but what's she using to strain the water? Her hands?

Are people upset about Senko's cheezy fried tofu?

you have to remove your dick from the pasta before breaking it, dumb user.

The lid, presumably. Next are you going to ask where she pours the water when she doesn't have a sink?

Its not hard but that type of pasta is literally made to be eaten by spinning your fork to wrap it around.
Breaking it makes it harder to eat and is pretty reatded to do since you can just buy one of the dozens of smaller pasta types made for that exact purpose.

Its like watching someone try and cut food with a spoon. You can do it but its the dumbest possible way to go about it.

honestly breaking your spaghet is acceptable, putting tofu in mac n cheese is degenerate

t. Italian

What lid? What lids do you own that double as strainers?

can you say hi to papa francis for me?

il papa is the best but I don't live anywhere near the Vatican.

She's not straining the spaghetti after it cooks you baka. Watch the anime.

>She's not straining the spaghetti after it cooks
Every day we stray further from god


Attached: 1529478291817.jpg (1560x2194, 1.75M)

all of them? just leave one edge slightly open

>Weighing pasta
>Not counting it out

>counting it out
>not going by gut feeling alone

You people disgust me.

>t. italian

I love jelly donuts.

Pineapple pizza.

Attached: bizarre-pizza.jpg (960x720, 77K)

Cake pizza.

Uma delicia.

Attached: a119f-naotafacilpizzasestranhas03.jpg (600x442, 89K)

Pasta is shit no matter how its prepared, so it really doesn't matter.