Is it ok to still like this?

Even after

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Japs don't give a fuck what he did. Why should you? You're retarded for asking that question in the first place.


If you can separate an artist from their work, then yes.

If you can't, then no.

>Good work stops being good because the zeitgeist of a particular era determines the creator's personal habits to be distasteful

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It was shit regardless of what he did.

It's a classic you goddamn newshit.

Is The Pianist suddenly shit because Roman Polanski diddled a teen, but Nobuhiro Watsuki watched the stuff?

Wasn't he just caught with stuff that was legal to produce in Japan until the late '90s and legal to own until the late 2000s?

Nobody on this board knows what The Pianist is so your argument is moot.

The Pianist is shit because it's melodramatic Oscar bait.

Fine. Is any song made by Michael Jackson any less enjoyable?

Most people don't read anime news, so they wouldn't be aware of 'that'.

It's okay to like the show, but if someone brings up 'that', you have to pretend to be shocked

Is alice in wonderland ok even though Lewis caroll proposed to the real life alive?

Art isn't it's creator

If Davinci was a cerial rapist the Mona Lisa would still be regarded as much as it is

if James Cameron was a sex slave trafficer Avatar and Alita would still be regarded as box office hits


The Pianist was shit until Polanski diddled a teen.

I used to love movies like The Prestige, The Dark Knight, etc.
But I've come to realize that Christian Bale is a huge asshole, and it made me enjoy those movies a little less. I still like them, but less than i used to.
On the other hand, the michael jackson songs are still just as enjoyable

>needing a permission to like whatever you like
Try not being such a massive faggot next time OP

This. I still headbang to Cat Scratch Fever even though Ted Nugent is a despicable excuse for a human being

Yeah, Kyoto arc still holds up pretty well, and Kenshin vs Sojiro is pretty based

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Fuck off with that "hurr separate the art from the artist". Dude is a pedophile, was caught with cp and no matter what you faggots say, his art appease to other sick bastards. So let's all reread this masterpiece.

I get your point on that. His moodiness during Terminator was unreasonable, especially since it was a shite film.

Watching underage teenage girls getting fucked is distasteful. But that doesn't affect how good Rurouni Kenshin was.

I can't remember RRK being indicative of child fucking, but going off what you're saying Lynn Okamoto has been hiding things for a long time, as has the dude that makes MiA.

You should like it more after THAT

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He did nothing wrong, so yes.

>Watching underage teenage girls getting fucked
you didn't write that in a distasteful way. it was almost hot. user, you sick fuck.

From what I remember of the manga, it really didn't have any "lolis" like we see in modern manga. Except ninja girl but she is never really sexualized

>nooooo mangaka likes thing i literally don't like
Go fuck yourself.

Who fucking cares faggot?
Asking reddit-tier questions

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What the fuck kind of post is this? What argument are you even making? Why are retards replying seriously to you?

That's the worst part about it, Jesus I hate moralfags, feminist, SJWs.

> different cultures are to be accepted
> "this culture is doing something unsightly and we'd like you to stop"
> other culture stops thing
> "Why did you do this thing? Here's some other stuff you can stop doing"

The reason why they busted his ass was because he didn't throw his stuff into the garbage bin, like anyone else did.
That guy was a moron and deserved no pity.

Who are you quoting?

His culture disapproves of what he did as well. Not as much as here where he would be lynched, but they still don't like it

It's trash anyway, an interesting concept ruined by being aimed at kids. That's why Tsuiokuhen and Seisouhen are the only good thing to come out of Rurouni Kenshin.

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The manga didn't have any lolis period, except for the ones included in the Jinchu arc flashbacks and there were shotas mixed in with them.

what was he busted with? because if it was those "modelling" videos with little girls in swimsuits doing sexual things, those are still being produced.

Yeah, except there it's more "pay this fine", and Western people wanted blood and the rope and whatever justice done wasn't enough. Granted that Japan does still give the rope, just not for that.

I just realized she is older than kaoru

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An author could literally eat children alive after skinning them on a webstream and that STILL would change nothing about the quality of their work.

Did what? Have a bunch of stuff that was legal just some years ago?
>Not as much as here where he would be lynched, but they still don't like it
In my country they lynch you for raping, killing, abduct, etc, a children, I can't imagine the kind of shithole you live to have people to lynch you for doing literally nothing except having a bunch of girls modeling IN YOUR COMPUTERS. FUCKING 0s and 1s.

>but they still don't like it
That's why they produced it, that's why the make a bunch of anime about school girls, that's why they are the only country that still produces lolicon material, if anything the only ones who don't like are the U.N and other foreign entities.

He got busted for having videos of naked teens.
What he had on those tapes hasn't been legal in Japan in a long time.

>It's trash anyway, an interesting concept ruined by being aimed at kids
Give me one shonen that was better

>In my country they lynch you for raping, killing, abduct, etc, a children, I can't imagine the kind of shithole you live to have people to lynch you for doing literally nothing except having a bunch of girls modeling IN YOUR COMPUTERS. FUCKING 0s and 1s
America, but I assume most of the Western world is like this.

>He got busted for having videos of naked teens.
yeah, that was kinda dumb

Did Japan actually used to produce videos of underage girls fucking on a professional level? Or was it all just JCs and JKs modeling nude?

Not anime or manga.

Michael unironically did nothing wrong

Nice try schlomo

Worst part is he kept some of them in his office, with labels like "young teens". Maybe he needed a wanked after a stressful day at the office. Still pretty fucking dumb.

Woah there, I'm pro Michael. Anti Michael is Schlomo.

Yeah, the candydoll sets probably, but what isn't Child Pornography according to moral fags? Have you seen that horrible documentary made by that retarded UK woman? According to her this kind of shows were CP.
They might as well lynch for watching anime, be careful moralfag-kun.

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Stacy Dooley.
"I love Japan!", she then proceeds to be shocked by pretty much all of it.

Reminder that every important Name in the industry is Pedo,even the ones that dont have pedo content on his works.

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>Have you seen that horrible documentary made by that retarded UK woman?
Not him but yes, her name is Stacey Dooley and she works for BBC 3. Meaning the British taxpayer paid for that hit piece. At least we got some based nip responses out of it

You should see Stacey Dooley's documentary about feminism in Russia.

Avoid the shitfest of the anime and only watch the OVAs once you finished reading the manga.

>/pol/ thread
Calling the mods

holy fuck. what does it matter what he did. it's an amazing manga

How is this /Pol/?

After what?

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>Looks up ages
Wtf I thought she was 12 years younger

No, but you already knew that.

I always liked it. Still don't see what there is to dislike about it other than throwing a fit over the "sad" ending.

She's a year younger.

Did you miss significant parts of the Kyoto arc or something?

At the very least, that horrible man keeps his sick obsessions out of his work.

On its own merits it is a great story about a warrior drifter character. The quasi-pacifist morality stuff is a little forced, though.

Since I never see a thread about it, what do you guys think of Buso Renkin?

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How is that related?

Same author.

Wow, I never realized that. Rare for a goose to lay more than one golden egg in this industry

Top girl, top villain, unfortunately dragged unfortunately down by a weak plot and weaker fights.

Why don't you ask your facebook friends, you faggot.

>oh no he likes little girls whatever will we do?
no one cares.

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I loved it. It was a short but fun shounen manga with a decent MC, a great villain/anti hero, and the absolute best girl that was Tokiko.

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to years even. Kaoru was 18 and Misao was 16.

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I just bought the second volume of the Hokkaido arc. What's more, they were heavily promoted on the store in Akihabara I just went to yesterday, the nips don't care, why should you?

what ever happened to the new kenshin manga he was working on?

But he didn’t?

He can fuck off for inventing Isekai.

Yes, who fucking cares?

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I own every volume, no regrets I love the series.

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I don't anymore. ;_; One of my favorite anime has been ruined for me.

Her kids all believed it was the case.
>The relationship between the Liddells and Dodgson suffered a sudden break in June 1863. There was no record of why the rift occurred, since the Liddells never openly spoke of it, and the single page in Dodgson's diary recording 27–29 June 1863 (which seems to cover the period in which it began) was missing;[13] it has been speculated by biographers such as Morton N. Cohen that Dodgson may have wanted to marry the 11-year-old Alice Liddell, and that this was the cause of the unexplained break with the family in June 1863.[14] Alice Liddell's biographer, Anne Clark, writes that Alice's descendants were under the impression that Dodgson wanted to marry her, but that "Alice's parents expected a much better match for her."