The Great Dispute

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Left is the bigger faggot.

Dispute over.

>Left: Wanted to have a quiet life
>Right: Wanted to be god.
How are these comparable again?

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Left is garbage.
Crying about wanting a quiet life while being a massmurderer doesn't make you a deep character.

Because they're the same. Wanting to live in a world of your own choice without outside interference IS wanting to be a god, and God too.

Kira's better in concept but Light was written by someone that's actually smart and doesn't rely on arbitrary plot armor and dumb luck bullshit to have their antagonist lose because they're too fucking stupid to think of anything else

bites the dust is actually a perfect counter for the death note, as as soon as Light finds his true identity (i.e his real name) time would restart.

Kira would then see him as a dangerous stand user, with Ryuk as his stand and swiftly take him out

I generally found Kira's irritation at having his quiet life infringed upon and freaky horniness to be way more interesting than Light's antispetic egomania and under-cooked "mind battles" with L

>You can call me Yoshikage Kira. I'm currently 33 years old. Not that you'd care, but I reside in northeast Morioh's villa district. Also, I've yet to marry. In order to make a living, I work for Kame Yu department stores. After a long day's work, I return home no later than 8 PM. I don't like smoking, but do enjoy the occasional drink. I'm always in bed by 11 PM, and I make it a point to get no less than eight hours of sleep each night. Before bed, I drink a warm glass of milk. It's always coupled with twenty minutes of stretching to decompress from the long work day. Sweet dreams are the usual result of this. I then awake as refreshed and recharged as a newborn child, ready to take on the day's challenges. And after my last checkup, I was given a clean bill of health. For as long as I can remember, I've done everything in my power to live a productive life that allows me to pursue a lasting inner peace. This may be a foreign concept, but I choose not to concern myself with winning or losing, life's troubles, or enemies who bring sleepless nights. That is how I cope with this backwards life we find ourselves living. It's what brings me happiness in a world fraught with hardship and misery. Of course, if I were ever to engage in combat, I would win the battle without question.

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Not a nigger, he's italian.

Left is a psychopath, right is a sociopath.

>Light was written by someone that's actually smart and doesn't rely on arbitrary plot armor and dumb luck bullshit to have their antagonist lose because they're too fucking stupid to think of anything else
not sure if serious

i mean death note might not have a ton of asspulls the way jojo has, but it definitely isn't what i'd call "actually smart" writing, although that might have more to do with the target audience than the actual plot

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What's the difference?

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>Light was written by someone that's actually smart
It sure showed how smart he was with that botched horrible final arc. At least part 4 was solid throughout.

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Kira vs Kira: who wins?


>At least part 4 was solid throughout.
>half the part is a directionless mess without a point
>solid throughout
>shitty space drama reaction image
its like retarded posts and bad image folders go hand-in-hand

The one who can blow up anything, can deploy an indestructible, explosive bomb and can go back in time in a truly stressful situation.

>half the part is a directionless mess without a point
>what is slice of life.

4fags will tell you the first half is brilliant worldbuilding.

Put simply psychos are more remorseless with more inhibited empathy, sociopaths have similar anti-social traits and lacking of empathy but understand it to a greater enough extent they put on an act of normalcy in order to function.

That's a mighty cope.

you're just retarded. It was a slice of life with stand, and it was comfy as hell.

>battle shounen where literally nothing is happening
>"uhhh that uh...makes it slice of life...yeah..."

>MCs beating up characterless bad guys who attack them for little to no reason
>Slice of life

>calls others retarded
>thinks part 4 is SoL to excuse its painful short-comings

And you won't have a counter argument.

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>"y-you're just retarded"
God, can you dislodge your head from Araki's ass?

I think kira is better.

isn't an argument. Part 4 doesn't have world-building, it has a slew of one-off characters who are pointless outside of a single cameo each

well if we look at it in terms of how they died, one of them was killed by a filthy rich marine biologist with a superpowered psychic avatar who can stop time that also killed a vampiric demigod

and the other was killed by a histrionic Japanese policeman, who was probably a virgin

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I mean, I like Jojos and you sound deluded to me.

>two killers who got caught despite having superpowers
Light is worse because at least Kira was facing other people with superpowers

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>half the part is a directionless mess without a point
It's just worldbuilding, and doing fun shit with the characters and stands. By your logic a third of DN is just Light fucking around homoerotically with either L or N, and the part with N is complete garbage that by the end just feels like they're putting the shitty series out of its misery.

should characters who just build shit really be considered the same kind of "smart"? Engineers aren't detectives for a reason

You can just admit that you have shit taste.

>It's just worldbuilding
oh wow called it
part 4 faggots really are desperate retards, anything for a Japanese highschool setting

Are you sure you belong here?

and don't come back til you've coped, or don't come back at all

Araki's writing makes Death Note seem like fucking Tolkien in comparison

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I guess the actually very simple notion of the series being about Morioh is just too complicated for you, too bad Part 4 doesn't have two homosexuals flirting at eachother with retarded plans that make dumb people feel smart.

>Araki's writing is bad
>argument is a greentext tantrum made by a Kira apologist

Thats Dio, Kira was fine with conforming

>I guess the actually very simple notion of the series being about Morioh is just too complicated for you
maximum self deception
>too bad Part 4 doesn't have two homosexuals flirting at eachother with retarded plans that make dumb people feel smart.
but user, part 4 IS the one with Josuke and Okuyasu

>lots of pretty standard points as to everything with Kira being written so the protags could get decapitated and still win
>uhhhh temper tantrum LOL

Yeah nice counter-argument dude, really worth typing that out

maybe screenshot a better argument next time, one that isn't green-text tier?
maybe one that isn't obviously your own post too, fag

i wouldn't call Kira's death that bad since Araki obviously went for
>birthed from Morio, killed by Morio
which is somewhat poetic

I'l leave when you'll acquire taste.

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I accept your concession

Then I'll make sure to continue not reading Jojo's so you may leave as soon as possible.

My argument is good so no thanks, it's not like you actually pointed out anything wrong with it yet besides the classic braindead "it's bad!!!"

>its like, pottery!
ITT: 4fags in damage control mode after the dubniggers ripped their favorite part to shreds last week

>My argument is good so no thanks
maximum self deception
>it's not like you actually pointed out anything wrong with it yet besides the classic braindead "it's bad!!!"
the tantrum rages on

>it's bad
>it's bad

It is
It is

>maximum self deception
Then you say the series isn't about Morioh? That just means I am right, the actually simple point of the series is just too complicated for you.

>part 4 IS the one with Josuke and Okuyasu
I guess we didn't read the same manga, because neither of them ever made overcomplicated dogshit plans made for idiots to feel smart.
BTW, you haven't actually given any arguments to say DN isn't dogshit, let alone better than part 4, or hell, to say why part 4 is supposedly bad.

What the fuck boogeyman are you referencing faggot? Go back.

Murdering aside, Kira is a pretty chill guy.

>Then you say the series isn't about Morioh?
>That just means I am right, the actually simple point of the series is just too complicated for you.
MAXIMUM self deception
>I guess we didn't read the same manga, because neither of them ever made overcomplicated dogshit plans made for idiots to feel smart.
M A X I M U M self deception
>BTW, you haven't actually given any arguments to say DN isn't dogshit, let alone better than part 4, or hell, to say why part 4 is supposedly bad.
>autistic 4fag thinks Im a DNfag

based 4fag losing his shit, imagine your favorite part being one that even dubniggers can't stomach

>the retard using reddit terms doesn't actually have any arguments
Wow, why am I not suprised. I'm done humoring you, bye and go back to wherever you came from.

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>more shitty spees dramuh reactions
p o t t e r y

You mixed your paths senpai, psychopaths are better at fitting in and being clever while sociopaths are prone to fits of rage

>Babby's first psychological manga

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Death Note doesn't stand up to rewatch as an adult.

The question is will Light manage to figutre out the right characters to write "Yoshikage Kira" in his note faster than Kira's gonna finish his "My name is Yoshikage Kira" monologue and touch him with KQ. I personally see it as a draw: Light writes Kira's name in the note, gets exploded and about 13-15 seconds later Kira dies from a heart attack.

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>and about 13-15 seconds later Kira dies from a heart attack.
From a SHEER heart attack?

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Dead Man' Questions Kira.

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Nice greentext. Here's a (You), you little attention whore.

You cheeky motherfucker

>f-f-fucking greentext!
>f-f-fucking here's your (You)!!
pathetic and sad and embarrassing

That's because you know all the turns. A show like death note is boring when you know what is going to happen. Most of the show is suspense.


Araki can't write for shit so Light wins by default.


>At least part 4 was solid throughout.
Just imagine for a second holding this opinion and not questioning why you were not aborted.

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>without a point
its the same point as every part after 2
monster of the week showing off different powers

My first time reading it was as an adult and it was boring.

Rewatched it last year and it was as good as I remembered it when it came out.

>its the same point as every part after 2
>part 3
>battling to Egypt
>part 5
>over throwing the mafia
>part 6
>fighting through Pucci's goons to get back Jotaro's DISCs
>part 7
>Horse race from goal to goal, seeking corpse parts
>part 4
>uhhhh...I dunno man here's some fights until like 9 volumes in when I think of something big

>part 3
>monster of the week showing off different powers
>part 5
>monster of the week showing off different powers
>part 6
>monster of the week showing off different powers
>part 7
>monster of the week showing off different powers
>part 4
>monster of the week showing off different powers
the "plot" of jojo is just an excuse for
>monster of the week showing off different powers

Name one asspull in Death Note

>no! all parts are directionless messes! I-I swear its just not my favorite!!!
4fags in full damage control mode

>Deathnotefags this buttmad because people are finally realizing Death Note isn't good while jojo keeps growing in popularity

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if your only criteria of something being good is
>the characters know who the final boss is
>the characters are constantly moving from one place to another
then sure.
i just think its fucking lame for the good guys to know who the bad guy is then travel different places while he sends 1(MAYBE 2) guys at them

You sound like a plebbitor.
>"B-but muh series is still popular haha btfo!!"


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What about Kira do you think is bad writing?


Did you just out (You)rself?

Kira is unironically based.

>"fuck i just can't stop murdering guys"
>"what the fuck i just want to live a quiet life leave me alone reee"
Yeah, very based.

Based fukumoto

Oh L has some never heard of twins who are to "inherit him" if he dies

Brainlets cant understand dramatic writing and should stick to deathnote. Jojo isnt about the fight mechanics or logic, but you havent actually read it sovwhy bother explaining why that picture is irrelevant.

Is left worth watching?


Do you want to watch Scooby Doo with super powers and a mentally crippled main villain who looks like David Bowie?

That's nothing.

People complaining about asspulls and Death Note part 2 are stupid babbies. Death Note was fucking stupid from chapter 1 and if you didn't notice by volume 2 or 3 you are stupid too.

By comparison, Jojo is stupid but creative and fucking good. Death Note is just stupid stupid.

>its an infinite use hard to see attack why does it need to also have insane AOE and attack potency
>jojo in general is lenient with characters being wounded, this isnt out of nowhere
>see #2
>a fucking jojo character having a strange hobby
>debunked himself
>villain being set in his ways and refusing to change(literally how the fuck is this a problem,)
>villain thinks hes the luckiest man in the world and nothing could go wrong only for him to be outsmarted and his luck to run out(how the fuck is this a problem)


This greentext is the most retarded thing I've read in a while. If you think Death Note's writing hold up to any standard, you should kys

>i just think its fucking lame for the good guys to have an actual goal from the beginning instead of being pushed from place to place on the whims of a hack

>strawmaned that for you

>Jojo is stupid but creative and fucking good. Death Note is just stupid stupid.

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>infinite use hard to see attack that has no potency and ends up being seen anyway
>it's okay they do this retarded shit a lot
>it's okay they do this retarded shit a lot
>it's okay they do this retarded shit a lot
>it's okay they do this retarded shit a lot
>implying the issue is the strange hobby as much as it's a strange hobby that just happens to work directly against the protagonist by pure luck
>ignoring the point about Shigechi's ghost shit because there's no rebuttal to a deus ex machina that shitty
>implying an obstinate character means they can't develop at all throughout the course of the story
>implying the thematic/poetic value of Kira claiming he's lucky only to be unlucky doesn't wear off after the 6th straight instance of Kira only losing because of some brainlet deus ex machina

Jojo fans are complete fucking idiots that have never consumed any other media where the antagonist loses because they actually fuck up (and vice versa for the protagonist) and you can retrace what exactly both parties did to end up winning or losing. Asspulling every once in a while is fine. Asspulling the entire fucking story is garbage writing. I don't even care about Death Note, but it's not a very high bar to have better writing than P4.

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Let's debunk this point by point.
>you're complaining that a fictional magical explosion doesn't hit with the exact same force as a real life grenade, which is fucking retarded because the other establishes the strength of the attacks in-universe
>you're complaining about people surviving ridiculous injuries, like they do since part fucking 1, so it's not an asspull since it is within the rules of the universe.
>same (well no, this one is even worse, since Jotaro barely managed to get up anyway)
>you're complaining about a dying kid managing to use his magical spirit thingy a few seconds before his death, which is, again, retarded
>you're complaining that a character is bizarre in a series that has bizarre in the title
>would've been found out pretty fast, either by Jotaro's surveillance with the Speedwagon foundation or by exposing himself to his son. Also not interesting for the story and character-wise woudln't work
>why are you bringing up DIO
>Hayato called him. Also, it's Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and works on rule of cool.
>No he wouldn't you fucking retard. They had dozens of ways to kill his ass and would have done so either way. The ambulance is just a poetic way to finish him.

There's no "asspull" like in Death Note because there are no situations where clearly defined rules are broken in a way *that matters*.

When Light pulls fucking bullshit in Death Note because the author is retarded, it matters because the whole point of Death Note are the fucking shitty mindgames. So it's trash and you could be reading Liar Game or Akagi.

In Jojo, when characters pull bullshit, it doesn't matter because you're here for Araki's drawings and to see the heroes pull cool nonsensical bullshit. Which they do.

>magical explosion doesn't hit with the same force as a regular explosion from essentially the same type of weapon specifically so protags don't insta-wipe
>people surviving ridiculous injuries fluctuates depending on if the author wants them to live or not: Kakyoin dies in less than ~30 seconds from a single hole through his chest, Koichi lasts longer than a minute from the same injury but worse, Jotaro fucking gets up and is able to fight with about half a dozen of them
>Shigechi used the stand after he blew the fuck up and died, makes absolutely no sense
>Again, complaint isn't with the character being weird as much as he's weird in exactly the right way needed to mess with the antagonist's plans by dumb luck
>basically nobody knows that Kira is in Kawajiri's body until the very end except for his son eventually, Speedwagon Foundation wouldn't do shit. This was debunked in the original post anyway so it doesn't even make sense to point out
>Hayato called him at exactly the right time for Josuke to turn the corner right as he pointed out he was Kira
>muh rule of cool for stupid shit
>implying Kira getting wheeled off to a hospital wouldn't give him a moderately easy spot to defend himself in at least for a while and implying the ambulance was poetic when they do this exact unlucky trash a billion times beforehand; literally just a shitty version of Kars' death which actually came before this

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Asspull doesn't mean that a clearly defined rule is broken in a meaningful way, even though that does share comorbidity, it means that a difficult problem ends up being suddenly solved by some unlikely (read; contrived) occurrence. It's slang for deus ex machina. Kira about to haul ass away from the area when a mortally wounded Jotaro is suddenly able to get up, out of the shop and all the way to the back, and then beat the shit out of him on top of that is as asspull as you can get. Hayato being brought back to life after instakilling himself to activate the bomb on Okuyasu is an asspull, on top of breaking a clearly defined earlier rule where Crazy Diamond can't revive you. The shit you said about Death Note can easily apply to Jojo. When some fucking bullshit happens because the author is retarded it matters because the whole point of something like this should be enjoying the various fuck-ups and successes both parties pull off to win or lose, and I could just be reading Yugioh or some shit where that actually happens and it's not just repeating contrivances so the good guys can do whatever the fuck they want and still win.

If you're retarded and you just like looking at pretty pictures and heroes monologuing about how tough and cool they are after getting bisected before suddenly dropping a meteor on the bad guy, good for you. It's still garbage writing.

>magical explosion never instakilled before so its power is already established
>Koichi lasts 30s and gets healed by Josuke. Kakyoin doesn't get any help and gets THE WORLDED. But most importantly, yes, rules can change depending on the level of drama. It's not about the amount of newtons an attack should produce, it's about the language behind this attack. Seeing DIO activate The World meant instadeath for Kakyoin. Also even if you were a retarded sciencefaggot you could justify it with The World being stronger than Killer Queen. Jotaro didn't have a fist in his chest.
>minor inconsistency that really doesn't matter on important plot points
>It's not an asspull if the character is established as weird from the start. It's another challenge the villain has to face.
>Speedwagon foundation monitors people leaving Morioh. Eventually, Jotaro would investigate them and find Kira.
>Yes, and once again it doesn't matter at all. It's a rule of cool show. Not a "what if the light was red so Josuke couldn't get on time to hear Kira".
>yes. It also applies to Akagi by the way
>You're a fucking retard if you think Star Platinum couldn't bash his fucking head instantly even without stopping time. Rohan has literal mind control powers. Okuyasu can erase space. He was fucking dead. Araki could've written him to die after Jotaro's ORAORAORA you fucking idiot

>it does enough damage to take okayasu out of the fight for a while and josuke has to fight around it
>its a fictional universe so it has different rules
>getting butthurt that someone concedes to a point that YOU agree with
>its a fictional universe so it has different rules
>getting butthurt that someone concedes to a point that YOU agree with
>kira still gets caught because he is a careless faggot
>i literally fucking said the point with shigeki was fair
>not every character has to develop and some characters can just be objectively in the wrong
>it doesnt for me

>it means that a difficult problem ends up being suddenly solved by some unlikely (read; contrived) occurrence. It's slang for deus ex machina.
No it's not. Learn what words mean.
I'll assume you're talking about Deus Ex Machina from now. Aka elements that the author needs to bring to save himself from a corner he's written himself into.
>Kira about to haul ass away from the area when a mortally wounded Jotaro is suddenly able to get up, out of the shop and all the way to the back, and then beat the shit out of him on top of that is as asspull as you can get.
This is fucking dumb already. Jotaro got wounded the chapter before, and nothing established he wouldn't get up before hours, especially since Jotaro is hardcore. But most importantly it's not a necessary element to save the plot. Araki could've had Josuke get the drop on Kira and beat the shit out of him.
>Hayato being brought back to life after instakilling himself to activate the bomb on Okuyasu is an asspull, on top of breaking a clearly defined earlier rule where Crazy Diamond can't revive you
Once again, it's not. Crazy Diamond's rules are as soft as they get. He can't revive dead people, that's for sure. The story says Hayato was still not dead when Josuke healed him. What you're calling a Deus Ex Machina is saying "the amount of time in which a character got blown up was too long for me to believe the magical time healer could save him". Protip: it's not. It's merely a detail you're focusing on because you're autistic.


>The shit you said about Death Note can easily apply to Jojo
Not really.
Your science sperging missed an important point. Death Note is supposedly happening in our world, and with a much more serious tone. The tricks are supposed to make sense. The police, the detectives, the plans, everything is supposed to be relatively grounded, with the exception of the magical killer book that influences all those realistic elements.

And when it's not, everything crumbles. You understand the story operates on a dumb shonen logic when by all means the premise and tone are headed towards a much more different kind of writing. This disconnect is what you could call bad writing.

The very premise of Jojo is to make bizarre and creative stuff, fights, with gore and artsy shit Araki comes up with. That's what you're being sold. If you get to part 4, you have already accepted that Jojo characters can literally pull complex magic rope tricks offscreen while their opponent looked away for 2 seconds (part 2). It's part of what you're being sold, and never tries to be anything else. When it does it, it does it right. It's not about having consistent internal rules, it's about using the narrative and visual language to speak to the reader.

Might as well criticize Akagi for Washizu getting bullshit hands.

>still arbitrary
>oh the context was different so it's not as lethal/TW being stronger than KQ makes a difference here even though it's a fucking hole in the chest either way/Jotaro didn't have a hole in his chest, he had around 5-6 from a point-blank explosion, which is inarguably worse
>"minor inconsistency" that kickstarts the entire plot
>asspull isn't the character's qualities for the millionth time, it's the fact that this character just happens to enter the antagonist's personal life at his most vulnerable moment
>Speedwagon Foundation isn't all-seeing, even if he did identify Kira he'd be on a boat ride to Abu Dhabi by the time he did if he tried the running away route
>rule of cool excuses stupid shit
>this is fair, ambulance backing up over a victim is still fucking idiotic

Deus ex machinas and asspulls accomplish the exact same thing. They mean the same thing.

>Jotaro got wounded the chapter before, and nothing established he wouldn't get up before hours, especially since Jotaro is hardcore. But most importantly it's not a necessary element to save the plot. Araki could've had Josuke get the drop on Kira and beat the shit out of him.

I don't care how hard Jotaro is, those are grievous. I don't mind not immediately dying from them, but you're not in fighting condition. Josuke and Okuyasu couldn't have gotten the drop on Kira because they were too far away at that moment.

>The story says Hayato was still not dead when Josuke healed him

You blow up, you die. It's instant. He got his fucking head dissected into little pieces.

These aren't some minute details you'd only focus on if you're autistic, these are broad strokes.


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I never wanted to knock the basic premise, but I'm saying that its bizarre nature doesn't excuse the lack of consistency and the fact that the protagonists can just pull whatever they want out of their ass to win and that I can apply the basis of Death Note's premise being flawed to Jojo. Yugioh also does weird, creative shit and uses its narrative and visual language to speak to the reader (Duelist Island is my favorite with this) but when I read Yugioh I can see every step the winner took to come out on top and what the loser did to eat shit. Jojo doesn't do this. Jojo does shit like Narancia completely ignoring his carotid artery getting bit into to win.

Those are all either details that only matter if your perspective is "this isn't science" (which is stupid) or making up shit. We're literally discussing the size of the holes Jotaro got after the magical toy car blew him up. If you're discussing that kind of shit unironically and can't notice there's something wrong, then I can't help you.
Yugioh totally pulls this stuff by the way. And it's not really an issue either. The early duels were literally glorified role playing games.

There's no discussion on the holes because the point is that they were massive, incapacitating injuries. I understand that you're supposed to suspend your disbelief, but Jojo basically wants you to turn your brain off.

Interpreting those holes as "there's absolutely no way Jotaro will regain consciousness for 10 seconds so his punchghost can beat up Kira" is only your interpretation. If after 4 seasons of critical injuries not being critical, you still read it this way, then you're the one being a bit slow.

Are people still defending Jojo’s shitty writing?

>still arbitrary
yeah its a fucking explosion
araki literally just said "ok it needs to be powerful enough to kill someone but i cant let it be TOO powerful so ill make it hard to see but not an instant kill"

I really like the worldbuilding of Morioh but ultimately it's underused. There was no need to introduce new stand users, and more of the people we met should have been involved against Kira.

>yeah its a fucking explosion
meant to say its a fucking magic explosion but you get my point

That's not an interpretation, that's really basic logic at play. It's not like critical injuries are commonplace prior anyway. Polnareff gets fucked up by Ice and has just enough left in him to kamikaze jump Dio. Caesar gets fucked up and can walk around for a little bit. Then we get to Part 4 and this shit happens. The only other example before is when Jotaro gets his bones broken by DIO in P3 and can still fight for some reason.

>can explode hard enough to injure someone but not hard enough to kill them at point-blank even though it's basically completely identical to a grenade explosion

>basically completely identical to a grenade explosion
their similarities begin and end with them being explosions
again you are hung up on a magical explosion being different to a real explosion

I don't get why there was a big fuss over the townsfolk all coming together after Shigechi's death and then none of them even try looking into Kira? The Golden Heart of Morioh theme is kinda underplayed outside of the main cast.

Why are you still trying to discuss with someone trying to quantify the strength of a magical explosion by comparing it with a real weapon?

Retards trying to argue science in stupid ass fiction desperately need more self awareness.

We could’ve gotten a few chapters dedicated to every stand user in Morioh coming up with ways to track Kira, but RPS kid was more important.

Honestly I still think Stray Cat's explosion being in a sweet spot to be dangerous but not really deadly is stupid but this does look autistic so I'm gonna knock it off

Jesus they're just an excuse to have punchghost of good guy and bad guy delay their fistfight to the end.

Left: bad guy
Right: good guy

I don't understand OP's post.

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>the fact that his son records people for no reason
He was recording his dad because his dad was acting super fucking strange.
>josuke just happens to come in
hayato calls him on the phone before this happens.

It's pretty close but I think right ever getting caught with that power gives him the edge in the "most mentally handicapped character in all manga" rankings.

He had been recording his parents long before Kira came in.

If he didn't have some of that nigger blood, his brother wouldn't have been molested by the KKK

Kira did nothing wrong

>kid is worried about his parents failing marriage and wants to know why
Its not for no reason and even if it was, he has a reason to record his dad acting strange anyways.

>but RPS kid was more important.
That was simply the Author wanking his self insert. Heaven's door was already strong, but being able to remove the use of stand abilities from a person is insane.
