Domestic na Kanojo

Serizawa is on the offensive!

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She get's BTFO'd like Momo next chapter, right?

Rui a shit
Hina a best

Momo 2.0 begins.

see his hands, he holds her while they kiss. miyabi endgame confirmed, you heard it here first, folks

Like he can't suddenly remind himself of Riu/Hina during the kiss and push her away

nope, off the exes go. in with the new, untouched flesh

I'm getting nervous hinabros. Hina is still endgame right? Sasuga cant possibly fuck up so bad miyabi wins right?

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Natsuo will date her then she/he will realize that Hina is his soulmate

Rui >>> Hina

Holy shit. It looks like the kiss was consensual.

Serizawachads rise up!

>mc falls in love with her
>hina gets jealous
> 1 week relationship ended.
>hina new gf tease
>mc falls in love
>younger sis comes back
>gets jealous
>new scandal
>new breakup
Cycle repeats every 50 chapters

inb4 She will backpedal and say it was just acting practice
inb4 he thinks it's for practice

Wow Hinafags are still doing this?

So Natsuo is indecisive. That's who Hina wants as a lover. A guy who would date any woman as soon as his previous lover leaves him? I like Hina but I don't get why Hina fans want her to have the worst ending for her.

Honestly that's the best outcome there's just too much baggage with the sisters for it to work. Let them move on and have lives not centered around loving the same man. Their sister bond was ruined do to them both loving him and I think that should be the moment when they realize he's not worth it.

He's going to throw her away like the filler girlfriend she is.
>date for a while
>Hina jealous
>drama ensues
>I still luv u.jpg
>Hina wins

Serizawa only exists to make Natsuo bouncing back towards Hina look not too stupid after the Rui breakup. She'd be the lame but necessary filler relationship.

>as soon as his previous lover leaves him
that is a false exaggeration and you know it. both times it took him months to get over it and a lot of emotional work to do so.

this is what would happen in real life, with reasonable people. but then again, this is manga.
I‘m a huge miyabifag because she is the answer to almost all problems

Man if only Miyabi stood a chance. Shes easily the best girl just after Hina imo. Now we have to watch as she gets rejected in the near future, Rui comes back, a bunch more drama and then Nat ending with either Rui or Hina.

The best thing miyabi can win is a rebound relationship.


The fucking up bad would be a rui end. Miyabi is miles better. But yes she can still fuck up the end and I fully expect her too with a rui end not a Miyabi one.

Denial false flagger strikes again. If you hate a rui end so much, why talking about it in every threads.
This chapter just show natsuo has gotten over his toxic ex, ready to start a new romance again.

Just you look at those hinafags squirming.
Did Hina somehow became ten years younger, virgin and not having her biological systems destroyed by alcohol?
She has nothing against Serizawa as a female and her winning at this рoint would be extremely shitty writing.

>her winning at this рoint would be extremely shitty writing.
The main heroine winning would be shitty writing?

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Rui a best
Hina a shit

We saw in the flashforward that Natsuo will be married with children. But Hina can't рrovide him one because her womb was destroyed by other men's dicks and her drinking habits.

Seethe more. In the timeskip, we know that the love story between Natsuo and his wife isn't the norm.

Love between a рlaywriter and an actress isn't something mundane.

>waaaaah Hina isn’t a virgin and drank alcohol
>her winning wouldn’t pander to my wishes so it’s shit writing

Fixed that for you real quick.

>yfw timeskip Momo ending

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Neither is it a touchy topic like natsuo has described it

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False flagger? Fuck off you nigger. I'm just saying that kei could pull a bullshit rui ending and she may do so.

>Momo end
You mean serizawa?
Momo already has her own pairing.

Really? Sorry I couldn't get it the first 1234 times you repeated in other threads without adding anything remotely useful.
You aren't getting bored of being a broken record yet, user?

Hory shit

Thanks for the dump

everyone knows this but thanks for posting

I think the problem would be the execution. As people have mentioned, the baggage either sister has is too much for a healthy and stable relationship. Starting fresh for all three of them would be the best end for each.


He doesn't have any real baggage with Hina anymore though. the only real baggage was the teacher/student relationship that already doomed the relationship. Now that Hina is not a teacher anymore, there is no real issue.
The only real baggage they have is that Natsuo believes Hina lie and is not in romantic love with Hina because of it, and Rui who already suspected they would be happier together and wondered if she was in the way. It is only because of Rui and the 'promise' she made Hina take that Hina has probobly held off this long.

With Rui the biggest baggage was because of her insecurities, suspicions and inability to talk about things, which all stemmed from how she got together with Natsuo in the first place. there was also being Hina being Natsuos ex, their parents and Alex at the time, but both Alex and Hina gave their blessing and their keeping it a secret from their parents was an issue they never bothered with.

Now Miyabi has baggage shes going to bring into a relationship
For one, she's ignoring her best friend.
She's tried to seduce Natsuo while he was still in a relationship with Rui. Even when Rui and Natsuo fall out of love and move on from each other, you cant expect Rui and Miyabi to get along after that.
Then there's Miyabis issues with Hina, who always triggered the biggest response from Miyabi. Not only did Hina freak Miyabi out to make her kiss Natsuo, but its probobly the fact that Hina and Natsuo are living together thats pushing Miyabi to be assertive right now. Even if Miyabi currently believes in Hina new lie, its likely she wont be comfortable with Natsuo around Hina.

So far, the only healthy relationship Natsuo can have is with Hina, the two are already over supportive and caring for each other as it is, even without romance, and when there was romance they were so happy with each other. but as mentioned, its Natsuo not being in love and Rui that prevents them from being with each other now.

>Starting fresh for all three of them would be the best end for each.
No an option. The love story between Natsuo and his future wife is a touchy one. That solely applies to Rui and Hina, especially Hina who was his former teacher/older than him.

even though i thought something like this would happen, it still annoys me.

I get that Miyabis story needs to be resolved and chapters like this where inevitable. i was hoping that it would be less romantic though.
Still, with the "how i got together with my wife" flash forward, it dosnt seem like Miyabi is endgame since its not as touchy as with Hina or Rui.
so if Miyabi has a chance they wont get together because of this chapter but perhaps later down the line with her issues with the sisters.
But since she's gambling everything on this trip, she'll either fumble and the arc gets stretched or she'll tumble and lose.

i would hate it if her romantic role got stretched to more chapters to add more drama since she isnt likely to be endgame. even the koreans say stuff along the line of why stretch something that isnt likely to happen?

Also, her and Natsuo being together would upset Hina and i'm getting agitated over seeing Hina always crying over Natsuo. For his life, his dream, his well being, his happiness, his sadness, his writers block, his relationship with Rui both good and bad. all she does is cry over the man she loves and over her torment of not being able to pursuer his love, does she really need another reason?
If Natsuo wasn't the sole reason for her happiness, i'd want Hina to move on and find something else, but the story has repeatedly made the point that Natsuo is too connected to her happiness for that to happen for so long that doing that would just be a cop out.

I actually got into this series because of Miyabi too. then i read the story and realized that the story promotes a Hina ending, suggested a Rui possible ending until the breakup, but Miyabi has always been more of a comedic obstacle.

Great breakdown.

People still read this?