TTGL = Promare > KLK
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nobody here has seen promare yet you fucking dipshit, and KLK is clearly better than TTGL. It's a fact.
>and KLK is clearly better than TTGL. It's a fact.
End yourself, mong.
>KLK is clearly better than TTGL
Eat shit.
KLK > shit > TTGL > Promare
>including a film no one has seen
Just KLK and TTGL would be enough bait. Anyway, KLK > TTGL
>I haven't seen the movie, which means nobody has
ttgl>>>>shit>>>>boku no piko>>>>trannies>>>>klk
>expecting a western image board to have seen a japanese movie
Typical idiot trigger fan
>reading comprehension
Including it among widely seen anime is retarded when you know there are at most 3 people who have seen it already and even that might be generous.
KLK >>>> TTGL >>>>>> Prowhat
I haven't seen TTGL, but KLK is probably better.
>TTGL = Promare
But TTGL isn't a massive turd.
>and KLK is clearly better than TTGL. It's a fact.
You didn't have to make us all vomit with your garbage taste, user.
Nobody has seen Promare yet.
>KLK is better than TTGL
Like when? When Ryuko found out she was life fibers and started being edgy and crying about being a monster?
When they literally had to rush it to an end and even work on it on final episode on the last day, giving one of the most anticlimactic endings ever?
When Senketsu died for fuck all reason?
Low IQ post.
>not shit
lmao. fuck off back to plebbit
Reddit Lagan is the most disgustingly overrated piece of shit in existence.
itt: contrari/a/ns at full power
t. plebbitor
hipster contrarianism is more a plebbit trait
I respect that you accept that I am right, user. I love a person with enough maturity to concede when they know they are wrong.
Kill yourself.
One of the most, Reddit la Reddit takes the crown though.
How polite. You truly are a passionate newfriend. If you lurk for a little while longer, I'm sure you will eventually be able to migrate successfully from your Reddit home.
Ganbatte, user.