Evangelion releases on Netflix in 3 days

Are you prepared for the impending wave of first time watchers to flood this board?

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Newfags like you? Yea Forums is full of them already, don't worry

as if anyone new is going to watch it
this is going to be the same as it's always been, all the anime "intellectuals" will write novels about it without ever having seen it, and all the less enthusiastic anime fans won't bother
you're kidding yourself if you think anyone is going to watch it on netflix other than the 30 y/o otakus on Yea Forums and /jp/ who have seen it twenty times already

There won't be that many. Instead the board will be flooded with shitposters acting like it's their first time seeing the anime and they'll ask really, really stupid fucking questions either not realizing or not caring that it's obvious what they're doing.

And every thread and every post will get a bunch of replies complaining about summer and nu-Yea Forums.

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normalfags flooding Yea Forums everytime a new thing is released or becomes popular is just a meme, anime groups on social media and forums are still a thing, you know? There is dozens of sites that discuss anime out there way more popular than this place.
What I'm expecting to happen is that the Pewdiepie postironc generation will not get what the big deal is about Evangelion or the social context it was made and will think it´s a gay boring show and that Shinji is a faggot, a lot of people already think that of the series, anyways.

I'm gonna watch it. What now faggot?

i personally am very excited for this release, in all the previews it looks like they remastered the quality.
the people of Yea Forums have always been foolish plebians and every year this place is flooded with summerfags, so it will be nothing new.
in my honest opinion, nge is the kind of show that people watch because it speaks to them. so they will find it one way or another.

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It's not just going to be here. Eva is going to be babby's first deep anime all over again. It's going to attract the most maximum of normalfag audience and there will probably be political shitflinging from people getting offended by it for some reason or another.

I just want a proper blu-ray release with english subtitles that I can buy. Please netflix, be useful for once and do it.

Mot people who are familiar with Eva have watched it already. You don't think even 13 year olds know you don't need official paid streaming services to watch anime?

>it looks like they remastered the quality.
Its probably the same quaity as the Blu Rays minus streaming compression, I wonder if Netflix will end up buying the streaming rights of the rest of Studio Khara/Hideaki Anno's stuff, KareKano deserves more love, and his live action movies are very obscure and unavailable outsite Japan.

People talk about the new ENG dub for this but doesnt Netflix usually host a shitload of dubs for anime? Are they only making a new one for ENG or are any other languages getting the same treatment

i hope normies dont ruin my anime they always ruin everything else and i like how eva is low key but thats all about to change. How many animes will netflix destroy in the future is the real question

This is the first step towards a live action movie starring some stupid actor with a punchable face and a bunch of masculine women.

Don't give them any ideas

As many as it takes to obtain more shekels.

I've never seen it and I'll probably check it out

Evangelion is by far one of my favorite animes of all time. Netflix is going to bring a bunch of faggot normies in to the mix now........

>first step towards a live action movie
They already tried to produce one once and it failed, Pacific Rim and Godzilla flopped, Alita and GitS too. Anime adaptations are kill

Just wait until Netflix launches the Neon Genisis cinematic universe.

Yep, This! They should just let EVA stay as a underground show instead of showing it to all the normies

Im exited for the reaction videos

so much this! it will be lit.

It's the game of thrones of Anime

>Low key
>The largest anime franchise of the early 2000s

Admittedly it's popularity waned a little. But still.

Low key netflix is a scummy business and just wants all the normie money.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

Why does Yea Forums think Eva releasing on Netflix is a big deal? Sure, it'll bring in some newcomers, but I don't see it making that big of a splash. Most anime fans are familiar with it already and other people won't care.

>lurked and watched anime or read manga for 8 years
>Just watching Eva
I remember getting memed into watching trash that is Code Geass so I didnt touch Eva afterwards . Honestly it was the correct thing to do since the show has aged horribly. Animation is meh, plot is garbage and its brim with generic tropes or fillerish episodes.

Its like worse Gunbuster except you have to suffer with it even longer

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I cannot imagine how much they paid for the streaming rights

If you cant appreciate at least the first season of Code Geass it just means you have no taste

Can't be any worse than the hunterchad spam

>Its a another netflix ruins anime by showing it to a bunch of normies episode

says the halfwit virgin talking about reaction videos

you're probably right. and wow this is actually one of my favorite animes of all time, i watched it last summer. thanks so much for this video. youre incredible user. arima is my favorite character for sure.

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>inb4 unironic haha why won't shinjo get in the robot what a whiny faggot!

but will they have live action cum on shinjis hand?!!!

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cant be any worse than
>wow shinjuku wont gent into the robot, this surely is a subversion of the mecha genre of which I have no prior knowledge of

They're going to keep trying because they're looking for that next capeshit boom. Transformers is an anime adaptation and it's a money printing machine so it's going to take a lot more flops before they give up. Actually I've heard that the profits for Transformers movies are on the down slope.

Why someone who hasn't watched EVA in the current year and is about to watch it on netflix out of all places would use Yea Forums to post about it? That kind of person wouldn't use Yea Forums or Yea Forums for that mstter, they have twitter for that.
If such newbie threads are made then it's going to be falseflagging for the sake of shitposting and nothing else.

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I have taste, thats why I hate Code Geass and the faggy MC. The show might have been good had it not been for Lelouch constantly ruining it

I'm surprised they haven't started censoring shows to appease sjws.

You underestimate scope of normalfaggottry.

>when that one normie will come up and ask if you've seen eva after he just watched it on netflix

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its more about understanding the methods of how anime developed especially in the 80s and 90s. evangelion is insanely cliched and predictable, but that's because it was the first anime to ever do those things. it's understandable why some people (esp who watch more recent shows) to not enjoy shows as experimental as code geass and nge. nge is best watched from start to finish so you can totally grasp how much it moves out of the box overtime.

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Normalfags, with nothing to watch on netflix will eventually watch it after being shilled by netflix

>Transformers is an anime adaptation
It's more cartoon than anything else, the brand was born in Japan as mere dumping grounds for abandoned figures for a cancelled Macross toyline, the West ate it up and basically groomed into being more of a western passion than an actual japanese property. Transformers being a money maker in the west can't even be attributed to an anime production succeeding in capturing interest if the brand now is more American than it ever was Japanese.

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yeah EVA was definitely the first anime to ever have a hot-springs scene or a mascot character

You guys underestimate the power Netflix has on normalfags. I personally have 2 co-workers who are the biggest normalfags you can imagine that never watched an anime in their lives and they're considering watching it just because it's coming out on netflix and they've heard me and another coworker who's also into anime/manga sperging out about it.

As far as I'm concerned, the more people who watch it, the better.

>using the word normie when it's a rddit term and not a Yea Forums one

>Lelouch constantly ruining it
You were suppose to write suzaku there

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MFW the normies will ruin this

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Normie has been used in here for at least a decade, and that's just as far as I've been here.

Get fucked cunt

I put off watching it for 15 years and was quite surprised that I liked it in the end.
Maybe it could've could've had more impact if I'd watched it when I first downloaded some episodes back then but it was still enjoyable.

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If you haven't already watched Evangelion at this point, kill yourself, as it means you probably haven't watched a lot of other classics not available legally.
And if you actually give NETFLIX (ARE YOU FUCKING HAPPY) money, kill yourself.

I thought normie was an /r9k/ thing they pushed during their beta uprising nonsense about 4 years back, I dont remember seeing it every before that point

>A classic
Twenty years from now youre going to call FGO a classic too right?

>being such fucking buffoon to actually care about it
half of posts now are geniuses complaining about people that are 'not cool enough' to be on this shit site.

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You're making me fucking paranoid now. I've been here since 2011. I'm pretty sure by then it was already commonly used.

Maybe it was on other boards?

How have I never seen this?

Anyone else feels that zoomers are going to shit hard on EVA? EVA was a product of the 90's when internet was still on diappers and people still had fun solving things on their own, I have a bad feeling for EVA now.

This makes me happy I hope this seeds quick

>50 years later
>hey you didn't watch eva?
pfff it's not classic enough for me. I only watch Hakuja den and heidi u pleb
>oh s-sorry

I don't watch Fateshit.
And Evangelion will be considered a classic. A character study within the now dying Man vs Kaiju anime genre. Like how Code Geass will be considered a classic for being a love letter to Mecha/Gundam and JoJo's is a classic for being the most successful and one of the more influential long running Shounen while still maintaining a consistently increasing level of quality.

>This garbage will be considered as something great
Travesty, I know. Every time I hear that I get incredibly sad for some reason.
I prefer post war Japanese cinematography but thats about right.

All the retarded normies about to flood this site

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if you expect a meltdown ala franxx you'll be disappointed. most normalfags won't even watch it because "muh dated style" and e-celebs being too busy doing commentary on attack on titan

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It's an upscale

>anime will become one of Japan's greatest assets
He's right tho. It kinda is. Everybody loves anime.

Its really not that good or groundbreaking in retrospect the only reason i got into it was because i saw that one trailer with ode to joy playing that showed literally all the good action there was theres nothing deep about shinji being a bitch theres no meaning to the shitty religious imagery the female characters are poorly written and the action is disappointing both the endings are also monumental failures no one wants to watch colorfol scribbles flash on a screen to a screaming japanese kid and the story is vague in the worst possible way and nothing is properly fleshed out and the angel designs are extremely lazy except for maybe two and its been shown they can just have a battleship shoot one and kill it all they need to do is just drop more n2 bombs on them nobody gives a shit because its japan and the highschool antics arent there if youre looking for that and the badass robot action is boring shit everyone interacts with each other lile they just got done watching a snuff film and theres only two waifus and they both suck shit lgod damn i hate evangelionfags its more pseadointellectual than a jordan peterson fanboy trying to quote descartes to his classmates at 9 am as part of an argument for why he wants his smartphone back