Battle Tendency

caesar is a rapist. this isn’t a headcanon or some silly speculation, this is a fact, and i’ll prove it.
people usually make jokes about caesar being a rapist based on this image. “the only crime he hadn’t committed yet was murder.” rape was still a crime where he lived, and he had committed every crime but murder, so of course he has to be a rapist, right? well, those people are correct, and i have the evidence to prove it.

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Other urls found in this thread:
on this page, caesar says, “i’ll place a charm on the necklace, so you’ll fall under a magic spell of love and to cast some magic on your lips.” love spells and charms are meant to brainwash somebody into falling in love with another person, which is a violation of the victims consent. caesar tells the woman on the page that he will kiss her after he puts a love spell on her, a.k.a brainwashes her, which is sexual assault. it’s not hard to believe that caesar would rape a woman when he tells a woman that he wants to sexually assault her in the canon manga.
on this page, caesar prepares to kiss a woman who has been brainwashed by a ripple spell. like i said before, making sexual advances on a brainwashed person is a violation of consent and therefore sexual assault, which means that caesar was about to sexually assault the woman before a pigeon came out of her mouth. it’s not hard to believe that caesar would rape a woman when he literally prepares to sexually assault one before getting interrupted in the canon manga.
on this page, caesar casually chats with his friend, mark, who is a nazi. nazis are known for being sexists and the vast majority of rapists are sexists. what does that say about caesar? further more, in one panel, caesar says, “i helped him pick her up from germany.” saying that he “picked up” a woman is a sign of his sexism, as if women are commodities to be snatched and taken as men please. with this behavior, is it surprising that caesar is a rapist?
araki is a master of subtlety, and that mastery is shown on the pages i linked in this post. when you place all of that evidence on top of caesar having committed every crime but murder, it’s obvious that araki was trying to tell the readers that caesar was a rapist, but couldn’t say it outright so as not to damage his reputation. i dare you to try to refute me on this. caesar is a rapist.

Caesar is actually a problematic character and here's why

I'm waiting.

would you say hes also a pedophile or does he only go for women of age

Wtf SHIZAAAAAH would never I'm literally smhing IT JUST WORKS

based and redpilled, best jobro

he does both

>I don't know what hyperbole is

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finally some good jojo discussion here

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it’s not hyperbole, retard

>no counterarguments

You think he comitted tax fraud? Manslaughter? War crimes? Insurance scams? Its clearly hyperbole.

geneva convention literally convened bc of caesars many war crimes, read the manga you dumb secondary

Damn you might be right, only I thought he died before ww2?

He leaked capeshit movies

And downloaded songs from kazaa.

how many video games did he pirate?

he spoiled the red wedding for redditors

All of them

Caesar was the mastermind behind Napster

>caesar was complacent during the fascist regime in italy during ww2
Actual garbage. Joseph should never have left his marriage with the Pillar Men.

OP confirms that Caesar was gay and had gay sex, homosexuality was illegal in Italy at the time.

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>jojo character needing confirmation of homosexuality

Most Jojos had heterosexual marriages.

i really hate that the anime cut the scene of caesar aborting lisa lisas second child in a back alley and her nearly dying of gangrene afterwards, it was such a characterbuilding moment for the both of them

>heterosexual marriage being mutually exclusive with homosexual adultery

6/10 made me reply.