Kanojo, Okarishimasu

>Still no gooks
>Still no raws
>Still not even any spoilers from Bakadata
Give me my weekly Kanokari dose right now.

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This series gets too sidetracked sometimes. Just kill one of the grandmas and get on with it.

People still read this garbage?

>slow ass story paced
>author adds a chapter for side chick harem.
50 more chapters until something important happens



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Makes sense, it's a bad manga.



Meh I still read it for the art. I find myself skimming through pages a lot tough.

This is was very fast to fall in love like R..... Shit san

>slow ass story paced
Not really.
Filler can be obnoxious at times though.

>comfy youtube spoilers

Why do I get the feeling Sumi might be a dark horse contender?
She looks like Kazuya after all.

Shoo, shoo
Back to your shitty threads 5slutfag

Sumi-chan is really the thinking man's choice. No drama bullshit, no bitchy behavior. Just the perfect gf.

i love the music he puts in these videos
wish i could find it, it's probably royalty-free music

It's a superior reading experience after reading tripe like Kusoben


She kinda looks like girl Kazuya though.

Sumi isn't pure maiden.

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Since it's become a trend, which character do you think will go full despair and get the rope? My money is on Ruka.

What is with this tapioca thing? Is this some conspiracy by tapioca stores to sell more tapioca?

I hope.
She is worst girl after all.

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rent free

is there groping in this? I hate manga with no groping

Go away please, nobody wants you here

Kaguya had a bombshell of a chapter and toubun is ramping up on the Yotsuba despair. It seems these took priority this week.

only accidental

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Kaguya is killing everything this week

It depends on how long will Chorizo's grandma last

Sadly true. Aka is bringing out the heavy artillery now that the PrezxKaguya debacle is finally out of the way.

Why "sadly"? Kaguya and kanojo okarishimasu are both really good

more than enough, thanks user

which also means Kazuya would never need to strive to improve himself.

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Not true.
Ruka gropes Chizuru's tits on purpose.

only for chidzuru's customer's (other than the faggot MC)

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fuck this manga. all these good girls wasted on this piece of shit MC

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Kill yourself rukashitter.
It's your shit whore girl Ruka who gropes Chizuru like the disrespectful bitch that she is.

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Wasn't she just checking her heartbeat and those were in the way?

Shut up already. We've heard this in millions of harems before.

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Sumi-chan no,
inb4 in the next chapter she specifies the subject

Man, i wish i have girl that always staring at me with affection like her.
Fuck, i'm so ronery and depressed now.

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Nope. She groped her tits and Chizuru was like "What are you doing?" and Ruka replied "What's wrong? They're huge".
Ruka is a psycho freak.


Who will be in the next chapter?
Will it be another Sumi one?

>Ruka is a psycho freak.
That's makes her hot.

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It doesn't, you just pretend it does.
Ruka is an ugly fat short bitch.

SInce Miyajima does arcs in rotation, up next is a Mami arc.

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>She told her she loves him

I don't see her name in the blurb at the end, but I doubt it will end just like this.

As bad as Shit Yau used to be they never were that fucking autistic.

There's also granny

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Dammit, I read this manga to see this bitch fuck Kazuya's life.

I am still waiting.

As the translator of KO I can assure you we won't give as awful a translation as that.

Will Sumi be the force that gets him to drop Ruka once and for all? Or will he still play dating with her.

What does the text say at the bottom?

I thought Love costs extra.

Granny is a crazy annoying bitch too.
Only redeeming factor she has is that she has good taste in girls.


Am I the only one who thinks it makes sense for Sumi to fall for him? I mean, he almost never showed his bad side to her, Chorizo and Ruka falling for Kazuya was pure wish fulfillment.

Chizuru liking him makes perfect sense. She has never trusted anyone but her grandma for her entire life and actively avoids opening up, so his persistent efforts to get close to her eventually work.

>drop Ruka
They are couple.

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That would make sense if Kazuya was the only man in the entire world.

Kazuya lives next door. Chizuru tries not to get close to other men because of her trust issues, which makes sense because her dad left her at a young age, and she also overworks.

She literally dates dozens of men every month and has male friends in her acting school and gigs. Not sure if she has male friends in college but she knows some males at least.
I don't see a reason for her to trust him more than any of them.

Bakadata summary:
Kazuya remember how he tried to convince his father to take him to a Dolphin show but his family was busy and wasn’t able to fulfill his wish. Sumi comes back with drinks.

Kazuya: “What an amazing hospitality…Who thought I could come here with such a cute girl. Rental girlfriends are the best!!”

Sumi points to a different seat. Kazuya can’t understand what the purpose behind that is and why she wanted to move back. She points at the wet spot and Kazuya realizes that they could’ve got wet if they didn’t change seats.

[After the Dolphin Show]
Kazuya: “It finished so quickly…the harmony between humans and animals is fantastic…”

The “splash time” starts and the kids at the front are having fun but then the dolphin causes an even bigger splash and Kazuya and Sumi get wet after all. The announcer says that the dolphin is in a good condition today and asks everyone to be careful.

Kazuya: “The dolphin is in a good mood?!”

Sumi: “Sorry…I’m…sorry…”

Kazuya: “I see…for Sumi chan, her hospitality failed…”

Kazuya laughs out loud and says that she doesn’t need to worry about it and that he’s having fun, and adds that as long as Sumi chan is also enjoying her time, then that alone is the best hospitality for him.

Kazuya says he will go buy t shirts for them and then Sumi says, “I love you…”

Kazuya: “What…?”



>She literally dates dozens of men every month
Purely professional relationship. Those dates aren't anywhere close real love either, they're just idealistic fantasy.
>male friends in her acting school and gigs
She doesn't spend much time in acting school considering she's always working. You can see by how she barely has any connections. The majority of the time she's Ichinose, not Mizuhara, and doesn't attract male attention on campus either. She winds up trusting him more because he's a more permanent presence unlike her customers that come and go.

But it felt very forced. Okay he is saying many nice things to her and he saved her from strangers on their first date, but that's it ... On their second date he literally used her to get a gift for Chizuru ( and Sumi already fell in love with him ). And this is just their 3rd date, no chemistry at all.

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>Ichinose, not Mizuhara
This. He is only man that can handle both sides of her personality.

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>She winds up trusting him more because he's a more permanent presence unlike her customers that come and go.
in other words he is a precious customer: who probably paid her the most out of all of them, he might be a bit troublesome, but loosing this source of income would be detrimental

Lol she is in love with him.

Thanks user-Sama

Because it makes zero sense. She is just the trophy more blob for the bland piece of shit (self insert) MC to add to his harem. None of the girls falling for this guy makes sense

It makes sense from Chizurus perspective.
The jealousness of Mami is also reasonable.
Rukas feelings towards Kazuya makes sense, but are poorly written if you ask me.
Sumi now looks definitely forced.

the mc is so shit you need to hear it a million times more

Miyajima is working on the 100th chapter. It's shaping up to be something big.

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I see 2x possibitys. Mami is making her next move so the next arc leads to a more tense climax ( similar to chapter 50 ), or a comfy Chizuru arc with alot of feelings. Or grandma dies.

You are all being trolled, Next episode will be her completing the sentence.

Mami will reveal their secret and Chizuru's grandma will die of grief.

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Ruka = Sumi > Chizuru > Mami

So firm.

Not sure if this counts, but I'll post it anyways.

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That's his imagination, which could've actually happen, but he decided Chorizo is the only one for him.

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That one looks pretty random, like the author just wanted Ruka to touch Chizurus boobs but didn't know how to write it.

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>which could've actually happen
Ruka is ready anytime.

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Why would Ruka want to use a condom?
If she got pregnant, she wins.

Why these girls whore themselves, Yea Forums?

Chizuru keeps getting groped.

Chizuru needs money and is using this as practice for her career as an actress.
Ruka wanted to find her first true love
Sumi ... we actually don't know, maybe so she can become more confident with men?

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Can Sumi? :D

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There's just something about Kanokari that compels you to keep reading that other romcoms lack.

No Mami?

What would you expect?

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Mami does it for free.

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Man earlier chapters had way more funny moments.

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Kaguya isn't really that much better than KO

Oof. Not like this.

Kanokari is much better, actually. Characters have much stronger flaws rather than lukewarm ones, but since the MC is smart, handsome, and nice and the manga never tries to make its readers uncomfortable and think, it's touted as a masterpiece.

>no mami
I sleep. Poor Sumi doesn't deserve this.

What is the point of mami now?
It seems the author completely forget her.

Last week's Tawawa started a new trend

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It seems like Ruka is the antagonist now.
Poor Mami.

Too bad Mami and Sumi can't do it.

I get Sumu but I don't think Mami's mamis are smaller than Ruka's rukas.


Can grandma do the challenge?

Who's chizuru seiyuu?

Nah the beach arc showed Mami is pretty flat.

Prove it

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Thats impresive, i like her depth voice.