"Endless Eight I" aired ten years ago.
"Endless Eight I" aired ten years ago
kyon kun denwa
I need to get off this website
kyon kun denwa
Maybe her butt hurts
>cicada noises
Shit I feel old seeing that shit. The threads were pure salt, it was awesome.
The problem was never with the first episode
The problem was slowly realizing that they really were going through with that shit because sure there would be some twist, right?
I never considered that. I barely managed to make it through the endless eight on my own time. I can't imagine watching and waiting through 8 weeks of the pointless menotiny in real time. Christ.
>newman smug
I like Endless Eight and think there's nothing wrong with it. Fight me.
You don't like 8 pool episodes in a row?
What do you mean? It still is 2009
Kyon kun...
10 years later I still can't believe they aired different variations of the same episode 8 times.
If it was contained into a 50+ episode series maybe it could have been acceptable, but for a 1-cour of a highly anticipated show that's absolute insanity.
To this day I don't remember if I finished watching the second season. I stopped watching after the third episode of Endless 8 but don't know if I picked it up again after it ended.
I actually remember thinking at the time how much I hated modern anime and stopped watching while I was in college.
>Endless Eight
> Actually ended
What was even the purpose?
>mfw reading the archive
>It's a 2 parter dude
>It's a 3 parter, they show Yuki's development
>I...It's a n+1 parter.
>didn't get the hint from "Endless EIGHT (8)"
Oh, it's already the 19th in Japan.
It's eight as in August. Endless August.
It was the only way to nuke the franchise.
>23705750: You are now realizing that because of this debacle, there will be no season 3.
Why does she sit like that?
Literally who?
I wish a studio would do something as ballsy as endless eight again.
This. Like it or loath it when's the last time a studio did something so ballsy? This medium could really use some experimentation now more than ever.
I wish...
The world really did end in 2012.
You don't sit like that?
how long would it take to watch the accurate amount of endless eight?
Can some math nerd count the number of scene cuts and the possibility of rearranging the 8 episodes and the number of unique episode we could rearrange the episode into with keeping the same order?
All 8 episodes are unique
And we're here forever.
And those who didn't watch it while airing are small time.
People who skip it should be locked up
Sanity is for the weak
A wild Dougie challenges...
I did it without intending to.
It was fun.
I watched all of it in one go.
My brainlet self back then went in expecting eight episodes from the start. It just happened that I was right and had braced myself for it.
Hey, whats up? Why did you say that? Are you alright user?