Yea Forums is dead, come over to /jp/
Yea Forums is dead, come over to /jp/
go back to your spinoff
fuck off /jp/ is even worse
/jp/ is trash and full of generalfags, no thanks
no thanks
Nah I don't like their generals of idol shit.
You prefer mexican 14y olds posting their ranking generator images and power level disucssion?
/jp/ knows how to have fun unlike the pretentious faggots on Yea Forums
That's some fallacy in your logic right there, user.
I bet Yea Forums doesn't even take it easy anymore.
Because of your post I become aware of the fact that there are people who browse /jp/ and are familiar with it. This fact, which should be obvious, surprises me. Tell me, how is the state of /jp/ today?
We are barely getting traffic. Why not fuse the two boards?
No thanks, seiyu and idols don't interest me
>going to /jp/
You know you fucked up when even Yea Forums is better to discuss 2hu
Why would I go to a Touhou board?
Isn’t it ironic that /jp/ and /m/ are marginally better boards than Yea Forums?
>there's an entire board for 2hus and VNs because Yea Forums and Yea Forums were too autistic to decide what should go where
/jp/'s existence cracks me up on the few occasions where I remember it
Weird mix of reddirt, old new /jp/ and animesuki
Esfores is great website full of topkeks and doubles, I'm so glad everyone there is polite. If you have not checked your privilege or fortune, please go back to Yea Forums. I just love getting doubles on esfores, esfores belongs to a/jp.
Why would I go to a 3DPD board?
/w/ too
Really every animu themed board is superior to all others. Yea Forums is the shittiest of the non-shit boards.
>a Touhou board
if only
You don't remember shit. /jp/ was a containment board. Touhou were exiled there. Yea Forums was perfectly fine with discussing VNs after the split, as was Yea Forums. We discussed keyshit, nitroplus, rance, umineko, higurashi, list goes on.
Imagine being a idol orbiter. How sad
Half of jay pee are generals for idol groups, why would anyone go there?
Yea Forums /jp/ /u/ Yea Forums mahjong team tournament when?
Yea Forums Touhou threads are almost always moved to /jp/
Not really, smaller niche boards will obviously have less retards than big mainstream boards
Not as sad as the retards that give money to twitch whores and expect said whores to fall in love with them.
s/u/bh/u/mans stay o/u/t
How do I into Touhou?
Because mods are fucking dumb, Twitter and wojak threads are fine after all according to them.
play them in release order, you can start with EOSD
Fap to pics on the boorus and learn the names, then watch IOSYS videos and repeat the memes. And remember, Sanae is a slut.
Get the fuck out of /qa/ first, and take your autistic frogtard with you.
>monstegirl general
Ah so that us where those went
Yea Forums is much worse than Yea Forums
Replace Yea Forums with /e/ to get all the Saki boards.
I still dont understand how that game works
Imagine being in such a bad state that mods need to import threads from fucking Yea Forums to make your board less shit.
Yea Forums is where shitposters moved to after mods purged them from Yea Forums.
Why do you h/a/te the presence of /u/?
Touhou as shit.
I want to naizuri jay pee.
Because I've witnessed how insane and how shitty yurifaggots can be.
These two together at the same time unironically
>Yea Forums