Tate no Yuusha / Shield Hero

Are you ready for the next episode?
More Melty and Queen coming soon.

First PV: youtube.com/watch?v=bxtftUsFsqE

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Other urls found in this thread:


Redpill me on that Sadina girl. Why is she a rapist and why I want to fuck her despite that

more queen you say

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She's a big girl

>More Melty
You meant more fillers

She is a whale

>you’ll never get that look as you give her another child

>Used goods.

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Will Glass appear on this episode

How many episodes are planned?

Only 2 more left (counting tomorrow's episode)

maybe at the end

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Her real form is a fat and disgusting though.

Best team

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I like how they kept sword's fear of water

it's not fear, he just can't swim.
Ironically he has an affinity for water magic.


New PV


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The stakes are higher than ever

Rip Melty

This shit is still going?

No, its a fan project

>Only two episodes left.

Amazing how shit is moving too fast.

i can't believe melty i ded!

We barely knew her

Stuff has happened but it hasn't left me fulfilled, Maybe that's further down the line in the manga but it feels like stuff went quiet after the church episode.

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Bring your underagedleveled daughter to a large scale battle
This happensWhy is the anime queen so incompetent?

>like stuff went quiet after the church episode
a bit. Until you get to this.

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She didn't bring her in the novel?

there, i fixed it for you.


>another kaiju fight

Let’s hope S2 won’t have the odd pacing of S1. Honestly they should’ve focused more on this arc than the pope.

She needs the XP. She should’ve been in Naofumi’s party the entire time, y’know her future husband.

I expected at least for the last two episodes to be longer but nope, and while I enjoyed episode 23 they crammed like 3 manga volumes into a single episode

The raws for chapter 56 comes out tomorrow too

It's OK, even if she dies the Queen can still make another heir with Naofumi.

If NGNL couldn't even get a second season, what makes you think this will? I like Tate no Yuusha and even I think it's never happening.

Wasn't that shit full of Loli fan service?

you are damn right

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NGNL got a movie though

This means that those two are spies for Glass or that the three of them suddenly help Naofumi anf co?


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They're not spies, they trully believe naofumi is not the shield hero at first.

>the three of them suddenly help Naofumi anf co?
That happens in the spirit turtle arc.


It had the occasional pantyshot but not much else

L' Arc's harem>Naofumi's harem

oh boy.

Different user here. Gib spoilers pls.

he doesnt have a harem, the closest thing to a love interest he has is therese and she's slowly slipping away because naofumi wows her time and again with his superior accessory crafting skills. In recent volumes L'arc is taking up some lessons with the merchant naofumi learned that from in earlier volumes and he's so fucking bad at it.

does anyone have the loop .gif of Bitch's tits swinging?

best 2 seconds of the whole show.

So who wins the glassbowl

Who are they missing?

fishing loli.

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Naofumi stahp, you already have Coon, Tiger, Shark, a loli princess and a very ready Bird. No need for a Jewel.

uWu master don't beat
>he headpats her.

Cough ova cough

Killer whale not shark, and it's two whales actually.

who this

Who? And Naofumi's harem is literally demihuman or Melty is in tere too?

A holy hero from glass's world.

In the WN you could count like 3 people being genuinely interested in naofumi(all of them demis), Melty not really so until the end because her's is more tsun than dere until later. in the LN i'm not so sure about the count anymore.

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She is one sexy fat whale if that's the case.
Which is your favourite girl in design and personality (both separately)?
And who is best girl in your opinion? (since you seem to know about this)

Remind me on what happens to Malty in the end. What with the 4 Canons (WNovel, LNovel, Mango, Anime) I get them mixed up.

Ost. That chinese aesthetic really draws me in.
there's a lot of them with many unique personalities that i like so i can't really give you an answer there.
>Best girl
For me, it's Ost. Speaking objectively, Rifana.

Good taste

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>using water to fight off aquatic monsters
Everybody knows that you should use electricity like Bioshock teached us

You're supposed to use fire to vaporize water and dry 'em out

She's a dangerous sexual predator that should be in jail

But she's the only one who can keep her sister in check!

Wait she has a sister?
How is the personality of the two of them? Sadina looks like the Arara type


if i had to describe it she's more or less, with sadina, two bokes to naofumi's tsukkomi. She's more straight and less playful than sadina, and doesn't have much in the arara~ department, isn't as mature and doesn't have as much experience as her older sister does, but she's pretty much equal in all other aspects. You'll see once you get to vol 14 and maybe 14.5, if that gets translated.
I think someone's translating 14.5 but i wouldn't know where to find it.

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Does she also have a landwhale form

of fucking course

I love Melty!

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Melty is technically in the shield harem mainly because the Queen kept insisting

>tfw the queen will never force you to produce heirs with her daughter

Does she rejoin the party later?

In the WN and LN she manages naofumi's territory so she appears with firo every now and then.


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Imagine getting crushed between these two

where's the stream link?

You are 5 hours too early

you're 1000 too early to challeng this young master.

Bird cloaca.

Bros, why do I want to marry this single mother of two and raise my wife's daughter? I swear I'm not a cuck!

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I can't believe Raphtalia and Filo are fucking dead

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Queen you said?

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I love the queen so much lads

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Wasted on Trash. Her superior genes should have mixed with someone better.

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wheres stream link, guys

>Hype up L'Arc
>Glass steals the show anyway

She is a random compared to L'Arc

>Literally called "The Bow"
>Uses a fucking scythe

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She's the one who actually does shit in this wave though since MP potions apparently double as steroids for her. L'Arc can't even make Naofumi use the curse shield.



Curse Shield would be useless against L'Arc because he can pierce through defenses. The only thing Nao could use effectively against L'Arc is Blood Sacrifice. Nao himself said that L'Arc was more dangerous than Glass because of this factor. While Glass would have trouble dealing with the Soul Eater Shield that is her natural enemy

The battle was more favorable to L'Arc when he was alone fighting Nao and Filo. Glass is such a fodder

>fishing loli.

S2 when?




Pic related is my queen I want her to fucking die already

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>That OST
>That Iron Maiden
best scene of the first cour

It was a political marriage, apparently.

Firo-chan prprprpr

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Honestly, I find that Hilarious.

>I Am Jean Le Bow
Oh, so you're an archer
>Nope, Scythe-wielder.

Imagine the smell

Should stop feeding her the blood of virgins, then.

Seriously, Elizabeth II is the longest reigning monarch ever. ....I think.

Also, god damn it

>Seriously, Elizabeth II is the longest reigning monarch ever. ....I think.
Of the 20th century. Louis XIV is the longest reigning ever, and he'll keep that record if Elizabeth dies soon.

Kinda wish she does, however morbid it may sound. "The longest reigning king in European history was the Sun King" sounds better than "The longest reigning monarch in European history was this senile thot who did nothing".

>are you ready for the next episode
I mean...the show kinda feels like it's over? The main conflict was never the waves and I honestly don't really care about this whole "by winning the wave you doom another world, oh no you have to fight gem girl and scythe bro" thing they're telegraphing.

I'd go read the LN's but apparently they go on for a billion years and still haven't ended

Why can't an LN anime ever have a decent ending? Oh well, at least show has best girl. Pic related.

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>The main conflict was never the waves
The waves and who are behind them is still the main conflict 21 volumes later.

That's kind of the point actually, the waves and whoever are behind them being the threat. it wasn't very apparent in the WN though.

starting in 2 minutes, faggots


You misunderstand.

The waves and what's going on with them was never the main conflict in the anime. It was background noise, an excuse for Naofumi to try to soldier on and get stronger.

Maybe the WN and LN kept the focus split better and had more intrigue and interest in exploring the waves, but if the show wants to pivot now it's gonna have a hard time.

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Yes, these are all from the youtube video embedded in OP.
What of them?

I want to surprise her with a soft kiss on the lips and watch that stoic gaze momentarily give way to embarrassment and shock, before mumbling something about there being a time and a place for everything!

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I want to surprise her with a soft kiss on the forehead and watch her make that exact face before getting all puffy and saying I'm embarrassing her!

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Did someone say more Melty?

isekai in my isekai. isekaiception.

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Melty fucking destroying the episode. I can't understand this director

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director is a meltyfag

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Melty a shit, fillers a shit

>next episode is called "the rising of the shield hero"

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user, Melty a shit, agree?

Excellent, he only needs to be a Queenfag as well

So nothing important happens and the animu is over, right?

There's no way in hell I'm reading 21 fucking volumes and season 2's for LN shows always suck dick so I guess it's time to bow out. I kinda wanted to see the orca waifu, but oh well. Raphtalia and Filo are great and I can't wait for the doujins. Enjoyed most of the show with you folks. See you at the next animu with a half decent premise and no ending.

fuee, tortoise and fishing happens so if you're animeonly then this is the best time to drop it for now.

>No season 2
>Episodes wasted because of pacing issues and the fucking Pope fight taking a fucking month to end

god, this fucking director used too many flashbacks and wasted several episodes on the pope fight.
I'd have done a better adaptation

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Who do we blame for this God awful pacing and poor choice of story boarding

Storyboarders and director ofc

Shield Hero: Brotherhood fucking when?

It reminds me of the Kancolle anime except they let him make a movie after that mess

and unlike the kancolle anime, shield hero anime is actually successful.

>shield hero
in which universe?

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I was afraid that including Melty in the wave could mean that she has the idea of trowing the barrel full of rukul instead of rishia.

but i guess that won't happen.

Successful enough for another season though?

It does well for streaming that is.

probably not.

Kadokawa won't release another season
I've read the LN and it gets worse in the later volumes

>I've read the LN and it gets worse in the later volumes
in relation to what

season 2 could cover the best part of the series (volumes 6 to 9).
after that the series becomes what everyone complains.

Does Naofumi get to be the away team at some point and bully some other parallel universe to its destruction?

>Does Naofumi get to be the away team at some point and bully some other parallel universe
>to its destruction?

So it's not kill or be killed in this system?

They go to the other world to find Bitch and the Queen Slayer

until some assholes came and made it their entertainment.


Sounds dumb and I'm genuinely glad I'm an animeonly that stopped watching last episode

I can just make up my own ending and know it'll be more satisfying than whatever the LNs do

>stopped watching last episode
Then why are you here user?

For me, the real ending is the bad ending of the Web Novel

Then why are you still here

the one everyone dies?

>why are you still here
To find out if there's any reason to watch the last few episodes after the shield hero had officially risen

Turns out there's not

KC is successful, it's just not as big as it should have been which its selling 100k+.

>Melty stopped Therese's magic

LMAO this director is the biggest Meltyfag. Melty is the new Horikita. A random like Melty stopping Therese hahahaha

and therese is probably like, 8-10 times her level.


I can't understand, Shieldbro user, why they had to destroy this fight?

lack of time? less than adequate pacing? poor direction in the last episodes?

>1 episode left
>No signs of FUEE in a fursuit

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we get to hear the fueeeeeeee quite a few times

>Badly drawn feet
She looks like she has had her legs smashed in with a slege hammer.

Orca whales are muscular. Think Somoan.

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That's not how sadina looks though.

Melty a shit

If the wave keeps getting the stronger each time then why is everyone so weak?

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A coon with a harpoon

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The wave has nothing to do with the heroes apparent weakness.

>Her superior genes
But the Queen has a BITCH gene in her genetics.

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Jewel Hero strong a f.

Motoyasu is the one riding on her cart.

>The CGI bowmen
You know it is bad when Overlords CGI animation is better.


she's a jewel but no hero.

that was pretty sweet ost during the fight on the see

I was laughing so hard the first time they came up. It was like for a second and it was so bad

will you guys bring this up when a worse one comes in another anime

yes. it'll be an inside joke from now on.

Their arms just jolt. They look like they are going for the clockwork movement from horror shows.
Just jarring. Takes me out of the show, i know they pay the zipperheads next to nothing to animate it but come on i seen better blender tuts on youtube.
Yea, bad CGI is just laughable no matter what show it is. Overlord 3 had very bad CGI as well.
Also i think CGI should be scrapped if you do not have the money to pay for quailty work.


Spear, bow and sword fags are bad. And they continue to be scrubs for a long time.
They go full curse series before they admit Shield is right in the case of bow and sword
I think the only thing that keeps bothering me about it all is the distain for the shield class they all have just in general before the rape shit.
None of them seem to have a concept of tanking in games. Even if that was not called tanking in their own worlds. You would think a party members job to soak the damage for other people would be useful in general tactics.
But i guess the rule about the 0 exp when partying up explains that and also that they aremassive fucking scrubs at games, it think it was the sword hero that pissed me off with his line about "I can beat someone who is a great player in another game"

God I want to cum inside Melty so bad bros

I'm not a videogame expert but boss monsters shouldn't be affected by aggro skills.

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They probably just played those shitty korean mmos that are full DPSfags


Even in most of them the holy trinity of play is present.

they had tanking but the thing is that in their worlds the "Shielder" class was shit.

But you can't relly on what they said. They all admitted they are scrubs at the games. Take sword. and his "i beat people who were better at playing other games in this game"
I bet none of them even knew about any sort of high level play.


yeah you're definitely not a video game expert

itsuki's was a console game

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No, just Trash has a very strong Bitchi gene in his dumpster of genes.

they are, at least in WoW and similar MMORPGS. Why do you think the boss attacks the tank in those games, and not the guys who are dealing the most damage to him?

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I bet he beat it on very easy mode. High level play also exists for single player games as well. Strats for beating super bosses and ability and skill combinations. Not to mention skills at speedrunning.

i wasn't the only one who noticed that huh.

>Why do you think the boss attacks the tank in those games, and not the guys who are dealing the most damage to him?
Because DPS learned to keep their aggro down and wait for 3 sunders on the boss.

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Obligation to your daughterfu?
Duty to your queen?

What's it gonna be Yea Forums?

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Tgere better be a season 2, Isekai shows have no right to be this entertaining.

sekksu on the beach

>All this love for the Queen
I am proud of you Yea Forums. The age of sexy Milf Queens is upon us.

You know if the bearly good dungeon show can get a S2. Shield hero needs one.


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Alright, tell me WN fags, what was rushed/changed/cut from this episode?

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I could use on of these right now.

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can't wait to experience this shit firsthand this summer

This must have been the worst animated scene in the show.

Someone post THAT Melty image

>age of cakes after the start of Reiwa

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I'm ready for the milf isekai next season

Jesus, the OST really carry the damn show


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So this is basicallu isekai Bokurano with overpowered warriors instead of giant mechs?

I already knew they were going to do that since episode 1 and I don't actually mind it

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>holding back the queen who is stronger than all those guys and could've saved her

The entire arc is changed from the WN

Does anyone here have the drawings they do for each episode?

violent fueeee rape

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>ywn grope the queen

That was when melty was awakened to the world of yuri.

muh dick is MELTYing

Life is too hard for the Shield...

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So this entire arc is adapted from the LN no?
But it was faithful to the LN ot something was missing there?

is she a refugee?

Where's the shield prison when you need it

Holy shit those fucking archers

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>something was missing there?
half of volume 5 is missing.

a refueeege


The second of August my good fella

Next episode these fags are gonna take bitch to the other world no? I can't remember what the fuck happened after this wave but I know that in a bit the queen will be killed.

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>implying the posters of Shield Hero general know what Bokurano is

This is the only thing worth remembering of that show

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The manga was better anyways

How were they sure the wave would be in the sea and what would they do with these ships if it was in the land?

>not wanting to cum inside the Queen while forcing Trash to watch

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Reminder that Melty's vagina is greater than all.

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I'll miss her bros.

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>melty's hole is a big cavern
cloaca stronk

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How can the dirty, smelly racoon even compare to this goddess?

Nice stream bro. upvoted


I'll miss you boys, hope there's a second season, but that will probably not happen.

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>Beautiful purple hair
>Always gorgeous looking
>Mature/MILF attitude

I guess it was meant to happen. My dick belongs to the queen, as it did to Cornelia.

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there's always the manga and LN threads

Trash's genes has heroic & stubbornness in it and Melty got most of his genes. It is probably why Melty is a daddy's girl. Malty looks almost like the Queen in appearance. The Queen has the BITCH gene and not Trash.

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so handsome

>final episode
>title drop

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Why are the three stooges such jobbers?

I read it ages ago, but I don't understand the comparison

>implying the posters of Shield Hero general
Like you?

Season 3 would be full of haremshit.


not exactly.

>tfw the queen will never force you to produce heirs with her

>How were they sure the wave would be in the sea
Probably because the hourglass was underwater.
>would they do with these ships if it was in the land?
Dunno, disembark? Naofumi had Filo, together they were very mobile. They could buy time for the rest of the forces to regroup.

And is great

I, for one, look forward to anime hiatus. Fewer shitposters.

that hole gave birth 3 times already my dude



I guess Firo wasn't the only one going into heat

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Yeah, the first one was a son, who was killed by demi-humans along with the King's family

Please, when anime ends, do a daily/weekly chapter dump continuing the series

Had to replay this scene a few times. Why and how did this happen?

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Can't you just read it on some manga site? Otherwise, it would be difficult to get someone to discuss the series with you.

Getting some SERIOUS Overlord flashbacks right now...

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How much till someone translates the newest manga chapter?

no user, the son was the middle child, he died by ingesting poison during a banquet when the peace talks between siltvelt and melromact after the war were going

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explain me why this girl gets so much screen time?

>Raphtalia stronger than Sword, Spear and Bow

She is going to become a powerful ally and she is one of the more important side characters. Also, she has absurdly great potential. With proper training and some of Naofumi hacks, she becomes one of the strongest people.

Coon tits.

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She accumulated bonuses from slaver series, Fittoria permabuff, a massive amount of training and power levelling. On the other hand, 3 heroes are shit at their strengthening methods and they waste the potential of their weapons.

Why would the enemy heroes help kill the giant fish monster if they are on the side of the invading waves anyway?

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They are bros as we saw on the episode. Also they want a fair fight with no giant bullshit fish fucking with it

Well, canonically Spear Chad will be the strongest in the late stage of the story



we're in monster hunter territory

God I fucking love Melty and I'd love to fuck Melty.

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Hurry up and check these

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and they want to speed this up, and not wait till the last second, before their time expires


do these three fuckers even do something in battle other than spamming the same low-tier attack magic until they run out of mana? I think the main reason why they suck so much compared to Naofumi is because they never use any kind of support magic.

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>attack magic
skills, not magic. There's many reasons they suck ass right now but support magic is not one.

>site went down
I bet its the demon of the shield fault

Why is Melty so shit? diretor fault?

I was about to say decade but you make more sense

You guys see that golden circle with the 780?
>Shield Hero printed 7.8 million copies in japan

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LN Melty >>>> Shit Melty from Anime

Melty is literally perfect and I want to mating press her underaged royal vagina!

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I hate her so much for betraying Naofumi for Itsuki after he did so much for her.

Her sensei, Glass, would be ashamed of her

They literally could have killed the 4 jobbers right here but plot prevented them from doing so, Glass and L'Arc were speedblitzing Naofumi in the LN.

No they job so much that they end up being responsible for the next arc's big problem.

L'Arc doesn't think the 3 jobbers are true heroes.

Welp, Itsuki kind of changes after being mindbroken and becoming a YES man, but Risha is A SHIT for leaving Naofumi's party and going back to being Bow's cumdumpster

>YES man

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I dont hate Itsuki but I hate traitors unless Nao sold her to Itsuki she should have never went back to him out of pure respect for Naofumi. Just goes to show you women care more about guys they want to bone than dudes that help them out throughout their life with no intentions of fucking them.

no, check these

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The classup volume has a summary of the first 9 volumes, character profiles, a guide to both worlds and miscellaneous things and 30+ sidestories with many what ifs including but not limited to:
>what if naofumi never read the book
>what if myne wasn't the antagonist
>what if naofumi and motoyasu had each other's weapons when summoned
>what if keel was bought instead of raphtalia
>what if naofumi got a baloon in the egg gacha
and many more!

What's the difference?

I am a big sucker for these what-if scenarios. Are they long or like 5 pages each?

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5 on average.

No wait, 25.

Tiny cloaca

After using the curse series Itsuki becomes a obeying potato.

25 stories not 30+

Huh, who would have thought? Thanks, Shieldbro.

She's not in this arc. She knows very well how random she is.

And Rishia is his tard wrangler.

Will we get the height of characters?

who knows, i for one, would love to see official illustrations.

Based Meltyfag director

I had a lot to drink yesterday so now I JUST FART IT OUT

Minus the characters all dying (the main draw of bokurano imo)

The isekai heroes should have captured the queen and rape her.

i want glass and the jewel girl to rape the queen.

No. Bitch is for rape.

Queen is for consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreating.

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the queen should isekai into my world and become the mother of my future children

Is this just a random guess?

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didn you guys said that this ep was supposed to be 1 hr long

I bet the next one is going to be 1hr long, I think they want to end the season in big time


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It was just a confusion, also last episode will be normal length too

Help me anons. I need more content for my Queen folder. I have searched everything in Danbooru and R34. Is there even MOAR?

I can believe Queen is fucking dead

Season 3

Am i reading something wrong here, or from the way she talks Glass is wet for Naofumi ?
also is the green chick who escorted Melty the one who will switch and join Naofumi party ?

So if I'm understanding this correctly Glass/L'arc/Therese are genocidal maniacs who want to murder Naofumi and the rest of the heroes resulting in the gratuitous slaughter of everyone in the other world via demons/monsters as they now lack the ability to fight the waves.

So Naofumi should just kill them right? They deserve to die far more than the Pope/King/Malty right? I mean they're literally trying to kill everyone.

But I'm guessing that's not going to happen and they're getting a salvation/redemption arc.

she looks like the milf from that NTR manga

>genocidal maniacs
not really.

L'Arc is the hero here tho.

By the way, something that they don't tell you until volume 9.
Both l'arc and therese were essentially twice their levels since this wave connected to their world, allowing ther levels to be the sum of what they gained in both worlds.

>Run them through the autistic compatibility option
>Melty too tight, but still nut anyway as it is his civic duty
>Malty comes like a whore for the hatefuck with Naofumi
>Birb has same results though I think it ends more cause plowing a giant chicken with a tight cloaca is weird
>Queen is an absolute semen demon extraction machine with opposite results of Bitch
>Coony plays out pretty much like the fuckin doujins
The accuracy of this shit frightens me.

Speaking of doujins, there's a new one at the sadpanda.

>reddit spacing


>Your revived waifu is a chuu2 birb
it's an abstract kind of hell.

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Yet another reason humanity shouldn't play God.

>it's another loli Raphtalia doujin
oh well

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Given mamoru's reaction here, he looks like he knew it would happen.

>suddenly the giant fish explodes under their feet

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Does the shield hero ever harpoon the coons poon? Or does he just cuck shit up?

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ehy that's fucking cheating

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Is Shieldbro going to cuck Scythbro?

Just wait and see my friend

I guess they managed to extract filoria's soul from the remains of the phoenix. And this should be her new body, the filoria type R. With all the traits(Power, Flight and Magic) of Mamoru's familiars(Fitoria, Fimonoa and Fijia) rolled into one body.

Yes, but what about the only girl that matters ?

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>Apprehensive interest
Fuck shit god damn it all. As much as I like loli coony cunny, we already got a decent one.
>tfw just want one where our boi fucks the everloving shit out of queen mommy.
>slight time skip queen revealing to Melty she is oging to have a little sibling
>Shield still forced to bang Melty anyway

Who's this?

Okay so L'Arc, his girlfriend and Glass are from another world which i assume means another dimension, so let me ask you this: On a scale from 1 to Dream Drop Distance, how many space-time traveling Shark-Jumps does this story go through?


I wonder if she's still alive in the present timeline.

She's Filoria. The revived betrothed of Shirono Mamoru, that shield hero from fitoria's flashback in the anime, also introduced in volume 20. She's most likely the common ancestor of the entire filorial race.

Fitoria is for Motoyasu

I'm not so sure. I doubt that she also took the immortality juice like Fitria did.

I'll have to wait until someone upload it on NH
Time to wait

Damn it user, you're just like the fake leakers on /vp/ giving arbitrary dates.

Why do they keep showing fueeee? I don't remember the thing with Melty happening in the manga, and for sure she's not going to join up by the end of this season. Does the director really think he can get a season 2 out of this?

no amount of dildo spears could make someone sane love him

What's the blonde filo name?

>cum inside the Queen while forcing Trash to watch

>not cumming inside the Queen while forcing Bitch to watch, and telling her how with every child born to the queen, you push Bitch further and further away from any dream of inheritance she might still cling to


Filoria. Also, Firo is already blonde.

>"You're already out of the royal succession, this is just to make sure"

And why Fitoria's name is the same as Fitoria. Is our Fitoria the same Fitoria?

The director is a both Melty and Rishiafag

Read again, it's FILORIA. FITORIA is a different person.

And Raph 2 name is?

Ahhh Filoria, so she is Fitoria's sis or mom?

She's Natalia


She calls herself "Natalia", we don't know her real name yet. She's the current arbitrator of the world, making sure heroes don't stray from their path. You'll find out more about that in vol 14.

Is this garbage over yet? I'm so sick and tired of seeing these threads.

Melty is

Not yet, bear with us a little longer. LN will probably go on for at least a few years more, be strong user.

don't worry user, there's only one more episode left.

Filter the threads newfag

stronger than Therese

is the crazy looking one into anal?
feels like sticking it in her butt could be a pleasurable experience.

she's not crazy, it's far worse. Chuu2

Blonde Filo is cute

>immortality juice
i didn't know about that

I think that's cute

a question for LN, manga fags
do we even learn about some past heroes ? Did they ever get a female hero in Naofumi world ?

That fucking sax

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Yes and yes.

>Did they ever get a female hero
Yeah, some. Natalia is one we know about but there were also others, they lived in Faubley with their reverse harems.
>do we even learn about some past heroes ?
That's a point of one of the volumes, other than that we get some scarce info about some obscure previous heroes.

>do we even learn about some past heroes?
Yes, in the last volumes of the LN a past bow hero and shield hero appears
>Did they ever get a female hero in Naofumi world ?
Yes, but they prefer to summon males because they breed faster.

Is filo a main character?

>Yes, but they prefer to summon males because they breed faster.
reminds of a porn game i played. Instead of sending the hero against the demon lord, they use her as a breeding ground to breed a bunch of superior humans and beat him with numbers

Back then fabuley wasnt a thing, and there were only two holy heroes. Probably it did after there were 4.

When I kil that fucking old bitch, you'll be back and sorry that you didn't believe it, my fellow man.

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I didn't mean to imply it was the same period. Good you pointed it out.

this face makes me want to masturbate

Just filter them you dummy

these faces remind me of bertolt

Who is the guy behind Naofumi? Ren? What is he doing there?

L'Arc curse series soon

Holy moly

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Yes is Ren.
He's a bro since volume 11.

How can a character be so fabulous?

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So where are the other 3 heroes from L'Arc's world? Are they dead?

>Yes, but they prefer to summon males because they breed faster.
U wot. Their offspring are magical power houses or some shit? Do the weapons transfer down familial lines?

L'Arc is not a legendary hero, he is a vassal hero. There are two vassals for each legendary hero, so there is 7 similar to him (Glass included). Heroes are doing much shit, lot of them are evil. L'Arc and Glass are good ones.

He can use that?

Okay, so the gist of it is, the four legendary heroes reside in Melromarc's world and fight the waves. The 8 vassal heroes reside in the parallel world and their mission is to kill the legendary heroes because fighting the waves on Melromarc's side makes the waves in the parallel world more powerful? Is that the conflict?

Royal families of Faubley want "hero's blood" on their lineage because it gives them more political power or some bullshit like that.
Also you have Siltvelt where the shield hero has a harem with the mayor clans daughters (or sons if it's a girl).

Is more time efficient having a male impregnating than a female getting impregnated.

but afaik the offpring should be normal, and the weapons don't transfer.

I thought she was just a clone-ish of the original
btw when's vol 14

Glass' world also have its own legendary heroes like our Fishing Loli.
Raphtalia World have their own Vassal Wielders

No, no. In both worlds, there are 4 legendary heroes and 8 vassal ones. Vassal should be technically helping out their legendary heroes but right now there is a massive clusterfuck and it does not work this way.
Legendary heroes and some of the vassal ones in L'Arc's world are evil and that is why he and Glass are working without them.

good to hear

Is the queen's oven still functional ?

No, each world has 4 legendary heroes and 7 vassal heroes.
Melromarc's world vassal heroes are a plot point that is expanded later in the LN.

Thanks. I'll read the LNs so I'm not totally lost from now on.

Oh I am retarded, completely didn't even think of the political relevance having literal demigods giving your royals further claim to rule shit.
>Is more time efficient having a male impregnating than a female getting impregnated.
I am no stranger to biology.
> offpring should be normal, and the weapons don't transfer.
Lame but understandable in this context.

Which OP is do you guys like more? Random thought I had.

Just fart it out its the best visually speaking

Second OP is the best of the Season.


How the fuck did any of these people do anything in the world when they know like 3 moves?

I can't ever imagine being such a jobber

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>grinded their ways up to a moderately strong attack
>they just spam it all day
>even way after the level it's useful
It's pretty hilarious how much focus there is on this.

I bet he's the kind of fag who spams hadouken on Street Fighter

Meteor series are just that good. They are pretty high end gear, 3 heroes just unlocked it early due to their knowledge. Naofumi will spam his when he eventually gets it too.

i dunno i mean meteor strike seems pretty gooMAJINKEN MAJINKEN MAJINKEN SHUNRAIKEN

Has a meteor attack actually won any single battle yet?

It's always
>*Bounces off or does nothing*

You know what the definition of insanity is?
It's saying N A N I every time and expecting a different result

We see it fail against bosses, and that is because heroes are pretty weak right now. These are good skills and will be much stronger later.

After Naofumi starts using his meteor variant the result will be the same.
>enemy attacks
>meteor shield breaks


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Does she become stronger than bowfag after becoming a slave?

It bothers me KC actually reused Glass's attack from her first appearance


those archers lmao, they got negative budget


She will be the MVP of next episode..

was this not the season finale?

There's one episode left

1 ep left and guess the title of the next ep

>mfw I don't know how to count

rip sanity


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well this was a nice thread.

last for melty cunny